
312 lines
8.5 KiB

/* Copyright 1986, 1989, 1990, 1995 by Abacus Research and
* Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
#if !defined (OMIT_RCSID_STRINGS)
char ROMlib_rcsid_windSize[] =
"$Id: windSize.c 63 2004-12-24 18:19:43Z ctm $";
/* Forward declarations in WindowMgr.h (DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE) */
#include "rsys/common.h"
#include "QuickDraw.h"
#include "CQuickDraw.h"
#include "WindowMgr.h"
#include "EventMgr.h"
#include "OSEvent.h"
#include "ToolboxUtil.h"
#include "MemoryMgr.h"
#include "rsys/cquick.h"
#include "rsys/wind.h"
#include "rsys/screen.h"
* Note, the code below probably be rewritten to use XorRgn as much
* as possible and probably have only one CalcVisBehind
P4(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, MoveWindow, WindowPtr, wp, INTEGER, h, INTEGER, v,
BOOLEAN, front)
GrafPtr gp;
RgnHandle movepart, updatepart, behindpart;
Rect r;
register WindowPeek w;
w = (WindowPeek) wp;
gp = thePort;
SetPort (MR (wmgr_port));
ClipRect (&GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice)));
movepart = NewRgn();
updatepart = NewRgn();
behindpart = NewRgn();
SectRgn(PORT_CLIP_REGION (MR (wmgr_port)),
WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), movepart);
#if 1
* CopyBits does unaligned 32-bit reads from the source, which can
* cause it to read beyond the framebuffer in certain circumstances.
* This is a cheesy way to prevent that from happening here. A
* better fix would be either in CopyBits or to force an extra page
* after the framebuffer.
Rect tmpr;
RgnHandle last_three_pixels;
tmpr = GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice));
tmpr.top = CW (CW (tmpr.bottom) - 1);
tmpr.left = CW (CW (tmpr.right) - 3);
last_three_pixels = NewRgn ();
RectRgn (last_three_pixels, &tmpr);
DiffRgn (movepart, last_three_pixels, movepart);
DisposeRgn (last_three_pixels);
CopyRgn(movepart, behindpart);
r = HxX (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), rgnBBox);
#if !defined(LETGCCWAIL)
movepart = 0;
updatepart = 0;
behindpart = 0;
#if 1
* NOTE: the use of portRect below was introduced by Bill, without comment
* either here or in the rcslog. But taking it out made the MSW5.1
* Picture editting window come up in the wrong place.
* (That could be due to other inconsistencies though, like the
h += CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).left) - CW (PORT_RECT (w).left);
v += CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).top) - CW (PORT_RECT (w).top);
h += CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).left);
v += CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).top);
OffsetRect (&r, h, v);
OffsetRgn (movepart, h, v);
SectRgn (movepart, PORT_CLIP_REGION (MR (wmgr_port)), movepart);
ClipRect (&GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice)));
WRAPPER_SET_PIXMAP_X (wrapper, GD_PMAP_X (MR (TheGDevice)));
#if defined(NEW_CLIP_HACK)
* This hack appears to be necessary because clipping via the
* clip-region isn't enough to prevent us from reading bits that
* are outside the framebuffer. If there is unmapped memory on
* either side of the framebuffer we can eat flaming death for
* just looking at it. This appears to happen under NT4.0.
Rect srcr, dstr;
SectRect (&HxX (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), rgnBBox),
&GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice)), &srcr);
dstr = GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice));
OffsetRect (&dstr, h, v);
SectRect (&dstr, &r, &dstr);
CopyBits (wrapper, wrapper, &srcr, &dstr, srcCopy, movepart);
CopyBits (wrapper, wrapper,
&HxX (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), rgnBBox), &r,
srcCopy, movepart);
OffsetRgn (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), h, v);
OffsetRgn (WINDOW_CONT_REGION (w), h, v);
OffsetRgn (WINDOW_UPDATE_REGION (w), h, v);
OffsetRect (&PORT_BOUNDS (w), -h, -v);
ClipRect (&GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice)));
DiffRgn (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (w), movepart, updatepart);
SectRgn (PORT_CLIP_REGION (MR (wmgr_port)), updatepart, updatepart);
DiffRgn(behindpart, movepart, behindpart);
DiffRgn(behindpart, updatepart, behindpart);
PaintOne(w, updatepart);
PaintBehind (WINDOW_NEXT_WINDOW (w), behindpart);
CalcVisBehind(w, updatepart);
CalcVisBehind (WINDOW_NEXT_WINDOW (w), behindpart);
CalcVisBehind (WINDOW_NEXT_WINDOW (w), movepart);
if (front)
SelectWindow((WindowPtr) w);
P3 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, DragWindow, WindowPtr, wp, Point, p, Rect *, rp)
RgnHandle rh;
EventRecord ev;
int cmddown;
Rect r;
(MR (wmgr_port),
GetOSEvent (0, &ev);
SetClip (MR (GrayRgn));
cmddown = ev.modifiers & CWC (cmdKey);
if (cmddown)
ClipAbove ((WindowPeek) wp);
rh = NewRgn ();
CopyRgn (WINDOW_STRUCT_REGION (wp), rh);
r = *rp;
if (CW (r.top) < 24)
r.top = CWC (24);
l = DragGrayRgn (rh, p, &r, &r, noConstraint, (ProcPtr) 0);
if ((uint32) l != 0x80008000)
(- CW (PORT_BOUNDS (wp).left)
+ LoWord (l) + CW (PORT_RECT (wp).left)),
(- CW (PORT_BOUNDS (wp).top)
+ HiWord (l) + CW (PORT_RECT (wp).top)),
DisposeRgn (rh);
#define SETUP_PORT(p) \
do \
{ \
SetPort (p); \
PenPat(gray); \
PenMode(notPatXor); \
} \
while (FALSE)
#define RESTORE_PORT(p) \
do \
{ \
PenPat(black); \
PenMode(patCopy); \
SetPort (p); \
} \
while (FALSE)
P3(PUBLIC pascal trap, LONGINT, GrowWindow, WindowPtr, w, Point, startp,
Rect *, rp)
EventRecord ev;
GrafPtr gp;
Point p;
Rect r;
Rect pinr;
p.h = startp.h;
p.v = startp.v;
#if 0
r.left = CW (- CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).left));
r.top = CW (- CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).top));
r.right = CW (CW (r.left) + RECT_WIDTH (&PORT_RECT (w)));
r.bottom = CW (CW (r.top) + RECT_HEIGHT (&PORT_RECT (w)));
r.left = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).left) - CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).left));
r.top = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).top) - CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).top));
r.right = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).right) - CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).left));
r.bottom = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).bottom) - CW (PORT_BOUNDS (w).top));
pinr.left = CW(CW(r.left) + CW(rp->left));
if (CW(pinr.left) <= CW(r.left) && CW(rp->left) > 0)
pinr.left = CWC(32767);
pinr.top = CW(CW(r.top) + CW(rp->top));
if (CW(pinr.top) <= CW(r.top) && CW(rp->top) > 0)
pinr.top = CWC(32767);
pinr.right = CW(CW(r.left) + CW(rp->right));
if (CW(pinr.right) <= CW(r.left) && CW(rp->right) > 0)
pinr.right = CWC(32767);
pinr.bottom = CW(CW(r.top) + CW(rp->bottom));
if (CW(pinr.bottom) <= CW(r.top) && CW(rp->bottom) > 0)
pinr.bottom = CWC(32767);
gp = thePort;
SETUP_PORT (MR ((GrafPtr) WMgrPort));
SETUP_PORT (MR (wmgr_port));
ClipRect (&GD_BOUNDS (MR (TheGDevice)));
ClipAbove((WindowPeek) w);
WINDCALL((WindowPtr) w, wGrow, (LONGINT) (long) &r);
while (!GetOSEvent(mUpMask, &ev))
ev.where.h = CW(ev.where.h);
ev.where.v = CW(ev.where.v);
l = PinRect (&pinr, ev.where);
ev.where.v = HiWord(l);
ev.where.h = LoWord(l);
if (p.h != ev.where.h || p.v != ev.where.v)
WINDCALL((WindowPtr) w, wGrow, (LONGINT) (long) &r);
r.right = CW(CW(r.right) + (ev.where.h - p.h));
r.bottom = CW(CW(r.bottom) + (ev.where.v - p.v));
WINDCALL((WindowPtr) w, wGrow, (LONGINT) (long) &r);
p.h = ev.where.h;
p.v = ev.where.v;
WINDCALL ((WindowPtr) w, wGrow, (LONGINT) (long) &r);
RESTORE_PORT (MR ((GrafPtr) WMgrPort));
if (p.h != startp.h || p.v != startp.v)
/*-->*/ return(((LONGINT)(CW(r.bottom) - CW(r.top)) << 16)|
(unsigned short)(CW(r.right) - CW(r.left)));
/* #### speedup? bag saveold, drawnew */
P4 (PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SizeWindow, WindowPtr, w,
INTEGER, width, INTEGER, height, BOOLEAN, flag)
if (width || height)
SaveOld ((WindowPeek) w);
PORT_RECT (w).right = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).left) + width);
PORT_RECT (w).bottom = CW (CW (PORT_RECT (w).top) + height);
(MR (wmgr_port),
WINDCALL (w, wCalcRgns, 0);
DrawNew ((WindowPeek) w, flag);