use core::fmt::Write; use emulator_hal::{BusAccess, Instant as EmuInstant}; use crate::state::{Z80Error, Z80Address} ; use crate::instructions::{ Direction, Condition, Register, RegisterPair, IndexRegister, IndexRegisterHalf, SpecialRegister, InterruptMode, Target, LoadTarget, UndocumentedCopy, Instruction, }; //use emulator_hal::bus::BusAccess; // //type Z80Address = (bool, u16); #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Z80Decoder { pub start: Z80Address, pub end: Z80Address, pub extra_instruction_bytes: u16, pub instruction: Instruction, } impl Default for Z80Decoder { fn default() -> Self { Self { start: 0, end: 0, extra_instruction_bytes: 0, instruction: Instruction::NOP, } } } impl Z80Decoder { fn new(start: Z80Address) -> Self { Self { start, end: start, extra_instruction_bytes: 0, instruction: Instruction::NOP, } } } impl Z80Decoder { pub fn decode_at(bus: &mut Bus, clock: Bus::Instant, start: Z80Address) -> Result where Bus: BusAccess, { let mut decoder: DecodeNext<'_, Bus, Bus::Instant> = DecodeNext { clock, bus, decoder: Z80Decoder::new(start), }; decoder.decode_one()?; Ok(decoder.decoder) } /* pub fn format_instruction_bytes(&mut self) -> String { let mut ins_data = String::new(); for offset in 0..self.decoder.end.saturating_sub(self.decoder.start) { write!(ins_data, "{:02x} ", self.bus.read_u8(self.clock, self.decoder.start + offset).unwrap()).unwrap() } ins_data } pub fn dump_decoded(&mut self) { let ins_data = self.format_instruction_bytes(); println!("{:#06x}: {}\n\t{:?}\n", self.decoder.start, ins_data, self.decoder.instruction); } pub fn dump_disassembly(&mut self, start: Z80Address, length: Z80Address) { let mut next = start; while next < (start + length) { match self.decode_at(self.clock, next) { Ok(()) => { self.dump_decoded(); next = self.decoder.end; }, Err(err) => { println!("{:?}", err); return; }, } } } */ } pub struct DecodeNext<'a, Bus, Instant> where Bus: BusAccess, { clock: Instant, bus: &'a mut Bus, decoder: Z80Decoder, } impl<'a, Bus, Instant> DecodeNext<'a, Bus, Instant> where Bus: BusAccess, Instant: EmuInstant, { pub fn decode_one(&mut self) -> Result<(), Z80Error> { let ins = self.read_instruction_byte()?; self.decoder.instruction = self.decode_bare(ins, 0)?; Ok(()) } pub fn decode_bare( &mut self, ins: u8, extra_instruction_bytes: u16, ) -> Result { self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes = extra_instruction_bytes; match get_ins_x(ins) { 0 => match get_ins_z(ins) { 0 => match get_ins_y(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::NOP), 1 => Ok(Instruction::EXafaf), 2 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::DJNZ(offset)) }, 3 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::JR(offset)) }, y => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::JRcc(get_condition(y - 4), offset)) }, }, 1 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { let data = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data), )) } else { Ok(Instruction::ADD16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))) } }, 2 => { if (ins & 0x20) == 0 { let target = match (ins & 0x10) != 0 { false => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::BC), true => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(RegisterPair::DE), }; match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 { false => Ok(Instruction::LD(target, LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))), true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), target)), } } else { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; match (ins >> 3) & 0x03 { 0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL))), 1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))), 2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A))), 3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), LoadTarget::IndirectByte(addr))), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } }, 3 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { Ok(Instruction::INC16(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))) } else { Ok(Instruction::DEC16(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))) } }, 4 => Ok(Instruction::INC8(get_register(get_ins_y(ins)))), 5 => Ok(Instruction::DEC8(get_register(get_ins_y(ins)))), 6 => { let data = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_y(ins))), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data))) }, 7 => match get_ins_y(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::RLCA), 1 => Ok(Instruction::RRCA), 2 => Ok(Instruction::RLA), 3 => Ok(Instruction::RRA), 4 => Ok(Instruction::DAA), 5 => Ok(Instruction::CPL), 6 => Ok(Instruction::SCF), 7 => Ok(Instruction::CCF), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, 1 => { if ins == 0x76 { Ok(Instruction::HALT) } else { Ok(Instruction::LD( to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_y(ins))), to_load_target(get_register(get_ins_z(ins))), )) } }, 2 => Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)))), 3 => match get_ins_z(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::RETcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)))), 1 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { Ok(Instruction::POP(get_register_pair_alt(get_ins_p(ins)))) } else { match get_ins_p(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::RET), 1 => Ok(Instruction::EXX), 2 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(RegisterPair::HL)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::SP), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::HL), )), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } }, 2 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::JPcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr)) }, 3 => match get_ins_y(ins) { 0 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::JP(addr)) }, 1 => self.decode_prefix_cb(), 2 => { let port = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(Instruction::OUTx(port)) }, 3 => { let port = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(Instruction::INx(port)) }, 4 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(RegisterPair::HL)), 5 => Ok(Instruction::EXhlde), 6 => Ok(Instruction::DI), 7 => Ok(Instruction::EI), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, 4 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::CALLcc(get_condition(get_ins_y(ins)), addr)) }, 5 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { Ok(Instruction::PUSH(get_register_pair_alt(get_ins_p(ins)))) } else { match get_ins_p(ins) { 0 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::CALL(addr)) }, 1 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(IndexRegister::IX), 2 => self.decode_prefix_ed(), 3 => self.decode_prefix_dd_fd(IndexRegister::IY), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } }, 6 => { let data = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(get_alu_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), Target::Immediate(data))) }, 7 => Ok(Instruction::RST(get_ins_y(ins) * 8)), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } pub fn decode_prefix_cb(&mut self) -> Result { let ins = self.read_instruction_byte()?; match get_ins_x(ins) { 0 => Ok(get_rot_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)), None)), 1 => Ok(Instruction::BIT(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)))), 2 => Ok(Instruction::RES(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)), None)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::SET(get_ins_y(ins), get_register(get_ins_z(ins)), None)), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } pub fn decode_sub_prefix_cb(&mut self, reg: IndexRegister) -> Result { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; let ins = self.read_instruction_byte()?; let opt_copy = match get_ins_z(ins) { 6 => None, //Some(Target::DirectReg(Register::F)), z => Some(get_register(z)), }; match get_ins_x(ins) { 0 => Ok(get_rot_instruction(get_ins_y(ins), Target::IndirectOffset(reg, offset), opt_copy)), 1 => Ok(Instruction::BIT(get_ins_y(ins), Target::IndirectOffset(reg, offset))), 2 => Ok(Instruction::RES(get_ins_y(ins), Target::IndirectOffset(reg, offset), opt_copy)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::SET(get_ins_y(ins), Target::IndirectOffset(reg, offset), opt_copy)), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } pub fn decode_prefix_ed(&mut self) -> Result { let ins = self.read_instruction_byte()?; match get_ins_x(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::NOP), 1 => match get_ins_z(ins) { 0 => { let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins)); if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target { Ok(Instruction::INic(reg)) } else { Ok(Instruction::INicz) } }, 1 => { let target = get_register(get_ins_y(ins)); if let Target::DirectReg(reg) = target { Ok(Instruction::OUTic(reg)) } else { Ok(Instruction::OUTicz) } }, 2 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { Ok(Instruction::SBC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))) } else { Ok(Instruction::ADC16(RegisterPair::HL, get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins)))) } }, 3 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))), )) } else { Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(get_register_pair(get_ins_p(ins))), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), )) } }, 4 => Ok(Instruction::NEG), 5 => { if get_ins_y(ins) == 1 { Ok(Instruction::RETI) } else { Ok(Instruction::RETN) } }, 6 => match get_ins_y(ins) & 0x03 { 0 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)), 1 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode0)), 2 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode1)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::IM(InterruptMode::Mode2)), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, 7 => match get_ins_y(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::FromAcc)), 1 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::FromAcc)), 2 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::I, Direction::ToAcc)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::LDsr(SpecialRegister::R, Direction::ToAcc)), 4 => Ok(Instruction::RRD), 5 => Ok(Instruction::RLD), _ => Ok(Instruction::NOP), }, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, 2 => match ins { 0xA0 => Ok(Instruction::LDI), 0xA1 => Ok(Instruction::CPI), 0xA2 => Ok(Instruction::INI), 0xA3 => Ok(Instruction::OUTI), 0xA8 => Ok(Instruction::LDD), 0xA9 => Ok(Instruction::CPD), 0xAA => Ok(Instruction::IND), 0xAB => Ok(Instruction::OUTD), 0xB0 => Ok(Instruction::LDIR), 0xB1 => Ok(Instruction::CPIR), 0xB2 => Ok(Instruction::INIR), 0xB3 => Ok(Instruction::OTIR), 0xB8 => Ok(Instruction::LDDR), 0xB9 => Ok(Instruction::CPDR), 0xBA => Ok(Instruction::INDR), 0xBB => Ok(Instruction::OTDR), _ => Ok(Instruction::NOP), }, 3 => Ok(Instruction::NOP), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } pub fn decode_prefix_dd_fd(&mut self, index_reg: IndexRegister) -> Result { let ins = self.read_instruction_byte()?; if ins == 0xCB { return self.decode_sub_prefix_cb(index_reg); } match get_ins_x(ins) { 0 => { if (ins & 0x0F) == 9 { return Ok(Instruction::ADD16(index_reg.into(), get_register_pair_index(get_ins_p(ins), index_reg))); } match get_ins_p(ins) { 2 => match get_ins_z(ins) { 1 => { let data = self.read_instruction_word()?; Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(index_reg.into()), LoadTarget::ImmediateWord(data))) }, 2 => { let addr = self.read_instruction_word()?; let regpair = index_reg.into(); match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 { false => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair))), true => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(regpair), LoadTarget::IndirectWord(addr))), } }, 3 => match get_ins_q(ins) != 0 { false => Ok(Instruction::INC16(index_reg.into())), true => Ok(Instruction::DEC16(index_reg.into())), }, 4 => { self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes = 4; let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins))); Ok(Instruction::INC8(half_target)) }, 5 => { self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes = 4; let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins))); Ok(Instruction::DEC8(half_target)) }, 6 => { self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes = 4; let half_target = Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins))); let data = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(Instruction::LD(to_load_target(half_target), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data))) }, _ => self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }, 3 => match ins { 0x34 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::INC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset))) }, 0x35 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::DEC8(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset))) }, 0x36 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; let immediate = self.read_instruction_byte()?; Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset), LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(immediate), )) }, _ => self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }, _ => self.decode_bare(ins, 4), } }, 1 => match get_ins_p(ins) { 0 | 1 => { let target = match self.decode_index_target(index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? { Some(target) => target, None => return self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }; match (ins & 0x18) >> 3 { 0 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::B), to_load_target(target))), 1 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::C), to_load_target(target))), 2 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::D), to_load_target(target))), 3 => Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::E), to_load_target(target))), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } }, 2 => { let src = match get_ins_z(ins) { 0 => Target::DirectReg(Register::B), 1 => Target::DirectReg(Register::C), 2 => Target::DirectReg(Register::D), 3 => Target::DirectReg(Register::E), 4 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 0)), 5 => Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 1)), 6 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; let src = to_load_target(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)); if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::H), src)); } else { return Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::L), src)); } }, 7 => Target::DirectReg(Register::A), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }; let dest = get_index_register_half(index_reg, get_ins_q(ins)); Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(dest), to_load_target(src))) }, 3 => { if get_ins_q(ins) == 0 { if get_ins_z(ins) == 6 { return self.decode_bare(ins, 4); } let src = get_register(get_ins_z(ins)); let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(index_reg, offset), to_load_target(src))) } else { let target = match self.decode_index_target(index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? { Some(target) => target, None => return self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }; Ok(Instruction::LD(LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(Register::A), to_load_target(target))) } }, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), }, 2 => { self.decoder.extra_instruction_bytes = 4; let target = match self.decode_index_target(index_reg, get_ins_z(ins))? { Some(target) => target, None => return self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }; match get_ins_y(ins) { 0 => Ok(Instruction::ADDa(target)), 1 => Ok(Instruction::ADCa(target)), 2 => Ok(Instruction::SUB(target)), 3 => Ok(Instruction::SBCa(target)), 4 => Ok(Instruction::AND(target)), 5 => Ok(Instruction::XOR(target)), 6 => Ok(Instruction::OR(target)), 7 => Ok(Instruction::CP(target)), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } }, 3 => match ins { 0xE1 => Ok(Instruction::POP(index_reg.into())), 0xE3 => Ok(Instruction::EXsp(index_reg.into())), 0xE5 => Ok(Instruction::PUSH(index_reg.into())), 0xE9 => Ok(Instruction::JPIndirect(index_reg.into())), 0xF9 => Ok(Instruction::LD( LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(RegisterPair::SP), LoadTarget::DirectRegWord(index_reg.into()), )), _ => self.decode_bare(ins, 4), }, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn decode_index_target( &mut self, index_reg: IndexRegister, z: u8, ) -> Result, Z80Error> { let result = match z { 4 => Some(Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 0))), 5 => Some(Target::DirectRegHalf(get_index_register_half(index_reg, 1))), 6 => { let offset = self.read_instruction_byte()? as i8; Some(Target::IndirectOffset(index_reg, offset)) }, _ => None, }; Ok(result) } fn read_instruction_byte(&mut self) -> Result { let byte = self.bus.read_u8(self.clock, self.decoder.end) .map_err(|err| Z80Error::BusError(format!("{:?}", err)))?; self.decoder.end = self.decoder.end.wrapping_add(1); Ok(byte) } fn read_instruction_word(&mut self) -> Result { let mut bytes = [0; 2]; for byte in bytes.iter_mut() { *byte = self.bus.read_u8(self.clock, self.decoder.end & 0xFFFF) .map_err(|err| Z80Error::BusError(format!("{:?}", err)))?; self.decoder.end = self.decoder.end.wrapping_add(1); } Ok(u16::from_le_bytes(bytes)) } } impl From for RegisterPair { fn from(value: IndexRegister) -> Self { match value { IndexRegister::IX => RegisterPair::IX, IndexRegister::IY => RegisterPair::IY, } } } fn get_alu_instruction(alu: u8, target: Target) -> Instruction { match alu { 0 => Instruction::ADDa(target), 1 => Instruction::ADCa(target), 2 => Instruction::SUB(target), 3 => Instruction::SBCa(target), 4 => Instruction::AND(target), 5 => Instruction::XOR(target), 6 => Instruction::OR(target), 7 => Instruction::CP(target), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn get_rot_instruction(rot: u8, target: Target, opt_copy: UndocumentedCopy) -> Instruction { match rot { 0 => Instruction::RLC(target, opt_copy), 1 => Instruction::RRC(target, opt_copy), 2 => Instruction::RL(target, opt_copy), 3 => Instruction::RR(target, opt_copy), 4 => Instruction::SLA(target, opt_copy), 5 => Instruction::SRA(target, opt_copy), 6 => Instruction::SLL(target, opt_copy), 7 => Instruction::SRL(target, opt_copy), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn get_register(reg: u8) -> Target { match reg { 0 => Target::DirectReg(Register::B), 1 => Target::DirectReg(Register::C), 2 => Target::DirectReg(Register::D), 3 => Target::DirectReg(Register::E), 4 => Target::DirectReg(Register::H), 5 => Target::DirectReg(Register::L), 6 => Target::IndirectReg(RegisterPair::HL), 7 => Target::DirectReg(Register::A), _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn to_load_target(target: Target) -> LoadTarget { match target { Target::DirectReg(reg) => LoadTarget::DirectRegByte(reg), Target::DirectRegHalf(reg) => LoadTarget::DirectRegHalfByte(reg), Target::IndirectReg(reg) => LoadTarget::IndirectRegByte(reg), Target::IndirectOffset(reg, offset) => LoadTarget::IndirectOffsetByte(reg, offset), Target::Immediate(data) => LoadTarget::ImmediateByte(data), } } fn get_register_pair(reg: u8) -> RegisterPair { match reg { 0 => RegisterPair::BC, 1 => RegisterPair::DE, 2 => RegisterPair::HL, 3 => RegisterPair::SP, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn get_register_pair_index(reg: u8, index_reg: IndexRegister) -> RegisterPair { match reg { 0 => RegisterPair::BC, 1 => RegisterPair::DE, 2 => index_reg.into(), 3 => RegisterPair::SP, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn get_register_pair_alt(reg: u8) -> RegisterPair { match reg { 0 => RegisterPair::BC, 1 => RegisterPair::DE, 2 => RegisterPair::HL, 3 => RegisterPair::AF, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } fn get_index_register_half(reg: IndexRegister, q: u8) -> IndexRegisterHalf { match reg { IndexRegister::IX => { if q == 0 { IndexRegisterHalf::IXH } else { IndexRegisterHalf::IXL } }, IndexRegister::IY => { if q == 0 { IndexRegisterHalf::IYH } else { IndexRegisterHalf::IYL } }, } } fn get_condition(cond: u8) -> Condition { match cond { 0 => Condition::NotZero, 1 => Condition::Zero, 2 => Condition::NotCarry, 3 => Condition::Carry, 4 => Condition::ParityOdd, 5 => Condition::ParityEven, 6 => Condition::Positive, 7 => Condition::Negative, _ => panic!("InternalError: impossible value"), } } /// Z80 Decode /// /// Based on an algorithm described in a Romanian book called "Ghidul Programatorului ZX Spectrum" /// ("The ZX Spectrum Programmer's Guide") via /// /// Instructions are broken up into x, y, and z parts, or alternatively into x, p, q, and z parts /// +----------------------+ /// Bits : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 /// | X | Y | X | /// P Q /// +----------------------+ fn get_ins_x(ins: u8) -> u8 { (ins >> 6) & 0x03 } fn get_ins_y(ins: u8) -> u8 { (ins >> 3) & 0x07 } fn get_ins_z(ins: u8) -> u8 { ins & 0x07 } fn get_ins_p(ins: u8) -> u8 { (ins >> 4) & 0x03 } fn get_ins_q(ins: u8) -> u8 { (ins >> 3) & 0x01 }