import enum import io import struct import typing from . import common # Parameters for a 'dcmp' (2)-compressed resource. # 2 bytes: Unknown meaning, doesn't appear to have any effect on the decompression algorithm. Usually zero, sometimes set to a small integer (< 10). On 'lpch' resources, the value is always nonzero, and sometimes larger than usual. # 1 byte: Number of entries in the custom lookup table minus one. Set to zero if the default lookup table is used. # 1 byte: Flags. See the ParameterFlags enum below for details. STRUCT_PARAMETERS = struct.Struct(">HBB") # Default lookup table. # If the custom table flag is set, a custom table (usually with fewer than 256 entries) is used instead of this one. # This table was obtained by decompressing a manually created compressed resource with the following contents: # b'\xa8\x9fer\x00\x12\t\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00' + bytes(range(256)) DEFAULT_TABLE_DATA = ( b"\x00\x00\x00\x08N\xba nNu\x00\x0c\x00\x04p\x00" b"\x00\x10\x00\x02Hn\xff\xfc`\x00\x00\x01H\xe7/." b"NV\x00\x06N^/\x00a\x00\xff\xf8/\x0b\xff\xff" b"\x00\x14\x00\n\x00\x18 _\x00\x0e P?<\xff\xf4" b"L\xee0.g\x00L\xdf&n\x00\x12\x00\x1cBg" b"\xff\xf00\x00HA\xff\xeaC\xeeNqt\x00" b"/, l\x00<\x00&\x00P\x18\x800\x1f\"\x00" b"f\x0c\xff\xda\x008f\x020, \x0c-nB@" b"\xff\xe2\xa9\xf0\xff\x007|\xe5\x80\xff\xdcHhYO" b"\x004>\x1f`\x08/\x06\xff\xde`\np\x02\x002" b"\xff\xcc\x00\x80\"Q\x10\x1f1|\xa0)\xff\xd8R@" b"\x01\x00g\x10\xa0#\xff\xce\xff\xd4 \x06Hx\x00." b"POC\xfag\x12v\x00A\xe8Jn \xd9\x00Z" b"\x7f\xffQ\xca\x00\\.\x00\x02@H\xc7g\x14\x0c\x80" b".\x9f\xff\xd6\x80\x00\x10\x00HBJk\xff\xd2\x00H" b"JGN\xd1 o\x00A`\x0c*xB.2\x00" b"etg\x16\x00DHm \x08Hl\x0b|&@" b"\x04\x00\x00h m\x00\r*@\x00\x0b\x00>\x02 " ) DEFAULT_TABLE = [DEFAULT_TABLE_DATA[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(DEFAULT_TABLE_DATA), 2)] class ParameterFlags(enum.Flag): TAGGED = 1 << 1 # The compressed data is tagged, meaning that it consists of "blocks" of a tag byte followed by 8 table references and/or literals. See comments in the decompress function for details. CUSTOM_TABLE = 1 << 0 # A custom lookup table is included before the compressed data, which is used instead of the default table. def _split_bits(i: int) -> typing.Tuple[bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool]: """Split a byte (an int) into its 8 bits (a tuple of 8 bools).""" assert i in range(256) return ( bool(i & (1 << 7)), bool(i & (1 << 6)), bool(i & (1 << 5)), bool(i & (1 << 4)), bool(i & (1 << 3)), bool(i & (1 << 2)), bool(i & (1 << 1)), bool(i & (1 << 0)), ) def _decompress_untagged(stream: "common.PeekableIO", decompressed_length: int, table: typing.Sequence[bytes], *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: while True: # Loop is terminated when EOF is reached. table_index_data = if not table_index_data: # End of compressed data. break elif not stream.peek(1) and decompressed_length % 2 != 0: # Special case: if we are at the last byte of the compressed data, and the decompressed data has an odd length, the last byte is a single literal byte, and not a table reference. if debug: print(f"Last byte: {table_index_data}") yield table_index_data break # Compressed data is untagged, every byte is a table reference. (table_index,) = table_index_data if debug: print(f"Reference: {table_index} -> {table[table_index]}") yield table[table_index] def _decompress_tagged(stream: "common.PeekableIO", decompressed_length: int, table: typing.Sequence[bytes], *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: while True: # Loop is terminated when EOF is reached. tag_data = if not tag_data: # End of compressed data. break elif not stream.peek(1) and decompressed_length % 2 != 0: # Special case: if we are at the last byte of the compressed data, and the decompressed data has an odd length, the last byte is a single literal byte, and not a tag or a table reference. if debug: print(f"Last byte: {tag_data}") yield tag_data break # Compressed data is tagged, each tag byte is followed by 8 table references and/or literals. (tag,) = tag_data if debug: print(f"Tag: 0b{tag:>08b}") for is_ref in _split_bits(tag): if is_ref: # This is a table reference (a single byte that is an index into the table). table_index_data = if not table_index_data: # End of compressed data. break (table_index,) = table_index_data if debug: print(f"Reference: {table_index} -> {table[table_index]}") yield table[table_index] else: # This is a literal (two uncompressed bytes that are literally copied into the output). literal = if not literal: # End of compressed data. break # Note: the literal may be only a single byte long if it is located exactly at EOF. This is intended and expected - the 1-byte literal is yielded normally, and on the next iteration, decompression is terminated as EOF is detected. if debug: print(f"Literal: {literal}") yield literal def decompress_stream(header_info: common.CompressedHeaderInfo, stream: typing.BinaryIO, *, debug: bool=False) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: """Decompress compressed data in the format used by 'dcmp' (2).""" if not isinstance(header_info, common.CompressedType9HeaderInfo): raise common.DecompressError(f"Incorrect header type: {type(header_info).__qualname__}") unknown, table_count_m1, flags_raw = STRUCT_PARAMETERS.unpack(header_info.parameters) if debug: print(f"Value of unknown parameter field: 0x{unknown:>04x}") table_count = table_count_m1 + 1 if debug: print(f"Table has {table_count} entries") try: flags = ParameterFlags(flags_raw) except ValueError: raise common.DecompressError(f"Unsupported flags set: 0b{flags_raw:>08b}, currently only bits 0 and 1 are supported") if debug: print(f"Flags: {flags}") if ParameterFlags.CUSTOM_TABLE in flags: table = [] for _ in range(table_count): table.append(common.read_exact(stream, 2)) if debug: print(f"Using custom table: {table}") else: if table_count_m1 != 0: raise common.DecompressError(f"table_count_m1 field is {table_count_m1}, but must be zero when the default table is used") table = DEFAULT_TABLE if debug: print("Using default table") if ParameterFlags.TAGGED in flags: decompress_func = _decompress_tagged else: decompress_func = _decompress_untagged yield from decompress_func(common.make_peekable(stream), header_info.decompressed_length, table, debug=debug)