dgelessus 3a72bd3406 Remove leading underscores where they don't make much sense
The leading underscore is meant to distinguish private (for internal
use only) APIs from public (for external use) APIs. One can argue about
where the line between public and private should be, but if something
is used from other modules (as with read_variable_length_integer) it's
not really private IMHO.

In scripts (like __main__) it also doesn't make much sense to use
leading underscores, because the entire file is never meant to be used
by external code.
2019-10-01 21:26:41 +02:00

119 lines
5.8 KiB

import struct
import typing
class DecompressError(Exception):
"""Raised when resource data decompression fails, because the data is invalid or the compression type is not supported."""
# The signature of all compressed resource data, 0xa89f6572 in hex, or "®üer" in MacRoman.
# The compression type commonly used for application resources.
# The compression type commonly used for System file resources.
# Common header for compressed resources of all types.
# 4 bytes: Signature (see above).
# 2 bytes: Length of the complete header (this common part and the type-specific part that follows it). (This meaning is just a guess - the field's value is always 0x0012, so there's no way to know for certain what it means.)
# 2 bytes: Compression type. Known so far: 0x0901 is used in the System file's resources. 0x0801 is used in other files' resources.
# 4 bytes: Length of the data after decompression.
# 6 bytes: Remainder of the header. The exact format varies depending on the compression type.
STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER = struct.Struct(">4sHHI6s")
# Remainder of header for an "application" compressed resource.
# 1 byte: "Working buffer fractional size" - the ratio of the compressed data size to the uncompressed data size, times 256.
# 1 byte: "Expansion buffer size" - the maximum number of bytes that the data might grow during decompression.
# 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 0 is supported.
# 2 bytes: Reserved (always zero).
# Remainder of header for a "system" compressed resource.
# 2 bytes: The ID of the 'dcmp' resource that can decompress this resource. Currently only ID 2 is supported.
# 4 bytes: Decompressor-specific parameters.
class CompressedHeaderInfo(object):
def parse(cls, data: bytes) -> "CompressedHeaderInfo":
signature, header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, remainder = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_HEADER.unpack_from(data)
except struct.error:
raise DecompressError(f"Invalid header")
raise DecompressError(f"Invalid signature: {signature!r}, expected {COMPRESSED_SIGNATURE}")
if header_length != 0x12:
raise DecompressError(f"Unsupported header length: 0x{header_length:>04x}, expected 0x12")
if compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_APPLICATION:
working_buffer_fractional_size, expansion_buffer_size, dcmp_id, reserved = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_APPLICATION_HEADER.unpack(remainder)
if reserved != 0:
raise DecompressError(f"Reserved field should be 0, not 0x{reserved:>04x}")
return CompressedApplicationHeaderInfo(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id, working_buffer_fractional_size, expansion_buffer_size)
elif compression_type == COMPRESSED_TYPE_SYSTEM:
dcmp_id, parameters = STRUCT_COMPRESSED_SYSTEM_HEADER.unpack(remainder)
return CompressedSystemHeaderInfo(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id, parameters)
raise DecompressError(f"Unsupported compression type: 0x{compression_type:>04x}")
header_length: int
compression_type: int
decompressed_length: int
dcmp_id: int
def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int) -> None:
self.header_length = header_length
self.compression_type = compression_type
self.decompressed_length = decompressed_length
self.dcmp_id = dcmp_id
class CompressedApplicationHeaderInfo(CompressedHeaderInfo):
working_buffer_fractional_size: int
expansion_buffer_size: int
def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int, working_buffer_fractional_size: int, expansion_buffer_size: int) -> None:
super().__init__(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id)
self.working_buffer_fractional_size = working_buffer_fractional_size
self.expansion_buffer_size = expansion_buffer_size
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__qualname__}(header_length={self.header_length}, compression_type=0x{self.compression_type:>04x}, decompressed_length={self.decompressed_length}, dcmp_id={self.dcmp_id}, working_buffer_fractional_size={self.working_buffer_fractional_size}, expansion_buffer_size={self.expansion_buffer_size})"
class CompressedSystemHeaderInfo(CompressedHeaderInfo):
parameters: bytes
def __init__(self, header_length: int, compression_type: int, decompressed_length: int, dcmp_id: int, parameters: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(header_length, compression_type, decompressed_length, dcmp_id)
self.parameters = parameters
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__qualname__}(header_length={self.header_length}, compression_type=0x{self.compression_type:>04x}, decompressed_length={self.decompressed_length}, dcmp_id={self.dcmp_id}, parameters={self.parameters!r})"
def read_variable_length_integer(data: bytes, position: int) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]:
"""Read a variable-length integer starting at the given position in the data, and return the integer as well as the number of bytes consumed.
This variable-length integer format is used by the 0xfe codes in the compression formats used by 'dcmp' (0) and 'dcmp' (1).
assert len(data) > position
if data[position] == 0xff:
assert len(data) > position + 4
return int.from_bytes(data[position+1:position+5], "big", signed=True), 5
elif data[position] >= 0x80:
assert len(data) > position + 1
data_modified = bytes([(data[position] - 0xc0) & 0xff, data[position+1]])
return int.from_bytes(data_modified, "big", signed=True), 2
return int.from_bytes(data[position:position+1], "big", signed=True), 1