diff --git a/AppleIISd.bin b/AppleIISd.bin
index ceff2d6..bed1614 100644
Binary files a/AppleIISd.bin and b/AppleIISd.bin differ
diff --git a/AppleIISd.hex b/AppleIISd.hex
index 13779fa..b5a017a 100644
--- a/AppleIISd.hex
+++ b/AppleIISd.hex
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
diff --git a/AppleIISd.vcxproj b/AppleIISd.vcxproj
index a15ae28..b3f344d 100644
--- a/AppleIISd.vcxproj
+++ b/AppleIISd.vcxproj
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
     <None Include="makefile" />
+    <None Include="obj\AppleIISd.lst" />
+    <None Include="README.md" />
     <None Include="src\AppleIISd.cfg" />
     <None Include="src\AppleIISd.s" />
diff --git a/AppleIISd.vcxproj.filters b/AppleIISd.vcxproj.filters
index bbd9f28..2f91e44 100644
--- a/AppleIISd.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/AppleIISd.vcxproj.filters
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
     <None Include="src\AppleIISd.s">
+    <None Include="README.md" />
+    <None Include="obj\AppleIISd.lst" />
     <Filter Include="src">
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 611fb37..7bbb50d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,24 +1,41 @@
-# Apple][Sd
-SD card based ProFile replacement for enhanced Apple IIe computers
+# AppleIISd
+SD card based ProFile replacement for enhanced Apple IIe and IIgs computers
-The **Apple][Sd** is a SD card based replaced for the ProFile harddrive. In contrast to other SD card based devices, this card does not replace a Disk II drive. Data is saved directly onto the SD card, not via images on a FAT system, like on other cards. The SD card is accessable with [CiderPress](http://a2ciderpress.com/).
+The **AppleIISd** is a SD card based replaced for the ProFile harddrive. In contrast to other SD card based devices, this card does not replace a Disk II drive. Data is saved directly onto the SD card, not via images on a FAT system, like on other cards. The SD card is accessable with [CiderPress](http://a2ciderpress.com/).
 A Xilinx CPLD is used as a SPI controller and translates, together with the ROM driver, SD card data to/from the Apple IIe. The VHDL source is based on [SPI65/B](http://www.6502.org/users/andre/spi65b) by André Fachat.
-The assembler sources were written in Merlin-8. The [schematics](AppleIISd.pdf) are available as PDF.
+The assembler sources are written for CC65. The [schematics](AppleIISd.pdf) are available as PDF.
 ## Features
+* works with ProDOS and GS/OS
 * up to 64MB storage space (2x 65535 blocks)
 * ProDOS driver in ROM
 * Auto boot
 * Access LED
 * Card detect and write protect sensing
+* Skip boot when Open-Apple key is pressed
 ## Requirements
-The Apple][Sd requires and has been tested on an enhanced IIe computer. The ROM code uses some 65c02 opcodes and will therefore not work on a II, II+ or unenhanced IIe. ProDOS versions 1.1 to 2.4.1 seem to work. 
+The AppleIISd requires an enhanced IIe or IIgs computer. The ROM code uses some 65c02 opcodes and will therefore not work on a II, II+ or unenhanced IIe. It has been tested in the following combinations:
+* Apple IIgs Rom 01, GS/OS 6.0.4
+* Apple IIgs Rom 01, Prodos 2.4.1
+* Apple IIgs Rom 01, Prodos 1.9
+* Apple IIe enhanced, 128k, Prodos 2.4.1
+* Apple IIe enhanced, 128k, Prodos 1.9
+* Apple IIe enhanced, 64k, Prodos 1.9
 When a 2732 type ROM is used, the binary image has to be programmed at offset 0x800, because A11 is always high for compatibility with 2716 type ROMs.
+## Building the sources
+Be sure to have the newest version of CC65 (V2.16) and some kind of Make instaled, then type one of the following comands:
+make                            # generate binaries
+make OPTIONS=mapfile,listing    # generate mapfile and listing, too
+make clean                      # delete binaries
+Alternatively use the VisualStudio solution.
 ## Timing
 The clock of the SPI bus *SCK* may be derived from either *Phi0* or the *7M* clock. Additionally, the divisor may be 2 to 8.
@@ -56,12 +73,11 @@ LDA $C0C0
 ## TODOs
 * Much more testing
 * SRAM option (may never work, though)
-* Find a use for the IRQ pin
+* Enable 4 or 6 volumes under GS/OS
 * Use 28 pin socket to support other EPROMS than 2716 and 2732
 ## Known Bugs
-* Does not always boot in slot 7 (may be a faulty connector, though)
-* Does not work, when a Z80 card is present
+* Does not work with some Z80 cards present
diff --git a/src/AppleIISd.s b/src/AppleIISd.s
index ef020a1..28e6426 100644
--- a/src/AppleIISd.s
+++ b/src/AppleIISd.s
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ; Apple][Sd Firmware
-; Version 0.8
+; Version 1.0
 ; (c) Florian Reitz, 2017
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-;DEBUG       :=    0
+.define DEBUG 0
 ; Memory defines
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ INITED      =     $80
 ; find slot nr
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
             LDA   #$04
             STA   SLOT
             LDA   #$C4
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ INITED      =     $80
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
 ; see if slot has a driver already
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ DRIVER:     CLD
             LDA   CMDHI
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
             LDA   #$04
             STA   SLOT
             LDA   #$C4
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ DRIVER:     CLD
             BEQ   @READ
             CMP   #2
             BEQ   @WRITE
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
             CMP   #$FF
             BEQ   @TEST
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ DRIVER:     CLD
             BRA   @RESTZP
             BRA   @RESTZP
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
 @TEST:      JSR   TEST        ; do device test
             BRA   @RESTZP
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ WRITE:      JSR   WRPROT
-            .ifdef DEBUG
+            .if DEBUG
 TEST:       LDA   SLOT16
             LDA   SLOT
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ TEST:       LDA   SLOT16
-TEXT:       .asciiz "  Apple][Sd v0.8 (c)2017 Florian Reitz"
+TEXT:       .asciiz "  Apple][Sd v1.0 (c)2017 Florian Reitz"
 CMD0:       .byt $40, $00, $00
             .byt $00, $00, $95