address decoder added

This commit is contained in:
freitz85 2017-07-05 19:22:02 +02:00
parent 50d903c980
commit f685f98029
143 changed files with 8693 additions and 3019 deletions

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,4 +1,97 @@
#Gitignore for files generated by Xilinx ISE
#ignore OS noise
# Ignore list for Eagle, a PCB layout tool
# Backup files
# Eagle project file
# It contains a serial number and references to the file structure
# on your computer.
# comment the following line if you want to have your project file included.
# Autorouter files
# CAM files
# file locks introduced since 7.x
# Xilinx ISE
# intermediate build files
@ -38,7 +131,26 @@ impact_impact.xwbt
#ignore OS noise
# iMPACT generated files
# Core Generator generated files
# project-wide generated files
# generated folders

.untf Normal file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# begin LFP file C:\sources\spi65\SPI6502B.lfp
# begin LFP file C:\sources\AppleIISd\SPI6502B.lfp
designfile spi6502b.ngd
IO_GROUP "spi_Nsel" ;
IO_GROUP "spi_miso" ;
@ -6,22 +6,9 @@ IO_GROUP "spi_int" ;
IO_GROUP "cpu_d" ;
IO_GROUP "cpu_a" ;
NET "spi_sclk" COLOR=6 ;
NET "spi_Nsel<3>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_Nsel" ;
NET "spi_Nsel<2>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_Nsel" ;
NET "spi_Nsel<1>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_Nsel" ;
NET "spi_Nsel<0>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_Nsel" ;
NET "spi_mosi" COLOR=6 ;
NET "spi_miso<3>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_miso" ;
NET "spi_miso<2>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_miso" ;
NET "spi_miso<1>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_miso" ;
NET "spi_miso<0>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_miso" ;
NET "spi_int<3>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_int" ;
NET "spi_int<2>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_int" ;
NET "spi_int<1>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_int" ;
NET "spi_int<0>" COLOR=6 IO_GROUP="spi_int" ;
NET "Ncs2" COLOR=6 ;
NET "extclk" COLOR=6 ;
NET "diag" COLOR=6 ;
NET "cpu_rnw" COLOR=6 ;
NET "cpu_Nres" COLOR=6 ;
NET "cpu_Nphi2" COLOR=6 ;

@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE
#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "a10" LOC = "P38" ;
NET "b10" LOC = "P27" ;
NET "a8" LOC = "P36" ;
NET "b8" LOC = "P25" ;
NET "a9" LOC = "P37" ;
NET "b9" LOC = "P26" ;
NET "cpu_a<0>" LOC = "P22" ;
NET "cpu_a<1>" LOC = "P24" ;
NET "cpu_d<0>" LOC = "P2" ;
@ -13,14 +19,16 @@ NET "cpu_d<4>" LOC = "P9" ;
NET "cpu_d<5>" LOC = "P11" ;
NET "cpu_d<6>" LOC = "P12" ;
NET "cpu_d<7>" LOC = "P13" ;
NET "cpu_Nirq" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "cpu_Nphi2" LOC = "P5" ;
NET "cpu_Nres" LOC = "P19" ;
NET "cpu_rnw" LOC = "P7" ;
NET "cs1" LOC = "P20" ;
NET "led" LOC = "P29" ;
NET "extclk" LOC = "P6" ;
NET "nio_sel" LOC = "P40" ;
NET "nio_stb" LOC = "P43" ;
NET "led" LOC = "P29" ;
NET "Ncs2" LOC = "P18" ;
NET "ng" LOC = "P20" ;
NET "noe" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "spi_int" LOC = "P42" ;
NET "spi_miso" LOC = "P44" ;
NET "spi_mosi" LOC = "P35" ;

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ library IEEE;
use address_decoder.ALL;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ entity SPI6502B is
cpu_Nres : in STD_LOGIC;
cpu_a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
cpu_Nphi2 : in STD_LOGIC;
cs1 : in STD_LOGIC;
Ncs2 : in STD_LOGIC;
extclk : in STD_LOGIC;
spi_miso: in std_logic;
@ -60,7 +61,18 @@ entity SPI6502B is
spi_sclk : out STD_LOGIC;
spi_Nsel : out STD_LOGIC;
spi_int : in STD_LOGIC;
led : out std_logic
led : out std_logic;
a8 : in std_logic;
a9 : in std_logic;
a10 : in std_logic;
nio_sel : in std_logic;
nio_stb : in std_logic;
b8 : out std_logic;
b9 : out std_logic;
b10 : out std_logic;
noe : out std_logic;
ng : out std_logic
constant DIV_WIDTH : integer := 3;
@ -117,11 +129,36 @@ architecture Behavioral of SPI6502B is
signal divcnt: std_logic_vector(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- divisor counter
signal shiftclk : std_logic;
component address_decoder
port ( A8 : in std_logic;
A9 : in std_logic;
A10 : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
NIO_SEL : in std_logic;
NIO_STB : in std_logic;
A8_B : out std_logic;
A9_B : out std_logic;
A10_B : out std_logic;
NOE : out std_logic);
end component;
add_dec : address_decoder
port map (A8=>a8,
led <= not (bsy or not slavesel); --'0'; --shifting2; --shiftdone; --shiftcnt(2);
ng <= Ncs2 and nio_sel and nio_stb;
bsy <= start_shifting or shifting2;
@ -256,7 +293,7 @@ begin
-- interface section
-- inputs
reset <= not (cpu_Nres);
selected <= cs1 and not(Ncs2); -- and cpu_phi2;
selected <= not(Ncs2); -- and cpu_phi2;
is_read <= selected and cpu_Nphi2 and cpu_rnw;
int_din <= cpu_d;
slaveint <= not(spi_int); -- active low interrupt inputs

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
C:\sources\AppleIISd\spi6502b.ngc 1494085672
C:\sources\AppleIISd\spi6502b.ngc 1494461294

@ -1,41 +1,42 @@
NET "cpu_Nphi2" loc="P5";
NET "extclk" loc="P6";
NET "cpu_rnw" loc="P7";
#net "diag" loc="P29";
NET "cpu_d<0>" loc="P2";
NET "cpu_d<1>" loc="P3";
NET "cpu_d<2>" loc="P4";
NET "cpu_d<3>" loc="P8";
NET "cpu_d<4>" loc="P9";
NET "cpu_d<5>" loc="P11";
NET "cpu_d<6>" loc="P12";
NET "cpu_d<7>" loc="P13";
#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE
NET "cpu_Nirq" loc="P14";
NET "Ncs2" loc="P18";
NET "cs1" loc="P20";
NET "cpu_Nres" loc="P19";
NET "cpu_a<0>" loc="P22";
NET "cpu_a<1>" loc="P24";
#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "A10" LOC = "P38" ;
NET "A10_B" LOC = "P25" ;
NET "A8" LOC = "P36" ;
NET "A8_B" LOC = "P27" ;
NET "A9" LOC = "P37" ;
NET "A9_B" LOC = "P26" ;
NET "cpu_a<0>" LOC = "P22" ;
NET "cpu_a<1>" LOC = "P24" ;
NET "cpu_d<0>" LOC = "P2" ;
NET "cpu_d<1>" LOC = "P3" ;
NET "cpu_d<2>" LOC = "P4" ;
NET "cpu_d<3>" LOC = "P8" ;
NET "cpu_d<4>" LOC = "P9" ;
NET "cpu_d<5>" LOC = "P11" ;
NET "cpu_d<6>" LOC = "P12" ;
NET "cpu_d<7>" LOC = "P13" ;
NET "cpu_Nirq" LOC = "P14" ;
NET "cpu_Nphi2" LOC = "P5" ;
NET "cpu_Nres" LOC = "P19" ;
NET "cpu_rnw" LOC = "P7" ;
NET "extclk" LOC = "P6" ;
NET "IO_SEL" LOC = "P40" ;
NET "IO_STB" LOC = "P43" ;
NET "led" LOC = "P29" ;
NET "Ncs2" LOC = "P18" ;
NET "OE" LOC = "P1" ;
NET "spi_int" LOC = "P42" ;
NET "spi_miso" LOC = "P44" ;
NET "spi_mosi" LOC = "P35" ;
NET "spi_Nsel" LOC = "P28" ;
NET "spi_sclk" LOC = "P34" ;
NET "spi_int<0>" loc="P42";
NET "spi_int<1>" loc="P40";
NET "spi_int<2>" loc="P39";
NET "spi_int<3>" loc="P1";
#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints
NET "spi_Nsel<0>" loc="P28";
NET "spi_Nsel<1>" loc="P27";
NET "spi_Nsel<2>" loc="P26";
NET "spi_Nsel<3>" loc="P25";
#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints
NET "spi_sclk" loc="P34";
NET "spi_mosi" loc="P35";
NET "spi_miso<0>" loc="P44";
NET "spi_miso<1>" loc="P43";
NET "spi_miso<2>" loc="P38";
NET "spi_miso<3>" loc="P37";
#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE

address_decoder._u_ Normal file

address_decoder.lfp Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# begin LFP file C:\sources\AppleIISd\address_decoder.lfp
designfile address_decoder.ngd
INST "address_decoder" COLOR=15 ;
NET "extclk" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A10_B" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A10" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A9_B" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A9" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A8_B" COLOR=6 ;
NET "A8" COLOR=6 ;

address_decoder.sch Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
BEGIN ATTR DeviceFamilyName "xc9500xl"
DELETE all:0
PORT Input A10
PORT Input A9
PORT Input A8
PORT Output A10_B
PORT Output A9_B
PORT Output A8_B
TIMESTAMP 2001 3 9 11 23 0
LINE N 0 -128 64 -128
LINE N 0 -256 64 -256
LINE N 384 -256 320 -256
LINE N 0 -32 64 -32
LINE N 0 -352 64 -352
RECTANGLE N 64 -320 320 -64
LINE N 192 -64 192 -32
LINE N 192 -32 64 -32
LINE N 64 -112 80 -128
LINE N 80 -128 64 -144
LINE N 192 -320 192 -352
LINE N 192 -352 64 -352
TIMESTAMP 2001 3 9 11 23 50
LINE N 0 -32 64 -32
LINE N 224 -32 160 -32
LINE N 64 -64 128 -32
LINE N 128 -32 64 0
LINE N 64 0 64 -64
CIRCLE N 128 -48 160 -16
TIMESTAMP 2001 3 9 11 23 50
LINE N 0 -64 64 -64
LINE N 0 -128 64 -128
LINE N 256 -96 216 -96
CIRCLE N 192 -108 216 -84
LINE N 64 -48 64 -144
LINE N 64 -144 144 -144
LINE N 144 -48 64 -48
ARC N 96 -144 192 -48 144 -48 144 -144
TIMESTAMP 2001 3 9 11 23 11
LINE N 96 -64 32 -64
LINE N 64 0 64 -32
LINE N 64 -32 64 -64
TIMESTAMP 2001 5 11 10 41 37
LINE N 0 -64 64 -64
LINE N 0 -128 64 -128
LINE N 256 -96 192 -96
ARC N 96 -144 192 -48 144 -48 144 -144
LINE N 144 -48 64 -48
LINE N 64 -144 144 -144
LINE N 64 -48 64 -144
TIMESTAMP 2001 5 11 10 43 32
LINE N 0 -64 40 -64
CIRCLE N 40 -76 64 -52
LINE N 0 -128 64 -128
LINE N 0 -192 64 -192
LINE N 0 -256 64 -256
LINE N 256 -160 192 -160
LINE N 64 -64 64 -256
LINE N 144 -112 64 -112
ARC N 96 -208 192 -112 144 -112 144 -208
LINE N 64 -208 144 -208
PIN I0 A10
PIN I1 A10
BEGIN SHEET 1 3520 2720
IOMARKER 320 496 NIO_STB R180 28
IOMARKER 320 560 NIO_SEL R180 28
WIRE 320 496 368 496
WIRE 368 496 368 640
WIRE 368 640 608 640
WIRE 368 496 1120 496
WIRE 1376 528 1744 528
WIRE 320 704 592 704
WIRE 592 704 608 704
WIRE 592 704 592 1168
WIRE 592 1168 1088 1168
WIRE 320 768 528 768
WIRE 528 768 608 768
WIRE 528 768 528 1312
WIRE 528 1312 1088 1312
WIRE 320 832 480 832
WIRE 480 832 608 832
WIRE 480 832 480 1456
WIRE 480 1456 1088 1456
IOMARKER 320 704 A10 R180 28
IOMARKER 320 768 A9 R180 28
IOMARKER 320 832 A8 R180 28
WIRE 2000 560 2032 560
WIRE 320 928 1392 928
IOMARKER 320 928 CLK R180 28
INSTANCE XLXI_18 1088 1232 R0
INSTANCE XLXI_19 1088 1376 R0
INSTANCE XLXI_20 1088 1520 R0
WIRE 1344 1136 1744 1136
WIRE 1344 1280 1744 1280
WIRE 1344 1424 1744 1424
INSTANCE XLXI_17 976 800 R0
WIRE 1040 800 1392 800
INSTANCE XLXI_13 1120 624 R0
WIRE 1728 592 1744 592
WIRE 1728 592 1728 656
WIRE 1728 656 1840 656
WIRE 1840 656 1840 800
WIRE 1776 800 1840 800
IOMARKER 1744 1136 A10_B R0 28
IOMARKER 1744 1280 A9_B R0 28
IOMARKER 1744 1424 A8_B R0 28
IOMARKER 2032 560 NOE R0 28
INSTANCE XLXI_14 1744 656 R0
INSTANCE XLXI_16 1392 1056 R0
WIRE 864 736 880 736
WIRE 880 736 880 1024
WIRE 880 1024 1392 1024
WIRE 320 560 944 560
WIRE 944 560 1088 560
WIRE 1088 560 1120 560
WIRE 1088 560 1088 704
WIRE 1088 704 1120 704
WIRE 944 560 944 1104
WIRE 944 1104 1088 1104
WIRE 944 1104 944 1248
WIRE 944 1248 944 1392
WIRE 944 1392 1088 1392
WIRE 944 1248 1088 1248
WIRE 1344 704 1360 704
WIRE 1360 704 1392 704
INSTANCE XLXI_22 1120 736 R0
INSTANCE XLXI_23 608 576 M180

address_decoder.ucf Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE
#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments
NET "A10" LOC = "P37" ;
NET "A10_B" LOC = "P38" ;
NET "A8" LOC = "P27" ;
NET "A8_B" LOC = "P29" ;
NET "A9" LOC = "P33" ;
NET "A9_B" LOC = "P36" ;
NET "extclk" LOC = "p6" ;
NET "IO_SEL" LOC = "P39" ;
NET "IO_STB" LOC = "P40" ;
NET "OE" LOC = "P1" ;
#PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints
#PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints
#PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE

address_decoder.vhf Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
-- Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Xilinx, Inc.
-- All Right Reserved.
-- ____ ____
-- / /\/ /
-- /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
-- \ \ \/ Version : 6.3.03i
-- \ \ Application :
-- / / Filename : address_decoder.vhf
-- /___/ /\ Timestamp : 05/11/2017 02:05:37
-- \ \ / \
-- \___\/\___\
--Design Name: FD_MXILINX_address_decoder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_off
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_on
entity FD_MXILINX_address_decoder is
port ( C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end FD_MXILINX_address_decoder;
architecture BEHAVIORAL of FD_MXILINX_address_decoder is
attribute BOX_TYPE : string ;
signal XLXN_4 : std_logic;
component GND
port ( G : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of GND : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component FDCP
port ( C : in std_logic;
CLR : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
PRE : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of FDCP : component is "BLACK_BOX";
I_36_43 : GND
port map (G=>XLXN_4);
port map (C=>C,
-- Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Xilinx, Inc.
-- All Right Reserved.
-- ____ ____
-- / /\/ /
-- /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
-- \ \ \/ Version : 6.3.03i
-- \ \ Application :
-- / / Filename : address_decoder.vhf
-- /___/ /\ Timestamp : 05/11/2017 02:05:37
-- \ \ / \
-- \___\/\___\
--Design Name: FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_off
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_on
entity FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder is
port ( C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
R : in std_logic;
S : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder;
architecture BEHAVIORAL of FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder is
attribute BOX_TYPE : string ;
attribute HU_SET : string ;
signal XLXN_6 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_7 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_8 : std_logic;
component AND2B1
port ( I0 : in std_logic;
I1 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of AND2B1 : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component OR2
port ( I0 : in std_logic;
I1 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of OR2 : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component FD_MXILINX_address_decoder
port ( C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute HU_SET of U0 : label is "U0_0";
I_36_112 : AND2B1
port map (I0=>R,
I_36_113 : AND2B1
port map (I0=>R,
I_36_120 : OR2
port map (I0=>XLXN_6,
U0 : FD_MXILINX_address_decoder
port map (C=>C,
-- Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Xilinx, Inc.
-- All Right Reserved.
-- ____ ____
-- / /\/ /
-- /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
-- \ \ \/ Version : 6.3.03i
-- \ \ Application :
-- / / Filename : address_decoder.vhf
-- /___/ /\ Timestamp : 05/11/2017 02:05:37
-- \ \ / \
-- \___\/\___\
--Design Name: address_decoder
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_off
library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.ALL;
-- synopsys translate_on
entity address_decoder is
port ( A8 : in std_logic;
A9 : in std_logic;
A10 : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
NIO_SEL : in std_logic;
NIO_STB : in std_logic;
A8_B : out std_logic;
A9_B : out std_logic;
A10_B : out std_logic;
NOE : out std_logic);
end address_decoder;
architecture BEHAVIORAL of address_decoder is
attribute BOX_TYPE : string ;
attribute HU_SET : string ;
signal XLXN_4 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_10 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_11 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_14 : std_logic;
signal XLXN_19 : std_logic;
component NAND2
port ( I0 : in std_logic;
I1 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of NAND2 : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder
port ( C : in std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
R : in std_logic;
S : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component;
component VCC
port ( P : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of VCC : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component AND2
port ( I0 : in std_logic;
I1 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of AND2 : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component INV
port ( I : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of INV : component is "BLACK_BOX";
component AND4B1
port ( I0 : in std_logic;
I1 : in std_logic;
I2 : in std_logic;
I3 : in std_logic;
O : out std_logic);
end component;
attribute BOX_TYPE of AND4B1 : component is "BLACK_BOX";
attribute HU_SET of XLXI_16 : label is "XLXI_16_1";
port map (I0=>NIO_SEL,
port map (I0=>XLXN_11,
XLXI_16 : FDRS_MXILINX_address_decoder
port map (C=>CLK,
port map (P=>XLXN_14);
XLXI_18 : AND2
port map (I0=>A10,
XLXI_19 : AND2
port map (I0=>A9,
XLXI_20 : AND2
port map (I0=>A8,
port map (I=>NIO_SEL,
XLXI_23 : AND4B1
port map (I0=>NIO_STB,

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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window.alert("file exist returns false" );
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<h1>Text Report</h1>
<p class="whs1">Selecting Text
Report from the left-hand frame will give you a printable text version
of the fitter report. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->It
contains sections similar to those of the XML report (a summary section,
errors and warnings, mapped logic, function blocks, function block details,
a text-graphical display of the pinout, and a summary of compiler options),
but it is not easily navigable. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->It
is best to use the text report only when you need to print out a hard
copy of the fitter results.</p>

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var eqnType = 0;
var spcStr = "&nbsp;";
var nlStr = "<br>";
var tabStr = spcStr + spcStr + spcStr + spcStr + spcStr;
var nlTabStr = nlStr + tabStr;
var rClrS = "<font color='blue'>";
var rClrE = "</font>";
var cClrS = "<font color='green'>";
var cClrE = "</font>";
var abelOper = new Array();
abelOper["GND"] = new Array("Gnd");
abelOper["VCC"] = new Array("Vcc");
abelOper["NOT"] = new Array(rClrS + "!" + rClrE);
abelOper["AND"] = new Array(rClrS + "*" + rClrE);
abelOper["OR"] = new Array(rClrS + "#" + rClrE);
abelOper["XOR"] = new Array(rClrS + "$" + rClrE);
abelOper["EQUAL_COLON"] = new Array(":= ");
abelOper["EQUAL"] = new Array("= ");
abelOper["ASSIGN"] = new Array("");
abelOper["OPEN_NEGATE"] = new Array("(");
abelOper["CLOSE_NEGATE"] = new Array(")");
abelOper["OPEN_PTERM"] = new Array("");
abelOper["CLOSE_PTERM"] = new Array("");
abelOper["OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("<");
abelOper["CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array(">");
abelOper["INVALID_OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("<");
abelOper["INVALID_CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array(">");
abelOper["ENDLN"] = new Array(";");
abelOper["COMMENT"] = new Array("//");
abelOper["IMPORT"] = new Array(";Imported pterms ");
abelOper["GCK_COM"] = new Array("GCK");
abelOper["GTS_COM"] = new Array("GTS");
abelOper["GSR_COM"] = new Array("GSR");
abelOper["START_EQN"] = new Array("");
abelOper["END_EQN"] = new Array("");
abelOper["_I"] = new Array(".I");
abelOper["_T"] = new Array(".T");
abelOper["_D"] = new Array(".D");
abelOper["_C"] = new Array(".CLK");
abelOper["_LH"] = new Array(".LH");
abelOper["_CLR"] = new Array(".AR");
abelOper["_PRE"] = new Array(".AP");
abelOper["_CE"] = new Array(".CE");
abelOper["_OE"] = new Array(".OE");
abelOper["OE_START"] = new Array(" <= ");
abelOper["OE_WHEN"] = new Array(" when ");
abelOper["OE_EQUAL"] = new Array(" = ");
abelOper["OE_ELSE"] = new Array(" else ");
abelOper["B0"] = new Array("'0'");
abelOper["B1"] = new Array("'1'");
abelOper["BZ"] = new Array("'Z'");
abelOper["FD"] = new Array(".D");
abelOper["FT"] = new Array(".T");
abelOper["FDD"] = new Array(".D");
abelOper["FTD"] = new Array(".T");
abelOper["LD"] = new Array(".LH");
abelOper["Q"] = new Array(".Q");
var vhdlOper = new Array();
vhdlOper["GND"] = new Array("'0'");
vhdlOper["VCC"] = new Array("'1'");
vhdlOper["NOT"] = new Array(rClrS + "NOT " + rClrE);
vhdlOper["AND"] = new Array(rClrS + "AND" + rClrE);
vhdlOper["OR"] = new Array(rClrS + "OR" + rClrE);
vhdlOper["XOR"] = new Array(rClrS + "XOR" + rClrE);
vhdlOper["EQUAL_COLON"] = new Array("<= ");
vhdlOper["EQUAL"] = new Array("<= ");
vhdlOper["ASSIGN"] = new Array("");
vhdlOper["OPEN_NEGATE"] = new Array("(");
vhdlOper["CLOSE_NEGATE"] = new Array(")");
vhdlOper["OPEN_PTERM"] = new Array("(");
vhdlOper["CLOSE_PTERM"] = new Array(")");
vhdlOper["OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("(");
vhdlOper["CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array(")");
vhdlOper["INVALID_OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("<");
vhdlOper["INVALID_CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array(">");
vhdlOper["ENDLN"] = new Array(";");
vhdlOper["COMMENT"] = new Array("--");
vhdlOper["IMPORT"] = new Array("");
vhdlOper["GCK_COM"] = new Array("GCK");
vhdlOper["GTS_COM"] = new Array("GTS");
vhdlOper["GSR_COM"] = new Array("GSR");
vhdlOper["START_EQN"] = new Array(rClrS + "port map" + rClrE + " (");
vhdlOper["END_EQN"] = new Array(")");
vhdlOper["_I"] = new Array("_I");
vhdlOper["_T"] = new Array("_T");
vhdlOper["_D"] = new Array("_D");
vhdlOper["_C"] = new Array("_C");
vhdlOper["_LH"] = new Array("_C");
vhdlOper["_CLR"] = new Array("_CLR");
vhdlOper["_PRE"] = new Array("_PRE");
vhdlOper["_CE"] = new Array("_CE");
vhdlOper["_OE"] = new Array("_OE");
vhdlOper["OE_START"] = new Array(" <= ");
vhdlOper["OE_WHEN"] = new Array(" when ");
vhdlOper["OE_EQUAL"] = new Array(" = ");
vhdlOper["OE_ELSE"] = new Array(" else ");
vhdlOper["B0"] = new Array("'0'");
vhdlOper["B1"] = new Array("'1'");
vhdlOper["BZ"] = new Array("'Z'");
vhdlOper["FD"] = new Array("FDCPE");
vhdlOper["FT"] = new Array("FTCPE");
vhdlOper["FDD"] = new Array("FDDCPE");
vhdlOper["FTD"] = new Array("FTDCPE");
vhdlOper["LD"] = new Array("LDCP");
vhdlOper["Q"] = new Array("");
var verOper = new Array();
verOper["GND"] = new Array("1'b0");
verOper["VCC"] = new Array("1'b1");
verOper["NOT"] = new Array(rClrS + "!" + rClrE);
verOper["AND"] = new Array(rClrS + "&&" + rClrE);
verOper["OR"] = new Array(rClrS + "||" + rClrE);
verOper["XOR"] = new Array(rClrS + "XOR" + rClrE);
verOper["EQUAL_COLON"] = new Array("= ");
verOper["EQUAL"] = new Array("= ");
verOper["ASSIGN"] = new Array("assign ");
verOper["OPEN_NEGATE"] = new Array("(");
verOper["CLOSE_NEGATE"] = new Array(")");
verOper["OPEN_PTERM"] = new Array("(");
verOper["CLOSE_PTERM"] = new Array(")");
verOper["OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("[");
verOper["CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array("]");
verOper["INVALID_OPEN_BRACE"] = new Array("<");
verOper["INVALID_CLOSE_BRACE"] = new Array(">");
verOper["ENDLN"] = new Array(";");
verOper["COMMENT"] = new Array("//");
verOper["IMPORT"] = new Array("");
verOper["GCK_COM"] = new Array("GCK");
verOper["GTS_COM"] = new Array("GTS");
verOper["GSR_COM"] = new Array("GSR");
verOper["START_EQN"] = new Array(" (");
verOper["END_EQN"] = new Array(")");
verOper["_I"] = new Array("_I");
verOper["_T"] = new Array("_T");
verOper["_D"] = new Array("_D");
verOper["_C"] = new Array("_C");
verOper["_LH"] = new Array("_C");
verOper["_CLR"] = new Array("_CLR");
verOper["_PRE"] = new Array("_PRE");
verOper["_CE"] = new Array("_CE");
verOper["_OE"] = new Array("_OE");
verOper["OE_START"] = new Array(" = ");
verOper["OE_WHEN"] = new Array(" ? ");
verOper["OE_EQUAL"] = new Array("");
verOper["OE_ELSE"] = new Array(" : ");
verOper["B0"] = new Array("1'b0");
verOper["B1"] = new Array("1'b1");
verOper["BZ"] = new Array("1'bz");
verOper["FD"] = new Array("FDCPE");
verOper["FT"] = new Array("FTCPE");
verOper["FDD"] = new Array("FDDCPE");
verOper["FTD"] = new Array("FTDCPE");
verOper["LD"] = new Array("LDCP");
verOper["Q"] = new Array("");
var operator = abelOper;
var pterms = new Array();
var d1 = new Array();
var d2 = new Array();
var clk = new Array();
var set = new Array();
var rst = new Array();
var trst = new Array();
var d1imp = new Array();
var d2imp = new Array();
var clkimp = new Array();
var setimp = new Array();
var rstimp = new Array();
var trstimp = new Array();
var gblclk = new Array();
var gblset = new Array();
var gblrst = new Array();
var gbltrst = new Array();
var ce = new Array();
var ceimp = new Array();
var prld = new Array();
var specSig = new Array();
var clkNegs = new Array();
var setNegs = new Array();
var rstNegs = new Array();
var trstNegs = new Array();
var ceNegs = new Array();
var fbnand = new Array();
var inreg = new Array();
var dOneLit = true;
function setOper(type) {
if (type == "1") { operator = vhdlOper; eqnType = 1; }
else if (type == "2") { operator = verOper; eqnType = 2; }
else { operator = abelOper; eqnType = 0; }
function isXC95() {
if (device.indexOf("95") != -1) return true;
return false;
function is9500() {
if ((device.indexOf("95") != -1) &&
(device.indexOf("XL") == -1) &&
(device.indexOf("XV") == -1)) return true;
return false;
function retSigType(s) {
var sigType = sigTypes[s];
var str = operator["Q"];
if (sigType == "D") str = operator["FD"];
else if (sigType == "T") str = operator["FT"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("LATCH") != -1) str = operator["LD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("DDEFF") != -1) str = operator["FDD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("DEFF") != -1) str = operator["FD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("DDFF") != -1) str = operator["FDD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("TDFF") != -1) str = operator["FTD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("DFF") != -1) str = operator["FD"];
else if (sigType.indexOf("TFF") != -1) str = operator["FT"];
return str;
function retSigIndex(signal) {
for (s=0; s<signals.length; s++) { if (signals[s] == signal) return s; }
return -1;
function retSigName(signal) {
var str = "";
if (specSig[signal]) str += specSig[signal];
else str += signal;
var idx1 = str.indexOf(operator["INVALID_OPEN_BRACE"]);
var idx2 = str.indexOf(operator["INVALID_CLOSE_BRACE"]);
if ((idx1 != -1) && (idx2 != -1))
str = str.substring(0,idx1) + operator["OPEN_BRACE"] +
str.substring(idx1+1,idx2) + operator["CLOSE_BRACE"] +
return str;
function removePar(signal) {
var str = signal;
var idx = str.indexOf(operator["OPEN_BRACE"]);
if (idx != -1)
str = str.substring(0,idx) +
return str;
function isOneLiteral(str) {
if ((str.indexOf(operator["AND"]) != -1) ||
(str.indexOf(operator["OR"]) != -1) ||
(str.indexOf(operator["XOR"]) != -1)) return false;
return true;
function updateName(signal, index) {
var str;
var idx = signal.indexOf(operator["OPEN_BRACE"]);
if (idx != -1)
str = signal.substring(0,idx) +
index + signal.substring(idx);
else str = signal + index;
return str;
function retPterm(pt) {
var str = "";
if (!pterms[pt]) {
if (specSig[pt]) pt = specSig[pt];
return pt;
if (pterms[pt].length > 1) str += operator["OPEN_PTERM"];
for (p=0; p<pterms[pt].length; p++) {
var sig = pterms[pt][p];
if (sig.indexOf("xPUP_0") != -1) continue;
if (p>0) str += " " + operator["AND"] + " ";
var neg = 0;
if (sig.indexOf("/") != -1) {
sig = sig.substring(1, sig.length);
str += operator["NOT"];
neg = 1;
str += retSigName(sig);
if (pterms[pt].length > 1) str += operator["CLOSE_PTERM"];
return str;
function retFBMC(str) {
return str.substring(0,str.length-2);
function retD1D2(signal) {
var str = "";
dOneLit = true;
if (d1[signal]) {
var currImp = "";
for (i=0; i<d1[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && d1imp[signal] && (d1imp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(d1[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(d1[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(d1[signal][i]);
if (d2[signal]) str += nlTabStr + operator["XOR"]+ spcStr;
if (d2[signal]) {
var currImp = "";
for (i=0; i<d2[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && d2imp[signal] && (d2imp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(d2[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(d2[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(d2[signal][i]);
if (str == "GND") str = operator["GND"];
else if (str == "VCC") str = operator["VCC"];
else if (!isOneLiteral(str)) {
dOneLit = false;
var type = retSigType(retSigIndex(signal));
if ((type == operator["FD"]) ||
(type == operator["FDD"])) type = operator["_D"];
else if ((type == operator["FT"]) ||
(type == operator["FTD"])) type = operator["_T"];
else if (type == operator["LD"] && eqnType) type = "_D";
var tmpStr = updateName(retSigName(signal), type);
tmpStr += spcStr + operator["EQUAL_COLON"];
var idx = retSigIndex(signal);
if (eqnType && sigNegs[idx] == "ON") tmpStr += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
str = tmpStr + str;
if (eqnType && sigNegs[idx] == "ON") str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
return str;
function retClk(signal) {
var str = "";
if (clk[signal]) {
if (clk[signal].length == 1) {
var pterm = retPterm(clk[signal][0]);
if (clkNegs[signal]) {
str += operator["NOT"];
if (!isOneLiteral(pterm)) str += operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
str += pterm;
if (clkNegs[signal] && !isOneLiteral(pterm)) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
else {
if (clkNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
var currImp = "";
for (i=0; i<clk[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && clkimp[signal] && (clkimp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(clk[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(clk[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(clk[signal][i]);
if (clkNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
else if (gblclk[signal]) {
if (gblclk[signal].length == 1) {
var pterm = retPterm(gblclk[signal][0]);
if (clkNegs[signal]) {
str += operator["NOT"];
if (!isOneLiteral(pterm)) str += operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
str += pterm;
if (clkNegs[signal] && !isOneLiteral(pterm)) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
else {
if (clkNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<gblclk[signal].length; i++) {
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(gblclk[signal][i]);
if (clkNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"] + tabStr + cClrS +
operator["COMMENT"] + spcStr + operator["GCK_COM"] + cClrE;
else if (eqnType) str += operator["B0"];
return str;
function retRst(signal) {
var str = "";
if (rst[signal]) {
if (rst[signal].length == 1) {
var currImp;
if (!eqnType && rstimp[signal] && (rstimp[signal][0] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(rst[signal][0])) {
currImp = retFBMC(rst[signal][0]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"];
str += retPterm(rst[signal][0]);
else {
var currImp = "";
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<rst[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && rstimp[signal] && (rstimp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(rst[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(rst[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(rst[signal][i]);
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
else if (gblrst[signal]) {
if (gblrst[signal].length == 1) {
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"];
str += retPterm(gblrst[signal][0]);
else {
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<gblrst[signal].length; i++) {
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(gblrst[signal][i]);
if (rstNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"] + tabStr + cClrS +
operator["COMMENT"] + spcStr + operator["GSR_COM"] + cClrE;
else if (eqnType) str += operator["B0"];
return str;
function retSet(signal) {
var str = "";
if (set[signal]) {
if (set[signal].length == 1) {
var currImp = "";
if (!eqnType && setimp[signal] && (setimp[signal][0] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(set[signal][0])) {
currImp = retFBMC(set[signal][0]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"];
str += retPterm(set[signal][0]);
else {
var currImp = "";
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<set[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && setimp[signal] && (setimp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(set[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(set[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(set[signal][i]);
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
else if (gblset[signal]) {
if (gblset[signal].length == 1) {
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"];
str += retPterm(gblset[signal][0]);
else {
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<gblset[signal].length; i++) {
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(gblset[signal][i]);
if (setNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"] + tabStr + cClrS +
operator["COMMENT"] + spcStr + operator["GSR_COM"] + cClrE;
else if (eqnType) str += operator["B0"];
return str;
function retCE(signal) {
var str = "";
if (ce[signal]) {
if (ce[signal].length == 1) {
var currImp = "";
if (!eqnType && ceimp[signal] && (ceimp[signal][0] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(ce[signal][0])) {
currImp = retFBMC(ce[signal][0]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (ceNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"];
str += retPterm(ce[signal][0]);
else {
var currImp = "";
if (ceNegs[signal]) str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<ce[signal].length; i++) {
if (!eqnType && ceimp[signal] && (ceimp[signal][i] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(ce[signal][i])) {
currImp = retFBMC(ce[signal][i]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(ce[signal][i]);
if (ceNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
else if (eqnType) str += operator["B1"];
return str;
function retTrst(signal) {
var str = "";
if (trst[signal]) {
if (trstNegs[signal])
str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<trst[signal].length; i++) {
var currImp = "";
if (!eqnType && trstimp[signal] && (trstimp[signal][0] == "1")) {
if (currImp != retFBMC(trst[signal][0])) {
currImp = retFBMC(trst[signal][0]);
str += nlStr + operator["IMPORT"] + currImp;
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(trst[signal][i]);
if (trstNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
else if (gbltrst[signal]) {
if (trstNegs[signal])
str += operator["NOT"] + operator["OPEN_NEGATE"];
for (i=0; i<gbltrst[signal].length; i++) {
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(gbltrst[signal][i]);
if (trstNegs[signal]) str += operator["CLOSE_NEGATE"];
str += operator["ENDLN"];
return str;
function retEqn(signal) {
var str = inregStr = "";
var iStr = qStr = "";
var dStr = dEqn = "";
var cStr = cEqn = "";
var clrStr = clrEqn = "";
var preStr = preEqn = "";
var ceStr = ceEqn = "";
var oeStr = oeEqn = "";
var sigName = retSigName(signal);
var type = retSigType(retSigIndex(signal));
if (gbltrst[signal] || trst[signal]) iStr = operator["_I"];
if (eqnType) qStr = updateName(sigName, iStr);
if (inreg[signal]) {
if (!eqnType)
inregStr = operator["COMMENT"] + " Direct Input Register" + nlStr;
dStr = retSigName(inreg[signal][0]);
else dStr = retD1D2(signal);
if (eqnType && !dOneLit) {
dEqn = dStr;
dStr = dStr.substring(0,dStr.indexOf(operator["EQUAL_COLON"]));
else if (!eqnType) {
if (!dOneLit) dStr = dStr.substring(dStr.indexOf(operator["EQUAL_COLON"])+2);
if (sigNegs[retSigIndex(signal)] == "ON") dEqn += operator["NOT"];
dEqn += sigName;
if ((type == operator["FT"]) ||
(type == operator["FTD"])) dEqn += operator["_T"];
else if ((type == operator["FD"]) ||
(type == operator["FTD"])||
(type == operator["LD"])) dEqn += operator["_D"];
dEqn += " ";
if ((type != operator["Q"]) && (type != operator["LD"]))
dEqn += operator["EQUAL_COLON"];
else dEqn += operator["EQUAL"];
dEqn += dStr;
if (dOneLit) dEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
cStr = retClk(signal);
if (eqnType && !isOneLiteral(cStr)){
cEqn = cStr;
if (cEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
cEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
cStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_C"]);
else if (!eqnType && cStr) {
cEqn += cStr;
cStr = tabStr + sigName;
if (type == operator["LD"]) cStr += operator["_LH"];
else cStr += operator["_C"];
if (cEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
cEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
if (gblclk[signal]) cEqn += tabStr + operator["COMMENT"] + " " + operator["GCK_COM"];
clrStr = retRst(signal);
if (eqnType && !isOneLiteral(clrStr)){
clrEqn = clrStr;
if (cEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
clrEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
clrStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_CLR"]);
else if (!eqnType && clrStr) {
clrEqn += clrStr;
clrStr = tabStr + sigName + operator["_CLR"];
if (clrEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
clrEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
if (gblrst[signal]) clrEqn += tabStr + operator["COMMENT"] + " " + operator["GSR_COM"];
preStr = retSet(signal);
if (eqnType && !isOneLiteral(preStr)){
preEqn = preStr;
if (cEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
preEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
preStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_PRE"]);
else if (!eqnType && preStr) {
preEqn += preStr;
preStr = tabStr + sigName + operator["_PRE"];
if (preEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
preEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
if (gblset[signal]) preEqn += tabStr + operator["COMMENT"] + " " + operator["GSR_COM"];
if (!is9500()) {
ceStr = retCE(signal);
if (eqnType && !isOneLiteral(ceStr)){
ceEqn = ceStr;
if (cEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
ceEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
ceStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_CE"]);
else if (!eqnType && ceStr) {
ceEqn += ceStr;
ceStr = tabStr + sigName + operator["_CE"];
if (ceEqn.indexOf(operator["ENDLN"]) == -1)
ceEqn += operator["ENDLN"];
if (eqnType && trst[signal]) oeEqn = retTrst(signal)
else if (!eqnType && (trst[signal] || gbltrst[signal])) oeEqn = retTrst(signal);
var newline = false;
if (type == "") {
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + qStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"];
if (dOneLit) str += dStr;
else str += dEqn.substring(dEqn.indexOf(operator["EQUAL"])+2);
if (oeEqn != "") {
var oeStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_OE"]);
if (eqnType == 1) {
str += nlStr + sigName + operator["OE_START"] + qStr + operator["OE_WHEN"] + oeStr +
operator["OE_EQUAL"] + operator["B1"] + operator["OE_ELSE"] +
operator["OE_EQUAL"] + operator["BZ"] + operator["ENDLN"];
else if (eqnType == 2) {
str += nlStr + operator["ASSIGN"] + sigName + operator["OE_START"] +
oeStr + operator["OE_WHEN"] + qStr +
operator["OE_ELSE"] + operator["BZ"] + operator["ENDLN"];
str += nlStr + operator["ASSIGN"] + oeStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + oeEqn;
else {
if (eqnType == 1) {
str += type + "_" + removePar(retSigName(signal)) +
": " + type + " " + operator["START_EQN"] +
qStr + ", " + dStr + ", " + cStr + ", " +
clrStr + ", " + preStr;
if (!is9500() && (type != operator["LD"])) str += ", " + ceStr;
str += operator["END_EQN"] + operator["ENDLN"];
newline = true;
else if (eqnType == 2) {
str += type + " " +
type + "_" + removePar(retSigName(signal)) +
operator["START_EQN"] +
qStr + ", " + dStr + ", " + cStr + ", " +
clrStr + ", " + preStr;
if (!is9500() && (type != operator["LD"])) str += ", " + ceStr;
str += operator["END_EQN"] + operator["ENDLN"];
newline = true;
if (dEqn != "") {
if (newline) str += nlStr;
if (inregStr) str += inregStr;
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + dEqn;
if (cEqn != "") {
if (newline || !eqnType) str += nlStr;
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + cStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + cEqn;
if (clrEqn != "") {
if (newline || !eqnType) str += nlStr;
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + clrStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + clrEqn;
if (preEqn != "") {
if (newline || !eqnType) str += nlStr;
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + preStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + preEqn;
if (ceEqn != "") {
if (newline || !eqnType) str += nlStr;
str += operator["ASSIGN"] + ceStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + ceEqn;
if (oeEqn != "") {
if (eqnType == 1) {
var oeStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_OE"]);
str += nlStr + sigName + operator["OE_START"] + qStr + operator["OE_WHEN"] + oeStr +
operator["OE_EQUAL"] + operator["B1"] + operator["OE_ELSE"] +
operator["OE_EQUAL"] + operator["BZ"] + operator["ENDLN"];
str += nlStr + oeStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + oeEqn;
else if (eqnType == 2) {
var oeStr = updateName(sigName, operator["_OE"]);
str += nlStr + operator["ASSIGN"] + sigName + operator["OE_START"] + oeStr + operator["OE_WHEN"] + qStr +
operator["OE_ELSE"] + operator["BZ"] + operator["ENDLN"];
str += nlStr + operator["ASSIGN"] + oeStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + oeEqn;
else {
var oeStr = sigName + operator["_OE"];
if (gbltrst[signal])
oeEqn += tabStr + operator["COMMENT"] + " " + operator["GTS_COM"];
str += nlStr + tabStr + oeStr + " " + operator["EQUAL"] + " " + oeEqn;
return str;
function retFamily() {
var family = "xc9500";
if (device.indexOf("XC2C") != -1) {
if (device.indexOf("S") != -1) family = "cr2s";
else family = "xbr";
else if (device.indexOf("XCR3") != -1) family = "xpla3";
else {
if (device.indexOf("XL") != -1) family = "xc9500xl";
if (device.indexOf("XV") != -1) family = "xc9500xv";
return family;
function retDesign() { return design; }
function getPterm(pt, type) {
if (type) return type + " = " + retPterm(pt);
return "PT" + pt.substring(pt.indexOf('_')+1,pt.length) + " = " + retPterm(pt);
function getPRLDName(prld) {
if (eqnType != 0) return prld;
else if (prld == "VCC") return "S";
return "R";
function retFbnand(signal) {
var str = operator["COMMENT"] + spcStr + "Foldback NAND";
str += nlStr + retSigName(signal) + spcStr + operator["EQUAL"] + spcStr;
for (i=0; i<fbnand[signal].length; i++) {
if (i>0) str += nlTabStr + operator["OR"] + spcStr;
str += retPterm(fbnand[signal][i]);
return str;
function getEqn(signal) { return retEqn(signal); }
function retUimPterm(pt) {
var str = "";
if (!uimPterms[pt]) return pt;
for (p=0; p<uimPterms[pt].length; p++) {
if (p>0) str += spcStr + operator["AND"] + spcStr;
var sig = uimPterms[pt][p];
if (sig.indexOf("/") != -1) sig = sig.substring(1, sig.length);
str += retSigName(sig);
return str;
function retUimEqn(signal) {
var str = operator["COMMENT"] + spcStr + "FC Node" + nlStr;
var neg = 0;
if (uimSigNegs[s] == "ON") str += operator["NOT"];
str += retSigName(signal) + spcStr + operator["EQUAL"];
str += retUimPterm(signal) + ";";
return str;
function retLegend(url) {
var str = "";
if (!eqnType && !isXC95()) {
str = "Legend: " + "&lt;" + "signame" + "&gt;" + ".COMB = combinational node mapped to ";
str += "the same physical macrocell as the FastInput \"signal\" (not logically related)";
else if (eqnType) {
str = "Register Legend:";
if (is9500()) {
str += nlTabStr + "FDCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE);";
str += nlTabStr + "FTCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE);";
str += nlTabStr + "LDCP (Q,D,G,CLR,PRE);";
else if (retFamily() == "xbr") {
str += nlTabStr + "FDCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "FDDCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "FTCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "FTDCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "LDCP (Q,D,G,CLR,PRE);";
else {
str += nlTabStr + "FDCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "FTCPE (Q,D,C,CLR,PRE,CE);";
str += nlTabStr + "LDCP (Q,D,G,CLR,PRE);";
return str;

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<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">The Equations
page provides a list of equations organized by signal name. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
can use the pulldown menu in the left-hand frame of the page to select
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<p class="whs1">The Errors/Warnings
section of the report lists all of the error, warning, and information
messages generated by the fitter. By default, this section will display
the number of each kind of message you have and the full text of the messages,
but checkboxes at the top of the screen allow you to filter message details
as you choose. </p>
<p class="whs2">Checking all
the boxes will give you a display like this:</p>
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<p class="whs3">Deselecting
the Warning box in this particular example would result in this less detailed
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function showFBApplet(fb) { parent.leftnav.showAppletFB(fb); }
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function showPT(pterm, type) { parent.leftnav.showPterm(pterm, type); }
function showPin(pin) { parent.leftnav.showAppletPin(pin); }
function showEqn(sig) { parent.leftnav.showEqn(sig); }
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<h1>Function Block Specifics</h1>
<p class="whs1">To access specific
details for a particular function block, click on that function block
in either the <a href="maplogicdoc.htm">Mapped Logic</a>, <a href="mapinputdoc.htm">Mapped
Inputs</a>, or <a href="fbsdoc.htm" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">Function
Blocks</a> sections of the fitter report. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
function block details page displays a table of details about the particular
function block you selected, a view button you can click to show a graphical
display of the function block, and a pulldown menu you can use to select
other function blocks to see.</p>
<p class="whs2">The Table</p>
<p class="whs3">The View</p>
<p><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
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<h4 class="whs4"><a name=table></a>The Table</h4>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The table
at the top of the function block details page provides the following information
about the function block:</FONT></span>
<ul type="disc" class="whs5">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
signal name </FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs6"><span style="font-weight: bold;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><B>Note:</B></FONT></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> Clicking on
a signal name will open a new window with the equations for that signal.
<ul type="disc" class="whs7">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
total product terms used </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->A
list of product terms</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs8"><span style="font-weight: bold;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><B>Note:</B></FONT></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> Clicking on
a <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->product
term will open a new window with the equations for that term. </FONT></span></p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs9">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
macrocell number in which the function block is located</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs10"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span> Clicking on the underscored macrocell
number will provide a graphical display of the macrocell that looks like
<p class="whs11"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='macrocell.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='540' height='420' border='0'>");}
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<ul type="disc" class="whs12">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
power mode</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin number</FONT></span></li>
<ul type="disc" class="whs13">
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs14"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>N</B></span>ote:</FONT></span><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">
Clicking on the underscored pin number will provide the pin layout diagram
for the highlighted pin. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Rolling
your mouse over the colored pin will pop up a tooltip with the signal
name assigned to the pin, the I/O standard, <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->the
I/O style, the slew rate, and/or any constraints assigned to the pin:</FONT></span></p></li>
<p class="whs15"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 309px; height: 312px; float: none;' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
<ul type="disc" class="whs16">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin type</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin use </FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs17"><span style="font-weight: bold;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><B>Note:</B></FONT></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> Moving your
mouse cursor over an &quot;I&quot; in the Pin Use column will display
that input signal as a tooltip.</FONT></span></p>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">Below the
resource table you will find a list of signals used by logic in the function
block you are viewing. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
list displays output signals as links. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Clicking
on an output signal link will open a new window showing the equations
for that signal.</FONT></span>
<p class="whs18"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><B>Note:</B></FONT></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"> <FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->There
is also a <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='legend.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='68' height='28' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='legend.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 68px; height: 28px; float: none;' width='68' height='28' border='0'>");}
//--></SCRIPT> button below the table. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Click
this button to open a new window describing all of the acronyms used in
the function block table. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
can select either brief descriptions or more detailed descriptions by
clicking the &quot;Verbose&quot; button at the top of the window.</FONT></span>
<h4 class="whs19"><a name=view></a>The View</h4>
<p class="whs20">When you click
on the <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='view.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='61' height='53' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='view.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 61px; height: 53px; float: none;' width='61' height='53' border='0'>");}
//--></SCRIPT>button above the table, a new window will open with
a graphical display of the function block you are examining. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
pins are all color-coded: input pins are green, output pins are blue,
and clocks are magenta:</p>
<p class="whs21"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='fb1.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='482' height='378' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='fb1.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 482px; height: 378px; float: none;' width='482' height='378' border='0'>");}
<p class="whs22">Right-click
anywhere within the window to pull up a menu that allows you to zoom in
or out for easier viewing. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}--></p>
<p class="whs23">This menu also
allows you choose to see all of the input connections, all of the output
connections, or both at once. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Like
the pins, the signals are color-coded: inputs are red, outputs are yellow,
and macrocell connections are aqua:</p>
<p class="whs24"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='fb.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='497' height='377' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='fb.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 497px; height: 377px; float: none;' width='497' height='377' border='0'>");}
<p class="whs25">To examine
the signals of single pins, simply click the pin whose signals you wish
to see. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->To
examine multiple pins without having to see everything at once, hold down
the control key while you click the pins you want to view. </p>
<p class="whs26">To view the
signals for individual macrocells:</p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs27">
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs28">Click
the inside edge of the macrocell to display its macrocell connections
and inputs. </p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs29">Click
the outer edge to display its output signals</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs30">Click
in the center to display everything</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs31">Double
click in the center to open a new window with a detailed macrocell diagram</p></li>
<p class="whs32">&nbsp;</p>

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
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<h1>Function Blocks</h1>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The Function
Blocks page provides a summary of all function blocks' resources. Clicking
on one of the function blocks in the summary table will display the <a href="fbs_FBdoc.htm">specific details</a> for that function block. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;</FONT></span><!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The summary table
contains the following: <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;</FONT></span><!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->
<ul type="disc" class="whs1">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
function block</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
number of macrocell used </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
number of function block inputs used </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
number of product terms used</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pins used</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
local control terms used</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
number of foldback NANDs used (CoolRunner only)</FONT></span></li>

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
This file is currently being generated. Please recheck the link after some
time for this report data.</dd>

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var win =, 'win',
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function showFBSum() { showHTML("fbs", "fbs.htm"); }
function showFB(fb) { showHTML("fbs_FB", "fbs_"+fb+".htm"); }
function showPinOut() { showHTML("pins", "pins.htm"); }
function showError() { showHTML("errors", "errs.htm"); }
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showHTML("equations", "equations.htm");
function showEqn(sig) {
popHTML(sig, parent.eqns.getEqn(sig));
function showPterm(pterm, type) {
popHTML(pterm, parent.eqns.getPterm(pterm, type));
function showAscii() { showHTML("ascii", "ascii.htm"); }
function showTiming() { showHTML("time", "time.htm"); }
function showHelp() {
var helpDoc = document.options.currPage.value + "doc.htm";
function getMapParam(type) {
var paramStr = "";
switch(type) {
case 1: paramStr += "10"; break;
case 2: paramStr += "01"; break;
case 3: paramStr += "11"; break;
case 4: paramStr += "02"; break;
case 5: paramStr += "12"; break;
default: paramStr += "00";
return paramStr;
function showMappedLogics(type) {
showHTML("maplogic", "maplogic_" + getMapParam(type) + ".htm");
function showMappedInputs(type) {
showHTML("mapinput", "mapinput_" + getMapParam(type) + ".htm");
function showUnMappedLogics(type) {
showHTML("unmaplogic", "unmaplogic_" + getMapParam(type) + ".htm");
function showUnMappedInputs(type) {
showHTML("unmapinput", "unmapinput_" + getMapParam(type) + ".htm");
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var type = document.options.eqnType.options[document.options.eqnType.options.selectedIndex].value;
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function showAppletFB(fb) {
if (parent.applets) parent.applets.showAppletGraphicFB(fb);
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
I/O Style - OD - OpenDrain
- PU - Pullup
- KPR - Keeper
- S - SchmittTrigger
- DG - DataGate
Reg Use - LATCH - Transparent latch
- DFF - D-flip-flop
- DEFF - D-flip-flop with clock enable
- TFF - T-flip-flop
- TDFF - Dual-edge-triggered T-flip-flop
- DDFF - Dual-edge-triggered flip-flop
- DDEFF - Dual-edge-triggered flip-flop with clock enable
/S (after any above flop/latch type) indicates initial state is Set

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Legend: PU - Pull Up

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<h1>Mapped Inputs</h1>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">Like the
<a href="maplogicdoc.htm">Mapped Logic</a> section, the Mapped Inputs
section of the report displays a table detailing the resources allocated
by the fitter to mapped inputs. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Again,
the table can be sorted by Signal Name, Function Block, or Pin Number
by clicking on the appropriate table headings. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;</FONT></span><!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The inputs table
contains the following: </FONT></span>
<ul type="disc" class="whs1">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
input signal name </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
function block number</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs2"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span>
Clicking on the function block will provide a detailed table of all the
block's resources and a graphical display of the function block diagram
(see <a href="fbs_FBdoc.htm">Function Block Specifics</a> for more details).</p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs3">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
macrocell number</FONT></span></li>
<ul type="disc" class="whs4">
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs5"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>N</B></span>ote:</FONT></span>
Clicking on the underscored macrocell number will provide a graphical
display of the macrocell that looks like this:</FONT></span></p></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><!--kadov_tag{{<implicit_p>}}--><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='macrocell.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='540' height='420' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='macrocell.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 540px; height: 420px; float: none;' width='540' height='420' border='0'>");}
//--></SCRIPT>.The pin number</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs6"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> Clicking on
the underscored pin number will provide the pin layout diagram for the
highlighted pin. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Rolling
your mouse over the colored pin will pop up a tooltip with the signal
name assigned to the pin, the I/O standard, <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->the
I/O style, the slew rate, and/or any constraints assigned to the pin:</FONT></span></p>
<p class="whs7"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 309px; height: 312px; float: none;' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
<p class="whs8">&nbsp;</p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs9">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin type</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin use </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
I/O standard</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
I/O style</FONT></span></li>

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
function showFB(fb) { parent.leftnav.showFB(fb); }
function showMC(mc) { parent.leftnav.showAppletMC(mc); }
function showEqn(sig) { parent.leftnav.showEqn(sig); }
function showPin(pin) { parent.leftnav.showAppletPin(pin); }
function showLegend(url) { parent.leftnav.showLegend(url, 650, 350); }
function showTop() { parent.leftnav.showTop(); }
function Sort(x) {
switch (x) {
case 0: parent.leftnav.showMappedLogics(0); break;
case 1: parent.leftnav.showMappedLogics(2); break;
case 2: parent.leftnav.showMappedLogics(4); break;
case 10: parent.leftnav.showMappedInputs(0); break;
case 11: parent.leftnav.showMappedInputs(2); break;
case 12: parent.leftnav.showMappedInputs(4); break;
case 20: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedLogics(0); break;
case 21: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedLogics(2); break;
case 22: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedLogics(4); break;
case 30: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedInputs(0); break;
case 31: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedInputs(2); break;
case 32: parent.leftnav.showUnMappedInputs(4); break;

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
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<h1>Mapped Logic</h1>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The Mapped
Logic section provides a table listing resources allocated by the fitter
to mapped logic. The page will appear in your browser sorted by Signal
Name, but you can choose to sort it by Signal Name, Function Block, and
Pin Number by clicking on the appropriate table headers. </FONT></span>
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The Mapped Logic
table contains the following: </FONT></span>
<ul type="disc" class="whs1">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
output signal name </FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs2"><span style="font-weight: bold;
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><B>Note:</B></FONT></span><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> Clicking on
the signal name will open a new window with the equations for that signal.
<ul type="disc" class="whs3">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
total number of product terms </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
number of signals used </FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
function block number </FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs4"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span>
Clicking on the function block will provide a detailed table of all the
block's resources and a graphical display of the function block diagram
(see <a href="fbs_FBdoc.htm">Function Block Specifics</a> for more details).
<ul type="disc" class="whs5">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
macrocell number</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs6"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span>
Clicking on the underscored macrocell number will provide a graphical
display of the macrocell that looks like this:</p>
<p class="whs7"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='macrocell.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='540' height='420' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='macrocell.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 540px; height: 420px; float: none;' width='540' height='420' border='0'>");}
<ul type="disc" class="whs8">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
slew rate</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin number</FONT></span></li>
<p class="whs9"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span>
Clicking on the underscored pin number will provide the pin layout diagram
for the highlighted pin. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Rolling
your mouse over the colored pin will pop up a tooltip with the signal
name assigned to the pin, the I/O standard, <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->the
I/O style, the slew rate, and/or any constraints assigned to the pin:</p>
<p class="whs10"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 309px; height: 312px; float: none;' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
<ul type="disc" class="whs11">
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin type</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
pin use</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
input register use</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
I/O standard</FONT></span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">The
I/O style</FONT></span></li>

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Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.1 KiB

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function checkJre(){
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var is_nav = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('spoofer')== -1)
&& (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')== -1)
&& (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('hotjava')== -1));
var is_nav4up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 4));
var pluginDetected = false;
// we can check for plugin existence only when browser is 'is_ie5up' or 'is_nav4up'
if(is_nav4up) {
// Refresh 'navigator.plugins' to get newly installed plugins.
// Use 'navigator.plugins.refresh(false)' to refresh plugins
// without refreshing open documents (browser windows)
if(navigator.plugins) {
// check for Java plugin in installed plugins
if(navigator.mimeTypes) {
// window.alert( navigator.mimeTypes.length);
for (i=0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) {
// window.alert( navigator.mimeTypes[i].type);
if( (navigator.mimeTypes[ i].type != null)
&&(navigator.mimeTypes[ i].type.indexOf(
"application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4") != -1) ) {
pluginDetected = true;
if (pluginDetected) {
// show applet page
} else if (confirm("Java Plugin 1.4+ not found, Do you want to download it?\n" +
"if you choose not to install the plugin the reports graphical applets will not be available.")) {
} else {

@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
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<h1>Compiler Options</h1>
<p class="whs1">The Compiler
Options page provides all the fitter options settings for the device family
the fitter has selected.</p>
<h1 class="whs2">Fitter Options</h1>
<p class="whs3"><a href="#Basic Tab"
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">Basic Tab</a></FONT></span></p>
<p class="whs4"><a href="#XPLA Advanced Options"
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">XPLA3 Advanced
<p class="whs5"><a href="#CoolRunner-II Advanced Options"
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><span
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">CoolRunner-II
Advanced Options</a></FONT></span></p>
<p class="whs6"><a href="#XC9500/XL/XV Advanced Options"
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">XC9500/XL/XV
Advanced Options</a></p>
<h2 class="whs7"><a name="Basic Tab"></a>Basic
<p class=whs1
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The CPLD devices
have the following fitter <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Implementation
Options </B></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>available</B></span></b> in
the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Basic</B></span> tab:</p>
<li class=kadov-h4><h4 class="whs8">Use
Multi-Level Logic Optimization</h4></li>
<p class="whs9">This option simplifies the total number
of logic expressions in a design, and then collapses the logic in order
to meet user objectives such as density, speed and timing constraints.
This optimization targets CPLD architecture, making it possible to collapse
to the macrocell limits, reduce levels of logic, and minimize the total
number of p-terms.</p>
<p class="whs10">Multi-level Logic Optimization optimizes
all combinatorial logic arcs spanning from an input pad or register output
to an output pad or register input.</p>
<p class="whs11">Multi-level Logic Optimization operates
on combinatorial logic according to the following rules.</p>
<p class="whs12">If timing constraints are set, the program
optimizes for speed to meet timing constraints.</p>
<p class="whs13">If timing constraints are not set, the
program optimizes either for speed or density, depending on the user setting
for the <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Timing Optimization</B></span>
<ul class=whs1
style="list-style: disc;"
<ul class=whs2
style="list-style: circle;"
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs14">If
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Timing Optimization</B></span> is turned
on, the combinatorial logic will be mapped for speed.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;">If
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Timing Optimization</B></span> is turned
off, the combinatorial logic will be mapped for density. The goal of optimization
will then be to reduce the total number of p-terms.</p></li>
<p class="whs15"><font style="font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"
size=2><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">Logic
marked with the </FONT></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b style="font-size: 10pt;">NOREDUCE</b></B></span><span
style="font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"> property will not be extracted or optimized.</FONT></span></font></p>
<p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 40px;"><span style="font-family: arial; font-weight: normal;">By
default, this option is on.</span> </p>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Timing Constraints -- </B></span><span style="font-weight: normal;">This
option instructs the fitter use Timing Constraints when fitting the design.
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->If this
box is not checked, the fitter will ignore timing constraints, if necessary.</span></b></p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><b
style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Enable WYSIWYG
Mode -- (CoolRunner only) </B></span><span style="font-weight: normal;">T</span></b>he
goal of the WYSIWYG options is to have a netlist reflect the user's specifications,
as much as possible. All the nodes declared in the HDL design are preserved.
By default, this property is set to Off (Checkbox is not checked) When
this property is On (checkbox is checked), XST:</p></li>
<li style="list-style: circle;"
class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">Preserves
all the user internal signals (nodes)</p></li>
<li style="list-style: circle;"
class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">Creates
source_node constraints in NGC file for all these nodes.</p></li>
<li style="list-style: circle;"
class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">Skips
the design optimization (collapse, factorization). Only the Boolean equation
minimization is performed.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs3><p class=whs3
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><b><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Optimization Style</B></span></b>-- The Optimization
Method allows you to select from one of two basic optimization strategies:
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Density</b></B></span> or <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Speed</b></B></span>.
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Density</b></B></span> focuses on solely
on density, and <span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Speed</b></B></span> focuses
solely on speed.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs16"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Location Constraints</B></span> -- The Try selection
will attempt to fit the design with the pin assignments specified in the
design source. If the design cannot be fit with these pin assignments,
the fitter will remove the location constraints and attempt to fit the
design with no location constraints. A warning message will tell the user
if the location constraints have been removed.</p></li>
<ul class=whs5
style="list-style: circle;"
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs17">The
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>Try</b></B></span> selection will attempt
to fit the design with the pin assignments specified in the design source.
If the design cannot be fit with these pin assignments, the fitter will
ignore the pin assignments.</p></li>
<li style="list-style: circle;"
class=kadov-p-Cwhs6><p class=whs6
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>On </B></span>selection will attempt to fit
the design with the pin assignments specified in the design source. If
the design cannot be fit with these pin assignments, the fitter will notify
the user that the device could not fit. It will not unlock the pins under
this option.</p></li>
<li style="list-style: circle;"
class=kadov-p-Cwhs7><p class=whs7
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Off</B></span> selection will attempt to
fit the design and will ignore the pin assignments specified in the design
source. If the design can be fit with no pre-assigned pins, the fitter
will assign pins, which can be viewed in the fitter report (
The user should take these pin assignments and incorporate them back into
the design source file. The user will be notified whether the fitting
operation was successful.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><b><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Output
Slew Rate -- </B></span></b><span style="font-weight: normal;">Use this option
to control the default output slew rate. You can control the transition
time of device output pins by setting the slew rate to Slow or Fast. Limiting
the slew rate (Slow) reduces output switching surges in the device. The
default is Fast.</span></p></li>
<p class="whs18"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note</B></span>:
Any explicit slew rate control properties in the design or constraints
file take precedence over this Output Slew Rate setting. </p>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><b style="font-weight: bold;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>FF Initial State -- </B></span><span style="font-weight: normal;">Sets
the initial state for all Flip-Flops. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
options are Low, High and FPGA.</span></b></p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><b><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Collapsing
P-Term Limit -- </B></span></b><span style="font-weight: normal;">This option
controls the degree to which the fitter flattens a design netlist. A logic
gate can collapse forward into a subsequent gate only if the number of
product terms in the resulting logic function does not exceed the p-term
limit. If the path delay of a logic function is not acceptable, increase
the p-term limit to allow the larger functions to be further flattened.
Choose a number from 3 to 48.</span> </p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;"><b><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Collapsing
Input Limit -- </B></span></b><span style="font-weight: normal;">This is a
secondary option for controlling the degree to which the fitter flattens
a design netlist. A logic gate can collapse forward into a subsequent
gate only if the number of inputs in the resulting logic function does
not exceed the input limit. If the design fails to fit the target device
because flattening uses up too many of the function block inputs, decrease
the input limit to prevent flattening of certain high fan-in functions.
<h2 class="whs19"><b><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B><a name="XPLA Advanced Options"></a>XPLA Advanced
<p class="whs20"><b><span style="font-weight: normal;">The
following options are available under XPLA </span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Implementation
Options</B></span><span style="font-weight: normal;">, </span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Advanced</B></span><span
style="font-weight: normal;"> tab.</span></b></p>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;">Enable Fast
Input Registers -<span style="font-weight: normal;">- Enables the use
of the Fast Input path in XPLA3 devices.</span></p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;">Enable Use
of Foldback NANDs -- <span style="font-weight: normal;">When selected,
the software will use foldback NANDs. This increases the capability to
fit a design, sometimes at the expense of speed.</span></p></li>
<li class=kadov-p-Cwhs8><p class=whs8
style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Reserve JTAG Pins for ISP -- </B></span>Checking
this box will instruct the fitter to reserve JTAG pins.</p></li>
<h2 class="whs21"><a name="CoolRunner-II Advanced Options"></a>CoolRunner-II
Advanced Options</h2>
<p class="whs22">The following
options are found under the Advanced tab for CoolRunner-II devices.</p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs23">
<li class=kadov-h4><h4 class="whs24">Use
Global Clock(s) -- <span style="font-weight: normal;">Select this option
to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as clocks to dedicated global
clock (GCK) pins of the device. If this option is disabled, only pins
identified with the BUFG=CLK property in the design (or UCF file) will
be assigned to GCK device pins. By default, this option is on.</span>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs25"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Global Output Enable(s)</B></span> -- Select
this option to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as output enable
control to dedicated global OE (GTS) pins of the device. If this option
is disabled, only pins identified with the BUFG=OE property in the design
(or UCF file) will be assigned to GTS device pins. By default, this option
is on. </p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs26"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Global Set/Reset</B></span> -- Select this
option to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as register asynchronous
reset or preset control to the dedicated global set/reset (GSR) pin of
the device. If this option is disabled, only a pin identified with the
BUFG=SR property in the design (or UCF file) will be assigned to the GSR
device pin. By default, this option is on.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs27"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Enable Fast Input Registers</B></span> -- Enables
fast input registers.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs28"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Ignore DATA_GATE Attributes</B></span> -- Data
Gate is a power saving property that can be used in CoolRunner-II designs.
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->This option
allows you to turn Data Gate off in case you want the fitter to ignore
data gate.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs29"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Tristate Outputs Termination Node</B></span> --
The Tristate Output Termination Mode globally sets all tristate outputs
to the specified termination mode. By default, this field is set to Pullup..
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The options
are Pullup, Keeper and Float.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs30"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Create Programmable Ground Pins on Unused I/O</B></span>
-- The Create Programmable GND Pins on Unused I/O property controls the
option to indicate that you want all unused I/O pads to be configured
as ground pins. This can reduce ground bounce. By default, this option
is set to ground. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->The
options are Ground, Pullup, Keeper and Float.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p>
<p class="whs31"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Default
Output Voltage Standard</B></span> -- set a default voltage standard for CoolRunner-II
device pins.</p>
<p class="whs32">IOSTANDARD
names supported by CoolRunner-II are:</p>
<table x-use-null-cells width="84.797%" cellspacing="0" class="whs33">
<col class="whs34">
<col class="whs35">
<col class="whs36">
<col class="whs37">
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs38">
<p class="whs39">I/O Standard</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs40">
<p align="center" class="whs41">VCC<span style="vertical-align: Sub;">IO</span></td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs42">
<p align="center" class="whs43">Input V<span style="vertical-align: Sub;">REF</span></td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs44">
<p align="center" class="whs45">Board Termination Voltage (V<span style="vertical-align: Sub;">TT</span>)</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs46">
<p class="whs47">LVTTL </td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs48">
<p align="center" class="whs49">3.3V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs50">
<p align="center" class="whs51">N/A</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs52">
<p align="center" class="whs53">N/A</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs54">
<p class="whs55">LVCMOS33</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs56">
<p align="center" class="whs57">3.3V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs58">
<p align="center" class="whs59">N/A</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs60">
<p align="center" class="whs61">N/A</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs62">
<p class="whs63">LVCMOS25</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs64">
<p align="center" class="whs65">2.5V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs66">
<p align="center" class="whs67">N/A</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs68">
<p align="center" class="whs69">N/A</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs70">
<p class="whs71">LVCMOS18</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs72">
<p align="center" class="whs73">1.8V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs74">
<p align="center" class="whs75">N/A</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs76">
<p align="center" class="whs77">N/A</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs78">
<p class="whs79">LVCMOS15</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs80">
<p align="center" class="whs81">1.5V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs82">
<p align="center" class="whs83">N/A</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs84">
<p align="center" class="whs85">N/A</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs86">
<p class="whs87">HSTL_I</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs88">
<p align="center" class="whs89">1.5V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs90">
<p align="center" class="whs91">0.75V</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs92">
<p align="center" class="whs93">0.75V</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs94">
<p class="whs95">SSTL2_I</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs96">
<p align="center" class="whs97">2.5V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs98">
<p align="center" class="whs99">1.25V</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs100">
<p align="center" class="whs101">1.25V</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="20.209%" class="whs102">
<p class="whs103">SSTL3_I</td>
<td width="16.192%" class="whs104">
<p align="center" class="whs105">3.3V</td>
<td width="22.217%" class="whs106">
<p align="center" class="whs107">1.5V</td>
<td width="41.383%" class="whs108">
<p align="center" class="whs109">1.5V</td></tr>
<p class="whs110">The software
automatically groups outputs with similar IOSTANDARD settings into the
same bank when no location constraints are specified. </p>
<h2 class="whs111"><a name="XC9500/XL/XV Advanced Options"></a>XC9500/XL/XV
Advanced Options</h2>
<p class="whs112">The following
options are found under the Advanced tab for XC9500/XL/XV. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Note
that additional options for XC9500 only are also described below.</p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs113">
<li class=kadov-h4><h4 class="whs114">Use
Global Clock(s) -- <span style="font-weight: normal;">Select this option
to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as clocks to dedicated global
clock (GCK) pins of the device. If this option is disabled, only pins
identified with the BUFG=CLK property in the design (or UCF file) will
be assigned to GCK device pins. By default, this option is on.</span>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs115"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Global Output Enable(s)</B></span> -- Select
this option to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as output enable
control to dedicated global OE (GTS) pins of the device. If this option
is disabled, only pins identified with the BUFG=OE property in the design
(or UCF file) will be assigned to GTS device pins. By default, this option
is on. </p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs116"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Use Global Set/Reset</B></span> -- Select this
option to allow the fitter to assign input pins used as register asynchronous
reset or preset control to the dedicated global set/reset (GSR) pin of
the device. If this option is disabled, only a pin identified with the
BUFG=SR property in the design (or UCF file) will be assigned to the GSR
device pin. By default, this option is on.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs117"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Create Programmable Ground Pins on Unused I/O</B></span>
-- Select this option to indicate that you want all unused I/O pads to
be configured as ground pins. This can reduce ground bounce. By default,
this option is off.</p></li>
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs118"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Macrocell Power Setting</B></span> -- Use this
option to control device power consumption. Select Low or Standard to
set the default power mode for the macrocells used to implement the design.
Select Timing Driven to automatically reduce power on paths covered by
timing specifications that can meet speed requirements while operating
in low power. The default is Standard, which results in highest speed.</p></li>
<p class="whs119">Note: Any explicit power control (PWR_MODE)
properties in the design or constraints file take precedence over this
Macrocell Power Setting. </p>
<ul type="disc" class="whs120">
<li class=kadov-p><p class="whs121"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Enable FASTConnect/UIM Optimization (XC9500
only)</B></span> -- Enables optimization of the FASTConnect/UIM for XC9500
<li class=kadov-h4><h4 class="whs122">Use
Local Feedback (XC9500 only)</h4></li>
<p class="whs123">Select this option to enable the software
to use local macrocell feedback whenever possible. The local feedback
path, running from each macrocell output to an input of the same function
block, has shorter propagation delay than the global feedback path. The
fitter always tries to use local macrocell feedback (if possible) to satisfy
timing constraints. This option allows the fitter to use local feedback
to generally improve timing on remaining paths. Using local feedback can
speed up your design but could also make it difficult to maintain the
same timing after a design change. By default, this option is on.</p>
<hr class=whs4
style="margin-left: 40px; /*begin!kadov{{*/ float: aligncenter; /*}}end!kadov*/ "
<p class="whs124"><b><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:
</B></span></b>To force the fitter to use local feedback, manually map both
the source and load functions into the same function block using the property
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><B><b>LOC=FB</b></B></span><span style="font-style: italic;"><I><i>nn</i></I></span>,
then apply a timespec across the path.&nbsp;</p>
<hr class=whs5
style="margin-left: 40px; /*begin!kadov{{*/ float: aligncenter; /*}}end!kadov*/ "
<p class="whs125"><span><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;"><b style="font-weight: bold;">Note:
</b></FONT></span>The XC9536 device does not have local feedback.</p>
<hr class=whs6
style="margin-left: 40px; /*begin!kadov{{*/ float: aligncenter; /*}}end!kadov*/ "
<ul type="disc" class="whs126">
<li class=kadov-h4><h4 class="whs127">Use
Pin Feedback (XC9500 only)</h4></li>
<p class="whs128">Select this option to enable the software
to use I/O pin feedback whenever possible. The pin feedback path has slightly
shorter propagation delay than the global feedback path. If this option
is enabled, the software uses the pin feedback path instead of the global
feedback path for macrocell signals that do not drive 3-state outputs
or slew-rate-limited outputs, and where the associated I/O pin is not
used as input-only. By default, this option is on.</p>

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xbrURL = "coolrunner2_page";
xpla3URL = "xpla3_page";
xc9500URL = "xc9500_page";
xc9500xlURL = "xc9500xl_page";
xc9500xvURL = "xc9500xv_page";
marketURL= "esp";
supportURL = "";
educationURL = "support/education-home.htm";
buyURL = "";
contactURL = "company/contact.htm";
searchURL = "company/search.htm";
docURL = rootURL + "xlnx/xweb/xil_publications_display.jsp?" +
"iLanguageID=1" +
doc95URL = docURL + "XC9500";
doc95xlURL = docURL + "XC9500XL";
doc95xvURL = docURL + "XC9500XV";
docXpla3URL = docURL + "CoolRunner+XPLA3";
docXbrURL = docURL + "CoolRunner-II";
docCr2sURL = docURL + "CoolRunner-IIS";
var messages = new Array();
messages["fastinreg"] = "Direct Input Register";
messages["inreg"] = "Direct Input Register";
messages["fbnand"] = "Foldback NAND";
messages["fcnode"] = "FC node";
messages["LATCH"] = "Transparent latch";
messages["DFF"] = "D-flip-flop";
messages["DEFF"] = "D-flip-flop with clock enable";
messages["TFF"] = "T-flip-flop";
messages["TDFF"] = "Dual-edge-triggered T-flip-flop";
messages["DDFF"] = "Dual-edge-triggered flip-flop";
messages["DDEFF"] = "Dual-edge-triggered flip-flop with clock enable";

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.0 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Legend : NC = Not Connected, unbonded pin
PGND = Unused I/O configured as additional Ground pin
TIE = Unused I/O floating -- must tie to VCC, GND or other signal
VCC = Dedicated Power Pin
GND = Dedicated Ground Pin
TDI = Test Data In, JTAG pin
TDO = Test Data Out, JTAG pin
TCK = Test Clock, JTAG pin
TMS = Test Mode Select, JTAG pin
PE = Port Enable pin
PROHIBITED = User reserved pin

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Legend : NC = Not Connected, unbonded pin
PGND = Unused I/O configured as additional Ground pin
KPR = Unused I/O with weak keeper (leave unconnected)
WPU = Unused I/O with weak pull up (leave unconnected)
TIE = Unused I/O floating -- must tie to VCC, GND or other signal
VCC = Dedicated Power Pin
VCCAUX = Power supply for JTAG pins
VCCIO-3.3 = I/O supply voltage for LVTTL, LVCMOS33, SSTL3_I
VCCIO-2.5 = I/O supply voltage for LVCMOS25, SSTL2_I
VCCIO-1.8 = I/O supply voltage for LVCMOS18
VCCIO-1.5 = I/O supply voltage for LVCMOS15, HSTL_I
VREF = Reference voltage for indicated input standard
GND = Dedicated Ground Pin
TDI = Test Data In, JTAG pin
TDO = Test Data Out, JTAG pin
TCK = Test Clock, JTAG pin
TMS = Test Mode Select, JTAG pin
PROHIBITED = User reserved pin

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Legend : NC = Not Connected, unbonded pin
PE = Port Enable pin
WPU = Unused with Internal Weak Pull Up
TIE = Unused I/O floating -- must tie to VCC, GND or other signal
VCC = Dedicated Power Pin
GND = Dedicated Ground Pin
TDI = Test Data In, JTAG pin
TDO = Test Data Out, JTAG pin
TCK = Test Clock, JTAG pin
TMS = Test Mode Select, JTAG pin
PROHIBITED = User reserved pin

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 21 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
var specSig = new Array();
var pins = new Array();
var pinsAssign = new Array();
var prohibit = new Array();
var unusedStr = "WPU";
var gndStr = "GND";
var vccStr = "VCC";
var tdiStr = "TDI";
var tdoStr = "TDO";
var tmsStr = "TMS";
var tckStr = "TCK";
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function printPage() { window.print(); parent.leftnav.printAppletPkg(); }
function showEqn(signal) { parent.leftnav.showEqn(signal); }
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<h1>Pin List</h1>
<p class="whs1">The Pin List
page lists each pin of your design with its pin type and associated signal.
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Check boxes
at the top of the table allow you to select and deselect which pin types
you want displayed in the table (the default view will display all of
<p class="whs2"><span style="font-weight: bold;"><B>Note:</B></span>
<!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->There is
a <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='legend.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='68' height='28' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='legend.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 68px; height: 28px; float: none;' width='68' height='28' border='0'>");}
//--></SCRIPT> button below the table. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Click
this button to open a new window describing all of the acronyms used in
the function block table. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->You
can select either brief descriptions or more detailed descriptions by
clicking the &quot;Verbose&quot; button at the top of the window. </p>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">Clicking
on the underscored pin numbers in the first column of the table will open
a new window displaying the pin layout diagram for the selected pin. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Rolling
your mouse over the colored pin will pop up a tooltip with the signal
name assigned to the pin, the I/O standard, <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->the
I/O style, the slew rate, and/or any constraints assigned to the pin:
<p class="whs3"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='pin.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 309px; height: 312px; float: none;' width='309' height='312' border='0'>");}
<p class="whs4">Clicking any underscored signal in the
third column of the table will open a new window displaying the equations
for that particular signal.</p>
<p class="whs5">Clicking on the <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='view.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='61' height='53' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='view.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 61px; height: 53px; float: none;' width='61' height='53' border='0'>");}
at the top of the screen will open a new window with a graphical, top
view of all of the pins: <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}--></p>
<p class="whs6"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
if (navigator.appName=="Netscape")
{ document.write("<img src='pindiagram.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' width='312' height='318' border='0'>");}
{ document.write("<img src='pindiagram.gif' x-maintain-ratio='TRUE' style='border: none; width: 312px; height: 318px; float: none;' width='312' height='318' border='0'>");}
<p class="whs7">They are color-coded as follows:</p>
<table x-use-null-cells width="63.089%" cellspacing="0" class="whs8">
<col class="whs9">
<col class="whs10">
<tr valign=top>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" width="43.569%" class="whs11">
<p class="whs12">Color</td>
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" width="56.431%" class="whs13">
<p class="whs14">Signal</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs15">
<p class="whs16">Green</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs17">
<p class="whs18">Input</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs19">
<p class="whs20">Aqua</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs21">
<p class="whs22">Bidirectional</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs23">
<p class="whs24">Blue</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs25">
<p class="whs26">Output</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs27">
<p class="whs28">Magenta</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs29">
<p class="whs30">Clock</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs31">
<p class="whs32">Red</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs33">
<p class="whs34">VCC</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs35">
<p class="whs36">Black</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs37">
<p class="whs38">GND</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs39">
<p class="whs40">Yellow</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs41">
<p class="whs42">TDO</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs43">
<p class="whs44">Gray</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs45">
<p class="whs46">TDI</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs47">
<p class="whs48">White</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs49">
<p class="whs50">Unused Pin</td></tr>
<tr valign=top>
<td width="43.569%" class="whs51">
<p class="whs52">Black Outline</td>
<td width="56.431%" class="whs53">
<p class="whs54">No available
<p class="whs55">As with the single pin display, rolling
your mouse over any colored pin will pop up a tooltip with the signal
name assigned to the pin, the I/O standard, <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->the
I/O style, the slew rate, and/or any constraints assigned to the pin.</p>

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.8 KiB

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
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// show applet page
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"if you choose not to install the plugin the reports graphical applets will not be available.")) {
// show install page
} else {
// show error page

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function popWin(url, w, h) {
var win =, 'win',
function showTop() { parent.leftnav.showTop(); }
function showDoc(device) {
var url = docURL;
if ((device.indexOf("XC2") != -1) && (device.indexOf("S") != -1))
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else url = doc95URL;
function priceDev(device) {
var url = "";

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<!doctype HTML public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN">
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<meta name=date content="05 24, 2002 11:22:55 AM">
<p style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;">The
Summary section of the WebFITTER XML report contains several tables summarizing
the fitting results for your design.</span> </p>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The general
Summary table contains the following: </span>
<ul style="list-style: disc;"
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
design name </span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
fitting status </span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
software version </span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
device used, with a link to a PDF version of the device documentation</span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
time and date of the fitter's completion</span></li>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The Resources
Summary table includes:</span><span style="font-size: 10pt;"> </span>
<ul style="list-style: disc;"
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
number and percentage of macrocells used </span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
number and percentage of product terms used </span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
number and percentage of registers used</span></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
number and percentage of pins used <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;</span><!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}--></li>
<li class=kadov-p
class=kadov-p><span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The
number and percentage of function block inputs used</span></li>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;">The tables
that follow give more detailed summaries (when appropriate, depending
on your design and device) of the pin resources, macrocell resources,
global resources, and block resources utilized by the fitter, as well
as the macrocell power data for the design.</span>

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function openTab(type, device) {
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switch (type) {
case 0: url = rootURL; break;
case 1:
if (device.indexOf('XC2') != -1) url += prodURL + xbrURL;
else if (device.indexOf('XCR3') != -1) url += prodURL + xpla3URL;
else if (device.indexOf('XV') != -1) url += prodURL + xc9500xvURL;
else if (device.indexOf('XL') != -1) url += prodURL + xc9500xlURL;
else url += prodURL + xc9500URL;
case 2: url += marketURL; break;
case 3: url = supportURL; break;
case 4: url += educationURL; break;
case 5: url = buyURL; break;
case 6: url += contactURL; break;
case 7: url += searchURL; break;
default: url = rootURL;

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<h1>Unmapped Inputs</h1>
<p class="whs1">This page shows
input signals which were either not mapped or <span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">not

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p.WebHelpNavBar {text-align:right;}
<p class="whs1">Unmapped Logic</p>
<p class="whs2">This page shows those equations whose
logic was either not placed or not <span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: normal;"><FONT SIZE=2 style="font-size:10pt;">completely
placed in the specified device.</FONT></span></p>

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