minivmac4ios/Mini vMac WatchKit Extension/InterfaceController.m

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2024-03-25 19:27:26 +00:00
// InterfaceController.m
// Mini vMac WatchKit Extension
// Created by Jesús A. Álvarez on 14/10/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 namedfork. All rights reserved.
2024-03-27 17:10:05 +00:00
@import Foundation;
@import UIKit;
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@import ObjectiveC.runtime;
@import WatchConnectivity;
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#import "InterfaceController.h"
#import "EmulatorProtocol.h"
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@interface NSObject (fs_override)
-(NSArray *)viewControllers;
-(NSArray *)subviews;
-(void)_setStatusBarTimeHidden:(BOOL)hidden animated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void (^)(void))completion;
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2024-03-25 19:27:26 +00:00
@interface InterfaceController ()
@implementation InterfaceController
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NSObject<Emulator> *emulator;
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+ (void)load {
/* Hack to make the digital time overlay disappear (on watchOS 6) */
Class CLKTimeFormatter = NSClassFromString(@"CLKTimeFormatter");
if ([CLKTimeFormatter instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(timeText)]) {
Method m = class_getInstanceMethod(CLKTimeFormatter, @selector(timeText));
method_setImplementation(m, imp_implementationWithBlock(^NSString*(id self, SEL _cmd) { return @" "; }));
- (void)awakeWithContext:(id)context {
[super awakeWithContext:context];
- (void)hideTimeLabel {
/* Hack to make the digital time overlay disappear (on watchOS 5) */
id fullScreenView = [self fullScreenView];
if ([fullScreenView respondsToSelector:@selector(timeLabel)]) {
[[[fullScreenView timeLabel] layer] setOpacity:0];
2024-03-27 17:10:05 +00:00
/* Hack to make the digital time overlay disappear (on watchOS 7 and 8) */
2024-03-25 19:27:26 +00:00
Class PUICApplication = NSClassFromString(@"PUICApplication");
if ([PUICApplication instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(_setStatusBarTimeHidden:animated:completion:)]) {
[[PUICApplication sharedApplication] _setStatusBarTimeHidden:YES animated:NO completion:nil];
- (id)fullScreenView {
id parentView = [[[[[[NSClassFromString(@"UIApplication") sharedApplication] keyWindow] rootViewController] viewControllers] firstObject] view];
id view = [self findDescendantViewOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"SPFullScreenView") inView:parentView]; // watchOS 5
if (view == nil) {
view = [self findDescendantViewOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"SPInterfaceRemoteView") inView:parentView]; // watchOS 6
return view;
- (id)findDescendantViewOfClass:(Class)viewClass inView:(id)parentView {
for (NSObject *view in [parentView subviews]) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:viewClass]) {
return view;
} else {
id foundView = [self findDescendantViewOfClass:viewClass inView:view];
if (foundView != nil) return foundView;
return nil;
- (void)didAppear {
[self hideTimeLabel];
2024-03-27 17:10:05 +00:00
if (emulator == nil) {
[self loadAndStartEmulator];
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- (void)willActivate {
if ([WKExtension sharedExtension].applicationState == WKApplicationStateActive) {
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emulator.running = YES;
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- (void)didDeactivate {
// This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible
[super didDeactivate];
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emulator.running = NO;
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- (void)sessionReachabilityDidChange:(WCSession *)session {
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//uint32_t connected = session.activationState == WCSessionActivationStateActivated && session.reachable;
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2024-03-27 17:10:05 +00:00
- (void)loadAndStartEmulator {
Class emulatorClass = NSClassFromString(@"MacPlus4MEmulator");
emulator = [emulatorClass new];
emulator.rootViewController = nil;
emulator.showAlert = ^(NSString *title, NSString *message) {
NSLog(@"Alert: %@ - %@", title, message);
emulator.dataPath = [NSBundle mainBundle].resourcePath;
emulator.screenLayer = [[self fullScreenView] layer];
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emulator.speed = emulator.initialSpeed;
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[emulator.screenLayer setContentsGravity:@"CAGravityResizeAspectFill"];
[emulator.screenLayer setAffineTransform:CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_2), 0.375, 0.375)];
[emulator.screenLayer setMinificationFilter:@"CAFilterTrilinear"];
[emulator performSelector:@selector(run) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1];
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