/* DingusPPC - The Experimental PowerPC Macintosh emulator Copyright (C) 2018-23 divingkatae and maximum (theweirdo) spatium (Contact divingkatae#1017 or powermax#2286 on Discord for more info) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /** AWAC sound device emulation. Currently supported audio codecs: - PDM AWACs in Nubus Power Macintosh models - Screamer AWACs in Beige G3 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include AwacsBase::AwacsBase(std::string name) { supports_types(HWCompType::SND_CODEC); this->name = name; // connect to SoundServer this->snd_server = dynamic_cast (gMachineObj->get_comp_by_name("SoundServer")); this->out_stream_ready = false; } void AwacsBase::set_sample_rate(int sr_id) { if (sr_id > this->max_sr_id) { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: invalid sample rate ID %d!", this->name.c_str(), sr_id); } else { this->cur_sample_rate = this->sr_table[sr_id]; } }; void AwacsBase::dma_out_start() { int err; bool reopen = false; if (this->out_stream_ready && this->out_sample_rate != this->cur_sample_rate) reopen = true; if (reopen) { snd_server->close_out_stream(); this->out_stream_ready = false; this->out_stream_running = false; } if (!this->out_stream_ready) { if ((err = this->snd_server->open_out_stream(this->cur_sample_rate, (void *)this->dma_out_ch))) { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: unable to open sound output stream: %d", this->name.c_str(), err); return; } this->out_sample_rate = this->cur_sample_rate; this->out_stream_ready = true; } if (!this->out_stream_running) { if ((err = snd_server->start_out_stream())) { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: could not start sound output stream", this->name.c_str()); } } } void AwacsBase::dma_out_stop() { if (this->out_stream_ready) { snd_server->close_out_stream(); this->out_stream_ready = false; this->out_stream_running = false; } } void AwacsBase::dma_out_pause() { this->out_stream_running = false; } static const char sound_input_data[2048] = {0}; static int sound_in_status = 0x10; void AwacsBase::dma_in_data() { // transfer data from sound input device this->dma_in_ch->push_data(sound_input_data, sizeof(sound_input_data)); if (dma_in_ch->is_in_active()) { auto dbdma_ch = dynamic_cast(dma_in_ch); sound_in_status <<= 1; if (!sound_in_status) sound_in_status = 1; dbdma_ch->set_stat(sound_in_status); LOG_F(INFO, "%s: status:%x", this->name.c_str(), sound_in_status); this->dma_in_timer_id = TimerManager::get_instance()->add_oneshot_timer( 10000, [this]() { // re-enter the sequencer with the state specified in next_state this->dma_in_timer_id = 0; this->dma_in_data(); }); } } void AwacsBase::dma_in_start() { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: dma_in_start", this->name.c_str()); dma_in_data(); } void AwacsBase::dma_in_stop() { if (this->dma_in_timer_id) { TimerManager::get_instance()->cancel_timer(this->dma_in_timer_id); this->dma_in_timer_id = 0; } LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: dma_in_stop", this->name.c_str()); } void AwacsBase::dma_in_pause() { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: dma_in_pause", this->name.c_str()); } //=========================== PDM-style AWACs ================================= AwacDevicePdm::AwacDevicePdm() : AwacsBase("AWAC-PDM") { static int pdm_awac_freqs[3] = {22050, 29400, 44100}; // PDM-style AWACs only supports three sample rates this->sr_table = pdm_awac_freqs; this->max_sr_id = 2; } uint32_t AwacDevicePdm::read_stat() { // TODO: implement all other status bits return (AWAC_REV_AWACS << 12) | (AWAC_MAKER_CRYSTAL << 8); } void AwacDevicePdm::write_ctrl(uint32_t addr, uint16_t value) { if (addr <= 4) { this->ctrl_regs[addr] = value; } else { LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: invalid control register address %d!", this->name.c_str(), addr); } } //============================= Screamer AWACs ================================ AwacsScreamer::AwacsScreamer(std::string name) : MacioSndCodec(name) { static int screamer_freqs[8] = { 44100, 29400, 22050, 17640, 14700, 11025, 8820, 7350 }; this->sr_table = screamer_freqs; this->max_sr_id = 7; } int AwacsScreamer::device_postinit() { this->audio_proc = std::unique_ptr (new AudioProcessor()); /* register audio processor chip with the I2C bus */ I2CBus* i2c_bus = dynamic_cast(gMachineObj->get_comp_by_type(HWCompType::I2C_HOST)); i2c_bus->register_device(0x45, this->audio_proc.get()); return 0; } uint32_t AwacsScreamer::snd_ctrl_read(uint32_t offset, int size) { switch (offset) { case AWAC_SOUND_CTRL_REG: return this->snd_ctrl_reg; case AWAC_CODEC_CTRL_REG: return this->is_busy; case AWAC_CODEC_STATUS_REG: return (AWAC_AVAILABLE << 8) | (AWAC_MAKER_CRYSTAL << 16) | (AWAC_REV_SCREAMER << 20); default: LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: unsupported register at offset 0x%X", this->name.c_str(), offset); } return 0; } void AwacsScreamer::snd_ctrl_write(uint32_t offset, uint32_t value, int size) { int subframe, reg_num; uint16_t data; switch (offset) { case AWAC_SOUND_CTRL_REG: this->snd_ctrl_reg = BYTESWAP_32(value); this->set_sample_rate((this->snd_ctrl_reg >> 8) & 7); break; case AWAC_CODEC_CTRL_REG: subframe = (value >> 14) & 3; reg_num = (value >> 20) & 7; data = ((value >> 8) & 0xF00) | ((value >> 24) & 0xFF); LOG_F(9, "%s subframe = %d, reg = %d, data = %08X", this->name.c_str(), subframe, reg_num, data); if (!subframe) this->control_regs[reg_num] = data; break; default: LOG_F(ERROR, "%s: unsupported register at offset 0x%X", this->name.c_str(), offset); } } static const DeviceDescription Screamer_Descriptor = { AwacsScreamer::create, {}, {} }; REGISTER_DEVICE(ScreamerSnd, Screamer_Descriptor);