---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: n/a -- Engineer: A. Fachat -- -- Create Date: 12:37:11 05/07/2011 -- Design Name: SPI65B -- Module Name: SPI6502B - Behavioral -- Project Name: CS/A NETUSB 2.0 -- Target Devices: CS/A NETUSB 2.0 -- Tool versions: -- Description: An SPI interface for 6502-based computers (or compatible). -- modelled after the SPI65 interface by Daryl Rictor -- (see http://sbc.rictor.org/io/65spi.html ) -- This implementation here, however, is a complete reimplementation -- as the ABEL language of the original implementation is not supported -- by ISE anymore. -- Also I added the interrupt input handling, replacing four of the -- original SPI select outputs with four interrupt inputs -- Also folded out the single MISO input into one input for each of the -- four supported devices, reducing external parts count again by one. -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Revision 0.02 - removed spiclk and replaced with clksrc and clkcnt_is_zero combination, -- to drive up SPI clock to half of input clock (and not one fourth only as before) -- unfortunately that costed one divisor bit to fit into the CPLD -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity SpiController is Port ( data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); is_read : in STD_LOGIC; nreset : in STD_LOGIC; addr : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); phi0 : in STD_LOGIC; ndev_sel : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; miso: in std_logic; mosi : out STD_LOGIC; sclk : out STD_LOGIC; nsel : out STD_LOGIC; wp : in STD_LOGIC; card : in STD_LOGIC; led : out STD_LOGIC ); constant DIV_WIDTH : integer := 3; end SpiController; architecture Behavioral of SpiController is -------------------------- -- internal state signal spidatain: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal spidataout: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal inited: std_logic; -- card initialized -- spi register flags signal tc: std_logic; -- transmission complete; cleared on spi data read signal bsy: std_logic; -- SPI busy signal frx: std_logic; -- fast receive mode signal ece: std_logic; -- external clock enable; 0=phi2, 1=external clock signal divisor: std_logic_vector(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0); signal slavesel: std_logic := '1'; -- slave select output (0=selected) signal int_miso: std_logic; -------------------------- -- helper signals -- shift engine signal start_shifting: std_logic := '0'; -- shifting data signal shifting2: std_logic := '0'; -- shifting data signal shiftdone: std_logic; -- shifting data done signal shiftcnt: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- shift counter (5 bit) -- spi clock signal clksrc: std_logic; -- clock source (phi2 or clk_7m) -- TODO divcnt is not used at all?? --signal divcnt: std_logic_vector(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- divisor counter signal shiftclk : std_logic; begin --led <= not (inited); led <= not (bsy or not slavesel); bsy <= start_shifting or shifting2; process(start_shifting, shiftdone, shiftclk) begin if (rising_edge(shiftclk)) then if (shiftdone = '1') then shifting2 <= '0'; else shifting2 <= start_shifting; end if; end if; end process; process(shiftcnt, nreset, shiftclk) begin if (nreset = '0') then shiftdone <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(shiftclk)) then if (shiftcnt = "1111") then shiftdone <= '1'; else shiftdone <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; process(nreset, shifting2, shiftcnt, shiftclk) begin if (nreset = '0') then shiftcnt <= (others => '0'); elsif (rising_edge(shiftclk)) then if (shifting2 = '1') then -- count phase shiftcnt <= shiftcnt + 1; else shiftcnt <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; end process; inproc: process(nreset, shifting2, shiftcnt, shiftclk, spidatain, miso) begin if (nreset = '0') then spidatain <= (others => '0'); elsif (rising_edge(shiftclk)) then if (shifting2 = '1' and shiftcnt(0) = '1') then -- shift in to input register spidatain (7 downto 1) <= spidatain (6 downto 0); spidatain (0) <= int_miso; end if; end if; end process; outproc: process(nreset, shifting2, spidataout, shiftcnt, shiftclk) begin if (nreset = '0') then mosi <= '1'; sclk <= '0'; else -- clock is sync'd if (rising_edge(shiftclk)) then if (shifting2='0' or shiftdone = '1') then mosi <= '1'; sclk <= '0'; else -- output data directly from output register case shiftcnt(3 downto 1) is when "000" => mosi <= spidataout(7); when "001" => mosi <= spidataout(6); when "010" => mosi <= spidataout(5); when "011" => mosi <= spidataout(4); when "100" => mosi <= spidataout(3); when "101" => mosi <= spidataout(2); when "110" => mosi <= spidataout(1); when "111" => mosi <= spidataout(0); when others => mosi <= '1'; end case; sclk <= '0' xor '0' xor shiftcnt(0); end if; end if; end if; end process; -- shift operation enable shiften: process(nreset, ndev_sel, is_read, addr, frx, shiftdone) begin -- start shifting if (nreset = '0' or shiftdone = '1') then start_shifting <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(ndev_sel) and addr="00" and (frx='1' or is_read='0')) then -- access to register 00, either write (is_read=0) or fast receive bit set (frx) -- then both types of access (write but also read) start_shifting <= '1'; end if; end process; -------------------------- -- spiclk - spi clock generation -- spiclk is still 2 times the freq. than sclk clksrc <= phi0 when (ece = '0') else clk; -- is a pulse signal to allow for divisor==0 --shiftclk <= clksrc when divcnt = "000000" else '0'; shiftclk <= clksrc when bsy = '1' else '0'; -- clkgen: process(nreset, divisor, clksrc) -- begin -- if (nreset = '0') then -- divcnt <= divisor; -- elsif (falling_edge(clksrc)) then -- if (shiftclk = '1') then -- divcnt <= divisor; -- else -- divcnt <= divcnt - 1; -- end if; -- end if; -- end process; -------------------------- -- interface section -- inputs int_miso <= (miso and not slavesel); -- outputs nsel <= slavesel; tc_proc: process (ndev_sel, shiftdone) begin if (shiftdone = '1') then tc <= '1'; elsif (rising_edge(ndev_sel) and addr="00") then tc <= '0'; end if; end process; -------------------------- -- cpu register section -- cpu read cpu_read: process(addr, spidatain, tc, bsy, frx, ece, divisor, slavesel, wp, card, inited) begin case addr is when "00" => -- read SPI data in data_out <= spidatain; when "01" => -- read status register data_out(0) <= '0'; data_out(1) <= '0'; data_out(2) <= ece; data_out(3) <= '0'; data_out(4) <= frx; data_out(5) <= bsy; data_out(6) <= '0'; data_out(7) <= tc; when "10" => -- read sclk divisor data_out(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0) <= divisor; data_out(7 downto 3) <= (others => '0'); when "11" => -- read slave select / slave interrupt state data_out(0) <= slavesel; data_out(4 downto 1) <= (others => '0'); data_out(5) <= wp; data_out(6) <= card; data_out(7) <= inited; when others => data_out <= (others => '0'); end case; end process; -- cpu write cpu_write: process(nreset, ndev_sel, is_read, addr, data_in, card, inited) begin if (nreset = '0') then ece <= '0'; frx <= '0'; slavesel <= '1'; divisor <= (others => '0'); spidataout <= (others => '1'); inited <= '0'; elsif (card = '1') then inited <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(ndev_sel) and is_read = '0') then case addr is when "00" => -- write SPI data out (see other process above) spidataout <= data_in; when "01" => -- write status register ece <= data_in(2); frx <= data_in(4); -- no bit 5 - 7 when "10" => -- write divisor divisor <= data_in(DIV_WIDTH-1 downto 0); when "11" => -- write slave select / slave interrupt enable slavesel <= data_in(0); -- no bit 1 - 6 inited <= data_in(7); when others => end case; end if; end process; end Behavioral;