
105 lines
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2017-10-29 16:28:55 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from os import path, listdir
from sys import argv
import datetime
from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL
import tempfile
from shutil import copyfile
def h_topdir():
rc = 0
while rc == 0:
rc = run(['hcd','::'], stderr=DEVNULL).returncode
my_name, *cmds = argv
srcimage = 'SourceForEmulator.dmg'
cmdline = ' '.join(cmds)
scriptfolder = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
vmac_app = path.join(scriptfolder, 'Mini vMac 9590.app') # requested for later: -t mc64 -m II -sound 0 -speed a -bg 1 -as 0
vmac_exec = path.join(vmac_app, 'Contents', 'MacOS')
vmac_exec = path.join(vmac_exec, next(l for l in listdir(vmac_exec) if not l.startswith('.')))
bootimg = path.join(scriptfolder, 'MPW-VM.dmg')
backupimg = path.join(scriptfolder, 'MPW-VM-KnownGood.dmg')
hsync = path.join(scriptfolder, 'hsync')
hsyncback = path.join(scriptfolder, 'hsyncback')
if not path.exists(bootimg):
print('Creating new scratch boot disk.')
copyfile(backupimg, bootimg)
if cmds:
mpw_cmd = """# This is an auto-generated MPW script!
Echo '# %s'
Echo '# %s'
SetDirectory Src:
End > "{Boot}StdOut"
Move -y "{__Startup__i}" "{Boot}Trash:"
ShutDown -y
""" % (datetime.datetime.now(), cmdline, cmdline)
mpw_cmd = """# This is an auto-generated MPW script!
SetDirectory Src:
Move -y "{__Startup__i}" "{Boot}Trash:"
mpw_cmd = mpw_cmd.replace('\n','\r')
with open('/tmp/AutoGen', 'w') as f:
tmp_path = f.name
run([hsync], check=True)
run(['SetFile', '-t', 'TEXT', '-c', 'MPS ', tmp_path], check=True)
run(['macbinary', 'encode', '--overwrite', '-o', tmp_path+'.bin', tmp_path], check=True)
run(['hmount', bootimg], check=True, stdout=DEVNULL)
run(['hcopy', '-m', tmp_path+'.bin', ':MPW:Startup Items:'], check=True)
run(['humount'], check=True)
# http://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/osx_note.html
# Disable Path Randomization
run(['xattr', '-cr', vmac_app], check=True)
run([vmac_exec, bootimg, srcimage], check=True)
run([hsyncback], check=True)
if cmds:
run(['hmount', bootimg], check=True, stdout=DEVNULL)
run(['hcopy', '-t', ':StdOut', '/tmp/StdOut'], check=True)
run(['humount'], check=True)
with open('/tmp/StdOut') as f:
print(f.read(), end='')