The comment for the predecessor of hexbin.

 * xbin -- unpack BinHex format file into suitable
 * format for downloading with macput
 * Dave Johnson, Brown University Computer Science
 * (c) 1984 Brown University
 * may be used but not sold without permission
 * created ddj 12/16/84
 * revised ddj 03/10/85 -- version 4.0 compatibility, other minor mods
 * revised ddj 03/11/85 -- strip LOCKED bit from m_flags
 * revised ahm 03/12/85 -- System V compatibility
 * revised dba 03/16/85 -- (Darin Adler, TMQ Software)  4.0 EOF fixed,
 *			   4.0 checksum added
 * revised ddj 03/17/85 -- extend new features to older formats: -l, stdin
 * revised ddj 03/24/85 -- check for filename truncation, allow multiple files
 * revised ddj 03/26/85 -- fixed USG botches, many problems w/multiple files
 * revised jcb 03/30/85 -- (Jim Budler, amdcad!jimb), revised for compatibility
 *			   with 16-bit int machines
 * revised dl  06/16/85 -- (Dan LaLiberte, liberte@uiucdcs) character
 *			   translation speedup
 * revised ddj 09/30/85 -- fixed problem with run of RUNCHAR
 * revised gvr 11/15/86 -- speed-up: rewrote .hqx decoding (mcvax!guido)
 * revised jwm 04/26/88 -- now recognizes "(Convert with" as a starting line
 *		      -- the widely-used Stuffit uses this as a header
 * revised dtw ../../89 -- hqx format will skip garbage lines; undoes some of
 *			-- gvr's work.  will now also recognize .dl format.