Function Block Specifics

To access specific details for a particular function block, click on that function block in either the Mapped Logic, Mapped Inputs, or Function Blocks sections of the fitter report.  The function block details page displays a table of details about the particular function block you selected, a view button you can click to show a graphical display of the function block, and a pulldown menu you can use to select other function blocks to see.

The Table

The View

The Table

The table at the top of the function block details page provides the following information about the function block:

Note: Clicking on a signal name will open a new window with the equations for that signal.

Note: Clicking on a  product term will open a new window with the equations for that term.

Note: Clicking on the underscored macrocell number will provide a graphical display of the macrocell that looks like this:


Note: Moving your mouse cursor over an "I" in the Pin Use column will display that input signal as a tooltip.

Below the resource table you will find a list of signals used by logic in the function block you are viewing.  The list displays output signals as links.  Clicking on an output signal link will open a new window showing the equations for that signal.

Note:  There is also a button below the table.  Click this button to open a new window describing all of the acronyms used in the function block table.  You can select either brief descriptions or more detailed descriptions by clicking the "Verbose" button at the top of the window.

The View

When you click on the button above the table, a new window will open with a graphical display of the function block you are examining.  The pins are all color-coded: input pins are green, output pins are blue, and clocks are magenta:

Right-click anywhere within the window to pull up a menu that allows you to zoom in or out for easier viewing.  

This menu also allows you choose to see all of the input connections, all of the output connections, or both at once.  Like the pins, the signals are color-coded: inputs are red, outputs are yellow, and macrocell connections are aqua:

To examine the signals of single pins, simply click the pin whose signals you wish to see.  To examine multiple pins without having to see everything at once, hold down the control key while you click the pins you want to view.

To view the signals for individual macrocells: