2020-01-11 18:43:47 -07:00

693 lines
35 KiB

//Written by divingkatae and maximum
//(c)2018-20 (theweirdo) spatium
//Please ask for permission
//if you want to distribute this.
//(divingkatae#1017 or powermax#2286 on Discord)
#include <unordered_map>
#include <chrono>
#include "ppcemu.h"
#include "ppcmmu.h"
bool power_on = 1;
bool bb_end = 0; /* "true" means a basic block was terminated */
BB_end_reason bb_kind; /* the reason for the termination of a basic block */
uint64_t timebase_counter; /* internal timebase counter */
clock_t clock_test_begin; //Used to make sure the TBR does not increment so quickly.
/** Opcode lookup tables. */
/** Primary opcode (bits 0...5) lookup table. */
static PPCOpcode OpcodeGrabber[] = {
ppc_illegalop, ppc_illegalop, ppc_illegalop, ppc_twi, ppc_opcode4,
ppc_illegalop, ppc_illegalop, ppc_mulli, ppc_subfic, power_dozi,
ppc_cmpli, ppc_cmpi, ppc_addic, ppc_addicdot, ppc_addi,
ppc_addis, ppc_opcode16, ppc_sc, ppc_opcode18, ppc_opcode19,
ppc_rlwimi, ppc_rlwinm, power_rlmi, ppc_rlwnm, ppc_ori,
ppc_oris, ppc_xori, ppc_xoris, ppc_andidot, ppc_andisdot,
ppc_illegalop, ppc_opcode31, ppc_lwz, ppc_lwzu, ppc_lbz,
ppc_lbzu, ppc_stw, ppc_stwu, ppc_stb, ppc_stbu,
ppc_lhz, ppc_lhzu, ppc_lha, ppc_lhau, ppc_sth,
ppc_sthu, ppc_lmw, ppc_stmw, ppc_lfs, ppc_lfsu,
ppc_lfd, ppc_lfdu, ppc_stfs, ppc_stfsu, ppc_stfd,
ppc_stfdu, ppc_psq_l, ppc_psq_lu, ppc_illegalop, ppc_illegalop,
ppc_psq_st, ppc_psq_stu, ppc_illegalop, ppc_opcode63
/** Lookup tables for branch instructions. */
static PPCOpcode SubOpcode16Grabber[] = {
ppc_bc, ppc_bcl, ppc_bca, ppc_bcla
static PPCOpcode SubOpcode18Grabber[] = {
ppc_b, ppc_bl, ppc_ba, ppc_bla
/** General conditional register instructions decoding table. */
static std::unordered_map<uint16_t, PPCOpcode> SubOpcode19Grabber = {
{ 32, &ppc_bclr}, { 33, &ppc_bclrl}, { 66, &ppc_crnor}, {100, &ppc_rfi},
{ 258, &ppc_crandc}, { 300, &ppc_isync}, {386, &ppc_crxor}, {450, &ppc_crnand},
{ 514, &ppc_crand}, { 578, &ppc_creqv}, {834, &ppc_crorc}, {898, &ppc_cror},
{1056, &ppc_bcctr}, {1057, &ppc_bcctrl}
/** General integer instructions decoding table. */
static std::unordered_map<uint16_t, PPCOpcode> SubOpcode31Grabber = {
{ 0, &ppc_cmp}, { 8, &ppc_tw}, { 16, &ppc_subfc},
{ 17, &ppc_subfcdot}, { 20, &ppc_addc}, { 21, &ppc_addcdot},
{ 22, &ppc_mulhwu}, { 23, &ppc_mulhwudot}, { 38, &ppc_mfcr},
{ 40, &ppc_lwarx}, { 46, &ppc_lwzx}, { 48, &ppc_slw},
{ 49, &ppc_slwdot}, { 52, &ppc_cntlzw}, { 53, &ppc_cntlzwdot},
{ 56, &ppc_and}, { 57, &ppc_anddot}, { 58, &power_maskg},
{ 59, &power_maskgdot}, { 64, &ppc_cmpl}, { 80, &ppc_subf},
{ 81, &ppc_subfdot}, { 108, &ppc_dcbst}, { 110, &ppc_lwzux},
{ 120, &ppc_andc}, { 121, &ppc_andcdot}, { 150, &ppc_mulhw},
{ 151, &ppc_mulhwdot}, { 166, &ppc_mfmsr}, { 172, &ppc_dcbf},
{ 174, &ppc_lbzx}, { 208, &ppc_neg}, { 209, &ppc_negdot},
{ 214, &power_mul}, { 215, &power_mulo}, { 238, &ppc_lbzux},
{ 248, &ppc_nor}, { 249, &ppc_nordot}, { 272, &ppc_subfe},
{ 273, &ppc_subfedot}, { 276, &ppc_adde}, { 277, &ppc_addedot},
{ 288, &ppc_mtcrf}, { 292, &ppc_mtmsr}, { 301, &ppc_stwcx},
{ 302, &ppc_stwx}, { 304, &power_slq}, { 305, &power_slqdot},
{ 306, &power_sle}, { 307, &power_sledot}, { 366, &ppc_stwux},
{ 368, &power_sliq}, { 400, &ppc_subfze}, { 401, &ppc_subfzedot},
{ 404, &ppc_addze}, { 405, &ppc_addzedot}, { 420, &ppc_mtsr},
{ 430, &ppc_stbx}, { 432, &power_sllq}, { 433, &power_sllqdot},
{ 434, &power_sleq}, { 436, &power_sleqdot}, { 464, &ppc_subfme},
{ 465, &ppc_subfmedot}, { 468, &ppc_addme}, { 469, &ppc_addmedot},
{ 470, &ppc_mullw}, { 471, &ppc_mullwdot}, { 484, &ppc_mtsrin},
{ 492, &ppc_dcbtst}, { 494, &ppc_stbux}, { 496, &power_slliq},
{ 497, &power_slliqdot}, { 528, &power_doz}, { 529, &power_dozdot},
{ 532, &ppc_add}, { 533, &ppc_adddot}, { 554, &power_lscbx},
{ 555, &power_lscbxdot}, { 556, &ppc_dcbt}, { 558, &ppc_lhzx},
{ 568, &ppc_eqv}, { 569, &ppc_eqvdot}, { 612, &ppc_tlbie},
{ 622, &ppc_lhzux}, { 632, &ppc_xor}, { 633, &ppc_xordot},
{ 662, &power_div}, { 663, &power_divdot}, { 678, &ppc_mfspr},
{ 686, &ppc_lhax}, { 720, &power_abs}, { 721, &power_absdot},
{ 726, &power_divs}, { 727, &power_divsdot}, { 740, &ppc_tlbia},
{ 742, &ppc_mftb}, { 750, &ppc_lhaux}, { 814, &ppc_sthx},
{ 824, &ppc_orc}, { 825, &ppc_orcdot}, { 878, &ppc_sthx},
{ 888, &ppc_or}, { 889, &ppc_ordot}, { 918, &ppc_divwu},
{ 919, &ppc_divwudot}, { 934, &ppc_mtspr}, { 940, &ppc_dcbi},
{ 952, &ppc_nand}, { 953, &ppc_nanddot}, { 976, &power_nabs},
{ 977, &power_nabsdot}, { 982, &ppc_divw}, { 983, &ppc_divwdot},
{1024, &ppc_mcrxr}, {1040, &ppc_subfco}, {1041, &ppc_subfcodot},
{1044, &ppc_addco}, {1045, &ppc_addcodot}, {1062, &power_clcs},
{1063, &power_clcsdot}, {1066, &ppc_lswx}, {1068, &ppc_lwbrx},
{1070, &ppc_lfsx}, {1072, &ppc_srw}, {1073, &ppc_srwdot},
{1074, &power_rrib}, {1075, &power_rribdot}, {1082, &power_maskir},
{1083, &power_maskirdot}, {1104, &ppc_subfo}, {1105, &ppc_subfodot},
{1134, &ppc_lfsux}, {1190, &ppc_mfsr}, {1194, &ppc_lswi},
{1196, &ppc_sync}, {1232, &ppc_nego}, {1233, &ppc_negodot},
{1238, &power_mulo}, {1239, &power_mulodot}, {1300, &ppc_addeo},
{1301, &ppc_addeodot}, {1318, &ppc_mfsrin}, {1322, &ppc_stswx},
{1324, &ppc_stwbrx}, {1328, &power_srq}, {1329, &power_srqdot},
{1330, &power_sre}, {1331, &power_sredot}, {1390, &ppc_stfsux},
{1392, &power_sriq}, {1393, &power_sriqdot}, {1428, &ppc_addzeo},
{1429, &ppc_addzeodot}, {1450, &ppc_stswi}, {1454, &ppc_stfdx},
{1456, &power_srlq}, {1457, &power_srlqdot}, {1458, &power_sreq},
{1459, &power_sreqdot}, {1492, &ppc_addmeo}, {1493, &ppc_addmeodot},
{1494, &ppc_mullwo}, {1495, &ppc_mullwodot}, {1518, &ppc_stfdux},
{1520, &power_srliq}, {1521, &power_srliqdot}, {1552, &power_dozo},
{1553, &power_dozodot}, {1556, &ppc_addo}, {1557, &ppc_addodot},
{1580, &ppc_lhbrx}, {1584, &ppc_sraw}, {1585, &ppc_srawdot},
{1648, &ppc_srawi}, {1649, &ppc_srawidot}, {1686, &power_divo},
{1687, &power_divodot}, {1708, &ppc_eieio}, {1744, &power_abso},
{1745, &power_absodot}, {1750, &power_divso}, {1751, &power_divsodot},
{1836, &ppc_sthbrx}, {1840, &power_sraq}, {1841, &power_sraqdot},
{1842, &power_srea}, {1843, &power_sreadot}, {1844, &ppc_extsh},
{1845, &ppc_extshdot}, {1904, &power_sraiq}, {1905, &power_sraiqdot},
{1908, &ppc_extsb}, {1909, &ppc_extsbdot}, {1942, &ppc_divwuo},
{1943, &ppc_divwuodot}, {1956, &ppc_tlbld}, {1964, &ppc_icbi},
{1966, &ppc_stfiwx}, {2000, &power_nabso}, {2001, &power_nabsodot},
{2006, &ppc_divwo}, {2007, &ppc_divwodot}, {2020, &ppc_tlbli},
{2028, &ppc_dcbz}
/** Single-precision floating-point instructions decoding table. */
static std::unordered_map<uint16_t, PPCOpcode> SubOpcode59Grabber = {
{ 36, &ppc_fdivs}, { 37, &ppc_fdivsdot}, { 40, &ppc_fsubs},
{ 41, &ppc_fsubsdot}, { 42, &ppc_fadds}, { 43, &ppc_faddsdot},
{ 44, &ppc_fsqrts}, { 45, &ppc_fsqrtsdot}, { 48, &ppc_fres},
{ 49, &ppc_fresdot}, { 50, &ppc_fmults}, { 51, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{ 56, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 57, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 58, &ppc_fmadds},
{ 59, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 60, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 61, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{ 62, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 63, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 114, &ppc_fmults},
{ 115, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 120, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 121, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{ 122, &ppc_fmadds}, { 123, &ppc_fmadds}, { 124, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{ 125, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 126, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 127, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{ 178, &ppc_fmults}, { 179, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 184, &ppc_fmsubs},
{ 185, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 186, &ppc_fmadds}, { 187, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{ 188, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 189, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 190, &ppc_fnmadds},
{ 191, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 242, &ppc_fmults}, { 243, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{ 248, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 249, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 250, &ppc_fmadds},
{ 251, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 252, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 253, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{ 254, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 255, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 306, &ppc_fmults},
{ 307, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 312, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 313, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{ 314, &ppc_fmadds}, { 315, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 316, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{ 317, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 318, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 319, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{ 370, &ppc_fmults}, { 371, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 376, &ppc_fmsubs},
{ 377, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 378, &ppc_fmadds}, { 379, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{ 380, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 381, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 382, &ppc_fnmadds},
{ 383, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 434, &ppc_fmults}, { 435, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{ 440, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 441, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 442, &ppc_fmadds},
{ 443, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 444, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 445, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{ 446, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 447, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 498, &ppc_fmults},
{ 499, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 504, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 505, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{ 506, &ppc_fmadds}, { 507, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 508, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{ 509, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 510, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 511, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{ 562, &ppc_fmults}, { 563, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 568, &ppc_fmsubs},
{ 569, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 570, &ppc_fmadds}, { 571, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{ 572, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 573, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 574, &ppc_fnmadds},
{ 575, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 626, &ppc_fmults}, { 627, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{ 632, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 633, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 634, &ppc_fmadds},
{ 635, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 636, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 637, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{ 638, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 639, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 690, &ppc_fmults},
{ 691, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 696, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 697, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{ 698, &ppc_fmadds}, { 699, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 700, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{ 701, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 702, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 703, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{ 754, &ppc_fmults}, { 755, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 760, &ppc_fmsubs},
{ 761, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 762, &ppc_fmadds}, { 763, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{ 764, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 765, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 766, &ppc_fnmadds},
{ 767, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 818, &ppc_fmults}, { 819, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{ 824, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 825, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 826, &ppc_fmadds},
{ 827, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 828, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 829, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{ 830, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 831, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, { 882, &ppc_fmults},
{ 883, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 888, &ppc_fmsubs}, { 889, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{ 890, &ppc_fmadds}, { 891, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, { 892, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{ 893, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 894, &ppc_fnmadds}, { 895, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{ 946, &ppc_fmults}, { 947, &ppc_fmultsdot}, { 952, &ppc_fmsubs},
{ 953, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, { 954, &ppc_fmadds}, { 955, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{ 957, &ppc_fnmsubs}, { 958, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, { 958, &ppc_fnmadds},
{ 959, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1010, &ppc_fmults}, {1011, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1016, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1017, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1018, &ppc_fmadds},
{1019, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1020, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1021, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1022, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1023, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1074, &ppc_fmults},
{1075, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1080, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1081, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{1082, &ppc_fmadds}, {1083, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1084, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{1085, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1086, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1087, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{1138, &ppc_fmults}, {1139, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1144, &ppc_fmsubs},
{1145, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1146, &ppc_fmadds}, {1147, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{1148, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1149, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1150, &ppc_fnmadds},
{1151, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1202, &ppc_fmults}, {1203, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1208, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1209, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1210, &ppc_fmadds},
{1211, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1212, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1213, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1214, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1215, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1266, &ppc_fmults},
{1267, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1272, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1273, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{1274, &ppc_fmadds}, {1275, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1276, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{1277, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1278, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1279, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{1330, &ppc_fmults}, {1331, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1336, &ppc_fmsubs},
{1337, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1338, &ppc_fmadds}, {1339, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{1340, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1341, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1342, &ppc_fnmadds},
{1343, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1394, &ppc_fmults}, {1395, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1400, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1401, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1402, &ppc_fmadds},
{1403, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1404, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1405, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1406, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1407, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1458, &ppc_fmults},
{1459, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1464, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1465, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{1466, &ppc_fmadds}, {1467, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1468, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{1469, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1470, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1471, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{1522, &ppc_fmults}, {1523, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1528, &ppc_fmsubs},
{1529, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1530, &ppc_fmadds}, {1531, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{1532, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1533, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1534, &ppc_fnmadds},
{1535, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1586, &ppc_fmults}, {1587, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1592, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1593, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1594, &ppc_fmadds},
{1595, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1596, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1597, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1598, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1599, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1650, &ppc_fmults},
{1651, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1656, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1657, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{1658, &ppc_fmadds}, {1659, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1660, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{1661, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1662, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1663, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{1714, &ppc_fmults}, {1715, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1720, &ppc_fmsubs},
{1721, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1722, &ppc_fmadds}, {1723, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{1724, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1725, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1726, &ppc_fnmadds},
{1727, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1778, &ppc_fmults}, {1779, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1784, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1785, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1786, &ppc_fmadds},
{1787, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1788, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1789, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1790, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1791, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1842, &ppc_fmults},
{1843, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1848, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1849, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{1850, &ppc_fmadds}, {1851, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1852, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{1853, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1854, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1855, &ppc_fnmaddsdot},
{1906, &ppc_fmults}, {1907, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {1912, &ppc_fmsubs},
{1913, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1914, &ppc_fmadds}, {1915, &ppc_fmaddsdot},
{1916, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1917, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {1918, &ppc_fnmadds},
{1919, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {1970, &ppc_fmults}, {1971, &ppc_fmultsdot},
{1976, &ppc_fmsubs}, {1977, &ppc_fmsubsdot}, {1978, &ppc_fmadds},
{1979, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {1980, &ppc_fnmsubs}, {1981, &ppc_fnmsubsdot},
{1982, &ppc_fnmadds}, {1983, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}, {2034, &ppc_fmults},
{2035, &ppc_fmultsdot}, {2040, &ppc_fmsubs}, {2041, &ppc_fmsubsdot},
{2042, &ppc_fmadds}, {2043, &ppc_fmaddsdot}, {2044, &ppc_fnmsubs},
{2045, &ppc_fnmsubsdot}, {2046, &ppc_fnmadds}, {2047, &ppc_fnmaddsdot}
/** Double-precision floating-point instructions decoding table. */
static std::unordered_map<uint16_t, PPCOpcode> SubOpcode63Grabber = {
{ 0, &ppc_fcmpu}, { 24, &ppc_frsp}, { 25, &ppc_frspdot},
{ 28, &ppc_fctiw}, { 29, &ppc_fctiwdot}, { 30, &ppc_fctiwz},
{ 31, &ppc_fctiwzdot}, { 36, &ppc_fdiv}, { 37, &ppc_fdivdot},
{ 40, &ppc_fsub}, { 41, &ppc_fsubdot}, { 42, &ppc_fadd},
{ 43, &ppc_fadddot}, { 44, &ppc_fsqrt}, { 45, &ppc_fsqrtdot},
{ 46, &ppc_fsel}, { 47, &ppc_fseldot}, { 50, &ppc_fmult},
{ 51, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 52, &ppc_frsqrte}, { 53, &ppc_frsqrtedot},
{ 56, &ppc_fmsub}, { 57, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 58, &ppc_fmadd},
{ 59, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 60, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 61, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{ 62, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 63, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 64, &ppc_fcmpo},
{ 76, &ppc_mtfsb1}, { 77, &ppc_mtfsb1dot}, { 80, &ppc_fneg},
{ 81, &ppc_fnegdot}, { 110, &ppc_fsel}, { 111, &ppc_fseldot},
{ 114, &ppc_fmult}, { 115, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 120, &ppc_fmsub},
{ 121, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 122, &ppc_fmadd}, { 123, &ppc_fmadd},
{ 124, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 125, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 126, &ppc_fnmadd},
{ 127, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 128, &ppc_mcrfs}, { 140, &ppc_mtfsb0},
{ 141, &ppc_mtfsb0dot}, { 144, &ppc_fmr}, { 174, &ppc_fsel},
{ 175, &ppc_fseldot}, { 178, &ppc_fmult}, { 179, &ppc_fmultdot},
{ 184, &ppc_fmsub}, { 185, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 186, &ppc_fmadd},
{ 187, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 188, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 189, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{ 190, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 191, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 238, &ppc_fsel},
{ 239, &ppc_fseldot}, { 242, &ppc_fmult}, { 243, &ppc_fmultdot},
{ 248, &ppc_fmsub}, { 249, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 250, &ppc_fmadd},
{ 251, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 252, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 253, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{ 254, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 255, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 268, &ppc_mtfsfi},
{ 272, &ppc_fnabs}, { 273, &ppc_fnabsdot},
{ 302, &ppc_fsel}, { 303, &ppc_fseldot},
{ 306, &ppc_fmult}, { 307, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 312, &ppc_fmsub},
{ 313, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 314, &ppc_fmadd}, { 315, &ppc_fmadddot},
{ 316, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 317, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 318, &ppc_fnmadd},
{ 319, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 366, &ppc_fsel}, { 367, &ppc_fseldot},
{ 370, &ppc_fmult}, { 371, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 376, &ppc_fmsub},
{ 377, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 378, &ppc_fmadd}, { 379, &ppc_fmadddot},
{ 380, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 381, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 382, &ppc_fnmadd},
{ 383, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 430, &ppc_fsel}, { 431, &ppc_fseldot},
{ 434, &ppc_fmult}, { 435, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 440, &ppc_fmsub},
{ 441, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 442, &ppc_fmadd}, { 443, &ppc_fmadddot},
{ 444, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 445, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 446, &ppc_fnmadd},
{ 447, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 494, &ppc_fsel}, { 495, &ppc_fseldot},
{ 498, &ppc_fmult}, { 499, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 504, &ppc_fmsub},
{ 505, &ppc_fmsubdot}, { 506, &ppc_fmadd}, { 507, &ppc_fmadddot},
{ 508, &ppc_fnmsub}, { 509, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 510, &ppc_fnmadd},
{ 511, &ppc_fnmadddot}, { 528, &ppc_fabs}, { 529, &ppc_fabsdot},
{ 536, &ppc_mtfsfidot}, { 558, &ppc_fsel}, { 559, &ppc_fseldot}, { 562, &ppc_fmult},
{ 563, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 568, &ppc_fmsub}, { 569, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 570, &ppc_fmadd}, { 571, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 572, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 573, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 574, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 575, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 622, &ppc_fsel}, { 623, &ppc_fseldot}, { 626, &ppc_fmult},
{ 627, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 632, &ppc_fmsub}, { 633, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 634, &ppc_fmadd}, { 635, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 636, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 637, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 638, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 639, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 686, &ppc_fsel}, { 687, &ppc_fseldot}, { 690, &ppc_fmult},
{ 691, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 696, &ppc_fmsub}, { 697, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 698, &ppc_fmadd}, { 699, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 700, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 701, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 702, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 703, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 750, &ppc_fsel}, { 751, &ppc_fseldot}, { 754, &ppc_fmult},
{ 755, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 760, &ppc_fmsub}, { 761, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 762, &ppc_fmadd}, { 763, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 764, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 765, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 766, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 767, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 814, &ppc_fsel}, { 815, &ppc_fseldot}, { 818, &ppc_fmult},
{ 819, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 824, &ppc_fmsub}, { 825, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 826, &ppc_fmadd}, { 827, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 828, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 829, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 830, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 831, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 878, &ppc_fsel}, { 879, &ppc_fseldot}, { 882, &ppc_fmult},
{ 883, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 888, &ppc_fmsub}, { 889, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 890, &ppc_fmadd}, { 891, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 892, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 893, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 894, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 895, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{ 942, &ppc_fsel}, { 943, &ppc_fseldot}, { 946, &ppc_fmult},
{ 947, &ppc_fmultdot}, { 952, &ppc_fmsub}, { 953, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{ 954, &ppc_fmadd}, { 955, &ppc_fmadddot}, { 957, &ppc_fnmsub},
{ 958, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, { 958, &ppc_fnmadd}, { 959, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{1006, &ppc_fsel}, {1007, &ppc_fseldot}, {1010, &ppc_fmult},
{1011, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1016, &ppc_fmsub}, {1017, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{1018, &ppc_fmadd}, {1019, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1020, &ppc_fnmsub},
{1021, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1022, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1023, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{1070, &ppc_fsel}, {1071, &ppc_fseldot}, {1074, &ppc_fmult},
{1075, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1080, &ppc_fmsub}, {1081, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{1082, &ppc_fmadd}, {1083, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1084, &ppc_fnmsub},
{1085, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1086, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1087, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{1134, &ppc_fsel}, {1135, &ppc_fseldot}, {1138, &ppc_fmult},
{1139, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1144, &ppc_fmsub}, {1145, &ppc_fmsubdot},
{1146, &ppc_fmadd}, {1147, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1148, &ppc_fnmsub},
{1149, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1150, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1151, &ppc_fnmadddot},
{1166, &ppc_mffs}, {1167, &ppc_mffsdot}, {1198, &ppc_fsel},
{1199, &ppc_fseldot}, {1202, &ppc_fmult}, {1203, &ppc_fmultdot},
{1208, &ppc_fmsub}, {1209, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1210, &ppc_fmadd},
{1211, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1212, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1213, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{1214, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1215, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1262, &ppc_fsel},
{1263, &ppc_fseldot}, {1266, &ppc_fmult}, {1267, &ppc_fmultdot},
{1272, &ppc_fmsub}, {1273, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1274, &ppc_fmadd},
{1275, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1276, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1277, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{1278, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1279, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1326, &ppc_fsel},
{1327, &ppc_fseldot}, {1330, &ppc_fmult}, {1331, &ppc_fmultdot},
{1336, &ppc_fmsub}, {1337, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1338, &ppc_fmadd},
{1339, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1340, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1341, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{1342, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1343, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1390, &ppc_fsel},
{1391, &ppc_fseldot}, {1394, &ppc_fmult}, {1395, &ppc_fmultdot},
{1400, &ppc_fmsub}, {1401, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1402, &ppc_fmadd},
{1403, &ppc_fmadddot}, {1404, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1405, &ppc_fnmsubdot},
{1406, &ppc_fnmadd}, {1407, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1422, &ppc_mtfsf},
{1423, &ppc_mtfsfdot}, {1454, &ppc_fsel}, {1455, &ppc_fseldot},
{1458, &ppc_fmult}, {1459, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1464, &ppc_fmsub},
{1465, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1466, &ppc_fmadd}, {1467, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1468, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1469, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1470, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1471, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1518, &ppc_fsel}, {1519, &ppc_fseldot},
{1522, &ppc_fmult}, {1523, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1528, &ppc_fmsub},
{1529, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1530, &ppc_fmadd}, {1531, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1532, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1533, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1534, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1535, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1582, &ppc_fsel}, {1583, &ppc_fseldot},
{1586, &ppc_fmult}, {1587, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1592, &ppc_fmsub},
{1593, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1594, &ppc_fmadd}, {1595, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1596, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1597, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1598, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1599, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1646, &ppc_fsel}, {1647, &ppc_fseldot},
{1650, &ppc_fmult}, {1651, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1656, &ppc_fmsub},
{1657, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1658, &ppc_fmadd}, {1659, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1660, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1661, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1662, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1663, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1710, &ppc_fsel}, {1711, &ppc_fseldot},
{1714, &ppc_fmult}, {1715, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1720, &ppc_fmsub},
{1721, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1722, &ppc_fmadd}, {1723, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1724, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1725, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1726, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1727, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1774, &ppc_fsel}, {1775, &ppc_fseldot},
{1778, &ppc_fmult}, {1779, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1784, &ppc_fmsub},
{1785, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1786, &ppc_fmadd}, {1787, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1788, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1789, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1790, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1791, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1838, &ppc_fsel}, {1839, &ppc_fseldot},
{1842, &ppc_fmult}, {1843, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1848, &ppc_fmsub},
{1849, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1850, &ppc_fmadd}, {1851, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1852, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1853, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1854, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1855, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1902, &ppc_fsel}, {1903, &ppc_fseldot},
{1906, &ppc_fmult}, {1907, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1912, &ppc_fmsub},
{1913, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1914, &ppc_fmadd}, {1915, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1916, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1917, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1918, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1919, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {1966, &ppc_fsel}, {1967, &ppc_fseldot},
{1970, &ppc_fmult}, {1971, &ppc_fmultdot}, {1976, &ppc_fmsub},
{1977, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {1978, &ppc_fmadd}, {1979, &ppc_fmadddot},
{1980, &ppc_fnmsub}, {1981, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {1982, &ppc_fnmadd},
{1983, &ppc_fnmadddot}, {2030, &ppc_fsel}, {2031, &ppc_fseldot},
{2034, &ppc_fmult}, {2035, &ppc_fmultdot}, {2040, &ppc_fmsub},
{2041, &ppc_fmsubdot}, {2042, &ppc_fmadd}, {2043, &ppc_fmadddot},
{2044, &ppc_fnmsub}, {2045, &ppc_fnmsubdot}, {2046, &ppc_fnmadd},
{2047, &ppc_fnmadddot}
/** Opcode decoding functions. */
void ppc_illegalop(){
uint8_t illegal_code = ppc_cur_instruction >> 26;
uint32_t grab_it = (uint32_t) illegal_code;
printf("Illegal opcode reported: %d Report this! \n", grab_it);
//ppc_exception_handler(0x0700, 0x80000);
void ppc_illegalsubop31(){
uint16_t illegal_subcode = ppc_cur_instruction & 2047;
uint32_t grab_it = (uint32_t) illegal_subcode;
printf("Illegal subopcode for 31 reported: %d Report this! \n", grab_it);
void ppc_opcode4(){
printf("Reading from Opcode 4 table \n");
uint8_t subop_grab = ppc_cur_instruction & 3;
uint32_t regrab = (uint32_t)subop_grab;
printf("Executing subopcode entry %d \n .. or would if I bothered to implement it. SORRY!", regrab);
void ppc_opcode16(){
SubOpcode16Grabber[ppc_cur_instruction & 3]();
void ppc_opcode18(){
SubOpcode18Grabber[ppc_cur_instruction & 3]();
void ppc_opcode19(){
uint16_t subop_grab = ppc_cur_instruction & 2047;
uint32_t regrab = (uint32_t)subop_grab;
printf("Executing Opcode 19 table supopcode entry %d \n", regrab);
if (SubOpcode19Grabber.count(subop_grab) == 1){
std::cout << "ILLEGAL SUBOPCODE: " << subop_grab << std::endl;
ppc_exception_handler(0x0700, 0x80000);
void ppc_opcode31(){
uint16_t subop_grab = ppc_cur_instruction & 2047;
uint32_t regrab = (uint32_t)subop_grab;
printf("Executing Opcode 31 table supopcode entry %d \n", regrab);
if (SubOpcode31Grabber.count(subop_grab) == 1){
std::cout << "ILLEGAL SUBOPCODE: " << subop_grab << std::endl;
ppc_exception_handler(0x0700, 0x80000);
void ppc_opcode59(){
uint16_t subop_grab = ppc_cur_instruction & 2047;
uint32_t regrab = (uint32_t)subop_grab;
printf("Executing Opcode 59 table supopcode entry %d \n", regrab);
if (SubOpcode59Grabber.count(subop_grab) == 1){
std::cout << "ILLEGAL SUBOPCODE: " << subop_grab << std::endl;
ppc_exception_handler(0x0700, 0x80000);
void ppc_opcode63(){
uint16_t subop_grab = ppc_cur_instruction & 2047;
uint32_t regrab = (uint32_t)subop_grab;
std::cout << "Executing Opcode 63 table subopcode entry " << regrab << std::endl;
if (SubOpcode63Grabber.count(subop_grab) == 1){
std::cout << "ILLEGAL SUBOPCODE: " << subop_grab << std::endl;
ppc_exception_handler(0x0700, 0x80000);
void ppc_main_opcode(){
//Grab the main opcode
uint8_t ppc_mainop = (ppc_cur_instruction >> 26) & 63;
/** Old time base register (TBR) update code. */
void ppc_tbr_update()
clock_t clock_test_current = clock();
uint32_t test_clock = ((uint32_t) (clock_test_current - clock_test_begin)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
if (test_clock){
if (ppc_state.ppc_tbr[0] != 0xFFFFFFFF){
ppc_state.ppc_tbr[0] = 0;
if (ppc_state.ppc_tbr[1] !=0xFFFFFFFF){
ppc_state.ppc_tbr[1] = 0;
clock_test_begin = clock();
//Placeholder Decrementing Code
if(ppc_state.ppc_spr[22] > 0){
/** Execute PPC code as long as power is on. */
#if 0
void ppc_exec()
while (power_on){
//printf("PowerPC Address: %x \n", ppc_state.ppc_pc);
if (grab_branch & !grab_exception){
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_branch = 0;
else if (grab_return | grab_exception){
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_exception = 0;
grab_return = 0;
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
void ppc_exec()
uint32_t bb_start_la, page_start;
uint8_t *pc_real;
/* start new basic block */
bb_start_la = ppc_state.ppc_pc;
bb_end = false;
/* initial MMU translation for the current code page. */
pc_real = quickinstruction_translate(bb_start_la);
/* set current code page limits */
page_start = bb_start_la & 0xFFFFF000;
while (power_on) {
if (bb_end) {
timebase_counter += (ppc_state.ppc_pc - bb_start_la) >> 2;
bb_start_la = ppc_next_instruction_address;
if ((ppc_next_instruction_address & 0xFFFFF000) != page_start) {
page_start = bb_start_la & 0xFFFFF000;
pc_real = quickinstruction_translate(bb_start_la);
} else {
pc_real += (int)bb_start_la - (int)ppc_state.ppc_pc;
ppc_state.ppc_pc = bb_start_la;
bb_end = false;
} else {
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
pc_real += 4;
/** Execute one PPC instruction. */
#if 0
void ppc_exec_single()
if (grab_branch && !grab_exception) {
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_branch = 0;
else if (grab_return || grab_exception) {
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_exception = 0;
grab_return = 0;
else {
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
void ppc_exec_single()
if (bb_end) {
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
bb_end = false;
} else {
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
timebase_counter += 1;
/** Execute PPC code until goal_addr is reached. */
#if 0
void ppc_exec_until(uint32_t goal_addr)
while (ppc_state.ppc_pc != goal_addr) {
if (grab_branch && !grab_exception) {
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_branch = 0;
else if (grab_return || grab_exception) {
ppc_state.ppc_pc = ppc_next_instruction_address;
grab_exception = 0;
grab_return = 0;
else {
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
ppc_cur_instruction = 0;
void ppc_exec_until(uint32_t goal_addr)
uint32_t bb_start_la, page_start;
uint8_t *pc_real;
/* start new basic block */
bb_start_la = ppc_state.ppc_pc;
bb_end = false;
/* initial MMU translation for the current code page. */
pc_real = quickinstruction_translate(bb_start_la);
/* set current code page limits */
page_start = bb_start_la & 0xFFFFF000;
while (ppc_state.ppc_pc != goal_addr) {
if (bb_end) {
timebase_counter += (ppc_state.ppc_pc - bb_start_la) >> 2;
bb_start_la = ppc_next_instruction_address;
if ((ppc_next_instruction_address & 0xFFFFF000) != page_start) {
page_start = bb_start_la & 0xFFFFF000;
pc_real = quickinstruction_translate(bb_start_la);
} else {
pc_real += (int)bb_start_la - (int)ppc_state.ppc_pc;
ppc_state.ppc_pc = bb_start_la;
bb_end = false;
} else {
ppc_state.ppc_pc += 4;
pc_real += 4;
void ppc_init()
clock_test_begin = clock();
timebase_counter = 0;