/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Peter Rutenbar * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { uint8_t add; const char *descriptor; } range_t; typedef struct { range_t *ranges; uint32_t numranges; uint8_t use_ea; uint8_t allowed_ea_modes[12]; } range_group_t; typedef struct { range_group_t *groups; uint32_t numgroups, curgroup; const char *name; uint8_t supervisor_only; uint8_t supported_architectures[5]; // 680x0 } inst_t; typedef struct { inst_t inst[256]; uint32_t num_instructions; uint32_t curinst; uint8_t inst_map[0x10000]; } generator_ctx_t; generator_ctx_t ctx; /* --- generator API --- */ // All but addr reg allowed const uint8_t _ea_data[12] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; // All but registers allowed const uint8_t _ea_memory[12] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; // No regs, pre/post-inc/dec, or immediate const uint8_t _ea_control[12] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}; // Erratum: 68kprm table 2-4 says that "program counter memory indirect" // is alterable, but that can't be right. // Also it says that (xxx).L/W aren't alterable, but it seems they are. const uint8_t _ea_alterable[12] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; enum ea_definitions { EA_000 = 0, EA_001, EA_010, EA_011, EA_100, EA_101, EA_110, EA_111_000, EA_111_001, EA_111_100, EA_111_010, EA_111_011 }; // For each of the 12 EA modes, this is bitmap of the allowed lower 6 bits const uint64_t ea_mode_masks[12] = { 0x00000000000000ff, // 000 0x000000000000ff00, // 001 0x0000000000ff0000, // 010 0x00000000ff000000, // 011 0x000000ff00000000, // 100 0x0000ff0000000000, // 101 0x00ff000000000000, // 110 0x0100000000000000, // 111_000 0x0200000000000000, // 111_001 0x1000000000000000, // 111_100 0x0400000000000000, // 111_010 0x0800000000000000, // 111_011 }; void ea_data(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; memcpy(group->allowed_ea_modes, _ea_data, 12); } void ea_memory(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; memcpy(group->allowed_ea_modes, _ea_memory, 12); } void ea_control(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; memcpy(group->allowed_ea_modes, _ea_control, 12); } void ea_alterable(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; memcpy(group->allowed_ea_modes, _ea_alterable, 12); } void ea_control_alterable(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; uint32_t i; group->use_ea = 1; for (i=0; i<12; i++) group->allowed_ea_modes[i] = _ea_alterable[i] && _ea_control[i]; } void ea_memory_alterable(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; uint32_t i; group->use_ea = 1; for (i=0; i<12; i++) group->allowed_ea_modes[i] = _ea_alterable[i] && _ea_memory[i]; } void ea_data_alterable(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; uint32_t i; group->use_ea = 1; for (i=0; i<12; i++) group->allowed_ea_modes[i] = _ea_alterable[i] && _ea_data[i]; } void ea_all(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; uint32_t i; group->use_ea = 1; for (i=0; i<12; i++) group->allowed_ea_modes[i] = 1; } void no_ea(inst_t *inst) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; assert(group->use_ea == 0xff); group->use_ea = 0; } void ea_add_mode(inst_t *inst, enum ea_definitions mode) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; assert(!group->allowed_ea_modes[mode]); group->allowed_ea_modes[mode] = 1; } void ea_sub_mode(inst_t *inst, enum ea_definitions mode) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->use_ea = 1; assert(group->allowed_ea_modes[mode]); group->allowed_ea_modes[mode] = 0; } void add_range(inst_t *inst, const char *descriptor) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->ranges = realloc(group->ranges, sizeof(range_t) * (group->numranges+1)); range_t *range = &group->ranges[group->numranges]; group->numranges++; range->add = 1; range->descriptor = descriptor; } void sub_range(inst_t *inst, const char *descriptor) { range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[inst->curgroup]; group->ranges = realloc(group->ranges, sizeof(range_t) * (group->numranges+1)); range_t *range = &group->ranges[group->numranges]; group->numranges++; range->add = 0; range->descriptor = descriptor; } void supervisor_only(inst_t *inst) { assert(!inst->supervisor_only); inst->supervisor_only = 1; } void set_range_group(inst_t *inst, uint32_t curgroup) { assert(curgroup < inst->numgroups); inst->curgroup = curgroup; } inst_t* new_inst (const char *name, const char *architectures, uint32_t numgroups) { uint32_t i, curinst = ctx.num_instructions; ctx.num_instructions++; ctx.curinst = curinst; inst_t *inst = &ctx.inst[curinst]; memset(inst, 0, sizeof(inst_t)); inst->name = name; inst->supervisor_only = 0; char tmp[128]; if ((sscanf(architectures, "%s", tmp) == 1) && (strcasecmp(tmp, "all") == 0)) { for (i=0; i<5; i++) inst->supported_architectures[i] = 1; } else { char c; for (i=0; (c=architectures[i]) != 0; i++) { if (isspace(c)) continue; if (isdigit(c)) { c -= '0'; assert(c <= 4); assert(!inst->supported_architectures[c]); inst->supported_architectures[c] = 1; continue ; } printf("Extraneous characters in arch string for %s\n", name); assert(!"extraneous characters in architecture string"); } } inst->numgroups = numgroups; inst->groups = (range_group_t*) calloc(numgroups, sizeof(range_group_t)); inst->curgroup = 0; for (i=0; igroups[i].ranges = malloc(sizeof(range_t)); inst->groups[i].use_ea = 0xff; // invalid } return inst; } /* --- Generator guts --- */ typedef struct { uint16_t fixed; uint16_t mask; } desc_t; static desc_t process_descriptor(uint32_t inst_num, range_group_t *group, uint32_t range_num) { uint16_t fixed=0, mask=0, EA=0, bits=0; uint32_t i; desc_t result; char c; range_t *range = &group->ranges[range_num]; for (i=0; (c=range->descriptor[i]) != 0; i++) { if (isspace(c)) continue; fixed <<= 1; mask <<= 1; EA <<= 1; if (c == '1' || c == '0') { fixed |= (c - '0'); mask |= 1; } else if (c == 'M') EA |= 1; // both x and M will be considered wild bits // Later, we'll subtract the unused EA modes from the bitmask else if (c != 'x') goto bad; bits++; } if (bits != 16) goto bad; else if (group->use_ea && (EA != 0x3f)) goto bad; else if (!group->use_ea && (EA != 0)) goto bad; result.fixed = fixed; result.mask = mask; return result; bad: printf("bad descriptor for instruction %s '%s'\n", ctx.inst[inst_num].name, range->descriptor); assert(!"bad desc"); } // Build a map (uint64_t) of the allowable lower 6 bits static uint64_t process_ea_modes(range_group_t *group) { uint64_t result = 0; uint32_t i; for (i=0; i<12; i++) if (group->allowed_ea_modes[i]) result |= ea_mode_masks[i]; return result; } static void process_group(uint32_t inst_num, uint32_t group_num) { inst_t *inst = &ctx.inst[inst_num]; range_group_t *group = &inst->groups[group_num]; uint8_t bitmap[8192]; uint32_t i; memset(bitmap, 0, 8192); if (group->use_ea == 0xff) { printf("inst %s group %u needs EA specified\n", inst->name, group_num); assert(!"blowup"); } // add or subtract all the descriptors into the bitmap for (i=0; inumranges; i++) { desc_t desc = process_descriptor(inst_num, group, i); uint32_t j; if (group->ranges[i].add) { for (j=0; j < 0x10000; j++) { if ((j & desc.mask) == desc.fixed) bitmap[j >> 3] |= (1 << (j & 7)); // add this opcode } } else { for (j=0; j < 0x10000; j++) { if ((j & desc.mask) == desc.fixed) bitmap[j >> 3] &= ~(1 << (j & 7)); // subtract this opcode } } } // Now we need to subtract the impossible and invalid EA modes, if use_ea if (group->use_ea) { // Negate the allowable modes map (making a disallowed modes map) const uint64_t disallowed_modes = ~process_ea_modes(group); for (i=0; i<0x10000; i++) { if (disallowed_modes & (1ULL << (i & 0x3f))) bitmap[i >> 3] &= ~(1 << (i & 7)); } } // Now feed bitmap[] into the global instruction map for (i=0; i<0x10000; i++) { if (!(bitmap[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7)))) continue; if (ctx.inst_map[i] != 0) { printf("Error! instructions %s(%u) and %s(%u) overlap at opcode 0x%04x\n", ctx.inst[ctx.inst_map[i]].name, ctx.inst_map[i], ctx.inst[inst_num].name, inst_num, i); assert(!"blowup"); } ctx.inst_map[i] = inst_num; } } void digest_definitions(uint32_t arch) { uint32_t i; for (i=0; isupported_architectures[arch]) continue; for (j=0; jnumgroups; j++) process_group(i, j); } } void write_decoder (const char *prefix, const char *path) { uint32_t i; char *file_path = malloc(strlen(path) + strlen(prefix) + 32); sprintf(file_path, "%s/%s_decoder_guts.c", path, prefix); FILE *f = fopen(file_path, "w"); if (f == NULL) { printf("write_decoder: can't open %s for writing\n", path); assert(!"blowup"); } fprintf(f, "const uint32_t %s_num_instructions = %u;\n\n", prefix, ctx.num_instructions); /* --- write inst_num -> function_pointer table --- */ fprintf(f, "typedef void (*%s_func_ptr)();\n", prefix); fprintf(f, "%s_func_ptr %s_instruction_to_pointer[%u] = {\n", prefix, prefix, ctx.num_instructions); for (i=0; i inst_num table --- */ fprintf(f, "const uint8_t %s_opcode_map[0x10000] = {\n", prefix); for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { if ((i % 8) == 0) fprintf(f, "\t"); fprintf(f, "0x%02x, ", ctx.inst_map[i]); if (((i + 1) % 8) == 0) fprintf(f, "\n"); } fprintf(f, "0x%02x\n};\n\n", ctx.inst_map[i]); } void init() { memset(ctx.inst_map, 0x00, 0x10000); // 0x00 -> unset ctx.num_instructions = 1; ctx.inst[0].name = "unknown"; ctx.inst[0].numgroups = 0; } void begin_definitions(); int main (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 3) { printf("arguments: ./decoder_gen inst|dis intermediates/"); return 0; } init(); begin_definitions(); digest_definitions(2); // build for 68020. Dunno if I'll ever support other architectures write_decoder(argv[1], argv[2]); // printf("num_instructions = %u\n", ctx.num_instructions); return 0; } /* --- Big list of definitions --- */ void begin_definitions() { /* --- Unprivileged integer instructions --- */ { // abcd inst_t *inst = new_inst("abcd", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 10000 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // add inst_t *inst = new_inst("add", "all", 3); { // to-register (EA mode == addr register) set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx 001 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx 010 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // to-register (all other EA modes) set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx 0xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1101 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // to-EA set_range_group(inst, 2); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx 1xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1101 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } } { // adda inst_t *inst = new_inst("adda", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx x11 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // addi inst_t *inst = new_inst("addi", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0110 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 0110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // addq inst_t *inst = new_inst("addq", "all", 2); { // ea mode == addr reg set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 0 01 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 0 10 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 0 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0101 xxx 0 11 MMMMMM"); ea_alterable(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } } { // addx inst_t *inst = new_inst("addx", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1101 xxx 1 xx 00 x xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1101 xxx 1 11 00 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // and inst_t *inst = new_inst("and", "all", 2); { // to register set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 0xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1100 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // to memory set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 1xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1100 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } } { // andi inst_t *inst = new_inst("andi", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0010 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 0010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // andi_to_ccr inst_t *inst = new_inst("andi_to_ccr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0010 00111100"); no_ea(inst); } { // asx_reg inst_t *inst = new_inst("asx_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 00 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 00 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // asx_mem inst_t *inst = new_inst("asx_mem", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 000 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } { // bcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("bcc", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0110 xxxx xxxxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "0110 0001 xxxxxxxx"); // this is BSR no_ea(inst); } { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bchg_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 xxx 101 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bchg_immediate", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1000 01 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bclr_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 xxx 110 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bclr_immediate", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1000 10 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // bfchg inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfchg", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); // Yes, control_alterable ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfclr inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfclr", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1100 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); // Yes, control_alterable ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfexts inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfexts", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1011 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); // Yes, control (doesn't alter) ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfextu inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfextu", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1001 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); // Yes, control ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfffo inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfffo", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1101 11 MMMMMM"); // eratum: incorrect in 68kprm ea_control(inst); // Yes, control ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfins inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfins", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1111 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); // Yes, control_alterable ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bfset inst_t *inst = new_inst("bfset", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); // Yes, control_alterable ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bftst inst_t *inst = new_inst("bftst", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 1000 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); // Yes, control ea_add_mode(inst, EA_000); } { // bkpt inst_t *inst = new_inst("bkpt", "1234", 1); // MC68EC000 is also supported add_range(inst, "0100 1000 0100 1 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } // This is just bcc with cc == 0 == TRUE /*{ // bra inst_t *inst = new_inst("bra", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0110 0000 xxxxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); }*/ { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bset_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { inst_t *inst = new_inst("bset_immediate", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1000 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // bsr inst_t *inst = new_inst("bsr", "all", 1); // long-mode is 68020-040 only add_range(inst, "0110 0001 xxxxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // btst_reg inst_t *inst = new_inst("btst_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 xxx 100 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // btst_immediate inst_t *inst = new_inst("btst_immediate", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1000 00 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // callm inst_t *inst = new_inst("callm", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } { // cas inst_t *inst = new_inst("cas", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1xx 011 MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 100 011 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } { // cas2 inst_t *inst = new_inst("cas2", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1 10 011111100"); add_range(inst, "0000 1 11 011111100"); no_ea(inst); } { // chk inst_t *inst = new_inst("chk", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 xxx 10 0 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "0100 xxx 11 0 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // chk2+cmp2 (These instructions are distinguished by the extension word) inst_t *inst = new_inst("chk2_cmp2", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0xx0 11 MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 0110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } { // clr inst_t *inst = new_inst("clr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0010 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0100 0010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // cmp inst_t *inst = new_inst("cmp", "all", 2); { // address mode reg (byte-mode isn't supported for address registers) set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx 001 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx 010 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // other modes set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx 0xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1011 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } } { // cmpa inst_t *inst = new_inst("cmpa", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx x11 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // cmpi inst_t *inst = new_inst("cmpi", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1100 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 1100 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); /* * Erratum: documentation says "data addressing modes", * but the table doesn't list immediate mode */ ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_111_100); } { // cmpm inst_t *inst = new_inst("cmpm", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx 1 xx 001 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1011 xxx 1 11 001 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } // cmp2 is handled by chk2_cmp2 { // DBcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("dbcc", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0101 xxxx 11001 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // divs inst_t *inst = new_inst("divs", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); // Erratum: 68kprm says "data alterable", but means "data" } { // divu inst_t *inst = new_inst("divu", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); // 68kprm gets it right here } { // divl (both signed and unsigned) inst_t *inst = new_inst("long_div", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1100 01 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); // Erratum: 68kprm means "data" here } { // eor inst_t *inst = new_inst("eor", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1011 xxx 1xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1011 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // eori inst_t *inst = new_inst("eori", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1010 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 1010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // eori_to_ccr inst_t *inst = new_inst("eori_to_ccr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 1010 0011 1100"); no_ea(inst); } { // exg inst_t *inst = new_inst("exg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 1 01000 xxx"); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 1 01001 xxx"); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 1 10001 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // ext inst_t *inst = new_inst("ext", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 100 010 000 xxx"); add_range(inst, "0100 100 011 000 xxx"); add_range(inst, "0100 100 111 000 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // illegal inst_t *inst = new_inst("illegal", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1010 1111 1100"); no_ea(inst); } { // jmp inst_t *inst = new_inst("jmp", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } { // jsr inst_t *inst = new_inst("jsr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 10 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } { // lea inst_t *inst = new_inst("lea", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } { // link_word inst_t *inst = new_inst("link_word", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0101 0 xxx"); // word no_ea(inst); } { // link_long inst_t *inst = new_inst("link_long", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1000 0000 1 xxx"); // long no_ea(inst); } { // lsx_reg inst_t *inst = new_inst("lsx_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 01 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 01 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // lsx_mem inst_t *inst = new_inst("lsx_mem", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 001 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } { // move inst_t *inst = new_inst("move", "all", 1); // I'm manually specifying this entire thing, since the EA description is too complicated no_ea(inst); // Add in all modes, all sizes add_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx xxxxxx"); // subtract the invalid destination modes (001, 111_010, 111_011, 111_100) sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxx 001 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 010 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 011 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 100 111 xxxxxx"); // subtract the illegal destination modes (111_101, 111_110, 111_111) sub_range(inst, "00 xx 101 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 110 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 111 111 xxxxxx"); // subtract the illegal source modes sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx 111 101"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx 111 110"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx 111 111"); // Subtract address reg source mode for size==byte sub_range(inst, "00 01 xxxxxx 001 xxx"); // subtract illegal size (00) sub_range(inst, "00 00 xxxxxx xxxxxx"); // subtract move_from_d sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx 000xxx"); // subtract move_to_d sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxx000 xxxxxx"); } { // move_d_to_d inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_d_to_d", "all", 1); no_ea(inst); add_range(inst, "00 xx xxx 000 000 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 00 xxx 000 000 xxx"); } { // move_to_d inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_to_d", "all", 2); { // EA mode == addr register (byte-size not allowed) set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "00 11 xxx000 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "00 10 xxx000 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // all other EA modes set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "00 xx xxx000 MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "00 00 xxx000 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_000); // EA_000 is handled by move_d_to_d } } { // move_from_d inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_from_d", "all", 1); // I'm manually specifying this entire thing, since the EA description is too complicated no_ea(inst); // Add in all modes, all sizes add_range(inst, "00 xx xxxxxx 000xxx"); // subtract the invalid destination modes (001, 111_010, 111_011, 111_100) sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxx 001 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 010 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 011 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 100 111 xxxxxx"); // subtract the illegal destination modes (111_101, 111_110, 111_111) sub_range(inst, "00 xx 101 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 110 111 xxxxxx"); sub_range(inst, "00 xx 111 111 xxxxxx"); // subtract illegal size (00) sub_range(inst, "00 00 xxxxxx xxxxxx"); // subtract move_d_to_d sub_range(inst, "00 xx xxx 000 000xxx"); } { // movea inst_t *inst = new_inst("movea", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "00 10 xxx 001 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "00 11 xxx 001 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // move_from_ccr inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_from_ccr", "1234", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // move_to_ccr inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_to_ccr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0100 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // move_from_sr inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_from_sr", "all", 1); // NOTE: this is supervisor-only for 68010-68040 add_range(inst, "0100 0000 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // move16 inst_t *inst = new_inst("move16", "4", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 0110 001 00 xxx"); // postincrement source and destination add_range(inst, "1111 0110 000 xx xxx"); // absolute long address source or destination no_ea(inst); } { // movem inst_t *inst = new_inst("movem", "all", 2); { // to-mem set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "0100 1000 1x MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_100); } { // to-reg set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1100 1x MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_011); } } { // movep inst_t *inst = new_inst("movep", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 xxx 1xx 001 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // moveq inst_t *inst = new_inst("moveq", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0111 xxx 0 xxxxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // muls inst_t *inst = new_inst("muls", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); // Erratum: 68kprm says "data alterable", but means "data" } { // mulu inst_t *inst = new_inst("mulu", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1100 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // mulsl/mulul inst_t *inst = new_inst("long_mul", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1100 00 MMMMMM"); // Erratum: muls_long says "data alterable" ea_data(inst); } { // nbcd inst_t *inst = new_inst("nbcd", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1000 00 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // neg inst_t *inst = new_inst("neg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0100 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0100 0100 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // negx inst_t *inst = new_inst("negx", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0000 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0100 0000 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // nop inst_t *inst = new_inst("nop", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0001"); no_ea(inst); } { // not inst_t *inst = new_inst("not", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 0110 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0100 0110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // or inst_t *inst = new_inst("or", "all", 2); { // to register set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 0xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1000 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // to memory set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 1xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1000 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } } { // ori inst_t *inst = new_inst("ori", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0000 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 0000 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // ori_to_ccr inst_t *inst = new_inst("ori_to_ccr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0000 00 111100"); no_ea(inst); } { // pack inst_t *inst = new_inst("pack", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 10100 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // pea inst_t *inst = new_inst("pea", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1000 01 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); } /*{ // rox inst_t *inst = new_inst("rox", "all", 2); { // register rotate set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 11 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 11 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // memory rotate set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1110 011 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } }*/ { // rox_reg inst_t *inst = new_inst("rox_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 11 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 11 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // rox_mem inst_t *inst = new_inst("rox_mem", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 011 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } /*{ // roxx inst_t *inst = new_inst("roxx", "all", 2); { // register rotate set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 10 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 10 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // memory rotate set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1110 010 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } }*/ { // roxx_reg inst_t *inst = new_inst("roxx_reg", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 xxx x xx x 10 xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1110 xxx x 11 x 10 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // roxx_mem inst_t *inst = new_inst("roxx_mem", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1110 010 x 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } { // rtd inst_t *inst = new_inst("rtd", "1234", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0100"); no_ea(inst); } { // rtm inst_t *inst = new_inst("rtm", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0110 1100 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // rtr inst_t *inst = new_inst("rtr", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0111"); no_ea(inst); } { // rts inst_t *inst = new_inst("rts", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0101"); no_ea(inst); } { // sbcd inst_t *inst = new_inst("sbcd", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 10000 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // scc inst_t *inst = new_inst("scc", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0101 xxxx 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // sub inst_t *inst = new_inst("sub", "all", 3); { // to-register (EA mode == addr register) set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx 001 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx 010 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // to-register (all other EA modes) set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx 0xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1001 xxx 011 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // to-EA set_range_group(inst, 2); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx 1xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "1001 xxx 111 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } } { // suba inst_t *inst = new_inst("suba", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx x11 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // subi inst_t *inst = new_inst("subi", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0000 0100 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 0100 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // subq inst_t *inst = new_inst("subq", "all", 2); { // ea mode == addr reg set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 1 01 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 1 10 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "0101 xxx 1 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0101 xxx 1 11 MMMMMM"); ea_alterable(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } } { // subx inst_t *inst = new_inst("subx", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1001 xxx 1 xx 00 x xxx"); sub_range(inst, "1001 xxx 1 11 00 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // swap inst_t *inst = new_inst("swap", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1000 0100 0 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // tas inst_t *inst = new_inst("tas", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // trap inst_t *inst = new_inst("trap", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0100 xxxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // trapcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("trapcc", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "0101 xxxx 11111 010"); add_range(inst, "0101 xxxx 11111 011"); add_range(inst, "0101 xxxx 11111 100"); no_ea(inst); } { // trapv inst_t *inst = new_inst("trapv", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0110"); no_ea(inst); } { // tst inst_t *inst = new_inst("tst", "all", 2); { // addr mode set_range_group(inst, 0); add_range(inst, "0100 1010 01 MMMMMM"); add_range(inst, "0100 1010 10 MMMMMM"); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_001); } { // other modes set_range_group(inst, 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1010 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0100 1010 11 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); ea_sub_mode(inst, EA_001); } } { // unlk inst_t *inst = new_inst("unlk", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0101 1 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // unpk inst_t *inst = new_inst("unpk", "234", 1); add_range(inst, "1000 xxx 11000 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } // --- supervisor instructions --- { // andi_to_sr inst_t *inst = new_inst("andi_to_sr", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0000 0010 0111 1100"); no_ea(inst); } { // eori_to_sr inst_t *inst = new_inst("eori_to_sr", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0000 1010 0111 1100"); no_ea(inst); } { // move_to_sr inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_to_sr", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 0110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_data(inst); } { // move_usp inst_t *inst = new_inst("move_usp", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0110 x xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // movec inst_t *inst = new_inst("movec", "1234", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 101x"); no_ea(inst); } { // moves inst_t *inst = new_inst("moves", "1234", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0000 1110 xx MMMMMM"); sub_range(inst, "0000 1110 11 MMMMMM"); ea_memory_alterable(inst); } { // ori_to_sr inst_t *inst = new_inst("ori_to_sr", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0000 0000 0111 1100"); no_ea(inst); } { // reset inst_t *inst = new_inst("reset", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0000"); no_ea(inst); } { // rte inst_t *inst = new_inst("rte", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0011"); no_ea(inst); } { // stop inst_t *inst = new_inst("stop", "all", 1); supervisor_only(inst); add_range(inst, "0100 1110 0111 0010"); no_ea(inst); } /* --- F/A-lines --- */ { // a-line inst_t *inst = new_inst("a_line", "all", 1); add_range(inst, "1010 xxxx xxxx xxxx"); no_ea(inst); } /* --- MMU (68851) instructions --- */ { inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_decode", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 xxx xxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } /*{ // All other 68851 instructions inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_op", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 000 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // PScc inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_pscc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 001 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // PDBcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_pdbcc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 001 001 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // PTRAPcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_ptrapcc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 001 111 xxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // pbcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_pbcc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 01x xxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // psave inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_psave", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 100 MMMMMM"); // Errata: 68kprm says "control" but means "control alterable" ea_control_alterable(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_100); } { // prestore inst_t *inst = new_inst("mc68851_prestore", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 000 101 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_011); }*/ /* --- FPU (68881) instructions --- */ { inst_t *inst = new_inst("fpu_decode", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 xxx xxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } /* { // all other fpu ops inst_t *inst = new_inst("fpu_decode", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 000 MMMMMM"); ea_all(inst); } { // FScc inst_t *inst = new_inst("fscc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 001 MMMMMM"); ea_data_alterable(inst); } { // FBcc inst_t *inst = new_inst("fbcc", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 01x xxxxxx"); no_ea(inst); } { // fsave inst_t *inst = new_inst("fsave", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 100 MMMMMM"); ea_control_alterable(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_100); } { // frestore inst_t *inst = new_inst("frestore", "2", 1); add_range(inst, "1111 001 101 MMMMMM"); ea_control(inst); ea_add_mode(inst, EA_011); }*/ }