Some progress on switching to new GNU build system (doesn't yet work)

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Matthews 2009-06-19 15:28:56 -06:00
parent 4758446a85
commit 058ad8d226
5 changed files with 179 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -1,61 +1,134 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce
## $Id: 63 2004-12-24 18:19:43Z ctm $
bin_PROGRAMS = executor
executor_SOURCE = \
ctlArrows.c ctlDisplay.c ctlIMIV.c ctlInit.c ctlMisc.c \
ctlMouse.c ctlSet.c ctlSize.c ctlStddef.c ctlPopup.c \
dialAlert.c dialCreate.c dialHandle.c dialInit.c dialManip.c \
dialDispatch.c dialItem.c \
fileAccess.c fileCreate.c fileDirs.c fileDouble.c fileInfo.c \
fileMisc.c fileVolumes.c fileHighlevel.c dcache.c \
hfsBtree.c hfsChanging.c hfsCreate.c hfsFile.c \
hfsHelper.c hfsHier.c hfsMisc.c hfsVolume.c \
hfsWorkingdir.c hfsXbar.c \
listAccess.c listAddDel.c listCreate.c listDisplay.c listMouse.c \
listOps.c listStdLDEF.c \
menu.c menuColor.c menuV.c stdmdef.c stdmbdf.c \
PSprint.c PSstrings.c prError.c prInit.c prLowLevel.c \
prPrinting.c prRecords.c \
qBit.c qCConv.c qCGrafPort.c qCRegular.c \
qColor.c qColorMgr.c qColorutil.c qCursor.c qGrafport.c \
qIMIV.c qIMV.c qIMVxfer.c qMisc.c qPaletteMgr.c \
qPen.c qPicstuff.c qPicture.c qPixMapConv.c qPoint.c \
qPoly.c qRect.c qRegion.c qRegular.c qScale.c \
qStandard.c qStdArc.c qStdBits.c qStdLine.c qStdOval.c \
qStdPic.c qStdPoly.c qStdRRect.c qStdRect.c qStdRgn.c \
qStdText.c qText.c qGWorld.c qGDevice.c qIMVI.c \
qHooks.c xdata.c xdblt.c rawpatblt.c rawsrcblt.c \
dirtyrect.c srcblt.c qColorPicker.c qPict2.c \
resGet.c resGetinfo.c resGettype.c resIMIV.c resInit.c \
resMisc.c resMod.c resOpen.c resSetcur.c resPartial.c \
teAccess.c teDisplay.c teEdit.c teIMIV.c teIMV.c teInit.c \
teInsert.c teMisc.c teScrap.c \
windColor.c windDisplay.c windDocdef.c windInit.c windMisc.c \
windMouse.c windSize.c windUpdate.c \
AE.c AE_desc.c AE_hdlr.c AE_coercion.c \
bindec.c default_ctab_values.c desk.c device.c disk.c diskinit.c \
dump.c trapname.c float4.c float5.c float7.c floatnext.c font.c \
gestalt.c globals.c \
image.c image_inits.c iu.c launch.c main.c mman.c mmansubr.c \
notify.c hle.c osevent.c osutil.c pack.c scrap.c script.c \
segment.c serial.c setuid.c slash.c \
sounddriver.c sound.c soundIMVI.c soundfake.c \
stdfile.c romlib_stubs.c \
snth5.c syserr.c toolevent.c toolmath.c toolutil.c time.c vbl.c \
syncint.c virtualint.c refresh.c autorefresh.c \
aboutbox.c licensetext.c dcmaketables.c \
dcconvert.c rgbutil.c keycode.c option.c parseopt.c parsenum.c \
desperate.c \
version.c shutdown.c uniquefile.c sigio_multiplex.c \
screen-dump.c mkvol/mkvol.c process.c alias.c string.c tempmem.c \
edition.c fontIMVI.c balloon.c error.c adb.c color_wheel_bits.c \
finder.c system_error.c ibm_keycodes.c splash.c icon.c \
redrawscreen.c ini.c checkpoint.c qt.c cleanup.c paramline.c \
fauxdbm.c custom.c commtool.c cfm.c local_charset.c pef_hash.c \
mathlib.c interfacelib.c mixed_mode.c suffix_maps.c appearance.c \
noinst_PROGRAMS = map_to_c mkseedtables mkultable mksspairtable
ctl_bitmap_c_files = arrow_up_active.c arrow_up_inactive.c \
arrow_down_active.c arrow_down_inactive.c \
arrow_right_active.c arrow_right_inactive.c \
arrow_left_active.c arrow_left_inactive.c \
thumb_horiz.c thumb_vert.c
wind_bitmap_c_files = zoom.c go_away.c active.c ractive.c grow.c
CLEANFILES = $(ctl_bitmap_c_files) $(wind_bitmap_c_files) apple.c \
seedtables.c ultable.c sspairtable.c rawpatstubs.c rawsrcstubs.c
$(ctl_bitmap_c_files) apple.c $(wind_bitmap_c_files): map_to_c
.map.c: map_to_c
./map_to_c < $< > $@
map_to_c_SOURCES = map_to_c.c
mkseedtables_SOURCES = mkseedtables.c
mkultable_SOURCES = mkultable.c
mksspairtable_SOURCES = mksspairtable.c
seedtables.c: mkseedtables
./mkseedtables > $@
ultable.c: mkultable
./mkultable > $@
sspairtable.c: mksspairtable
./mksspairtable > $@
rawpatstubs.c: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/pat-blitters.tmpl
$(srcdir)/ < $(srcdir)/pat-blitters.tmpl > rawpatstubs.c
rawsrcstubs.c: $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/src-blitters.tmpl
$(srcdir)/ < $(srcdir)/src-blitters.tmpl > rawsrcstubs.c
ctlArrows.$(OBJEXT): $(ctl_bitmap_c_files)
stdmbdf.$(OBJEXT): apple.c
qIMIV.$(OBJEXT): seedtables.c
qStdText.$(OBJEXT): ultable.c
qIMVI.$(OBJEXT): sspairtable.c
rawpatblt.$(OBJEXT): rawpatstubs.c
rawsrcblt.$(OBJEXT): rawsrcstubs.c
windDocdef.$(OBJEXT): $(wind_bitmap_c_files)
# These helper variables break the source into logical groups, but there's
# no actual significance to them.
ctl_sources = ctlArrows.c ctlDisplay.c ctlIMIV.c ctlInit.c ctlMisc.c \
ctlMouse.c ctlSet.c ctlSize.c ctlStddef.c ctlPopup.c
dial_sources = dialAlert.c dialCreate.c dialHandle.c dialInit.c dialManip.c \
dialDispatch.c dialItem.c
file_sources = fileAccess.c fileCreate.c fileDirs.c fileDouble.c fileInfo.c \
fileMisc.c fileVolumes.c fileHighlevel.c dcache.c
hfs_sources = hfsBtree.c hfsChanging.c hfsCreate.c hfsFile.c hfsHelper.c \
hfsHier.c hfsMisc.c hfsVolume.c hfsWorkingdir.c hfsXbar.c
list_sources = listAccess.c listAddDel.c listCreate.c listDisplay.c \
listMouse.c listOps.c listStdLDEF.c
menu_sources = menu.c menuColor.c menuV.c stdmdef.c stdmbdf.c
print_sources = PSprint.c PSstrings.c prError.c prInit.c prLowLevel.c \
prPrinting.c prRecords.c
qd_sources = qBit.c qCConv.c qCGrafPort.c qCRegular.c qColor.c qColorMgr.c \
qColorutil.c qCursor.c qGrafport.c qIMIV.c qIMV.c qIMVxfer.c \
qMisc.c qPaletteMgr.c qPen.c qPicstuff.c qPicture.c \
qPixMapConv.c qPoint.c qPoly.c qRect.c qRegion.c qRegular.c \
qScale.c qStandard.c qStdArc.c qStdBits.c qStdLine.cq qStdOval.c \
qStdPic.c qStdPoly.c qStdRRect.c qStdRect.c qStdRgn.c \
qStdText.c qText.c qGWorld.c qGDevice.c qIMVI.c qHooks.c \
xdata.c xdblt.c rawpatblt.c rawsrcblt.c dirtyrect.c srcblt.c \
qColorPicker.c qPict2.c image.c image_inits.c \
default_ctab_values.c dcconvert.c rgbutil.c dcmaketables.c
res_sources = resGet.c resGetinfo.c resGettype.c resIMIV.c resInit.c \
resMisc.c resMod.c resOpen.c resSetcur.c resPartial.c
te_sources = teAccess.c teDisplay.c teEdit.c teIMIV.c teIMV.c teInit.c \
teInsert.c teMisc.c teScrap.c
wind_sources = windColor.c windDisplay.c windDocdef.c windInit.c windMisc.c \
windMouse.c windSize.c windUpdate.c
ae_sources = AE.c AE_desc.c AE_hdlr.c AE_coercion.c
sound_sources = sounddriver.c sound.c soundIMVI.c soundfake.c snth5.c
num_sources = bindec.c float4.c float5.c float7.c floatnext.c toolmath.c \
misc_sources = desk.c device.c disk.c diskinit.c dump.c trapname.c font.c \
gestalt.c globals.c iu.c launch.c main.c mman.c mmansubr.c notify.c hle.c \
osevent.c osutil.c pack.c scrap.c script.c segment.c serial.c setuid.c \
slash.c stdfile.c romlib_stubs.c syserr.c toolevent.c toolutil.c time.c \
vbl.c syncint.c virtualint.c refresh.c autorefresh.c aboutbox.c \
licensetext.c keycode.c option.c parseopt.c parsenum.c desperate.c \
version.c shutdown.c uniquefile.c sigio_multiplex.c screen-dump.c \
process.c alias.c string.c tempmem.c edition.c fontIMVI.c balloon.c \
error.c adb.c color_wheel_bits.c finder.c system_error.c ibm_keycodes.c \
splash.c icon.c redrawscreen.c ini.c checkpoint.c qt.c cleanup.c \
paramline.c fauxdbm.c custom.c commtool.c cfm.c local_charset.c pef_hash.c \
interfacelib.c mixed_mode.c suffix_maps.c appearance.c lockrange.c \
emutrap.c emutraptables.c emustubs.c
executor_SOURCES = $(ctl_sources) $(dial_sources) $(file_sources) \
$(hfs_sources) $(list_sources) $(menu_sources) \
$(print_sources) $(qd_sources) $(res_sources) \
$(te_sources) $(wind_sources) $(ae_sources) \
$(sound_sources) $(num_sources) $(misc_sources)
AM_CPPFLAGS=-I$(srcdir)/include -I$(srcdir)/config/front-ends/$(front_end) -I$(srcdir)/config/os/$(host_os) -I$(srcdir)/config/arch/$(host_cpu)

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
DONE? Where we use "target", the new GNU build system uses "host"
Where we use "host", GNU uses "build". We should clean this up
before we do anything else
Make it so people can select the front-end and the sound, but that
we default to SDL if it's available
$target_os winds up being darwin9.7.0, while we currently use
macosx. We probably should map into the old name for now
Make it so if we don't find libsyn68k, we die properly
CToPascalCall -- look hard for arguments that sometimes take a pointer
and sometimes take a long

View File

@ -7,13 +7,57 @@ AM_PROG_AS
# Checks for programs.
AC_CHECK_PROG([PERL], [perl], [perl])
AC_ARG_VAR([PERL], [perl for generating blitters])
AC_CHECK_LIB(syn68k, initialize_68k_emulator)
# TODO: may not want to look for SDL if people have chosen an alternate
# front-end.
case ${build_os} in
case ${host_os} in
# This is a temporary cheat that forces us to use SDL.
# end of cheat

View File

@ -8,12 +8,6 @@
* $Id: lowglobals.h 63 2004-12-24 18:19:43Z ctm $
#if !defined (__alpha)
extern uint32 ROMlib_offset;
extern unsigned long ROMlib_offset;
extern BOOLEAN force_big_offset;
#define nilhandle_H (*(HIDDEN_Ptr *)(0x00 + ROMlib_offset))

View File

@ -132,12 +132,6 @@ char ROMlib_rcsid_main[] =
#include "x.h"
#if !defined (__alpha)
PUBLIC uint32 ROMlib_offset;
PUBLIC unsigned long ROMlib_offset;
BOOLEAN force_big_offset = CONFIG_OFFSET_P;
#if defined (NEXTSTEP)