import io import struct import typing from .. import _io_utils class DecompressError(Exception): """Raised when resource data decompression fails, because the data is invalid or the compression type is not supported.""" # The signature of all compressed resource data, 0xa89f6572 in hex, or "®üer" in MacRoman. COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE = b"\xa8\x9fer" # The number of the "type 8" compression type. This type is used in the Finder, ResEdit, and some other system files. COMPRESSED_TYPE_8 = 0x0801 # The number of the "type 9" compression type. This type is used in the System file and System 7.5's Installer. COMPRESSED_TYPE_9 = 0x0901 # Common header for compressed resources of all types. # 4 bytes: Signature (see above). # 2 bytes: Length of the complete header (this common part and the type-specific part that follows it). (This meaning is just a guess - the field's value is always 0x0012, so there's no way to know for certain what it means.) # 2 bytes: Compression type. Known so far: 0x0801 ("type 8") and 0x0901 ("type 9"). # 4 bytes: Length of the data after decompression. # 6 bytes: Remainder of the header. The exact format varies depending on the compression type. STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER = struct.Struct(">4sHHI6s") # Remainder of header for a "type 8" compressed resource. # 1 byte: "Working buffer fractional size" - the ratio of the compressed data size to the uncompressed data size, times 256. # 1 byte: "Expansion buffer size" - the maximum number of bytes that the data might grow during decompression. # 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 0 is supported. # 2 bytes: Reserved (always zero). STRUCT_COMPRESSED_TYPE_8_HEADER = struct.Struct(">BBhH") # Remainder of header for a "type 9" compressed resource. # 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 2 is supported. # 4 bytes: Decompressor-specific parameters. STRUCT_COMPRESSED_TYPE_9_HEADER = struct.Struct(">h4s") class CompressedHeaderInfo(object): @classmethod def parse_stream(cls, stream: typing.BinaryIO) -> "CompressedHeaderInfo": try: signature, header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, remainder = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER.unpack( except struct.error: raise DecompressError("Invalid header") if signature != COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE: raise DecompressError(f"Invalid signature: {signature!r}, expected {COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE!r}") if header_length not in {0, 0x12}: raise DecompressError(f"Unsupported header length value: 0x{header_length:>04x}, expected 0x12 or 0") if compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_8: working_buffer_fractional_size, expansion_buffer_size, dcmp_id, reserved = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_TYPE_8_HEADER.unpack(remainder) if reserved != 0: raise DecompressError(f"Reserved field should be 0, not 0x{reserved:>04x}") return CompressedType8HeaderInfo(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id, working_buffer_fractional_size, expansion_buffer_size) elif compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_9: dcmp_id, parameters = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_TYPE_9_HEADER.unpack(remainder) return CompressedType9HeaderInfo(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id, parameters) else: raise DecompressError(f"Unsupported compression type: 0x{compression_type:>04x}") @classmethod def parse(cls, data: bytes) -> "CompressedHeaderInfo": return cls.parse_stream(io.BytesIO(data)) header_length: int compression_type: int decompressed_length: int dcmp_id: int def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.header_length = header_length self.compression_type = compression_type self.decompressed_length = decompressed_length self.dcmp_id = dcmp_id class CompressedType8HeaderInfo(CompressedHeaderInfo): working_buffer_fractional_size: int expansion_buffer_size: int def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int, working_buffer_fractional_size: int, expansion_buffer_size: int) -> None: super().__init__(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id) self.working_buffer_fractional_size = working_buffer_fractional_size self.expansion_buffer_size = expansion_buffer_size def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__qualname__}(header_length={self.header_length}, compression_type=0x{self.compression_type:>04x}, decompressed_length={self.decompressed_length}, dcmp_id={self.dcmp_id}, working_buffer_fractional_size={self.working_buffer_fractional_size}, expansion_buffer_size={self.expansion_buffer_size})" class CompressedType9HeaderInfo(CompressedHeaderInfo): parameters: bytes def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int, parameters: bytes) -> None: super().__init__(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id) self.parameters = parameters def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__qualname__}(header_length={self.header_length}, compression_type=0x{self.compression_type:>04x}, decompressed_length={self.decompressed_length}, dcmp_id={self.dcmp_id}, parameters={self.parameters!r})" def read_exact(stream: typing.BinaryIO, byte_count: int) -> bytes: """Read byte_count bytes from the stream and raise an exception if too few bytes are read (i. e. if EOF was hit prematurely).""" try: return _io_utils.read_exact(stream, byte_count) except EOFError as e: raise DecompressError(str(e)) def read_variable_length_integer(stream: typing.BinaryIO) -> int: """Read a variable-length integer from the stream. This variable-length integer format is used by the 0xfe codes in the compression formats used by 'dcmp' (0) and 'dcmp' (1). """ head = read_exact(stream, 1) if head[0] == 0xff: return int.from_bytes(read_exact(stream, 4), "big", signed=True) elif head[0] >= 0x80: data_modified = bytes([(head[0] - 0xc0) & 0xff]) + read_exact(stream, 1) return int.from_bytes(data_modified, "big", signed=True) else: return int.from_bytes(head, "big", signed=True)