dgelessus 3a72bd3406 Remove leading underscores where they don't make much sense
The leading underscore is meant to distinguish private (for internal
use only) APIs from public (for external use) APIs. One can argue about
where the line between public and private should be, but if something
is used from other modules (as with read_variable_length_integer) it's
not really private IMHO.

In scripts (like __main__) it also doesn't make much sense to use
leading underscores, because the entire file is never meant to be used
by external code.
2019-10-01 21:26:41 +02:00

301 lines
12 KiB

import typing
from . import common
# Lookup table for codes in range(0x4b, 0xfe).
# This table was obtained by decompressing a manually created compressed resource with the following contents:
# b'\xa8\x9fer\x00\x12\x08\x01\x00\x00\x01f\x80\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00' + bytes(range(0x4b, 0xfe)) + b'\xff'
# First line corresponds to codes in range(0x4b, 0x50).
# All following lines correspond to 8 codes each.
b"N\xad S/\x0ba\x00\x00\x10p\x00/\x00Hn"
b" P n/.\xff\xfcH\xe7?<\x00\x04\xff\xf8"
b"/\x0c \x06N\xedNV hN^\x00\x01X\x8f"
b"H\xc0\xff\xf0-@\x00\x120.p\x01/( T"
b"g\x00\x00 \x00\x1c _\x18\x00&oHx\x00\x16"
b"A\xfa0<(@r\x00(n \x0cf\x00 k"
b"/\x07U\x8f\x00(\xff\xfe\xff\xec\"\xd8 \x0b\x00\x0f"
b"\x00$ x\x08\x00f\x04\x00*N\xd00(&_"
b"g\x04\x000C\xee?\x00 \x1f\x00\x1e\xff\xf6 ."
b"B\xa7 \x07\xff\xfa`\x02=@\x0c@f\x06\x00&"
b"=|\x008\x00\r`\x06B. <g\x0c-h"
b"0\x07Bg\x002 (\x00\tHz\x02\x00/+"
b"f\x0c.\x00\xff\xee m @\xff\xe0S@`\x08"
# Last line corresponds to codes in range(0xf8, 0xfe).
# Note: index 0 in this table corresponds to code 0x4b, index 1 to 0x4c, etc.
TABLE = [TABLE_DATA[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(TABLE_DATA), 2)]
assert len(TABLE) == len(range(0x4b, 0xfe))
def decompress(header_info: common.CompressedHeaderInfo, data: bytes, *, debug: bool=False) -> bytes:
"""Decompress compressed data in the format used by 'dcmp' (0)."""
if not isinstance(header_info, common.CompressedApplicationHeaderInfo):
raise common.DecompressError(f"Incorrect header type: {type(header_info).__qualname__}")
prev_literals: typing.List[bytes] = []
decompressed = b""
i = 0
while i < len(data):
byte = data[i]
if debug:
print(f"Tag byte 0x{byte:>02x}, at 0x{i:x}, decompressing to 0x{len(decompressed):x}")
if byte in range(0x00, 0x20):
# Literal byte sequence.
if byte in (0x00, 0x10):
# The length of the literal data is stored in the next byte.
count_div2 = data[i+1]
begin = i + 2
# The length of the literal data is stored in the low nibble of the tag byte.
count_div2 = byte >> 0 & 0xf
begin = i + 1
end = begin + 2*count_div2
# Controls whether or not the literal is stored so that it can be referenced again later.
do_store = byte >= 0x10
literal = data[begin:end]
if debug:
print(f"Literal (storing: {do_store})")
print(f"\t-> {literal}")
decompressed += literal
if do_store:
if debug:
print(f"\t-> stored as literal number 0x{len(prev_literals):x}")
i = end
elif byte in (0x20, 0x21):
# Backreference to a previous literal, 2-byte form.
# This can reference literals with index in range(0x28, 0x228).
table_index = 0x28 + ((byte - 0x20) << 8 | data[i+1])
i += 2
if debug:
print(f"Backreference (2-byte form) to 0x{table_index:>02x}")
literal = prev_literals[table_index]
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {literal}")
decompressed += literal
elif byte == 0x22:
# Backreference to a previous literal, 3-byte form.
# This can reference any literal with index 0x28 and higher, but is only necessary for literals with index 0x228 and higher.
table_index = 0x28 + int.from_bytes(data[i+1:i+3], "big", signed=False)
i += 3
if debug:
print(f"Backreference (3-byte form) to 0x{table_index:>02x}")
literal = prev_literals[table_index]
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {literal}")
decompressed += literal
elif byte in range(0x23, 0x4b):
# Backreference to a previous literal, 1-byte form.
# This can reference literals with indices in range(0x28).
table_index = byte - 0x23
i += 1
if debug:
print(f"Backreference (1-byte form) to 0x{table_index:>02x}")
literal = prev_literals[table_index]
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {literal}")
decompressed += literal
elif byte in range(0x4b, 0xfe):
# Reference into a fixed table of two-byte literals.
# All compressed resources use the same table.
table_index = byte - 0x4b
i += 1
if debug:
print(f"Fixed table reference to 0x{table_index:>02x}")
entry = TABLE[table_index]
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {entry}")
decompressed += entry
elif byte == 0xfe:
# Extended code, whose meaning is controlled by the following byte.
i += 1
kind = data[i]
if debug:
print(f"Extended code: 0x{kind:>02x}")
i += 1
if kind == 0x00:
# Compact representation of (part of) a segment loader jump table, as used in 'CODE' (0) resources.
if debug:
print(f"Segment loader jump table entries")
# All generated jump table entries have the same segment number.
segment_number_int, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
if debug:
print(f"\t-> segment number: {segment_number_int:#x}")
# The tail part of all jump table entries (i. e. everything except for the address).
entry_tail = b"?<" + segment_number_int.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=True) + b"\xa9\xf0"
if debug:
print(f"\t-> tail of first entry: {entry_tail}")
# The tail is output once *without* an address in front, i. e. the first entry's address must be generated manually by a previous code.
decompressed += entry_tail
count, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
if count <= 0:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Jump table entry count must be greater than 0, not {count}")
# The second entry's address is stored explicitly.
current_int, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
if debug:
print(f"-> address of second entry: {current_int:#x}")
entry = current_int.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=False) + entry_tail
if debug:
print(f"-> second entry: {entry}")
decompressed += entry
for _ in range(1, count):
# All further entries' addresses are stored as differences relative to the previous entry's address.
diff, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
# For some reason, each difference is 6 higher than it should be.
diff -= 6
# Simulate 16-bit integer wraparound.
current_int = (current_int + diff) & 0xffff
if debug:
print(f"\t-> difference {diff:#x}: {current_int:#x}")
entry = current_int.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=False) + entry_tail
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {entry}")
decompressed += entry
elif kind in (0x02, 0x03):
# Repeat 1 or 2 bytes a certain number of times.
if kind == 0x02:
byte_count = 1
elif kind == 0x03:
byte_count = 2
raise AssertionError()
if debug:
print(f"Repeat {byte_count}-byte value")
# The byte(s) to repeat, stored as a variable-length integer. The value is treated as unsigned, i. e. the integer is never negative.
to_repeat_int, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
to_repeat = to_repeat_int.to_bytes(byte_count, "big", signed=False)
except OverflowError:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Value to repeat out of range for {byte_count}-byte repeat: {to_repeat_int:#x}")
count_m1, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
count = count_m1 + 1
if count <= 0:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Repeat count must be positive: {count}")
repeated = to_repeat * count
if debug:
print(f"\t-> {to_repeat} * {count}: {repeated}")
decompressed += repeated
elif kind == 0x04:
# A sequence of 16-bit signed integers, with each integer encoded as a difference relative to the previous integer. The first integer is stored explicitly.
if debug:
print(f"Difference-encoded 16-bit integers")
# The first integer is stored explicitly, as a signed value.
initial_int, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
initial = initial_int.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=True)
except OverflowError:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Initial value out of range for 16-bit integer difference encoding: {initial_int:#x}")
if debug:
print(f"\t-> initial: {initial}")
decompressed += initial
count, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
if count < 0:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Count cannot be negative: {count}")
# To make the following calculations simpler, the signed initial_int value is converted to unsigned.
current_int = initial_int & 0xffff
for _ in range(count):
# The difference to the previous integer is stored as an 8-bit signed integer.
# The usual variable-length integer format is *not* used here.
diff = int.from_bytes(data[i:i+1], "big", signed=True)
i += 1
# Simulate 16-bit integer wraparound.
current_int = (current_int + diff) & 0xffff
current = current_int.to_bytes(2, "big", signed=False)
if debug:
print(f"\t-> difference {diff:#x}: {current}")
decompressed += current
elif kind == 0x06:
# A sequence of 32-bit signed integers, with each integer encoded as a difference relative to the previous integer. The first integer is stored explicitly.
if debug:
print(f"Difference-encoded 16-bit integers")
# The first integer is stored explicitly, as a signed value.
initial_int, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
initial = initial_int.to_bytes(4, "big", signed=True)
except OverflowError:
raise common.DecompressError(f"Initial value out of range for 32-bit integer difference encoding: {initial_int:#x}")
if debug:
print(f"\t-> initial: {initial}")
decompressed += initial
count, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
assert count >= 0
# To make the following calculations simpler, the signed initial_int value is converted to unsigned.
current_int = initial_int & 0xffffffff
for _ in range(count):
# The difference to the previous integer is stored as a variable-length integer, whose value may be negative.
diff, length = common.read_variable_length_integer(data, i)
i += length
# Simulate 32-bit integer wraparound.
current_int = (current_int + diff) & 0xffffffff
current = current_int.to_bytes(4, "big", signed=False)
if debug:
print(f"\t-> difference {diff:#x}: {current}")
decompressed += current
raise common.DecompressError(f"Unknown extended code: 0x{kind:>02x}")
elif byte == 0xff:
# End of data marker, always occurs exactly once as the last byte of the compressed data.
if debug:
print("End marker")
if i != len(data) - 1:
raise common.DecompressError(f"End marker reached at {i}, before the expected end of data at {len(data) - 1}")
i += 1
raise common.DecompressError(f"Unknown tag byte: 0x{data[i]:>02x}")
if header_info.decompressed_length % 2 != 0 and len(decompressed) == header_info.decompressed_length + 1:
# Special case: if the decompressed data length stored in the header is odd and one less than the length of the actual decompressed data, drop the last byte.
# This is necessary because nearly all codes generate data in groups of 2 or 4 bytes, so it is basically impossible to represent data with an odd length using this compression format.
decompressed = decompressed[:-1]
return decompressed