NWE added to schematic and layout

This commit is contained in:
Florian Reitz 2019-02-10 13:29:05 +01:00
parent b50b1037fd
commit 936a0c2b5a
2 changed files with 191 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
<text x="2.25" y="11.25" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="7">Apple II SD V1.1
(C) Florian Reitz 2017</text>
<text x="2.25" y="11.25" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="7">Apple II SD V1.2
(C) Florian Reitz 2019</text>
<wire x1="0" y1="7.8" x2="24.9" y2="7.8" width="0.254" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="24.9" y1="7.8" x2="24.9" y2="0.5" width="0.254" layer="20"/>
<wire x1="24.9" y1="0.5" x2="25.5" y2="-0.1" width="0.254" layer="20"/>
@ -1858,38 +1858,6 @@ MA = male&lt;p&gt;
W = angled&lt;p&gt;
&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;</description>
<package name="MA03-1">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.27" x2="-1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="0.635" x2="-3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="2" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<text x="-3.81" y="1.651" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-5.08" y="-0.635" size="1.27" layer="21" ratio="10">1</text>
<text x="-3.81" y="-2.921" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
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<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="MA06-1">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-6.985" y1="1.27" x2="-5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
@ -3311,13 +3279,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<attribute name="NAME" x="99.115" y="59.865" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="100.405" y="57.365" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90"/>
<element name="SV1" library="con-lstb" package="MA03-1" value="" x="46.25" y="49">
<attribute name="MF" value="" x="46.25" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
<attribute name="MPN" value="" x="46.25" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
<attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" x="46.25" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
<attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" x="46.25" y="49" size="1.778" layer="27" display="off"/>
<element name="SV2" library="con-lstb" package="MA06-1" value="" x="14.75" y="68" rot="R270">
<element name="SV1" library="con-lstb" package="MA06-1" value="" x="14.75" y="68" rot="R270">
<attribute name="MF" value="" x="14.75" y="68" size="1.778" layer="27" rot="R270" display="off"/>
<attribute name="MPN" value="" x="14.75" y="68" size="1.778" layer="27" rot="R270" display="off"/>
<attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" x="14.75" y="68" size="1.778" layer="27" rot="R270" display="off"/>
@ -3361,13 +3323,13 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<attribute name="NAME" x="24.05" y="12.9" size="1.016" layer="26" rot="MR90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="24.35" y="12.9" size="1.016" layer="28" rot="MR90"/>
<element name="C12" library="rcl" package="C0603K" value="100n" x="64.8" y="14.5" smashed="yes" rot="MR90">
<attribute name="NAME" x="64.35" y="16.2" size="1.016" layer="26" rot="MR90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="63.15" y="13.7" size="1.016" layer="28" rot="MR90"/>
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<attribute name="NAME" x="64.85" y="16.7" size="1.016" layer="26" rot="MR90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="63.65" y="14.2" size="1.016" layer="28" rot="MR90"/>
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<attribute name="NAME" x="63.05" y="16.2" size="1.016" layer="26" rot="MR90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="61.85" y="13.7" size="1.016" layer="28" rot="MR90"/>
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<attribute name="NAME" x="62.55" y="16.7" size="1.016" layer="26" rot="MR90"/>
<attribute name="VALUE" x="61.35" y="14.2" size="1.016" layer="28" rot="MR90"/>
@ -3385,7 +3347,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="U$2" pad="GND1"/>
<contactref element="U$2" pad="GND0"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="18"/>
<contactref element="SV2" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="C5" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="C6" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="C7" pad="2"/>
@ -3442,11 +3404,6 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="IC3" pad="24"/>
<wire x1="88.265" y1="4.445" x2="88.265" y2="9.485" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="88.265" y1="9.485" x2="86.25" y2="11.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="1"/>
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<wire x1="46.29" y1="39.21" x2="45" y2="40.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="45" y1="40.5" x2="45" y2="47.71" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="45" y1="47.71" x2="43.71" y2="49" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="C3" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="C4" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="53.857625" y1="14.04" x2="51.41" y2="14.04" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -3491,16 +3448,15 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="79.96" y1="21.07" x2="81.82" y2="21.07" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="43.16" y1="70.56" x2="42.44" y2="70.56" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="42.44" y1="70.56" x2="41.25" y2="71.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
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<contactref element="R6" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="R7" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="R8" pad="2"/>
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<wire x1="37.05" y1="71.754178125" x2="37.05" y2="74.4" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
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<contactref element="R9" pad="1"/>
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<contactref element="SV2" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="C5" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="C6" pad="1"/>
<contactref element="C7" pad="1"/>
@ -3509,20 +3465,19 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="C10" pad="1"/>
<wire x1="56.71" y1="74.07" x2="49.68" y2="74.07" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="49.68" y1="74.07" x2="48.75" y2="75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="48.75" y1="75" x2="37.25" y2="75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.25" y1="75" x2="36.75" y2="74.5" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.69205625" y1="74.35" x2="36.75" y2="74.29205625" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
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<wire x1="36.754178125" y1="71.75" x2="36.75" y2="71.754178125" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="41.25" y1="71.75" x2="36.754178125" y2="71.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="48.75" y1="75" x2="37.85" y2="75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.85" y1="75" x2="37.05" y2="74.4" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="14.75" y1="74.35" x2="37.09205625" y2="74.35" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.154178125" y1="71.75" x2="37.05" y2="71.754178125" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="41.25" y1="71.75" x2="37.154178125" y2="71.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="59.5" y1="58.57853125" x2="59.5" y2="72.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="59.5" y1="72.75" x2="58.25" y2="74" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="43.16" y1="60.4" x2="42.85" y2="60.4" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="38.205371875" y1="65.044628125" x2="36.75" y2="66.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="36.75" y="66.5" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="38.205371875" y1="65.044628125" x2="37.05" y2="66.2" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="37.05" y="66.2" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="39.93153125" y1="63.31846875" x2="38.205371875" y2="65.044628125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="39.93153125" y1="63.31846875" x2="42.85" y2="60.4" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="36.75" y1="66.5" x2="36.75" y2="71.754178125" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.05" y1="66.2" x2="37.05" y2="71.754178125" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="R11" pad="1"/>
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<wire x1="75.75" y1="35.65" x2="78.25" y2="35.65" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
@ -3563,6 +3518,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="79.95" y1="21.08" x2="79.96" y2="21.07" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="58.25" y1="74" x2="56.78" y2="74" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="56.78" y1="74" x2="56.71" y2="74.07" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.05" y1="74.4" x2="37.09205625" y2="74.35" width="0" layer="19" extent="1-1"/>
<signal name="N$1">
<contactref element="R1" pad="1"/>
@ -3585,11 +3541,9 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="51.41" y1="49" x2="51.41" y2="63.09" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="41.89" y1="66.75" x2="38.08" y2="70.56" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="47.75" y1="66.75" x2="41.89" y2="66.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="3"/>
<via x="51.41" y="49" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="70.5" y1="8.75" x2="70.5" y2="4.46" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="70.5" y1="4.46" x2="70.485" y2="4.445" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="48.79" y1="49" x2="51.41" y2="49" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="51.41" y1="21.66" x2="51.5" y2="21.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="58.875" y1="10" x2="58.8" y2="10.075" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<via x="58.8" y="10.075" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
@ -4106,7 +4060,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<signal name="TCK">
<contactref element="IC4" pad="17"/>
<wire x1="27.92" y1="57.86" x2="14.64" y2="57.86" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="SV2" pad="3"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="3"/>
<wire x1="14.64" y1="57.86" x2="12.25" y2="60.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="12.25" y1="60.25" x2="12.25" y2="67.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="12.25" y1="67.75" x2="13.75" y2="69.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -4117,13 +4071,13 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="IC4" pad="30"/>
<wire x1="43.16" y1="57.86" x2="43.14" y2="57.86" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="43.14" y1="57.86" x2="34.25" y2="66.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="SV2" pad="4"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="4"/>
<wire x1="34.25" y1="66.75" x2="15.77" y2="66.75" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="15.77" y1="66.75" x2="14.75" y2="66.73" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<signal name="TDI">
<contactref element="IC4" pad="15"/>
<contactref element="SV2" pad="5"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="5"/>
<wire x1="18.54" y1="60.4" x2="14.75" y2="64.19" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="27.92" y1="60.4" x2="18.54" y2="60.4" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -4131,7 +4085,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<contactref element="IC4" pad="16"/>
<wire x1="30.46" y1="60.4" x2="30.4" y2="60.4" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="30.4" y1="60.4" x2="29.25" y2="59.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<contactref element="SV2" pad="6"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="6"/>
<wire x1="17.15" y1="59.25" x2="14.75" y2="61.65" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="29.25" y1="59.25" x2="17.15" y2="59.25" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
@ -4203,17 +4157,6 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="92.275" y1="38.975" x2="93" y2="38.25" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="93" y1="38.25" x2="93" y2="37.35" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<signal name="VPP">
<contactref element="IC3" pad="21"/>
<contactref element="SV1" pad="2"/>
<wire x1="38.67" y1="29.82" x2="38.67" y2="39.58" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.5" y1="40.75" x2="38.67" y2="39.58" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="46.25" y1="49" x2="46.25" y2="47.5" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="46.25" y1="47.5" x2="45.75" y2="47" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="45.75" y1="47" x2="37.5" y2="47" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<via x="37.5" y="47" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="37.5" y1="47" x2="37.5" y2="40.75" width="0.4" layer="1"/>
<signal name="!OE">
<contactref element="IC4" pad="25"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="20"/>
@ -4269,7 +4212,7 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="65.3" y1="10" x2="64.5" y2="10.8" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="69.3" y1="10" x2="65.3" y2="10" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="10.8" x2="64.5" y2="13.325" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="13.325" x2="64.8" y2="13.625" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="64.5" y1="13.325" x2="65.3" y2="14.125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<signal name="-5V">
<contactref element="ST1" pad="34"/>
@ -4279,9 +4222,34 @@ Covered vias can be set in Masks (Limit).
<wire x1="67.2" y1="9.2" x2="65.2" y2="9.2" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="65.2" y1="9.2" x2="63.8" y2="10.6" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.8" y1="10.6" x2="63.8" y2="13.325" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.8" y1="13.325" x2="63.5" y2="13.625" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="63.8" y1="13.325" x2="63" y2="14.125" width="0.4" layer="16"/>
<signal name="!WE">
<contactref element="IC4" pad="2"/>
<contactref element="IC3" pad="21"/>
<wire x1="38.67" y1="29.82" x2="38.67" y2="39.63" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="38.67" y1="39.63" x2="37.5" y2="40.8" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.5" y1="49.9" x2="37.9" y2="50.3" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.9" y1="50.3" x2="37.9" y2="53.1454" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="37.9" y1="53.1454" x2="37.8704" y2="53.175" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<via x="37.8704" y="53.175" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="37.8704" y1="53.175" x2="37.825" y2="53.175" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="37" y1="54" x2="37.825" y2="53.175" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="37.5" y1="40.8" x2="37.5" y2="49.9" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
<via x="36.4" y="62.4" extent="1-16" drill="0.35"/>
<wire x1="36.4" y1="62.3" x2="36.4" y2="62.4" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="36.4" y1="62.3" x2="37" y2="61.7" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="37" y1="61.7" x2="37" y2="54" width="0.4064" layer="16"/>
<wire x1="36.4" y1="62.4" x2="36.4" y2="70.1347625" width="0.3048" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.4" y1="70.1347625" x2="36.4488" y2="70.1835625" width="0.3048" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.4488" y1="70.1835625" x2="36.4488" y2="72.1912" width="0.3048" layer="1"/>
<wire x1="36.4488" y1="72.1912" x2="35.54" y2="73.1" width="0.3048" layer="1"/>
<approved hash="21,19,1175137713771175"/>
<approved hash="21,19,155ae95aeb58eba4"/>

View File

@ -8634,38 +8634,6 @@ MA = male&lt;p&gt;
W = angled&lt;p&gt;
&lt;author&gt;Created by librarian@cadsoft.de&lt;/author&gt;</description>
<package name="MA03-1">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.27" x2="-1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="0.635" x2="-3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="1.27" x2="-3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="-3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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<pad name="2" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
<pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
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<text x="-5.08" y="-0.635" size="1.27" layer="21" ratio="10">1</text>
<text x="-3.81" y="-2.921" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
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<rectangle x1="-2.794" y1="-0.254" x2="-2.286" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
<package name="MA06-1">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-6.985" y1="1.27" x2="-5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
@ -8725,20 +8693,6 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<symbol name="MA03-1">
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-5.08" x2="-1.27" y2="-5.08" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="5.08" x2="-1.27" y2="-5.08" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-5.08" x2="3.81" y2="5.08" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="5.08" x2="3.81" y2="5.08" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
<text x="-1.27" y="-7.62" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
<text x="-1.27" y="5.842" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
<pin name="1" x="7.62" y="-2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="2" x="7.62" y="0" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
<pin name="3" x="7.62" y="2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
<symbol name="MA06-1">
<wire x1="3.81" y1="-10.16" x2="-1.27" y2="-10.16" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
@ -8761,29 +8715,6 @@ W = angled&lt;p&gt;
<deviceset name="MA03-1" prefix="SV" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<gate name="G$1" symbol="MA03-1" x="0" y="0"/>
<device name="" package="MA03-1">
<connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
<connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
<technology name="">
<attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/>
<attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/>
<attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/>
<attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/>
<deviceset name="MA06-1" prefix="SV" uservalue="yes">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
@ -16767,10 +16698,8 @@ Based on the following sources:
<part name="R7" library="rcl" deviceset="R-EU_" device="R0603" value="100k"/>
<part name="R8" library="rcl" deviceset="R-EU_" device="R0603" value="68k"/>
<part name="R9" library="rcl" deviceset="R-EU_" device="R0603" value="100k"/>
<part name="P+5" library="supply1" deviceset="+5V" device=""/>
<part name="SV1" library="con-lstb" deviceset="MA03-1" device=""/>
<part name="GND4" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
<part name="SV2" library="con-lstb" deviceset="MA06-1" device=""/>
<part name="SV1" library="con-lstb" deviceset="MA06-1" device=""/>
<part name="+3V3" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
<part name="GND8" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
<part name="C5" library="rcl" deviceset="C-EU" device="C0603K" value="100n"/>
@ -16798,40 +16727,34 @@ Based on the following sources:
<text x="312.42" y="33.02" size="1.778" layer="91">SV1
1-2: Read Only
2-3: Read / Write
Program CPLD</text>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_-12V@2" x="73.66" y="35.56" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D0" x="73.66" y="134.62" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D1" x="73.66" y="132.08" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D2" x="73.66" y="129.54" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D3" x="73.66" y="127" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D4" x="73.66" y="124.46" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D5" x="73.66" y="121.92" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D6" x="73.66" y="119.38" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D7" x="73.66" y="116.84" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_DEVSELECT\" x="73.66" y="78.74" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_00" x="73.66" y="109.22" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D0" x="73.66" y="132.08" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D1" x="73.66" y="129.54" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D2" x="73.66" y="127" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D3" x="73.66" y="124.46" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D4" x="73.66" y="121.92" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D5" x="73.66" y="119.38" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D6" x="73.66" y="116.84" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_D7" x="73.66" y="114.3" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_DEVSELECT\" x="73.66" y="76.2" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_00" x="73.66" y="106.68" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_USER1" x="5.08" y="58.42"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_01" x="5.08" y="48.26"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_Q3" x="5.08" y="50.8"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_7M" x="73.66" y="162.56" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_7M" x="73.66" y="165.1" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_NC@2" x="5.08" y="68.58"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_-5V" x="73.66" y="20.32" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_-12V@1" x="73.66" y="27.94" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_INH\" x="5.08" y="78.74"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_RES\" x="73.66" y="81.28" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_RES\" x="73.66" y="78.74" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_IRQ\" x="5.08" y="86.36"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_NMI\" x="5.08" y="81.28"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_INT_IN" x="73.66" y="144.78" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_DMA_IN" x="73.66" y="149.86" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_GND" x="73.66" y="10.16" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_IOSELECT\" x="73.66" y="83.82" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_IOSELECT\" x="73.66" y="81.28" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A00" x="73.66" y="50.8" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A01" x="73.66" y="53.34" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A02" x="73.66" y="55.88" rot="R180"/>
@ -16840,24 +16763,24 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A05" x="73.66" y="63.5" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A06" x="73.66" y="66.04" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A07" x="73.66" y="68.58" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A08" x="73.66" y="177.8" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A09" x="73.66" y="175.26" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A10" x="73.66" y="172.72" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A11" x="73.66" y="170.18" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A08" x="73.66" y="180.34" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A09" x="73.66" y="177.8" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A10" x="73.66" y="175.26" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A11" x="73.66" y="172.72" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A12" x="5.08" y="106.68"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A13" x="5.08" y="109.22"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A14" x="5.08" y="111.76"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_A15" x="5.08" y="114.3"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_RW" x="73.66" y="160.02" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_RW" x="73.66" y="162.56" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_NC@1" x="5.08" y="66.04"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_IOSTR\" x="73.66" y="165.1" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_IOSTR\" x="73.66" y="167.64" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_RDY" x="5.08" y="55.88"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_DMA\" x="5.08" y="83.82"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_INT_OUT" x="73.66" y="142.24" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_DMA_OUT" x="73.66" y="152.4" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="ST1" gate="_+5V" x="73.66" y="12.7" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="IC4" gate="G$1" x="200.66" y="124.46"/>
<instance part="IC1" gate="A" x="106.68" y="129.54" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="IC1" gate="A" x="106.68" y="127" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="IC2" gate="A" x="111.76" y="30.48"/>
<instance part="C2" gate="G$1" x="132.08" y="20.32"/>
<instance part="R1" gate="G$1" x="124.46" y="22.86" rot="R90"/>
@ -16890,10 +16813,8 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<instance part="R7" gate="G$1" x="271.78" y="124.46"/>
<instance part="R8" gate="G$1" x="271.78" y="132.08"/>
<instance part="R9" gate="G$1" x="287.02" y="165.1"/>
<instance part="P+5" gate="1" x="254" y="109.22"/>
<instance part="SV1" gate="G$1" x="266.7" y="101.6" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="241.3" y="81.28" rot="R270"/>
<instance part="SV2" gate="1" x="330.2" y="66.04" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="SV1" gate="1" x="330.2" y="66.04" rot="R180"/>
<instance part="+3V3" gate="G$1" x="312.42" y="78.74"/>
<instance part="GND8" gate="1" x="312.42" y="68.58"/>
<instance part="C5" gate="G$1" x="165.1" y="22.86"/>
@ -16932,7 +16853,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<bus name="DATA[0..7]">
<wire x1="134.62" y1="147.32" x2="157.48" y2="147.32" width="0.762" layer="92"/>
<label x="147.32" y="149.86" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<label x="147.32" y="147.32" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="289.56" y1="73.66" x2="289.56" y2="53.34" width="0.762" layer="92"/>
@ -17033,7 +16954,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<wire x1="251.46" y1="81.28" x2="243.84" y2="81.28" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="SV2" gate="1" pin="2"/>
<pinref part="SV1" gate="1" pin="2"/>
<wire x1="322.58" y1="71.12" x2="312.42" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="GND8" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
@ -17090,12 +17011,6 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<junction x="231.14" y="30.48"/>
<pinref part="C4" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<pinref part="SV1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
<wire x1="259.08" y1="104.14" x2="254" y2="104.14" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="P+5" gate="1" pin="+5V"/>
<wire x1="254" y1="104.14" x2="254" y2="106.68" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="+3V3" class="0">
@ -17179,7 +17094,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<pinref part="LED1" gate="G$1" pin="A"/>
<pinref part="SV2" gate="1" pin="1"/>
<pinref part="SV1" gate="1" pin="1"/>
<wire x1="322.58" y1="73.66" x2="312.42" y2="73.66" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="312.42" y1="73.66" x2="312.42" y2="76.2" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="+3V3" gate="G$1" pin="+3V3"/>
@ -17198,32 +17113,27 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<net name="R/!W" class="0">
<pinref part="IC1" gate="A" pin="DIR"/>
<label x="124.46" y="139.7" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<label x="124.46" y="137.16" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<pinref part="ST1" gate="_RW" pin="P"/>
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<wire x1="132.08" y1="160.02" x2="167.64" y2="160.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="167.64" y1="137.16" x2="167.64" y2="160.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="76.2" y1="162.56" x2="132.08" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="132.08" y1="162.56" x2="167.64" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="167.64" y1="137.16" x2="167.64" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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<wire x1="167.64" y1="137.16" x2="170.18" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<junction x="132.08" y="160.02"/>
<label x="78.74" y="160.02" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="119.38" y1="139.7" x2="132.08" y2="139.7" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="132.08" y1="139.7" x2="132.08" y2="160.02" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<pinref part="SV1" gate="G$1" pin="3"/>
<wire x1="259.08" y1="99.06" x2="254" y2="99.06" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="254" y="99.06" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<junction x="132.08" y="162.56"/>
<label x="78.74" y="162.56" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="119.38" y1="137.16" x2="132.08" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="132.08" y1="137.16" x2="132.08" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="PHI_0" class="0">
<pinref part="ST1" gate="_00" pin="P"/>
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<label x="78.74" y="106.68" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<pinref part="IC4" gate="G$1" pin="FB01/15"/>
<wire x1="170.18" y1="119.38" x2="165.1" y2="119.38" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="165.1" y1="119.38" x2="165.1" y2="109.22" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="170.18" y1="119.38" x2="162.56" y2="119.38" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="162.56" y1="119.38" x2="162.56" y2="106.68" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="!CS" class="0">
@ -17272,11 +17182,11 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<net name="7M" class="0">
<pinref part="ST1" gate="_7M" pin="P"/>
<wire x1="76.2" y1="162.56" x2="193.04" y2="162.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="76.2" y1="165.1" x2="193.04" y2="165.1" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="193.04" y="157.48" size="1.778" layer="95" rot="R90"/>
<label x="78.74" y="162.56" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<label x="78.74" y="165.1" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
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<wire x1="193.04" y1="165.1" x2="193.04" y2="154.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="!LED" class="0">
@ -17297,12 +17207,12 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<net name="!G" class="0">
<pinref part="IC1" gate="A" pin="G"/>
<wire x1="119.38" y1="142.24" x2="121.92" y2="142.24" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="127" y="88.9" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="121.92" y1="142.24" x2="121.92" y2="88.9" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="121.92" y1="88.9" x2="193.04" y2="88.9" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="119.38" y1="139.7" x2="121.92" y2="139.7" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<label x="127" y="86.36" size="1.778" layer="95"/>
<wire x1="121.92" y1="139.7" x2="121.92" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="121.92" y1="86.36" x2="193.04" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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<wire x1="193.04" y1="93.98" x2="193.04" y2="86.36" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="B10" class="0">
@ -17356,56 +17266,56 @@ Program CPLD</text>
<pinref part="ST1" gate="_D0" pin="P"/>
<pinref part="IC1" gate="A" pin="B8"/>
<wire x1="76.2" y1="134.62" x2="93.98" y2="134.62" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<wire x1="76.2" y1="132.08" x2="93.98" y2="132.08" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
<net name="N$8" class="0">
<pinref part="ST1" gate="_D7" pin="P"/>
<pinref part="IC1" gate="A" pin="B1"/>
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@ -17494,48 +17404,45 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17547,15 +17454,15 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17567,15 +17474,15 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17587,15 +17494,13 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17607,15 +17512,13 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17627,15 +17530,13 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17647,15 +17548,13 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17667,15 +17566,13 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17720,7 +17617,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17732,7 +17629,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17744,7 +17641,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17756,7 +17653,7 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17764,28 +17661,28 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17812,14 +17709,6 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17833,19 +17722,19 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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@ -17888,6 +17777,18 @@ Program CPLD</text>
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