; QR Code generator demo V0.3 ; (C) 2021 Thomas Jentzsch ; TODOs ; + get it working! ; + reduce RAM usage ; + reverse data ; + overlap data with QR code ; + multiple pattern formats ; + apply pattern ; x evaluate pattern (very slow!) ; - support multiple QR code versions ; o support multiple QR code levels ; - try to optimize function pattern (SetPixel) ; x add logo (does NOT work for such small sizes) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; QR code data bytes (version 2): ; - 13 into right sprite column ; - 17 until horizontal timer line ; - 36 into right and middle sprite column ; - 8 in left sprite column processor 6502 LIST OFF include vcs.h LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== BASE_ADR = $f000 NTSC = 1 ; QR Switches QR_VERSION = 2 ; 1, 2 or 3 (TODO 1 and 3) QR_LEVEL = 1 ; 0 (L) or 1 (M) (TODO Q and H) QR_OVERLAP = 1 ; overlaps input and output data to save RAM (0 not tested!) QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 ; (-156) if 1 uses only 1 of the 8 mask pattern QR_PADDING = 1 ; (+22) add padding bytes ;=============================================================================== ; C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== ; QR code constants IF QR_VERSION = 1 ;{ QR_SIZE = 21 ; 21x21 QR code IF QR_LEVEL = 0 DEGREE = 7 ; for version 1, level L QR codes MAX_DATA = 17+2 ELSE DEGREE = 10 ; for version 1, level M QR codes MAX_DATA = 14+2 ENDIF ENDIF ;} IF QR_VERSION = 2 QR_SIZE = 25 ; 25x25 QR code IF QR_LEVEL = 0 DEGREE = 10 ; for version 2, level L QR codes MAX_DATA = 32+2 ELSE DEGREE = 16 ; for version 2, level M QR codes MAX_DATA = 26+2 ENDIF ENDIF IF QR_VERSION = 3 ;{ QR_SIZE = 29 ; 29x29 QR code IF QR_LEVEL = 0 DEGREE = 15 ; for version 3, level L QR codes MAX_DATA = 53+2 ELSE DEGREE = 26 ; for version 3, level M QR codes MAX_DATA = 42+2 ENDIF ENDIF ;} IF QR_VERSION = 1 || QR_VERSION = 3 ECHO "" ECHO "ERROR: Version", [QR_VERSION]d, "unsupported by demo code" ERR ENDIF MODE = %0100 ; byte mode POLY = $11d ; GF(2^8) is based on 9 bit polynomial ; x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 = 0x11d NUM_FORMAT = 15 ; 15 type information bits MAX_MSG = MAX_DATA - 2 TOTAL_LEN = MAX_DATA + DEGREE ; 44 NUM_FIRST = 1 ; left top 9 and bottom 8 bits are fixed! ; other constants RND_EOR_VAL = $b4 _QR_TOTAL SET 0 ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables ORG $80 random .byte ;--------------------------------------- ; QR code variables ; all byte counts based on version 2, level M QR code tmpVars ds 6 msgIdx = tmpVars + 3 IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 qrPattern .byte ENDIF ;--------------------------------------- data ds TOTAL_LEN ; 44 bytes remainder = data ; (DEGREE = 16 bytes) msgData = data + DEGREE ; (MAX_DATA = 28 bytes) ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; The QR code overlaps the data! It overwrites the data while being drawn. IF QR_OVERLAP qrCodeLst = data + 6 ; all but 6 bytes overlap (version 2 only!) ds NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE*3 - TOTAL_LEN + 6 ; 38 bytes ELSE qrCodeLst ds NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE*3 ; 76 bytes ENDIF grp0LLst = qrCodeLst + QR_SIZE * 0 firstMsl = qrCodeLst + QR_SIZE * 1 grp1Lst = qrCodeLst + NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE * 1 grp0RLst = qrCodeLst + NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE * 2 QR_LST_SIZE = . - qrCodeLst ;--------------------------------------- ; QR code total = 89/127 bytes ECHO "RAM:", [$100 - .]d, "bytes free" ECHO "" ;=============================================================================== ; M A C R O S ;=============================================================================== MAC BIT_W .byte $2c ENDM MAC SLEEP IF {1} = 1 ECHO "ERROR: SLEEP 1 not allowed !" END ENDIF IF {1} & 1 nop $00 REPEAT ({1}-3)/2 nop REPEND ELSE REPEAT ({1})/2 nop REPEND ENDIF ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC NEXT_RANDOM ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; update random value: lda random ; 3 lsr ; 2 bcc .skipEOR ; 2/3 eor #RND_EOR_VAL ; 2 .skipEOR sta random ; 3 = 14/19 ENDM ; Platform specific macros IF QR_OVERLAP = 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_FUNC ;----------------------------------------------------------- ldx #QR_LST_SIZE-1 .loopBlack lda BlackGfx,x sta qrCodeLst,x dex bpl .loopBlack ENDM ELSE ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_LEFT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ldx #NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE-1-8 .loopBlackLeft lda LeftBlack+8,x sta qrCodeLst+8,x dex bpl .loopBlackLeft ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_MIDDLE ;----------------------------------------------------------- ldx #QR_SIZE-1 .loopBlackMiddle lda GRP1Black,x sta grp1Lst,x dex bpl .loopBlackMiddle ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_RIGHT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ldx #QR_SIZE .loopBlackRight lda GRP0RBlack-1,x sta grp0RLst-1,x dex bne .loopBlackRight ENDM ENDIF ; /QR_OVERLAP ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _DRAW_FUNC ;----------------------------------------------------------- ldx #QR_LST_SIZE-1 .loopBlack lda qrCodeLst,x ora BlackGfx,x eor EorGfx,x sta qrCodeLst,x dex bpl .loopBlack ENDM include QRCodeGen.inc ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG Bank0 ORG BASE_ADR ;--------------------------------------------------------------- DrawScreen SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ldx #227 .waitTim: lda INTIM bne .waitTim sta WSYNC sta VBLANK stx TIM64T ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ldx #3 bit SWCHB bvs .skipCentering ; some vertical centering ldx #(192-QR_SIZE*2)/2 .skipCentering .waitTop sta WSYNC dex bne .waitTop ldx #QR_SIZE-1 lda #%1 ; 1st top left fixed pixel bne .enterLoop .tmpFirst = tmpVars ; the QR code kernel .loopKernel ; @55 lda FirstIdxTbl,x ; 4* bne .newFirst ; 2/3 lsr .tmpFirst ; 5 bpl .endFirst ; 3 = 14 unconditional .newFirst ; @62 ; $bf | $01 | $fe bmi .enterLoop ; 2/3 lda firstMsl ; 3 .enterLoop sta .tmpFirst ; 3 = 7 .endFirst ; @69 ldy #2 ; 2 .loopBlock sta WSYNC ; 3 @74 ;--------------------------------------- ;M1-P0-P1-P0 lda .tmpFirst ; 3 asl ; 2 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = 8 lda grp1Lst,x ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 lda grp0LLst,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 SLEEP 17 ;17 lda grp0RLst,x ; 4 dey ; 2 sta GRP0 ; 3 = 40 @48 bne .loopBlock ; 3/2 dex ; 2 bpl .loopKernel ; 3/2=7/6 sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------------------------------- sty ENAM1 sty GRP1 sty GRP0 ldx #2 .waitScreen: lda INTIM bne .waitScreen sta WSYNC stx VBLANK rts ; DrawScreen ;--------------------------------------------------------------- Start SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- cld ; Clear BCD math bit. lda #0 tax dex txs .clearLoop: tsx pha bne .clearLoop lda INTIM ora #$10 sta random jsr InitDemo .mainLoop: jsr VerticalBlank jsr DrawScreen jsr OverScan jmp .mainLoop ;--------------------------------------------------------------- InitDemo SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------- lda #$0e sta COLUBK lda #$00 sta COLUP0 sta COLUP1 lda #%001 sta NUSIZ0 sta VDELP1 ldx #$3f stx HMP0 inx stx HMP1 lda #$a0 sta HMM1 SLEEP 3 sta RESM1 sta RESP0 sta RESP1 sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------- sta HMOVE jmp GenerateQR ; GameInit ;--------------------------------------------------------------- VerticalBlank SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- lda #%00001110 .loopVSync: sta WSYNC sta VSYNC lsr bne .loopVSync IF NTSC lda #44 ELSE lda #77 ENDIF sta TIM64T bit INPT4 bmi .skipRegen jsr GenerateQR .skipRegen NEXT_RANDOM rts ; VerticalBlank ;--------------------------------------------------------------- OverScan SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- IF NTSC lda #36 ELSE lda #63 ENDIF sta TIM64T .waitTim: lda INTIM bne .waitTim rts ; OverScan ;--------------------------------------------------------------- GenerateQR SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; *** Generate QR code from message *** IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 lda random and #$07 ; lda #0 sta qrPattern ENDIF MessageCode ; convert the message into a data stream .msgLen = tmpVars .msgPtr = tmpVars+1 lda random lsr lsr lsr and #$0f tay ; ldy #0 lda MessagePtrLo,y sta .msgPtr lda MessagePtrHi,y sta .msgPtr+1 lda MessagePtrLo+1,y sec sbc .msgPtr sta .msgLen START_MSG ldy #0 .loopMsg lda (.msgPtr),y ADD_MSG_BYTE iny cpy .msgLen bcc .loopMsg STOP_MSG ECHO "QR Code message code:", [. - MessageCode]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - MessageCode GEN_QR_CODE rts BitMapCode ;--------------------------------------------------------------- CheckPixel SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Platform specific code. Must NOT change X and Y registers! ; X = y; Y = x ; determine 8 bit column (0..2) or missile columns tya bne .notMissile ; check if single missile byte is affected cpx #8 bcc .alwaysSet cpx #8*2 bcs .alwaysSet lda firstMsl and BitMask-8,x rts .alwaysSet lda #1 rts .notMissile cpy #1+8 bcs .notGRP0L IF QR_OVERLAP cpx #8 ; bottom left eye (partially) shared with data! bcc .alwaysSet ENDIF lda grp0LLst,x and BitMask-1,y rts .notGRP0L cpy #1+8*2 bcs .notGRP1 lda grp1Lst,x and BitMask-1-8,y rts .notGRP1 ; must be GRP0R then lda grp0RLst,x and BitMask-1-8*2,y rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------- InvertPixel SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Platform specific code. Must NOT change X and Y registers! ; X = y; Y = x ; determine 8 bit column (0..2) or missile column tya bne .notMissile ; check if single missile byte is affected cpx #8 bcc .ignore cpx #8*2 bcs .ignore lda BitMask-8,x eor firstMsl sta firstMsl .ignore rts .notMissile cpy #1+8 bcs .notGRP0L lda grp0LLst,x eor BitMask-1,y sta grp0LLst,x rts .notGRP0L cpy #1+8*2 bcs .notGRP1 lda grp1Lst,x eor BitMask-1-8,y sta grp1Lst,x rts .notGRP1 ; must be GRP0R then lda grp0RLst,x eor BitMask-1-8*2,y sta grp0RLst,x rts ECHO "QR Code bitmap code:", [. - BitMapCode]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - BitMapCode ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - T A B L E S (Bank 0) ;=============================================================================== org BASE_ADR + $600 FunctionModulesData ; Platform and version specific function module data definition BlackGfx LeftBlack GRP0LBlack .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 0 of 2nd format copy, level .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 1 of 2nd format copy, level .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 2 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 3 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 4 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 5 of 2nd format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 6 of 2nd format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, 1 (dark module) .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %11111111 ; constant, bits 1..7 of 1st format copy .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 8 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, 1 (timing bit) .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 9 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 10 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 11 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 12 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 13 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 14 of 1st format copy, ECC ;FirstBlack .byte %00000000 GRP1Black .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000001 .byte %00000001 .byte %00000001 .byte %00000001 .byte %00000001 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %11111111 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 GRP0RBlack .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %11110000 .byte %11110000 .byte %11110000 .byte %11110000 .byte %11110000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %11111111 ; constant, bits 7..14 of 2nd format copy .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %11111111 ; constant EorGfx ;GRP0LEor .byte %00000011 ; constant, bit 0 of 2nd format copy, level .byte %11111011 ; constant, bit 1 of 2nd format copy, level .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 2 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 3 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 4 of 2nd format copy, pattern .byte %11111011 ; constant, bit 5 of 2nd format copy, ECC .byte %00000011 ; constant, bit 6 of 2nd format copy, ECC .byte %11111110 ; constant, 1 (dark module) .byte %00000000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000100 .byte %11111011 ; constant, bits 1..7 of 1st format copy .byte %11111111 ; constant, bit 8 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %00000010 ; constant, 1 (timing bit) .byte %11111011 ; constant, bit 9 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 10 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 11 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %10001011 ; constant, bit 12 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %11111011 ; constant, bit 13 of 1st format copy, ECC .byte %00000011 ; constant, bit 14 of 1st format copy, ECC ;FirstEor .byte %00000000 ;GRP1Eor .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %10101010 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 ;GRP0REor .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %11100000 .byte %10100000 .byte %11100000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %00000000 .byte %11111111 ; constant, bits 7..14 of 2nd format copy .byte %11111111 ; constant .byte %10000000 ; constant .byte %10111110 ; constant .byte %10100010 ; constant .byte %10100010 ; constant .byte %10100010 ; constant .byte %10111110 ; constant .byte %10000000 ; constant FirstIdxTbl ; for 25 pixel ds 7, 0 .byte $fe ds 7, 0 .byte $01 ds 7, 0 .byte $bf ECHO "QR Code function modules data:", [. - FunctionModulesData]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - FunctionModulesData QR_CODE_DATA .byte " QR Code Generator Demo V0.3 - (C)2021 Thomas Jentzsch " ; messages MUST not be longer than 26 bytes for version 2, level M! ; Galadriel: MessageTbl Message0 .byte "It began with the forging" ; .byte "AtariAge/?s=_1X<|>[]*#" Message1 .byte "of the Great Rings. Three" Message2 .byte "were given to the Elves," Message3 .byte "immortal, wisest and" Message4 .byte "fairest of all beings." Message5 .byte "Seven to the Dwarf lords," Message6 .byte "great miners and craftsmen" Message7 .byte "of the mountain halls. And" Message8 .byte "nine, nine rings were" Message9 .byte "gifted to the race of men," Message10 .byte "who, above all else," Message11 .byte "desire power. But they" Message12 .byte "were, all of them," Message13 .byte "deceived, for another Ring" Message14 .byte "was made. In the land of" Message15 .byte "Mordor, in the fires of..." MessageEnd ; .byte "..the single hardest thing" MessagePtrLo .byte Message0, >Message1, >Message2, >Message3 .byte >Message4, >Message5, >Message6, >Message7 .byte >Message8, >Message9, >Message10, >Message11 .byte >Message12, >Message13, >Message14, >Message15 .byte "JTZ" org BASE_ADR + $ffc .word Start .word Start ECHO "----------------------------------------" ECHO "QR Code total:", [_QR_TOTAL]d, "bytes" ECHO "" ECHO "QR Code Version, Level (Degree): ", [QR_VERSION]d, ",", [QR_LEVEL]d, "(", [DEGREE]d, ")"