A HTTP proxy server that allows to use historical and obsolete web browsers on the modern web. It works by rendering the web page in to a GIF image associated with clickable imagemap of original web links.
* Currently works as browser-in-browser. A real http proxy mode is being investigated. Check [issue #35](https://github.com/tenox7/wrp/issues/35) for updates.
4. Adjust your screen width/height/scale/#colors to fit in your old browser.
5. For very very very old browsers such as Mosaic 2.x and IBM WebExplorer 1.x tick the I checkbox to enable ISMAP mode. However this normally should not be needed.
* Uses [go-quantize](https://github.com/ericpauley/go-quantize), thanks to [ericpauley](https://github.com/ericpauley) for developing the missing go quantizer