Elliot Nunn 7ca37bd41b Speed up SheepShaver
No wonder it was so slow!
2018-12-31 13:42:48 +08:00

326 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from os import path, listdir, environ, getcwd, chdir
from sys import argv, stderr
import datetime
from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL
import tempfile
from shutil import copyfile
screen win/640/480
serialb /dev/null
udptunnel false
udpport 6066
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 33554432
frameskip 0
modelid 5
cpu 3
fpu true
nocdrom false
nosound false
noclipconversion false
nogui false
jit true
jitfpu true
jitdebug false
jitcachesize 8192
jitlazyflush true
jitinline true
keyboardtype 5
keycodes false
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
dsp /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer
ignoresegv false
idlewait true
screen win/640/480
windowmodes 0
screenmodes 0
serialb /dev/null
bootdrive 0
bootdriver 0
ramsize 67108864
frameskip 0
gfxaccel true
nocdrom false
nonet false
nosound false
nogui false
noclipconversion false
ignoresegv false
jit true
jit68k false
keyboardtype 5
keycodes false
mousewheelmode 1
mousewheellines 3
dsp /dev/dsp
mixer /dev/mixer
ignoresegv false
idlewait true
def h_topdir():
rc = 0
while rc == 0:
rc = run(['hcd','::'], stderr=DEVNULL).returncode
def climb(frm):
yield frm
l = frm
while 1:
t = path.dirname(l)
if t == l: break
l = t
yield l
def rel_path_to_hfs(i):
if '/' not in i:
return i
if ':' in i:
return i
if i in '..': i = i + '/'
if i.startswith('./'):
i = ':' + i[2:]
i = i.replace('../', ':')
i = i.replace('/', ':')
if not i.startswith(':'): i = ':' + i
def rel_path_to_hfs(i):
if not i.startswith('/') and ('/' in i or i in '..'):
# do all this stuff:
return i
oi = i
if i in '..': i = i + '/'
if '/' not in i:
return i
if ':' in i:
return i
if i.startswith('./'):
i = ':' + i[2:]
i = i.replace('../', '::')
i = i.replace('/', ':')
if not i.startswith(':'): i = ':' + i
if path.isdir(oi) and not i.endswith(':'):
i = i + ':'
except FileNotFoundError:
return i
my_name, *cmds = argv
# Interpret leading '-options':
which_emulator = 'vmac'
while cmds and cmds[0].startswith('-'):
if cmds[0] == '-v':
which_emulator = 'vmac'
elif cmds[0] == '-b':
which_emulator = 'basilisk'
elif cmds[0] == '-s':
which_emulator = 'sheepshaver'
raise ValueError('Unknown option: %s' % cmds[0])
cmds = cmds[1:]
# Convert paths of things that actually exist:
cmds = [rel_path_to_hfs(x) for x in cmds]
# Choose our working directory...
srcimage = 'SourceForEmulator.dmg'
mpw_cd_cmd = 'Src:'
newcwd = next(d for d in climb(getcwd()) if path.exists(path.join(d, srcimage)))
except StopIteration:
newcwd = getcwd()
if newcwd != getcwd():
rel = path.relpath(getcwd(), newcwd)
for c in rel.split('/'):
mpw_cd_cmd += c + ':'
cmdline = ' '.join(cmds)
scriptfolder = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
vmac_app = path.join(scriptfolder, 'Mini vMac 9590.app') # requested for later: -t mc64 -m II -sound 0 -speed a -bg 1 -as 0
vmac_exec = path.join(vmac_app, 'Contents', 'MacOS')
vmac_exec = path.join(vmac_exec, next(l for l in listdir(vmac_exec) if not l.startswith('.')))
basilisk_app = path.join(scriptfolder, 'BasiliskII.app')
basilisk_exec = path.join(basilisk_app, 'Contents', 'MacOS')
basilisk_exec = path.join(basilisk_exec, next(l for l in listdir(basilisk_exec) if not l.startswith('.')))
sheepshaver_app = path.join(scriptfolder, 'SheepShaver.app')
sheepshaver_exec = path.join(sheepshaver_app, 'Contents', 'MacOS')
sheepshaver_exec = path.join(sheepshaver_exec, next(l for l in listdir(sheepshaver_exec) if not l.startswith('.')))
bootimg = path.join(scriptfolder, 'MPW-VM.dmg')
backupimg = path.join(scriptfolder, 'MPW-VM-KnownGood.dmg')
hsync = path.join(scriptfolder, 'hsync')
hsyncback = path.join(scriptfolder, 'hsyncback')
if not path.exists(bootimg):
print('Creating new scratch boot disk.')
copyfile(backupimg, bootimg)
run(['xattr', '-w', 'com.apple.metadata:com_apple_backup_excludeItem', 'com.apple.backupd', bootimg])
if cmds:
mpw_cmd = u"""# This is an auto-generated MPW script!
SetDirectory '%s'
Set EmpwReturned 0
"{Boot}AutoGenInner" > "{Boot}StdOut" \u2265 "{Boot}StdErr" || Set EmpwReturned {Status}
Echo {EmpwReturned} > "{Boot}Return"
Move -y "{Boot}AutoGenInner" "{Boot}Trash:"
Move -y "{__Startup__i}" "{Boot}Trash:"
ShutDown -y
""" % (mpw_cd_cmd)
mpw_cmd = """# This is an auto-generated MPW script!
SetDirectory '%s'
Move -y "{__Startup__i}" "{Boot}Trash:"
""" % mpw_cd_cmd
mpw_cmd = mpw_cmd.replace('\n','\r')
with open('/tmp/AutoGen', 'wb') as f:
tmp_path = f.name
if cmds:
with open('/tmp/AutoGenInner', 'wb') as f:
tmp_path_inner = f.name
run([hsync], check=True)
run(['SetFile', '-t', 'TEXT', '-c', 'MPS ', tmp_path], check=True)
run(['macbinary', 'encode', '--overwrite', '-o', tmp_path+'.bin', tmp_path], check=True)
if cmds:
run(['SetFile', '-t', 'TEXT', '-c', 'MPS ', tmp_path_inner], check=True)
run(['macbinary', 'encode', '--overwrite', '-o', tmp_path_inner+'.bin', tmp_path_inner], check=True)
run(['hmount', bootimg], check=True, stdout=DEVNULL)
run(['hcopy', '-m', tmp_path+'.bin', ':MPW:Startup Items:'], check=True)
if cmds:
run(['hcopy', '-m', tmp_path_inner+'.bin', ':AutoGenInner'], check=True)
run(['humount'], check=True)
if which_emulator == 'vmac':
# http://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/osx_note.html
# Disable Path Randomization
run(['xattr', '-cr', vmac_app], check=True)
run([vmac_exec, bootimg, srcimage], check=True)
elif which_emulator == 'basilisk':
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='/tmp/') as d:
with open(path.join(d, '.basilisk_ii_prefs'), 'w') as f:
print('disk', bootimg, file=f)
print('disk', srcimage, file=f)
print('rom', path.join(scriptfolder, 'MacIIci.ROM'), file=f)
newenviron = dict(environ, HOME=d.rstrip('/'))
run([basilisk_exec], env=newenviron, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, check=True)
elif which_emulator == 'sheepshaver':
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='/tmp/') as d:
with open(path.join(d, '.sheepshaver_prefs'), 'w') as f:
print('disk', bootimg, file=f)
print('disk', srcimage, file=f)
print('rom', path.join(scriptfolder, 'PowerMac.ROM'), file=f)
newenviron = dict(environ, HOME=d.rstrip('/'))
run(['arch', '-32', sheepshaver_exec], env=newenviron, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, check=True)
run([hsyncback], check=True)
if cmds:
run(['hmount', bootimg], check=True, stdout=DEVNULL)
run(['hcopy', '-t', ':StdOut', '/tmp/StdOut'], check=True)
run(['hcopy', '-t', ':StdErr', '/tmp/StdErr'], check=True)
run(['hcopy', '-t', ':Return', '/tmp/Return'], check=True)
run(['humount'], check=True)
with open('/tmp/StdOut', 'rb') as f:
print(f.read().decode('mac_roman'), end='')
with open('/tmp/StdErr', 'rb') as f:
print(f.read().decode('mac_roman'), end='', file=stderr)
with open('/tmp/Return', 'rb') as f: