#include #include #include "emu.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "m68k.h" #include "disp.h" #include "iwm.h" #include "via.h" #include "rtc.h" #include "ncr.h" unsigned char *macRom; unsigned char *macRam; int rom_remap, video_remap=0, audio_remap=0; unsigned int m68k_read_memory_8(unsigned int address) { unsigned int ret; unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); if (address < 0x400000) { if (rom_remap) { ret=macRom[address & (TME_ROMSIZE-1)]; } else { ret=macRam[address & (TME_RAMSIZE-1)]; } } else if (address >= 0x600000 && address < 0xA00000) { ret=macRam[(address-0x600000) & (TME_RAMSIZE-1)]; } else if (address >= 0x400000 && address<0x41FFFF) { int romAdr=address-0x400000; if (romAdr>=TME_ROMSIZE) printf("PC %x:Huh? Read from ROM mirror (%x)\n", pc, address); ret=macRom[romAdr&(TME_ROMSIZE-1)]; } else if (address >= 0xE80000 && address < 0xf00000) { ret=viaRead((address>>9)&0xf); } else if (address >= 0xc00000 && address < 0xe00000) { ret=iwmRead((address>>9)&0xf); } else if (address >= 0x580000 && address < 0x600000) { ret=ncrRead((address>>4)&0x7, (address>>7)&1); } else { printf("PC %x: Read from %x\n", pc, address); ret=0xff; } // printf("Rd %x = %x\n", address, ret); return ret; } void m68k_write_memory_8(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { unsigned int pc=m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_PC); if (address < 0x400000 && !rom_remap) { macRam[address & (TME_RAMSIZE-1)]=value; } else if (address >= 0x600000 && address < 0xA00000) { macRam[(address-0x600000) & (TME_RAMSIZE-1)]=value; } else if (address >= 0xE80000 && address < 0xf00000) { viaWrite((address>>9)&0xf, value); } else if (address >= 0xc00000 && address < 0xe00000) { iwmWrite((address>>9)&0xf, value); } else if (address >= 0x580000 && address < 0x600000) { ncrWrite((address>>4)&0x7, (address>>7)&1, value); } else { printf("PC %x: Write to %x: %x\n", pc, address, value); } } //Should be called every second. void printFps() { struct timeval tv; static struct timeval oldtv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (oldtv.tv_sec!=0) { long msec=(tv.tv_sec-oldtv.tv_sec)*1000; msec+=(tv.tv_usec-oldtv.tv_usec)/1000; printf("Speed: %d%%\n", 100000/msec); } oldtv.tv_sec=tv.tv_sec; oldtv.tv_usec=tv.tv_usec; } #define GRAN 100 void tmeStartEmu(void *rom) { int ca1=0, ca2=0; int x, frame=0; macRom=rom; macRam=malloc(TME_RAMSIZE); for (int x=0; x=60) { ca2^=1; viaControlWrite(VIA_CA2, ca2); rtcTick(); frame=0; printFps(); } } } void viaIrq(int req) { // printf("IRQ %d\n", req); m68k_set_irq(req?1:0); } //Mac uses an 68008, which has an external 16-bit bus. Hence, it should be okay to do everything using 16-bit //reads/writes. unsigned int m68k_read_memory_32(unsigned int address) { unsigned int ret; ret=m68k_read_memory_16(address)<<16; ret|=m68k_read_memory_16(address+2); return ret; } unsigned int m68k_read_memory_16(unsigned int address) { unsigned int ret; ret=m68k_read_memory_8(address)<<8; ret|=m68k_read_memory_8(address+1); return ret; } void m68k_write_memory_32(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { m68k_write_memory_16(address, value>>16); m68k_write_memory_16(address+2, value); } void m68k_write_memory_16(unsigned int address, unsigned int value) { m68k_write_memory_8(address, (value>>8)&0xff); m68k_write_memory_8(address+1, value&0xff); } void m68k_int_ack(int irq) { //Mac has level interrupts; no ack. Fake by raising the irq as soon as //it's serviced. m68k_set_irq(irq); } void viaCbPortAWrite(unsigned int val) { video_remap=(val&(1<<6))?1:0; rom_remap=(val&(1<<4))?1:0; audio_remap=(val&(1<<3))?1:0; } void viaCbPortBWrite(unsigned int val) { int b; b=rtcCom(val&4, val&1, val&2); if (b) viaSet(VIA_PORTB, 1); else viaClear(VIA_PORTB, 1); }