320 lines
6.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* TODO: check for null <20>handles */
#include "iconcontrol.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#include "iconcontrol.proto.h"
#include "getrects.proto.h"
drawicxx (Ptr pat, BitMap * mbm, Rect * dest, CWindowPtr w, short size, short depth)
PixMap spm;
Rect sr;
unsigned char state;
SetRect (&sr, 0, 0, size, size);
spm.baseAddr = pat;
spm.rowBytes = (size * depth / 8);
if (depth != 1)
spm.rowBytes |= 0x8000;
SetRect (&spm.bounds, 0, 0, size, size);
spm.pmVersion = 0;
spm.packType = 0;
spm.packSize = 0;
spm.hRes = spm.vRes = (Fixed) 72;
spm.pixelType = 0;
spm.pixelSize = depth;
spm.cmpCount = 1;
spm.cmpSize = depth;
spm.planeBytes = 0;
#if 0
/* TODO: figure out the correct way to get the CTabHandle */
spm.pmTable = (*w->portPixMap)->pmTable;
spm.pmTable = GetCTable (depth);
SetRect (&sr, 0, 0, size, size);
state = HGetState ((Handle) w->portPixMap);
HLock ((Handle) w->portPixMap);
CopyMask ((BitMap *) & spm, mbm, (BitMap *) * w->portPixMap, &sr, &sr, dest);
HSetState ((Handle) w->portPixMap, state);
#if 1
DisposCTable (spm.pmTable);
#endif /* 0 */
dodrawcontrol (short varcode, ControlHandle c)
Rect r, dr, tr;
Handle mask, data;
GrafPtr saveport;
short textsize, depth, size, view, textfont;
BitMap mbm;
item **ih;
unsigned char mstate, dstate;
Str255 s;
RgnHandle save_clip_rgnh, new_clip_rgnh;
#if defined(YELLOW_HILITE)
RGBColor blendcolor, hilite_color;
blendcolor.red = blendcolor.green = 32767;
blendcolor.blue = 65535;
hilite_color.red = hilite_color.green = 65535;
hilite_color.blue = 0;
RGBColor blendcolor, hilite_color;
blendcolor.red = 45000;
blendcolor.green = 32767;
blendcolor.blue = 65535;
hilite_color.red = 0;
hilite_color.green = 65535;
hilite_color.blue = 0;
GetPort (&saveport);
SetPort ((*c)->contrlOwner);
save_clip_rgnh = NewRgn ();
new_clip_rgnh = NewRgn ();
GetClip (save_clip_rgnh);
r = (*c)->contrlOwner->portRect;
r.right -= 15;
RectRgn (new_clip_rgnh, &r);
SectRgn (new_clip_rgnh, save_clip_rgnh, new_clip_rgnh);
SetClip (new_clip_rgnh);
ih = (item **) (*c)->contrlData;
getrects (c, &tr, &dr);
EraseRect (&tr);
InsetRect (&dr, -1, -1);
EraseRect (&dr);
InsetRect (&dr, 1, 1);
view = (*ih)->view;
if (view == ICSVIEW)
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->ics8;
if (data == 0 || (*(*theGDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize < 8)
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->ics4;
if (data == 0 || (*(*theGDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize < 4)
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icssh;
depth = 1;
size = 16;
depth = 4;
size = 16;
depth = 8;
size = 16;
mask = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icssh;
assert ((mask == 0) ^ (data != 0));
if (view == ICONVIEW || (view == ICSVIEW && data == 0))
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icl8;
if (data == 0 || (*(*theGDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize < 8)
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icl4;
if (data == 0 || (*(*theGDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize < 4)
data = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icnsh;
assert (data != 0);
depth = 1;
size = 32;
depth = 4;
size = 32;
depth = 8;
size = 32;
mask = (*(*ih)->iconfam)->icnsh;
assert (mask != 0);
if (view != LISTVIEW)
dstate = HGetState (data);
HLock (data);
mstate = HGetState (mask);
HLock (mask);
mbm.baseAddr = *mask + size * size / 8;
mbm.rowBytes = size / 8;
SetRect (&mbm.bounds, 0, 0, size, size);
drawicxx (*data, &mbm, &dr, (CWindowPtr) (*c)->contrlOwner, size, depth);
if ((*c)->contrlHilite == inButton)
#if 0
CopyBits (&mbm, &(*c)->contrlOwner->portBits, &mbm.bounds, &dr, srcXor, (RgnHandle) 0);
PenNormal ();
RGBForeColor (&hilite_color);
BackColor (whiteColor);
PenMode (blend);
OpColor (&blendcolor);
PaintOval (&dr);
PenNormal ();
ForeColor (blackColor);
BackColor (whiteColor);
else if ((*c)->contrlHilite == INSELECTEDICON)
#if 0
OpColor (halfwhite);
hiliteMode &= ~(1 << hiliteBit);
InvertRect (&dr);
PenNormal ();
RGBForeColor (&hilite_color);
BackColor (whiteColor);
PenMode (blend);
OpColor (&blendcolor);
PaintOval (&dr);
PenNormal ();
ForeColor (blackColor);
BackColor (whiteColor);
HSetState (data, dstate);
HSetState (mask, mstate);
textsize = (*c)->contrlOwner->txSize;
textfont = (*c)->contrlOwner->txFont;
TextSize (FONTSIZE);
TextFont (applFont);
/* TODO: 8 should be figured out with getfontinfo */
if (view == LISTVIEW)
MoveTo (tr.left + ICSSIZE, tr.top + 8);
DrawString ((*c)->contrlTitle);
MoveTo (tr.left + SIZETEXTLEFT, tr.top + 8);
NumToString ((*ih)->size, s);
DrawString (s);
MoveTo (tr.left + DATETEXTLEFT, tr.top + 8);
IUDateString ((*ih)->moddate, abbrevDate, s);
DrawString (s);
MoveTo (tr.left, tr.top + 8);
DrawString ((*c)->contrlTitle);
TextSize (textsize);
TextFont (textfont);
if ((*(item **) (*c)->contrlData)->selected)
FrameRect (&dr);
FrameRect (&tr);
SetClip (save_clip_rgnh);
DisposeRgn (save_clip_rgnh);
DisposeRgn (new_clip_rgnh);
SetPort (saveport);
dotest (long param, ControlHandle c)
Point p;
Rect ir, tr;
p.v = HiWord (param);
p.h = LoWord (param);
getrects (c, &tr, &ir);
if ((*c)->contrlHilite != 255)
if (PtInRect (p, &ir))
if ((*(item **) (*c)->contrlData)->selected)
return (long) INSELECTEDICON;
return (long) inButton;
if (PtInRect (p, &tr))
return (long) INTEXT;
return 0L;
docalc (RgnHandle rgn, ControlHandle c)
RgnHandle rgn1, rgn2;
Rect ir, tr;
rgn1 = NewRgn ();
rgn2 = NewRgn ();
getrects (c, &tr, &ir);
RectRgn (rgn1, &ir);
RectRgn (rgn2, &tr);
UnionRgn (rgn1, rgn2, rgn);
DisposeRgn (rgn1);
DisposeRgn (rgn2);
dodispose (ControlHandle c)
DisposHandle ((Handle) (*c)->contrlData);
pascal long
main (short varcode, ControlHandle c, short message, long param)
long retval;
retval = 0;
switch (message)
case drawCntl:
/* Ignore param, always draw the whole control */
dodrawcontrol (varcode, c);
case testCntl:
retval = dotest (param, c);
case calcCRgns:
if (param & 0x80000000)
param &= 0x00FFFFFF
/* FALL THROUGH --> */
case calcCntlRgn:
docalc ((RgnHandle) param, c);
case dispCntl:
dodispose (c);
case autoTrack:
case initCntl:
case posCntl:
case thumbCntl:
case dragCntl:
case calcThumbRgn:
assert (0);
return retval;