Peter Rutenbar 6773dd6020 Tweaks to SDL GUI, video driver, and FPU
- Fewer FPU-related crashes
- Fewer video driver-related crashes
- Cleaned up the SDL GUI
- Bumped up cocoa GUI to v0.0.4
2014-06-30 16:50:38 -04:00

1 line
2.2 KiB
Executable File

WITH seBlock,spBlock
DC.B 2 ; Code revision
DC.B 2 ; 68020
DC.W 0 ; reserved
DC.L SecondaryInitStart-*
; Return "success"
move.w #1, seStatus(a0) ; seStatus > 0 -> success
; Figure out the slot base address (non-superslot)
move.b seSlot(a0), d0 ; -> d0.b = slotnum
move.b d0, d1
or.b #$F0, d1
ror.l #8, d1
move.l d1, a1 ; -> a1 = slot base addr
; Set up a slot parameter block
suba #spBlockSize, sp
move.l sp, a0
move.b d0, spSlot(a0)
clr.b spExtDev(a0)
clr.l spsPointer(a0)
; Verify that 32bit QD is loaded
move.l #$a89f, d0
_GetTrapAddress ,NewTool
move.l a0, d1
move.l #$ab03, d0
_GetTrapAddress ,NewTool
cmpa.l d1, a0
beq.s sec_done
; Find the current video sResource
move.l sp, a0
clr.b spID(a0) ; start at id=0
clr.b spTBMask(a0) ; match exactly
move.w #CatDisplay, spCategory(a0)
move.w #TypVideo, spCType(a0)
move.w #DrSwApple, spDrvrSW(a0)
move.w #DrHwShoe, spDrvrHW(a0)
move.w spRefNum(a0), d5
; If, somehow, the 32 bit video sResource is the only active one, then just return
cmp.b #CategoryVideo_qd32, spID(a0)
beq.w sec_done
; Otherwise, it's the non-32bit sResource - so nuke it
; Load our PRAM bytes, which contain the default depth
; suba.l #sizesPRAMRec, sp
; _sReadPRAMRec
; move.b VendorUse2(sp), spID(a0)
; adda.l #sizesPRAMRec, sp
; And activate the 32bit sResource
move.b CategoryVideo_qd32, spID(a0)
clr.w spRefNum(a0) ; ?
clr.l spParamData(a0) ; clear for activation
clr.l spsPointer(a0) ; add back a sRsrc in directory
; If this is the boot screen, then update its gDevice
subq #4, sp ; make room for function return
_GetDeviceList ; get the boot gDevice
move.l (sp)+, a0 ; get the gdHandle
move.l (a0), a0 ; get pointer to gDevice
cmp.w gdRefNum(a0), d5 ; was this the boot device?
bne.s sec_done ; No? then return
move.l gdPMap(a0), a0 ; get pixMap handle
move.l (a0), a0 ; getpixMap ptr
move.l a1, pmBaseAddr(a0) ; save new base address
; FIXME: Wait, that wasn't necessary. All video modes have the same pmBaseAddr, I think
adda #spBlockSize, sp