[changes from previous versions are now in docs/Changes.*] The directory Executor.pkg is a NEXTSTEP installer package that installs /LocalApps/Executor.app, which is a pre-beta version Executor/NEXTSTEP 2.0, a commercial Macintosh emulator. Currently this pre-beta only supports NEXTSTEP/Intel and NEXTSTEP/Motorola. There are no plans for any other architectures to be supported in the near future. Executor expects to be installed in /LocalApps. The file: "Executor.app/ExecutorVolume/System Folder/godata.sav" contains pathnames that begin with "/LocalApps", so if you install Executor anywhere other than /LocalApps, the Browser will not automatically have fun things opened and installed on the hot-band. You'll have to find ExecutorVolume yourself and adjust the hot-band to your liking. Certain files must have the correct ownership and permissions in order for Executor to work properly. Specifically, the Executor binary itself must be owned by root and made setuid. The directory "System Folder" and the files *godata.sav and *system.ard must be writable by anyone who will be using Executor. These permissions will automatically be set properly if you install Executor when you are logged in as or "su"d as root. Additional information is available in the docs subdirectory of the directory that contains this readme file. Be sure to read the "executor_faq.txt" (answers to frequently asked questions) if you have trouble with Executor. The file "ernst_oud.txt" contains information about Executor/DOS, written from a DOS users perspective that still might be useful to users of Executor/NEXTSTEP. Included in /usr/local/lib/executor/ExecutorVolume are some sample programs that you can run. NOTE: some of these are shareware, and ARDI had *not* paid your shareware fee for them. If you continue to use Executor, you should either delete the shareware items, or register them. If you want to access Macintosh formatted floppies from within Executor, make sure that the floppies are put in the drive AFTER Executor has already started. On non-NeXT hardware, you will then need to use Workspace's "Check for Disks" menu item to get Executor to realize that there is a Macintosh formatted floppy there. If you put the floppy in *before* Executor starts, then NEXTSTEP will take over the floppy drive and Executor will not be able to access all the data that it needs. The 1.99 versions of Executor are "experimental". We hope to have Executor in beta in January of 1996 and officially released in February or March. In addition to the text files in the doc subdirectory mentioned above, another good source of information about Executor is the Usenet newsgroup "comp.emulators.mac.executor", or the Executor interest mailing list. The newsgroup and the mailing list are connected via a bidirectional gateway. To join the mailing list, send e-mail to "executor-request@ardi.com" or "executor-digest-request@ardi.com" with a blank subject line and a body that says "subscribe". With the first address, you'll receive e-mail everytime someone sends anything to the mailing list. With the digest form, you'll receve e-mail only once a day with all the previous day's traffic bundled into one digest. You can then send messages to the entire group by sending to "executor@ardi.com". Some of the people on the list have been using Executor under NEXTSTEP for a couple of years and under DOS for a year, and of course we closely follow that mailing list, even though we don't directly administer it. Before 2.0 goes to press, pricing for non time-limited versions of Executor/NEXTSTEP is $99 for students, $99 for educational institutions, faculty and staff and $199 for everyone else. That price does cover all the 1.99 releases and the 2.0 CD-ROM release when it's finished. Again, read "executor_faq.txt" for more information. NOTE: we have changed the registration procedure and will need to issue all our current NEXTSTEP customers new keys. In the meantime, until the end of November, every Executor/NEXTSTEP user (current customers and not) has permission to use this serial number and key: Serial Number = 100 Key = "c9gm7biez8jf2" This will only work under Executor/NEXTSTEP and it will only work for versions 1.x. It stops functioning February 1. We'll either get new serial numbers to all our current NEXTSTEP customers by then or we'll release another key that everyone can use while we sort things out. To use this key, start Executor, then click on the "Info" button. It will prsent you with a page of legalese, and the option to click on the "Next" button to get another page of legalese. After you've clicked on the Next button about a dozen times, you'll be prompted for your name, organization, serial number and authorization key. Use the values supplied above for the last two choices. You will have to run Executor once as root after you've entered the registration information. NOTE: Executor currently does not have any way of bypassing Display Postcript, so screen access is slower under NEXTSTEP than under other platforms. We have received help from NeXT and hope to be able to speed up our graphics access sometime after 2.0 is released. --Cliff Please address questions to questions@ardi.com and bug reports to bugs@ardi.com. Our web site is http://www.ardi.com/ and we accept anonymous ftp connections at ftp.ardi.com.