
907 lines
25 KiB

/* Copyright 1986, 1989, 1990 by Abacus Research and
* Development, Inc. All rights reserved.
#if !defined (OMIT_RCSID_STRINGS)
char ROMlib_rcsid_font[] =
"$Id: font.c 63 2004-12-24 18:19:43Z ctm $";
/* Forward declarations in FontMgr.h (DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE) */
#include "rsys/common.h"
#include "ResourceMgr.h"
#include "CQuickDraw.h"
#include "QuickDraw.h"
#include "MemoryMgr.h"
#include "FontMgr.h"
#include "ToolboxUtil.h"
#include "OSUtil.h"
#include "rsys/cquick.h"
#include "rsys/font.h"
#include "rsys/glue.h"
#define MAXTABLES 12
reset_myfmi (void)
ROMlib_myfmi.family = -1;
ROMlib_myfmi.size = -1;
ROMlib_myfmi.face = -1;
P0(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, InitFonts) /* IMI-222 */
static BOOLEAN beenhere = FALSE;
THz saveZone;
if (!beenhere) {
saveZone = TheZone;
TheZone = SysZone;
ROMFont0 = RM(GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(systemFont, 12)));
WidthListHand = RM(NewHandle(MAXTABLES * sizeof(HIDDEN_Handle)));
memset(STARH(MR(WidthListHand)), 0, MAXTABLES * sizeof(HIDDEN_Handle));
TheZone = saveZone;
beenhere = TRUE;
ApFontID = CW(Cx(SPFont) + 1);
SysFontSiz = CWC(12);
SysFontFam = 0;
#if 0
/* 95-09-20: PAUP uses a built in font that has fried width tables.
The bad tables won't hurt us if FractEnable is not set, so I ran
a test program on the Mac and found that FractEnable wasn't set
at the beginning of the program or even after InitFonts was called.
This suggests that the hack for WordPerfect is wrong. Perhaps
there's some bit in the Size resource that controls this thing,
perhpas the WordPerfect hack was always fried. Yahoo. */
FractEnable = 0xff; /* new mod for WordPerfect */
FScaleDisable = 0;
reset_myfmi ();
invalidate_all_widths (void)
int i, n_entries;
HIDDEN_Handle *hp;
Handle wlh;
wlh = MR (WidthListHand);
HLock (wlh);
n_entries = GetHandleSize (wlh) / sizeof (HIDDEN_Handle);
hp = (HIDDEN_Handle *) STARH (wlh);
for (i = 0; i < n_entries; ++i)
DisposHandle (MR (hp[i].p));
hp[i].p = CLC (0);
HUnlock (wlh);
ROMlib_shutdown_font_manager (void)
invalidate_all_widths ();
P2(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, GetFontName, INTEGER, fnum, /* IMI-223 */
StringPtr, fnam)
Handle h;
ResType rest;
if (fnum == systemFont)
fnum = CW(SysFontFam);
else if (fnum == applFont)
fnum = CW(ApFontID);
h = GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(fnum, 0));
if (!h)
h = GetResource(TICK("NFNT"), FONTRESID(fnum, 0));
if (!h)
h = GetResource(TICK("FOND"), fnum);
GetResInfo(h, &i, &rest, fnam);
if (ResError())
*fnam = 0;
* callable w/o pascal conventions
A2(PUBLIC, void, ROMlib_GetFontName, LONGINT, fnum, char *, fnam)
GetFontName(fnum, (StringPtr) fnam);
P2(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, GetFNum, StringPtr, fnam, /* IMI-223 */
INTEGER *, fnum)
Handle h;
ResType rest;
BOOLEAN shift;
h = GetNamedResource(TICK("FOND"), fnam);
if (h)
shift = FALSE;
shift = TRUE;
h = GetNamedResource(TICK("FONT"), fnam);
if (!h)
h = GetNamedResource(TICK("NFNT"), fnam);
GetResInfo(h, fnum, &rest, NULL);
if (ResError())
*fnum = 0;
else if (shift)
*fnum =CW( CW(*(unsigned short *) fnum) >> 7);
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SetFontLock, BOOLEAN, lflag) /* IMI-223 */
INTEGER attrs;
attrs = GetResAttrs(MR(ROMlib_fmo.fontHandle));
if (lflag) {
SetResAttrs(MR(ROMlib_fmo.fontHandle), attrs & ~resPurgeable);
} else { /* TODO: is the next line necessary */
SetResAttrs(MR(ROMlib_fmo.fontHandle), attrs | resPurgeable);
typedef char ctrip[3];
typedef struct {
INTEGER dpiv, dpih;
ctrip boldt, italt, nat, outt, shadt, condt, extt, undert;
} fchartstr;
PRIVATE fchartstr ftstr = {
80, 80, /* dpiv, dpih */
{ 0, 1, 1, }, /* boldt */
{ 1, 8, 0, }, /* italt */
{ 0, 0, 0, }, /* Not Used */
{ 5, 1, 1, }, /* outt */
{ 5, 2, 2, }, /* shadt */
{ 0, 0, -1, }, /* condt */
{ 0, 0, 1, }, /* extt */
{ 1, 1, 1, }, /* undert */
A2(PRIVATE, void, mungfmo, ctrip, cp, FMOutput *, fmop)
Byte *p;
p = &(fmop->bold);
i = cp[1];
if (i & 0x80)
i |= 0xFF00;
*(p + cp[0]) += i;
i = cp[2];
if (i & 0x80)
i |= 0xFF00;
fmop->extra = CB(CB(fmop->extra) + i);
#define MAXTABLES 12
A1(PRIVATE, BOOLEAN, widthlistmatch, FMInput *, fmip)
typedef struct { WHandle p PACKED_P; } HIDDEN_WHandle;
HIDDEN_WHandle *whp, *ewhp;
for (whp = (HIDDEN_WHandle *) STARH(WIDTHLISTHAND), ewhp = whp + MAXTABLES; whp != ewhp; whp++) {
if ((*whp).p && (LONGINT) (long) (*whp).p != (LONGINT) -1) {
WidthPtr = (*(MR((*whp).p))).p;
if (WIDTHPTR->aFID == fmip->family &&
WIDTHPTR->aSize == fmip->size &&
(char) WIDTHPTR->aFace == (char) fmip->face &&
WIDTHPTR->device == fmip->device &&
WIDTHPTR->inNumer.h == fmip->numer.h &&
WIDTHPTR->inNumer.v == fmip->numer.v &&
WIDTHPTR->inDenom.h == fmip->denom.h &&
WIDTHPTR->inDenom.v == fmip->denom.v &&
WIDTHPTR->fSize != -1 &&
WIDTHPTR->fSize != 0 &&
!WIDTHPTR->usedFam == !FractEnable) {
WidthTabHandle = (WidthTableHandle) (*whp).p;
HLock((Handle) MR(WidthTabHandle));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
A1(PRIVATE, int, countones, unsigned short, i)
int retval;
static int counts[] = {
0, /* 0 0 0 0 */
1, /* 0 0 0 1 */
1, /* 0 0 1 0 */
2, /* 0 0 1 1 */
1, /* 0 1 0 0 */
2, /* 0 1 0 1 */
2, /* 0 1 1 0 */
3, /* 0 1 1 1 */
1, /* 1 0 0 0 */
2, /* 1 0 0 1 */
2, /* 1 0 1 0 */
3, /* 1 0 1 1 */
2, /* 1 1 0 0 */
3, /* 1 1 0 1 */
3, /* 1 1 1 0 */
4, /* 1 1 1 1 */
retval = counts[i&0xF];
i >>= 4;
retval += counts[i&0xF];
i >>= 4;
retval += counts[i&0xF];
i >>= 4;
return retval + counts[i&0xF];
INTEGER nhappybits(unsigned short want, unsigned short have)
return (have & ~want) ? -1 : countones(have);
#define WIDTHBIT (1 << 1)
typedef struct {
unsigned short style;
INTEGER table[1]; /* actually more */
} widentry_t;
A0(PRIVATE, INTEGER *, findfondwidths)
INTEGER *retval, *numentriesminusone;
LONGINT offset;
INTEGER bitsmatched, newbits;
INTEGER tabsize;
widentry_t *widp;
retval = 0;
if (STARH((FHandle) MR(LastFOND))->ffFamID == WIDTHPTR->aFID &&
(offset = CL(STARH((FHandle)MR(LastFOND))->ffWTabOff))) {
bitsmatched = -1;
want = Cx(WIDTHPTR->aFace);
* NOTE: we add 3 to lastchar - firstchar to include the missing character
* entry and what appears to be a zero entry located thereafter.
tabsize = (CW(STARH((FHandle)MR(LastFOND))->ffLastChar) -
CW(STARH((FHandle)MR(LastFOND))->ffFirstChar) + 3)
* sizeof(INTEGER) + sizeof(INTEGER);
numentriesminusone = (INTEGER *)
((char *) &STARH((FHandle)MR(LastFOND))->ffFlags + offset);
i =Cx( *numentriesminusone) + 1;
widp = (widentry_t *) (numentriesminusone + 1);
for (; --i >= 0; widp = (widentry_t *) ((char *) widp + tabsize)) {
newbits = nhappybits(want, Cx(widp->style));
if (newbits > bitsmatched) {
retval = widp->table;
bitsmatched = newbits;
return retval;
#define FIXED(n) ((LONGINT) (n) << 16)
#define FIXED8(n) ((LONGINT) ((unsigned short) n) << 8)
#define FIXED4(n) (((LONGINT) ((unsigned short) n) << 4) * (Cx(WIDTHPTR->aSize)))
font_width_expand (Fixed width, Fixed fixed_extra, Fixed hOutputInverse)
Fixed retval;
retval = FixMul(width + fixed_extra, hOutputInverse);
return retval;
typedef enum { FontFract, FontInt, FondFract } howtobuild_t;
PRIVATE void buildtabdata(howtobuild_t howtobuild, INTEGER extra,
INTEGER *fondwidthtable)
INTEGER c, firstchar, lastchar, *widp, width;
Fixed *p, *ep, misswidth, hOutputInverse, fixed_extra;
FontRec *fp;
fp = MR( *(FontRec **)MR(WIDTHPTR->tabFont));
firstchar = Cx(fp->firstChar);
lastchar = Cx(fp->lastChar);
switch (howtobuild) {
case FontFract:
WIDTHPTR->usedFam = 0; /* don't really know what this should be */
widp = &fp->owTLoc + Cx(fp->owTLoc) + (lastchar - firstchar + 2);
fixed_extra = FIXED(extra);
misswidth = FIXED8(CW(widp[lastchar - firstchar + 1])) + fixed_extra;
/* NOTE: this assumes missing characters have the missing width in the
table. If this is wrong we need to look for missing characters
explictly */
for (c = 0, p = WIDTHPTR->tabData, ep = p + 256; p < ep; c++) {
if (c < firstchar || c > lastchar)
*p++ = CL(misswidth);
*p++ = CL(FIXED8(CW(*widp++)) + fixed_extra);
case FontInt:
WIDTHPTR->usedFam = 0;
widp = &fp->owTLoc + Cx(fp->owTLoc);
misswidth = FIXED((CW(widp[lastchar - firstchar + 1]) & 0xFF) + extra);
for (c = 0, p = WIDTHPTR->tabData, ep = p + 256; p < ep; c++) {
if (c < firstchar || c > lastchar)
*p++ = CL(misswidth);
else {
*p++ = (width = *widp++) == -1 ?
CL(FIXED((CW(width) & 0xFF) + extra));
case FondFract:
WIDTHPTR->usedFam = -1;
hOutputInverse = FixRatio(1<<8, Cx(WIDTHPTR->hOutput));
widp = fondwidthtable;
fixed_extra = FIXED(extra);
misswidth = FIXED4 (CW (widp[lastchar - firstchar + 1]));
misswidth = font_width_expand (misswidth, fixed_extra, hOutputInverse);
for (c = 0, p = WIDTHPTR->tabData, ep = p + 256; p < ep; c++) {
if (c < firstchar || c > lastchar)
*p++ = CL(misswidth);
else {
*p++ = CL(FixMul(FIXED4(CW(*widp)) + fixed_extra,
WIDTHPTR->tabData[' '] = CL(Cx(WIDTHPTR->tabData[' ']) +
A1(PRIVATE, void, buildtable, INTEGER, extra)
howtobuild_t howtobuild;
INTEGER *fondwidthtable;
Fixed tempfix;
INTEGER numerh, numerv, denomh, denomv;
#if !defined(LETGCCWAIL)
fondwidthtable = 0;
if (!FractEnable)
howtobuild = FontInt;
else if (MR(*(FontRec **)MR(WIDTHPTR->tabFont))->fontType & CWC(WIDTHBIT))
howtobuild = FontFract;
extra = 0;
* NOTE: The sleazy hack for checking for geneva below. This is because we
* used to use a System file that didn't have widths for geneva and
* everything worked fine. Now we have widths for geneva, but they
* appear to be too wide. I don't have time to figure out what's
* going on here, but since geneva is a toy font, I'm not too concerned
* right now. The trouble that the new sizes cause is in the Word 5.1
* ribbon control labels.
else if (WIDTHPTR->aFID != CWC(geneva) &&
(fondwidthtable = findfondwidths()))
howtobuild = FondFract;
extra = 0;
howtobuild = FontInt;
numerh = Cx(WIDTHPTR->inNumer.h);
numerv = Cx(WIDTHPTR->inNumer.v);
denomh = Cx(WIDTHPTR->inDenom.h);
denomv = Cx(WIDTHPTR->inDenom.v);
if (WIDTHPTR->fSize == WIDTHPTR->aSize) {
WIDTHPTR->hOutput = CW(FixRatio(numerh, denomh) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->vOutput = CW(FixRatio(numerv, denomv) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->hFactor =
WIDTHPTR->vFactor = CWC(256);
} else if (Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize) < Cx(WIDTHPTR->aSize) && FScaleDisable) {
WIDTHPTR->hOutput = CW(FixRatio(numerh, denomh) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->vOutput = CW(FixRatio(numerv, denomv) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->hFactor =
WIDTHPTR->vFactor = CW(FixRatio(Cx(WIDTHPTR->aSize),
Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize)) >> 8);
} else {
tempfix = FixRatio(Cx(WIDTHPTR->aSize), Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize));
WIDTHPTR->hOutput = CW(FixMul(tempfix, FixRatio(numerh, denomh)) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->vOutput = CW(FixMul(tempfix, FixRatio(numerv, denomv)) >> 8);
WIDTHPTR->hFactor =
WIDTHPTR->vFactor = CWC(256);
#if 0 /* WTF is going on here? */
WIDTHPTR->style = CW(extra);
buildtabdata(howtobuild, extra, fondwidthtable);
A4(PRIVATE, void, findclosestfont, INTEGER, family, INTEGER, size,
INTEGER *, lesserp, INTEGER *, greaterp)
INTEGER i, lesser, greater, id, newsize, nres;
ResType rest;
Handle h;
lesser = 0;
greater = 32767;
nres = CountResources(TICK("FONT")); /* how about NFNT? */
for (i = 1; i <= nres; i++) {
h = GetIndResource(TICK("FONT"), i);
GetResInfo(h, &id, &rest, (StringPtr) 0);
if (((unsigned short) id >> 7) == family) {
if ((newsize = id & ((1 << 7) - 1)) <= size) {
if (newsize > lesser)
lesser = newsize;
} else {
if (newsize < greater)
greater = newsize;
*lesserp = lesser;
*greaterp = greater == 32767 ? 0 : greater;
A5(PRIVATE, void, findclosestfond, FHandle, fh, INTEGER, size,
INTEGER *, powerof2p, INTEGER *, lesserp, INTEGER *, greaterp)
fatabentry *p, *ep;
INTEGER newsize;
INTEGER powerof2, lesser, greater, *ip;
powerof2 = 0;
lesser = 0;
greater = 32767;
ip = &STARH(fh)->ffVersion + 1;
for (p = (fatabentry *) (ip + 1), ep = p + Cx(*ip) + 1; p < ep; p++) {
newsize = Cx(p->size);
if (newsize < size) {
if (newsize == size / 2)
powerof2 = newsize; /* lower priority than *2, but */
/* we know these entries are ordered */
if (newsize > lesser)
lesser = newsize;
} else if (newsize == size) {
powerof2 = newsize;
/*-->*/ break;
} else {
if (newsize == size * 2)
powerof2 = newsize;
if (newsize < greater)
greater = newsize;
*powerof2p = powerof2;
*lesserp = lesser;
*greaterp = greater == 32767 ? 0 : greater;
P2(PUBLIC pascal trap, BOOLEAN, RealFont, INTEGER, fnum, /* IMI-223 */
Handle h;
int retval;
h = GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(fnum, sz));
if (!h)
h = GetResource(TICK("NFNT"), FONTRESID(fnum, sz));
retval = !!h;
if (!retval)
FHandle fh;
fh = (FHandle) GetResource (TICK ("FOND"), fnum);
if (fh)
INTEGER powerof2, lesser, greater;
findclosestfond (fh, sz, &powerof2, &lesser, &greater);
if (powerof2 == sz)
retval = TRUE;
return retval;
A0(PRIVATE, INTEGER, closestface) /* no args, uses WIDTHPTR */
fatabentry *p, *ep, *bestp;
INTEGER *ip, nmatch, want, newmatch;
bestp = 0;
size = Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize);
ip = &STARH((FHandle)MR(LastFOND))->ffVersion + 1;
nmatch = -1;
want = Cx(WIDTHPTR->aFace);
for (p = (fatabentry *) (ip + 1), ep = p + CW(*ip) + 1;
p < ep && Cx(p->size) <= size; p++) {
if (!bestp)
bestp = p; /* pick something */
if ((Cx(p->size) == size) && !(Cx(p->style) & ~want)) {
if ((newmatch = countones(Cx(p->style) & want)) >= nmatch) {
/* note, IMIV is vague on precedence, so I choose the
last entry, though all I need is some comparison
function for bestp->style and p->style */
nmatch = newmatch;
bestp = p;
WIDTHPTR->face = bestp->style;
return Cx(bestp->fontresid);
at_least_one_fond_entry (INTEGER family)
FHandle retval;
retval = (FHandle) GetResource (TICK("FOND"), family);
if (retval)
INTEGER powerof2, lesser, greater;
LoadResource ((Handle) retval);
findclosestfond (retval, 1, &powerof2, &lesser, &greater);
if (greater == 0)
retval = 0;
return retval;
* TODO: NFNT below
#define AVAILABLE(x) (WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW((x)), WIDTHPTR->tabFont = \
RM(GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(family, (x)))))
A1(PRIVATE, void, newwidthtable, FMInput *, fmip)
FHandle fh;
INTEGER lesser, greater, wanted_family, family, fontresid, powerof2;
LONGINT todelete;
THz savezone;
boolean_t tried_app_font;
int n_tried_sys_font;
savezone = TheZone;
TheZone = SysZone;
WidthTabHandle = (WidthTableHandle) RM(NewHandle((Size) sizeof(WidthTable)));
TheZone = savezone;
Munger((Handle) MR(WidthListHand), (LONGINT) 0, (Ptr) 0, 0,
(Ptr) &WidthTabHandle, sizeof(WidthTabHandle));
* NOTE: the code below is a bit confusing. What is going on is we always want
* to put the new entry in the front, but if we've grown too large then
* we try to find a (Handle) 0 or a (Handle) -1) to delete. If we find
* neither we delete the last entry.
if (GetHandleSize((Handle) MR(WidthListHand)) >
(int) sizeof(HIDDEN_Handle) * MAXTABLES) {
todelete = 0;
if (Munger((Handle) MR(WidthListHand), (LONGINT) 0, (Ptr) &todelete,
sizeof(todelete), (Ptr) "", 0) < 0) {
todelete = -1;
if (Munger((Handle) MR(WidthListHand), (LONGINT) 0, (Ptr) &todelete,
sizeof(todelete), (Ptr) "", 0) < 0) {
(Size) sizeof(HIDDEN_Handle) * MAXTABLES);
HLock((Handle) MR(WidthTabHandle));
WidthPtr = (*MR(WidthTabHandle)).p;
WIDTHPTR->sExtra = PORT_SP_EXTRA_X (thePort);
WIDTHPTR->inNumer = fmip->numer;
WIDTHPTR->inDenom = fmip->denom;
WIDTHPTR->aFID = fmip->family;
WIDTHPTR->aFace = fmip->face;
WIDTHPTR->aSize = fmip->size;
WIDTHPTR->device = fmip->device;
WIDTHPTR->tabSize = 0; /* I don't know what this field is, but it */
/* appears to have flags in it */
fh = 0;
wanted_family = Cx (fmip->family);
tried_app_font = FALSE;
n_tried_sys_font = 0;
if ((fh = at_least_one_fond_entry(wanted_family))
|| GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(wanted_family, Cx(fmip->size)))
|| GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(wanted_family, 0)))
family = wanted_family;
else if ((fh = at_least_one_fond_entry (Cx(ApFontID)))
|| GetResource(TICK("FONT"), FONTRESID(Cx(ApFontID), 0)))
family = Cx(ApFontID);
tried_app_font = TRUE;
fh = at_least_one_fond_entry (Cx(SysFontFam));
family = Cx(SysFontFam);
tried_app_font = TRUE;
WIDTHPTR->tabFont = 0;
while (!WIDTHPTR->tabFont && n_tried_sys_font < 2) {
WIDTHPTR->fHand = RM((Handle) fh);
WIDTHPTR->fID = CW(family);
if (fh) {
LastFOND = RM((FamRecHandle) fh);
findclosestfond(fh, Cx(fmip->size), &powerof2, &lesser, &greater);
if (powerof2 == Cx(fmip->size))
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(powerof2);
else {
if (FScaleDisable)
WIDTHPTR->fSize = lesser ? CW(lesser) : CW(greater);
else {
if (powerof2)
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(powerof2);
else {
if (!greater || (lesser &&
Cx(fmip->size) - lesser <= greater - Cx(fmip->size)))
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(lesser);
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(greater);
if (!WIDTHPTR->fSize)
fprintf(stderr, "fh: fSize = 0\n");
fontresid = closestface();
if (!(WIDTHPTR->tabFont = RM(GetResource(TICK("NFNT"), fontresid))))
WIDTHPTR->tabFont = RM(GetResource(TICK("FONT"), fontresid));
if (!WIDTHPTR->tabFont)
WIDTHPTR->tabFont =
FONTRESID(family, Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize))));
if (!WIDTHPTR->tabFont)
warning_unexpected (NULL_STRING);
if (!WIDTHPTR->tabFont) {
WIDTHPTR->face = 0;
if (!AVAILABLE(Cx(fmip->size))) {
if (FScaleDisable) {
findclosestfont(family, Cx(fmip->size), &lesser, &greater);
WIDTHPTR->fSize = lesser ? CW(lesser) : CW(greater);
WIDTHPTR->tabFont = RM(GetResource(TICK("FONT"),
FONTRESID(family, Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize))));
} else {
if (!AVAILABLE(Cx(fmip->size) * 2) &&
!AVAILABLE(Cx(fmip->size) / 2)) {
findclosestfont(family, Cx(fmip->size), &lesser, &greater);
if (lesser &&
(Cx(fmip->size) - lesser <= greater - Cx(fmip->size)))
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(lesser);
WIDTHPTR->fSize = CW(greater);
WIDTHPTR->tabFont = RM(GetResource(TICK("FONT"),
FONTRESID(family, Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize))));
if (!WIDTHPTR->tabFont) {
if (!tried_app_font)
tried_app_font = TRUE;
family = Cx(ApFontID);
fh = at_least_one_fond_entry (family);
else if (n_tried_sys_font < 2)
family = Cx (SysFontFam);
fh = at_least_one_fond_entry (family);
LoadResource (MR (WIDTHPTR->tabFont));
if (!WIDTHPTR->fSize)
warning_unexpected ("!fh: fSize = 0, family = %d\n",
(LONGINT) Cx(fmip->family));
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, FMOutPtr, FMSwapFont, FMInput *, fmip) /* IMI-223 */
Style style;
FontRec *fp;
INTEGER savesize, savefamily;
BOOLEAN needtobuild;
savesize = fmip->size;
if (Cx(fmip->size) <= 0)
fmip->size = SysFontSiz;
if (Cx(fmip->size) <= 0)
fmip->size = CWC(12);
if (fmip->denom.h == fmip->numer.h) {
fmip->denom.h = CWC(256);
fmip->numer.h = CWC(256);
if (fmip->denom.v == fmip->numer.v) {
fmip->denom.v = CWC(256);
fmip->numer.v = CWC(256);
if (Cx(fmip->family) == applFont) {
savefamily = fmip->family;
fmip->family = ApFontID;
} else
savefamily = fmip->family;
if (fmip->family == 0)
savefamily = 0;
fmip->family = SysFontFam;
if (fmip->family != ROMlib_myfmi.family ||
fmip->size != ROMlib_myfmi.size ||
fmip->face != ROMlib_myfmi.face ||
fmip->device != ROMlib_myfmi.device ||
fmip->numer.h != ROMlib_myfmi.numer.h ||
fmip->numer.v != ROMlib_myfmi.numer.v ||
fmip->denom.h != ROMlib_myfmi.denom.h ||
fmip->denom.v != ROMlib_myfmi.denom.v ||
WIDTHPTR->fSize == -1 ||
WIDTHPTR->fSize == 0 ||
(fmip->needBits && !ROMlib_myfmi.needBits)) {
if ((needtobuild = !widthlistmatch(fmip)))
ROMlib_myfmi = *fmip;
ROMlib_fmo.errNum = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.bold = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.italic = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.ulOffset = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.ulShadow = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.ulThick = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.shadow = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.extra = 0;
ROMlib_fmo.numer.h = CW(
(LONGINT) Cx(fmip->numer.h) * 256 * Cx(fmip->size) /
Cx(fmip->denom.h) / Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize));
ROMlib_fmo.numer.v = CW(
(LONGINT) Cx(fmip->numer.v) * 256 * Cx(fmip->size) /
Cx(fmip->denom.v) / Cx(WIDTHPTR->fSize));
ROMlib_fmo.denom.h = CWC(256);
ROMlib_fmo.denom.v = CWC(256);
ROMlib_fmo.fontHandle = WIDTHPTR->tabFont;
fp = (FontRec *) STARH((MR(ROMlib_fmo.fontHandle)));
style = Cx(fmip->face) ^ Cx(WIDTHPTR->face);
if (style & (int) bold )
mungfmo(ftstr.boldt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) italic)
mungfmo(ftstr.italt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) outline)
mungfmo(ftstr.outt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) shadow)
mungfmo(ftstr.shadt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) condense)
mungfmo(ftstr.condt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) extend)
mungfmo(ftstr.extt, &ROMlib_fmo);
if (style & (int) underline) {
ROMlib_fmo.ulOffset += ftstr.undert[0];
ROMlib_fmo.ulShadow += ftstr.undert[1];
ROMlib_fmo.ulThick += ftstr.undert[2];
if (needtobuild)
* TODO: examine the stuff below, particularly widMax. I don't think
* widMax will be correct if scaling is disabled and we expand
* characters. This will cause serious trouble when we allocate
* too small a bitmap
ROMlib_fmo.ascent = CW(fp->ascent) + !!ROMlib_fmo.shadow;
ROMlib_fmo.descent = CW(fp->descent) + ROMlib_fmo.shadow;
ROMlib_fmo.widMax = CW(fp->widMax) + !!ROMlib_fmo.shadow +
ROMlib_fmo.shadow + ROMlib_fmo.bold;
ROMlib_fmo.leading = CW(fp->leading);
} else {
WidthPtr = (*MR(WidthTabHandle)).p;
fmip->size = savesize;
fmip->family = savefamily;
HUnlock((Handle) MR(WidthTabHandle));
LastFOND = (FamRecHandle) WIDTHPTR->fHand;
return &ROMlib_fmo;
#define SCALE(x) FixRatio(x * CW(fmop->numer.v), CW(fmop->denom.v))
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, FontMetrics, FMetricRec *, metrp) /* IMIV-32 */
FMInput fmi;
FMOutPtr fmop;
fmi.family = PORT_TX_FONT_X (thePort);
fmi.size = PORT_TX_SIZE_X (thePort);
fmi.face = PORT_TX_FACE_X (thePort);
fmi.needBits = CB(FALSE);
fmi.device = PORT_DEVICE_X (thePort);
fmi.numer.v = CWC(1);
fmi.numer.h = CWC(1);
fmi.denom.v = CWC(1);
fmi.denom.h = CWC(1);
fmop = FMSwapFont(&fmi);
/* TODO: check out thePort->device and use the FOND stuff if not
going to the screen */
metrp->ascent = CL(SCALE(Cx(fmop->ascent)));
metrp->descent = CL(SCALE(Cx(fmop->descent)));
metrp->leading = CL(SCALE(Cx(fmop->leading)));
metrp->widMax = CL(SCALE(Cx(fmop->widMax)));
metrp->wTabHandle = (Handle) WidthTabHandle;
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SetFScaleDisable, /* IMIV-32 */
BOOLEAN, disable)
if (FScaleDisable != (Byte) disable)
FScaleDisable = disable;
invalidate_all_widths ();
reset_myfmi ();
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, void, SetFractEnable, BOOLEAN, enable) /* IMIV-32 */
FractEnable = enable;