#ifndef MACHINE_PROPERTIES_H #define MACHINE_PROPERTIES_H #include "endianswap.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class StringProperty { public: StringProperty(string EnterString) { StringInput = EnterString; } string getString() { return StringInput; } uint32_t IntRep() { try { return strtoul(getString().c_str(), 0, 0); } catch (string bad_string) { cerr << "Could not convert string " << bad_string << "to an ineteger!" << endl; return 0x168A523B; } } private: string StringInput = "0x168A523B"; }; map PPC_CPUs; map GFX_CARDs; enum GESTALT : uint32_t { pm6100 = 100, pmg3 = 510, }; void init_ppc_cpu_map(); //JANKY FUNCTION TO FIX VS 2019 BUG! void init_gpu_map(); //JANKY FUNCTION TO FIX VS 2019 BUG! uint32_t get_gfx_card(std::string gfx_str); uint32_t get_cpu_type(std::string cpu_str); void search_properties(uint32_t chosen_gestalt); #endif /* MACHINE_PROPERTIES_H */