2022-10-27 20:55:19 +02:00

39 lines
972 B

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
// tagOptions is the string following a comma in a struct field's "json"
// tag, or the empty string. It does not include the leading comma.
type tagOptions string
// parseTag splits a struct field's json tag into its name and
// comma-separated options.
func parseTag(tag string) (string, tagOptions) {
tag, opt, _ := strings.Cut(tag, ",")
return tag, tagOptions(opt)
// Contains reports whether a comma-separated list of options
// contains a particular substr flag. substr must be surrounded by a
// string boundary or commas.
func (o tagOptions) Contains(optionName string) bool {
if len(o) == 0 {
return false
s := string(o)
for s != "" {
var name string
name, s, _ = strings.Cut(s, ",")
if name == optionName {
return true
return false