%define name BasiliskII %define version 0.9 %define release 1 Summary: 68k Macintosh emulator Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: %{release} Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Emulators Source: %{name}_src_08122000.tar.gz URL: http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bauec002/B2Main.html BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root # While the data file path (/usr/share/BasiliskII) is compiled into the # executable, the data files are not required for operation and their location # can be overridden with prefs items, so I consider this package to be # relocatable. Prefix: %{_prefix} %description Basilisk II is an Open Source 68k Macintosh emulator. That is, it enables you to run 68k MacOS software on you computer, even if you are using a different operating system. However, you still need a copy of MacOS and a Macintosh ROM image to use Basilisk II. Some features of Basilisk II: - Emulates either a Mac Classic (which runs MacOS 0.x thru 7.5) or a Mac II series machine (which runs MacOS 7.x, 8.0 and 8.1), depending on the ROM being used - Color video display - CD quality sound output - Floppy disk driver (only 1.44MB disks supported) - Driver for HFS partitions and hardfiles - CD-ROM driver with basic audio functions - Easy file exchange with the host OS via a "Host Directory Tree" icon on the Mac desktop - Ethernet driver - Serial drivers - SCSI Manager (old-style) emulation - Emulates extended ADB keyboard and 3-button mouse - Uses UAE 68k emulation or (under AmigaOS and NetBSD/m68k) real 68k processor %prep %setup -q %build cd src/Unix CFLAGS=${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} CXXFLAGS=${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} if [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ] ; then NCPU=$(/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) if [ $NCPU -eq 0 ] ; then NCPU=1 fi else NCPU=1 fi PARL=$[ $NCPU + 1 ] make -j $PARL %install rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} cd src/Unix make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc ChangeLog COPYING INSTALL README TECH TODO %{_bindir}/BasiliskII %{_mandir}/man1/BasiliskII.1* %config %{_datadir}/BasiliskII/keycodes %config %{_datadir}/BasiliskII/fbdevices