CC = clang CFLAGS = -O3 -flto -ggdb -Wno-deprecated-declarations DEPS = core_api.h coff.h mc68851.h redblack.h shoebill.h Makefile NEED_DECODER = cpu dis NEED_PREPROCESSING = adb fpu mc68851 mem via NEED_NOTHING = atrap_tab coff exception floppy macii_symbols redblack scsi toby_frame_buffer video core_api filesystem debug_server # Object files that can be compiled directly from the source OBJ_NEED_NOTHING = $(patsubst %,$(TEMP)/%.o,$(NEED_NOTHING)) # Object files than need preprocessing with OBJ_NEED_PREPROCESSING = $(patsubst %,$(TEMP)/%.o,$(NEED_PREPROCESSING)) # Object files that depend on the instruction decoder OBJ_NEED_DECODER = $(patsubst %,$(TEMP)/%.o,$(NEED_DECODER)) # Files that NEED_DECODER also NEED_PREPROCESSING POST_PREPROCESSING = $(patsubst %,$(TEMP)/,$(NEED_PREPROCESSING)) $(patsubst %,$(TEMP)/,$(NEED_DECODER)) # All the object files compiled for x86_64 OBJ_x86_64 = $(OBJ_NEED_NOTHING) $(OBJ_NEED_PREPROCESSING) $(OBJ_NEED_DECODER) # The object files compiled for i386 (the same as x86_64 files, but with .i386 appended) OBJ_i386 = $(patsubst %,%.i386,$(OBJ_x86_64)) MACRO = perl TEMP = ../intermediates all: $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a: $(TEMP) $(DEPS) $(OBJ_x86_64) libtool -static -v -o $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a.x86_64 $(OBJ_x86_64) libtool -static -v -o $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a.i386 $(OBJ_i386) lipo -create -output $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a.x86_64 $(TEMP)/libshoebill_core.a.i386 # Split object files into i386/x86_64 versions, since it seems that libtool is unable to # link a static universal library for -O4 object files. # x86_64 object files have the form "intermediates/.o # i386 object files have the form "intermediates/.o.i386 # Build object files $(OBJ_NEED_NOTHING): $(TEMP)/%.o: %.c $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -arch x86_64 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CC) -c -arch i386 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@.i386 $(OBJ_NEED_PREPROCESSING): $(TEMP)/%.o: $(TEMP)/ $(DEPS) $(CC) -c -arch x86_64 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CC) -c -arch i386 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@.i386 $(OBJ_NEED_DECODER): $(TEMP)/%.o: $(TEMP)/ $(DEPS) $(TEMP)/dis_decoder_guts.c $(TEMP)/inst_decoder_guts.c $(CC) -c -arch x86_64 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(CC) -c -arch i386 $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@.i386 # Preprocess C files $(POST_PREPROCESSING): $(TEMP)/ %.c $(DEPS) $(MACRO) $< $@ # Generate instruction decoders $(TEMP)/inst_decoder_guts.c: $(TEMP)/decoder_gen $(DEPS) $(TEMP)/decoder_gen inst $(TEMP)/ $(TEMP)/dis_decoder_guts.c: $(TEMP)/decoder_gen $(DEPS) $(TEMP)/decoder_gen dis $(TEMP)/ # Compile the decoder generator $(TEMP)/decoder_gen: decoder_gen.c $(DEPS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) decoder_gen.c -o $(TEMP)/decoder_gen $(TEMP): mkdir -p $(TEMP) clean: rm -rf $(TEMP)