
567 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright 1994, 1995 by Abacus Research and
* Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
#if !defined (OMIT_RCSID_STRINGS)
char ROMlib_rcsid_gdev[] =
"$Id: qGDevice.c 87 2005-05-25 01:57:33Z ctm $";
#include "rsys/common.h"
#include "QuickDraw.h"
#include "CQuickDraw.h"
#include "MemoryMgr.h"
#include "WindowMgr.h"
#include "MenuMgr.h"
#include "SysErr.h"
#include "rsys/cquick.h"
#include "rsys/wind.h"
#include "rsys/host.h"
#include "rsys/vdriver.h"
#include "rsys/blockinterrupts.h"
#include "rsys/flags.h"
#include "rsys/autorefresh.h"
#include "rsys/redrawscreen.h"
#include "rsys/executor.h"
* determined experimentally -- this fix is needed for Energy Scheming because
* they put a bogus test for mode >= 8 in their code to detect color. NOTE:
* the value that will get stored is most definitely not 8 or anything near
* 8, since 8bpp will be translated to 0x83.
mode_from_bpp (int bpp)
LONGINT retval;
int log2;
if (bpp >= 1 && bpp <= 32)
log2 = ROMlib_log2[bpp];
log2 = -1;
if (log2 != -1)
retval = 0x80 | ROMlib_log2[bpp];
warning_unexpected ("bpp = %d", bpp);
retval = 0x86; /* ??? */
return retval;
gd_allocate_main_device (void)
GDHandle graphics_device;
if (vdriver_fbuf == NULL)
gui_fatal ("vdriver not initialized, unable to allocate `MainDevice'");
PixMapHandle gd_pixmap;
Rect *gd_rect;
graphics_device = NewGDevice (/* no driver */ 0,
mode_from_bpp (vdriver_bpp));
/* we are the main device, since there are currently no others */
TheGDevice = MainDevice = RM (graphics_device);
/* set gd flags reflective of the main device */
GD_FLAGS_X (graphics_device) |= CWC ( (1 << mainScreen)
| (1 << screenDevice)
| (1 << screenActive)
/* PacMan Deluxe avoids
GDevices with noDriver
set. Looking around
Apple's site shows that
people set this bit when
they're creating offscreen
gDevices. It's not clear
whether or not we should
be setting this bit.
| (1 << noDriver) */ );
gd_set_bpp (graphics_device, !vdriver_grayscale_p, vdriver_fixed_clut_p,
gd_pixmap = GD_PMAP (graphics_device);
PIXMAP_SET_ROWBYTES_X (gd_pixmap, CW (vdriver_row_bytes));
PIXMAP_BASEADDR_X (gd_pixmap) = (Ptr) RM (vdriver_fbuf);
gd_rect = &GD_RECT (graphics_device);
gd_rect->top = gd_rect->left = CWC (0);
gd_rect->bottom = CW (vdriver_height);
gd_rect->right = CW (vdriver_width);
PIXMAP_BOUNDS (gd_pixmap) = *gd_rect;
/* add ourselves to the device list */
GD_NEXT_GD_X (graphics_device) = DeviceList;
DeviceList = RM (graphics_device);
/* Assure that we're using the correct colors. */
vdriver_set_colors (0, 1 << vdriver_bpp,
(GD_PMAP (graphics_device))));
P2 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, NewGDevice,
INTEGER, ref_num,
LONGINT, mode)
GDHandle this;
Handle h;
PixMapHandle pmh;
this = (GDHandle) NewHandle ((Size) sizeof (GDevice));
if (this == NULL)
return this;
/* initialize fields; for some of these, i'm not sure what
the value should be */
GD_ID_X (this) = CWC (0); /* ??? */
/* CLUT graphics device by default */
GD_TYPE_X (this) = CWC (clutType);
/* how do i allocate a new inverse color table? */
h = RM (NewHandle (0));
GD_ITABLE_X (this) = (ITabHandle) h;
GD_COMP_PROC_X (this) = RM (NULL);
GD_FLAGS_X (this) = CWC (0);
/* mode_from_bpp (1) indicates b/w hardware */
if (mode != mode_from_bpp (1))
GD_FLAGS_X (this) |= CWC (1 << gdDevType);
pmh = RM (NewPixMap ());
GD_PMAP_X (this) = pmh;
GD_REF_CON_X (this) = CWC (0); /* ??? */
GD_REF_NUM_X (this) = CW (ref_num); /* ??? */
GD_MODE_X (this) = CL (mode); /* ??? */
GD_NEXT_GD_X (this) = RM (NULL);
GD_RECT (this).top = CWC (0);
GD_RECT (this).left = CWC (0);
GD_RECT (this).bottom = CWC (0);
GD_RECT (this).right = CWC (0);
/* handle to cursor's expanded data/mask? */
GD_CCBYTES_X (this) = CWC (0);
GD_CCDEPTH_X (this) = CWC (0);
GD_CCXDATA_X (this) = RM (NULL);
GD_CCXMASK_X (this) = RM (NULL);
GD_RESERVED_X (this) = CWC (0);
/* if mode is -1, this is a user created gdevice,
and InitGDevice () should not be called (IMV-122) */
if (mode != -1)
InitGDevice (ref_num, mode, this);
return this;
gd_set_bpp (GDHandle gd, boolean_t color_p, boolean_t fixed_p, int bpp)
PixMapHandle gd_pixmap;
boolean_t main_device_p = (gd == MR (MainDevice));
/* set the color bit, all other flag bits should be the same */
if (color_p)
GD_FLAGS_X (gd) |= CWC (1 << gdDevType);
GD_FLAGS_X (gd) &= CWC (~(1 << gdDevType));
GD_TYPE_X (gd) = (bpp > 8
? directType
: (fixed_p ? CWC (fixedType) : CWC (clutType)));
gd_pixmap = GD_PMAP (gd);
pixmap_set_pixel_fields (STARH (gd_pixmap), bpp);
if (bpp <= 8)
CTabHandle gd_color_table;
gd_color_table = PIXMAP_TABLE (gd_pixmap);
if (fixed_p)
if (! main_device_p)
gui_fatal ("unable to set bpp of gd not the screen");
CTabHandle gd_color_table;
gd_color_table = PIXMAP_TABLE (gd_pixmap);
SetHandleSize ((Handle) gd_color_table,
CTAB_STORAGE_FOR_SIZE ((1 << bpp) - 1));
CTAB_SIZE_X (gd_color_table) = CW ((1 << bpp) - 1);
vdriver_get_colors (0, 1 << bpp,
CTAB_TABLE (gd_color_table));
CTAB_SEED_X (gd_color_table) = CL (GetCTSeed ());
CTabHandle temp_color_table;
temp_color_table = GetCTable (color_p
? bpp
: (bpp + 32));
if (temp_color_table == NULL)
gui_fatal ("unable to get color table `%d'",
color_p ? bpp : (bpp + 32));
ROMlib_copy_ctab (temp_color_table, gd_color_table);
DisposCTable (temp_color_table);
CTAB_FLAGS_X (gd_color_table) = CTAB_GDEVICE_BIT_X;
MakeITable (gd_color_table, GD_ITABLE (gd), GD_RES_PREF (gd));
if (main_device_p && !fixed_p)
vdriver_set_colors (0, 1 << bpp, CTAB_TABLE (gd_color_table));
/* it seems that `gd_ref_num' describes which device to initialize,
and `mode' tells it what mode to start it in
i'm not sure how this relates to NeXT/vga video hardware, for now,
we do nothing */
P3 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, InitGDevice,
INTEGER, gd_ref_num,
LONGINT, mode,
GDHandle, gdh)
P3 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SetDeviceAttribute,
GDHandle, gdh,
INTEGER, attribute,
BOOLEAN, value)
if (value)
GD_FLAGS_X (gdh) |= CW (1 << attribute);
GD_FLAGS_X (gdh) &= CW (~(1 << attribute));
P1 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SetGDevice,
GDHandle, gdh)
if (TheGDevice != RM (gdh))
TheGDevice = RM (gdh);
ROMlib_invalidate_conversion_tables ();
P1 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, DisposGDevice,
GDHandle, gdh)
DisposHandle ((Handle) GD_ITABLE (gdh));
DisposPixMap (GD_PMAP (gdh));
/* FIXME: do other cleanup */
DisposHandle ((Handle) gdh);
P0 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, GetGDevice)
return MR (TheGDevice);
P0 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, GetDeviceList)
return MR (DeviceList);
P0 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, GetMainDevice)
GDHandle retval;
retval = MR (MainDevice);
/* Unfortunately, Realmz winds up dereferencing non-existent
memory unless noDriver is set, but PacMan Deluxe will have
trouble if that bit is set. */
if (ROMlib_creator == TICK ("RLMZ"))
GD_FLAGS_X (retval) |= CWC (1 << noDriver);
GD_FLAGS_X (retval) &= ~CWC (1 << noDriver);
return retval;
P1 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, GetMaxDevice,
Rect *, globalRect)
currently we have only a single device, so that has
the max pixel depth for any given region (tho we would
probably see if it intersects the main screen and return
NULL otherwise */
return MR (MainDevice);
P1 (PUBLIC pascal trap, GDHandle, GetNextDevice,
GDHandle, cur_device)
return GD_NEXT_GD (cur_device);
P4 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, DeviceLoop,
RgnHandle, rgn,
DeviceLoopDrawingProcPtr, drawing_proc,
LONGINT, user_data,
DeviceLoopFlags, flags)
GDHandle gd;
RgnHandle save_vis_rgn_x;
RgnHandle sect_rgn, gd_rect_rgn;
save_vis_rgn_x = PORT_VIS_REGION_X (thePort);
sect_rgn = NewRgn ();
gd_rect_rgn = NewRgn ();
/* Loop over all GDevices, looking for active screens. */
for (gd = MR (DeviceList); gd; gd = GD_NEXT_GD (gd))
if ((GD_FLAGS_X (gd) & CWC ((1 << screenDevice)
| (1 << screenActive)))
== CWC ((1 << screenDevice) | (1 << screenActive)))
/* NOTE: I'm blowing off some flags that come into play when
* you have multiple screens. I don't think anything terribly
* bad would happen even if we had multiple screens, but we
* don't. We can worry about it later.
if (!(flags & allDevices))
Rect gd_rect, *port_bounds;
/* Map the GDevice rect into thePort local coordinates. */
gd_rect = GD_RECT (gd);
port_bounds = &(PORT_BOUNDS (thePort));
OffsetRect (&gd_rect,
CW (port_bounds->left),
CW (port_bounds->top));
/* Intersect GDevice rect with the specified region. */
RectRgn (gd_rect_rgn, &gd_rect);
SectRgn (gd_rect_rgn, rgn, sect_rgn);
SectRgn (sect_rgn, PORT_VIS_REGION (thePort), sect_rgn);
/* Save it away in thePort. */
PORT_VIS_REGION_X (thePort) = RM (sect_rgn);
if ((flags & allDevices) || !EmptyRgn (sect_rgn))
CToPascalCall (drawing_proc, CTOP_DeviceLoopDrawingProcTemplate,
GD_FLAGS (gd), gd, user_data);
PORT_VIS_REGION_X (thePort) = save_vis_rgn_x;
DisposeRgn (gd_rect_rgn);
DisposeRgn (sect_rgn);
P4 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, DeviceLoopDrawingProcTemplate,
INTEGER, depth, INTEGER, deviceFlags, GDHandle, targetDevice,
LONGINT, userData)
/* Never used: only a dummy function to generate ctopflags! */
P2 (PUBLIC pascal trap, BOOLEAN, TestDeviceAttribute,
GDHandle, gdh,
INTEGER, attribute)
BOOLEAN retval;
retval = (GD_FLAGS (gdh) & (1 << attribute)) != 0;
return retval;
P2 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, ScreenRes,
INTEGER *, h_res,
INTEGER *, v_res)
*h_res = PIXMAP_HRES_X (GD_PMAP (MR (MainDevice)));
*v_res = PIXMAP_VRES_X (GD_PMAP (MR (MainDevice)));
P4 (PUBLIC pascal trap, INTEGER, HasDepth,
GDHandle, gdh,
INTEGER, which_flags,
INTEGER, flags)
flags &= ~1;
which_flags &= ~1;
if (gdh != MR (MainDevice)
|| bpp == 0)
return FALSE;
return (vdriver_acceptable_mode_p
(0, 0, bpp, ((which_flags & (1 << gdDevType))
? (flags & (1 << gdDevType)) == (1 << gdDevType)
: vdriver_grayscale_p),
P4 (PUBLIC pascal trap, OSErr, SetDepth,
GDHandle, gdh,
INTEGER, which_flags,
INTEGER, flags)
PixMapHandle gd_pixmap;
WindowPeek tw;
virtual_int_state_t int_state;
if (gdh != MR (MainDevice))
warning_unexpected ("Setting the depth of a device not the screen; "
"this violates bogus assumptions in SetDepth.");
gd_pixmap = GD_PMAP (gdh);
if (bpp == PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE (gd_pixmap))
return noErr;
int_state = block_virtual_ints ();
HideCursor ();
note_executor_changed_screen (0, vdriver_height);
if (bpp == 0 || !vdriver_set_mode (0, 0, bpp,
((which_flags & (1 << gdDevType))
? !(flags & (1 << gdDevType))
: vdriver_grayscale_p)))
/* IMV says this returns non-zero in error case; not positive
cDepthErr is correct; need to verify */
ShowCursor ();
restore_virtual_ints (int_state);
return cDepthErr;
if (vdriver_fbuf == NULL)
gui_fatal ("vdriver not initialized, unable to change bpp");
gd_set_bpp (gdh, !vdriver_grayscale_p, vdriver_fixed_clut_p, bpp);
PIXMAP_SET_ROWBYTES_X (gd_pixmap, CW (vdriver_row_bytes));
screenBitsX.rowBytes = CW (vdriver_row_bytes);
cursor_reset_current_cursor ();
ShowCursor ();
restore_virtual_ints (int_state);
/* FIXME: assuming (1) all windows are on the current
graphics device, and (2) the rowbytes and baseaddr
of the gdevice cannot change */
/* set the pixel size, rowbytes, etc
of windows and the window manager color graphics port */
if (WWExist == EXIST_YES)
for (tw = MR (WindowList); tw; tw = WINDOW_NEXT_WINDOW (tw))
GrafPtr gp;
gp = WINDOW_PORT (tw);
if (CGrafPort_p (gp))
PixMapHandle window_pixmap;
window_pixmap = CPORT_PIXMAP (gp);
PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (window_pixmap)
= PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (gd_pixmap);
PIXMAP_CMP_SIZE_X (window_pixmap)
= PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (gd_pixmap);
PIXMAP_SET_ROWBYTES_X (window_pixmap,
PIXMAP_ROWBYTES_X (gd_pixmap));
ROMlib_copy_ctab (PIXMAP_TABLE (gd_pixmap),
PIXMAP_TABLE (window_pixmap));
RGBForeColor (&CPORT_RGB_FG_COLOR (gp));
RGBBackColor (&CPORT_RGB_BK_COLOR (gp));
PIXMAP_ROWBYTES_X (gd_pixmap));
/* do the same for the WMgrCPort */
PixMapHandle wmgr_cport_pixmap;
wmgr_cport_pixmap = CPORT_PIXMAP (MR (WMgrCPort));
PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (wmgr_cport_pixmap)
= PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (gd_pixmap);
PIXMAP_CMP_SIZE_X (wmgr_cport_pixmap)
= PIXMAP_PIXEL_SIZE_X (gd_pixmap);
PIXMAP_SET_ROWBYTES_X (wmgr_cport_pixmap,
PIXMAP_ROWBYTES_X (gd_pixmap));
ROMlib_copy_ctab (PIXMAP_TABLE (gd_pixmap),
PIXMAP_TABLE (wmgr_cport_pixmap));
(MR (wmgr_port),
RGBForeColor (&ROMlib_black_rgb_color);
RGBBackColor (&ROMlib_white_rgb_color);
/* Redraw the screen if that's what changed. */
if (gdh == MR (MainDevice))
redraw_screen ();
return noErr;