; QR Code generator demo V0.4 ; (C) 2021 Thomas Jentzsch ; TODOs ; + get it working! ; + reduce RAM usage ; + reverse data ; + overlap data with QR code ; + multiple pattern formats ; + apply pattern ; x evaluate pattern (very slow!) ; + optimize single pattern for space ; x support multiple QR code versions ; o support multiple QR code levels ; x try to optimize function pattern (SetPixel) ; x add logo (does NOT work for such small sizes) ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; QR code data bytes (version 2): ; - 13 into right sprite column ; - 17 until horizontal timer line ; - 36 into right and middle sprite column ; - 8 in left sprite column processor 6502 LIST OFF include vcs.h LIST ON ;=============================================================================== ; A S S E M B L E R - S W I T C H E S ;=============================================================================== BASE_ADR = $f000 NTSC = 1 ; 0 = PAL50 ATARI_2600 = 1 ; enable for Atari 2600 specific code ; QR Code Generator Switches QR_VERSION = 2 ; 1, 2 or 3 (TODO 1 and 3) QR_LEVEL = 1 ; 0 (L), 1 (M), 2 (Q) and 3 (H)) QR_PADDING = 1 ; (+ 22 bytes) add padding bytes (optional) QR_GENERATE = 0 ; (+~12 bytes) generates Reed-Solomon ECC generator polynomial on-the-fly ; else uses built-in table ; Atari 2600 specific QR settings (keep set to 0 for other platforms!) IFCONST ATARI_2600 QR_OVERLAP = 1 ; overlaps input and output data to save RAM (defined for version 2 only!) QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 ; (-255 bytes) if 1 uses only 1 of the 8 mask pattern QR_DIRECT_DRAW = 0 ; (+ 45 bytes) draw byte columns instead of individual pixel QR_SPRITE_GFX = 0 ; display playfield or sprite graphics ENDIF IF QR_VERSION != 2 ECHO "" ECHO "*** ERROR: Version", [QR_VERSION]d, "unsupported by demo code! ***" ERR ENDIF IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 1 && QR_DIRECT_DRAW = 0 ECHO "" ECHO "*** ERROR: Unsupported assembler switches combination! ***" ERR ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; C O N S T A N T S ;=============================================================================== NUM_FIRST = 1 ; left top 9 and bottom 8 bits are fixed! RND_EOR_VAL = $b4 _QR_TOTAL SET 0 ;=============================================================================== ; Z P - V A R I A B L E S ;=============================================================================== SEG.U variables ORG $80 random .byte ;--------------------------------------- ; QR code variables ; all byte counts based on version 2, level M QR code IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW tmpVars ds 6 ELSE tmpVars ds 9 ENDIF msgIdx = tmpVars + 3 IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 qrPattern .byte ENDIF ;--------------------------------------- data ds QR_TOTAL ; 44 bytes remainder = data ; (QR_DEGREE = 16 bytes) msgData = data + QR_DEGREE ; (QR_MAX_DATA = 28 bytes) ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; The QR code overlaps the data! It overwrites the data while being drawn. IF QR_OVERLAP IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW QR_NON_OVER = 6 ELSE QR_NON_OVER = 8 ENDIF qrCodeLst = data + QR_NON_OVER ; all but 6/8 bytes overlap (version 2 only!) ds NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE*3 - QR_TOTAL + QR_NON_OVER ; 38/40 bytes ELSE qrCodeLst ds NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE*3 ; 76 bytes ENDIF ; /QR_OVERLAP grp0LLst = qrCodeLst + QR_SIZE * 0 firstMsl = qrCodeLst + QR_SIZE * 1 grp1Lst = qrCodeLst + NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE * 1 grp0RLst = qrCodeLst + NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE * 2 CODE_LST_SIZE = . - qrCodeLst IF QR_GENERATE qrGenerator ds QR_DEGREE ENDIF ;--------------------------------------- ; QR code total = 89/127 bytes ECHO "RAM:", [$100 - .]d, "bytes free" ECHO "" ;=============================================================================== ; M A C R O S ;=============================================================================== MAC BIT_B .byte $24 ENDM MAC BIT_W .byte $2c ENDM MAC SLEEP IF {1} = 1 ECHO "ERROR: SLEEP 1 not allowed !" END ENDIF IF {1} & 1 nop $00 REPEAT ({1}-3)/2 nop REPEND ELSE REPEAT ({1})/2 nop REPEND ENDIF ENDM MAC CHECKPAGE IF >. != >{1} ECHO "" ECHO "ERROR: different pages! (", {1}, ",", ., ")" ECHO "" ERR ENDIF ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC NEXT_RANDOM ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; update random value: lda random ; 3 lsr ; 2 bcc .skipEOR ; 2/3 eor #RND_EOR_VAL ; 2 .skipEOR sta random ; 3 = 14/19 ENDM ; Atari 2600 specific macros IF QR_OVERLAP = 0 IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_FUNC ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; blacks all function/alignment and timing pattern ldx #CODE_LST_SIZE .loopBlack lda BlackGfx-1,x sta qrCodeLst-1,x dex bne .loopBlack ; X = 0! ENDM ENDIF ELSE ; QR_OVERLAP ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_LEFT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Blacks all function/alignment and timing pattern areas of the left sprite column IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ldx #NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE-1-8 .loopBlackLeft lda LeftBlack+8,x sta qrCodeLst+8,x dex bpl .loopBlackLeft ELSE ; clear the bitmap column first... ldx #NUM_FIRST + QR_SIZE-1-8 lda #0 .loopBlackLeft sta qrCodeLst+8,x dex bpl .loopBlackLeft ; ...then draw the pattern IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ldy #1 ; left top pattern/vertical timing line ELSE ldy #2 ENDIF .loopPattern lda #$ff ; fill pattern jsr DrawPattern bpl .loopPattern ENDIF ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_MIDDLE ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Blacks all function/alignment and timing pattern areas of the middle sprite column IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ldx #QR_SIZE-1 .loopBlackMiddle lda GRP1Black,x sta grp1Lst,x dex bpl .loopBlackMiddle ELSE ; clear the bitmap column first... ldx #QR_SIZE-1 lda #0 .loopBlackMiddle sta grp1Lst,x dex bpl .loopBlackMiddle ; ...then draw the pattern ldy #6 ; align pattern .loopPattern lda #$ff ; fill pattern jsr DrawPattern cpy #5 bcs .loopPattern ENDIF ENDM ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _BLACK_RIGHT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Blacks all function/alignment and timing pattern areas of the right sprite column IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ldx #QR_SIZE .loopBlackRight lda GRP0RBlack-1,x sta grp0RLst-1,x dex bne .loopBlackRight ELSE ; clear the bitmap column first... ldx #QR_SIZE-1 lda #$00 .loopBlackRight sta grp0RLst,x dex bpl .loopBlackRight ; ...then draw the pattern ldy #4 ; right pattern .loopPattern lda #$ff ; fill pattern jsr DrawPattern cpy #3 bcs .loopPattern ldx #0 ENDIF ; X = 0! ENDM ENDIF ; /QR_OVERLAP IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW ;----------------------------------------------------------- MAC _DRAW_FUNC ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Draws all function/alignment and timing pattern over existing codewords ldx #CODE_LST_SIZE-1 .loopBlack lda qrCodeLst,x ora BlackGfx,x eor EorGfx,x sta qrCodeLst,x dex bpl .loopBlack IF QR_SINGLE_MASK && (QR_VERSION = 3 || QR_VERSION = 4) ; invert 1st pixel of 1st copy (bit 0 not set in formats Q and H) ldy #0 ldx #QR_SIZE-9 jsr InvertPixel ENDIF ENDM ENDIF ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - C O D E ;=============================================================================== SEG Bank0 ORG BASE_ADR ;--------------------------------------------------------------- DrawScreen SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ldx #227+8 .waitTim: lda INTIM bne .waitTim sta WSYNC sta VBLANK stx TIM64T ;--------------------------------------------------------------- .tmpFirst = tmpVars IF QR_SPRITE_GFX BLOCK_H = 2 ldx #3 bit SWCHB bvs .skipCentering ; some vertical centering ldx #(192-QR_SIZE*BLOCK_H)/2 .skipCentering .waitTop sta WSYNC dex bne .waitTop ldx #QR_SIZE-1 lda #%1 ; 1st top left fixed pixel bne .enterLoop ; the QR code kernel .loopKernel ; @53 lda FirstIdxTbl,x ; 4* cmp #1 ; 2 bcs .newFirst ; 2/3 lsr .tmpFirst ; 5 bpl .endFirst ; 3 = 16 unconditional .newFirst ; @62 ; $bf/$3f | $01 | $fe bne .enterLoop ; 2/3 lda firstMsl ; 3 .enterLoop sta .tmpFirst ; 3 = 8 .endFirst ; @70/69 ldy #-BLOCK_H ; 2 .loopBlock sta WSYNC ; 3 @75/74 ;--------------------------------------- ;M1-P0-P1-P0 lda .tmpFirst ; 3 asl ; 2 sta ENAM1 ; 3 = 8 lda grp1Lst,x ; 4 sta GRP1 ; 3 lda grp0LLst,x ; 4 sta GRP0 ; 3 SLEEP 10 ;10 = 24 lda grp0RLst,x ; 4 iny ; 2 cpy #1 ; 2 bcc .isZero ; 2/3 BIT_B ; 1 .isZero dex ; 2 sta GRP0 ; 3 = 16 @48 bcs .loopBlock ; 2/3 bpl .loopKernel ; 3/2=5/4 sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------------------------------- sty ENAM1 sty GRP1 sty GRP0 ELSE ; QR_SPRITE_GFX BLOCK_H = 7 ; |PF0 | PF1 | PF2 | PF2 | PF1 |PF0 | ; |....|...xxxxx|xxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxx|xxxx....|....| .pf0R1LLst = grp0LLst .pf2LLst = grp1Lst .pf1RLst = grp0RLst ; some vertical centering ldx #(200-QR_SIZE*BLOCK_H)/2 .skipCentering .waitTop sta WSYNC dex bne .waitTop ldx #QR_SIZE-1 lda #%1 ; 1st top left fixed pixel bne .enterLoop .loopBlock SLEEP 2 lda #0 ; 2 sta PF2 ; 3 @43/44 sta PF0 ; 3 = 8 @46/47 beq .contBlock ; 3 ; the QR code kernel .loopKernel ; @47/48 lda FirstIdxTbl,x ; 4 sty PF0 ; 3 sty PF2 ; 3 cmp #1 ; 2 bcs .newFirst ; 2/3 lsr .tmpFirst ; 5 bpl .endFirst ; 3 = 22 unconditional .newFirst ; @62/63 ; $bf/$3f | $01 | $fe bne .enterLoop ; 2/3 lda firstMsl ; 3 .enterLoop sta .tmpFirst ; 3 = 8 .endFirst ; @69..71 ldy #BLOCK_H ; 2 .contBlock sta WSYNC ; 3 ;--------------------------------------- ; |PF0 | PF1 | PF2 |PF0 | PF1 | PF2 | ; | |7......0|0......7|4..7|7......0| | ; |....|...XXXXX|XXXXXXXX|XXXX|XXXXXXXX|........| lda .tmpFirst ; 3 lsr ; 2 lda .pf0R1LLst,x ; 4 and #%1111 ; 2 bcc .clear ; 2/3 ora #%10000 ; 2 .clear ; = 14/15 sta PF1 ; 3 @17/18 lda .pf2LLst,x ; 4 sta PF2 ; 3 = 10 @24/25 lda .pf0R1LLst,x ; 4 sta PF0 ; 3 @31/32 >=27 lda .pf1RLst,x ; 4 sta PF1 ; 3 = 14 @38/39 >=38 dey ; 2 bne .loopBlock ; 3/2 dex ; 2 bpl .loopKernel ; 3/2=9/8 @47/48 SLEEP 2 ; 2 sty PF2 ; 3 @51/52 sty PF0 ; 3 @54/55 sta WSYNC ; 3 ;--------------------------------------- sty PF1 ENDIF ; /QR_SPRITE_GFX ldx #2 .waitScreen: lda INTIM bne .waitScreen sta WSYNC stx VBLANK rts ; DrawScreen include QRCodeGen.inc ;--------------------------------------------------------------- Start SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- cld ; Clear BCD math bit. lda #0 tax dex txs .clearLoop: tsx pha bne .clearLoop lda INTIM ora #$10 sta random jsr InitDemo .mainLoop: jsr VerticalBlank jsr DrawScreen jsr OverScan jmp .mainLoop ;--------------------------------------------------------------- InitDemo SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------- lda #$0e sta COLUBK IF QR_SPRITE_GFX lda #%001 sta COLUP0 sta COLUP1 sta NUSIZ0 sta VDELP1 ldx #$3f stx HMP0 inx stx HMP1 lda #$a0 sta HMM1 SLEEP 5 sta RESM1 sta RESP0 sta RESP1 sta WSYNC ;--------------------------------------- sta HMOVE ENDIF jmp GenerateQR ; GameInit ;--------------------------------------------------------------- VerticalBlank SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- lda #%00001110 .loopVSync: sta WSYNC sta VSYNC lsr bne .loopVSync IF NTSC lda #44-4 ELSE lda #77-4 ENDIF sta TIM64T bit INPT4 bmi .skipRegen jsr GenerateQR .skipRegen NEXT_RANDOM rts ; VerticalBlank ;--------------------------------------------------------------- OverScan SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- IF NTSC lda #36-4 ELSE lda #63-4 ENDIF sta TIM64T .waitTim: lda INTIM bne .waitTim rts ; OverScan ;--------------------------------------------------------------- GenerateQR SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; *** Generate QR code from message *** IF QR_SINGLE_MASK = 0 lda random and #$07 ; lda #0 sta qrPattern ENDIF MessageCode ; convert the message into a data stream .msgLen = tmpVars .msgPtr = tmpVars+1 lda random lsr lsr lsr and #$0f tay ; ldy #3 lda MessagePtrLo,y sta .msgPtr lda MessagePtrHi,y sta .msgPtr+1 lda MessagePtrLo+1,y sec sbc .msgPtr sta .msgLen START_MSG ldy #0 .loopMsg lda (.msgPtr),y ADD_MSG_BYTE iny cpy .msgLen bcc .loopMsg STOP_MSG ECHO "QR Code message code:", [. - MessageCode]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - MessageCode GEN_QR_CODE IF QR_SPRITE_GFX = 0 ; rearrange bitmap data for PF display ; | P0L | P1 | P0R | ; X|XXXXXXXX|XXXXXXXX|XXXXXXXX| ; |PF0 | PF1 | PF2 |PF0 | PF1 | PF2 | ; | |7......0|0......7|4..7|7......0| | ; |....|...XXXXX|XXXXXXXX|XXXX|XXXXXXXX|........| .tmpLeft = tmpVars ldx #QR_SIZE-1 .loopRows ; rearrange grp0LLst & grp1Lst into pf0R1LLst lda grp0LLst,x sta .tmpLeft lda grp1Lst,x ldy #4 .loopShift01a lsr ; 3..0 -> 0..3 rol grp0LLst,x dey bne .loopShift01a lda .tmpLeft ldy #4 .loopShift01b asl rol grp0LLst,x dey bne .loopShift01b ; rearrange grp0LLst & grp1Lst into pf2LLst lda grp1Lst,x lsr lsr lsr lsr ldy #4 .loopShift2a lsr rol grp1Lst,x dey bne .loopShift2a lda .tmpLeft ldy #4 .loopShift2b lsr rol grp1Lst,x dey bne .loopShift2b ; loop dex bpl .loopRows ENDIF rts BitMapCode ;--------------------------------------------------------------- CheckPixel SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Platform and version specific code. Must NOT change X and Y registers! ; X = y; Y = x ; determine 8 bit column (0..2) or missile columns tya bne .notMissile ; check if single missile byte is affected cpx #8 bcc .alwaysSet cpx #8*2 bcs .alwaysSet lda firstMsl and BitMask-8,x rts .alwaysSet lda #1 rts .notMissile cpy #1+8 bcs .notGRP0L IF QR_OVERLAP & QR_DIRECT_DRAW cpx #8 ; bottom left eye (partially) shared with data! bcc .alwaysSet ENDIF lda grp0LLst,x and BitMask-1,y rts .notGRP0L cpy #1+8*2 bcs .notGRP1 lda grp1Lst,x and BitMask-1-8,y rts .notGRP1 ; must be GRP0R then lda grp0RLst,x and BitMask-1-8*2,y rts ;--------------------------------------------------------------- InvertPixel SUBROUTINE ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Platform and version specific code. Must NOT change X and Y registers! ; X = y; Y = x ; determine 8 bit column (0..2) or missile column tya bne .notMissile ; check if single missile byte is affected cpx #8 bcc .ignore cpx #8*2 bcs .ignore lda BitMask-8,x eor firstMsl sta firstMsl .ignore rts .notMissile cpy #1+8 bcs .notGRP0L lda grp0LLst,x eor BitMask-1,y sta grp0LLst,x rts .notGRP0L cpy #1+8*2 bcs .notGRP1 lda grp1Lst,x eor BitMask-1-8,y sta grp1Lst,x rts .notGRP1 ; must be GRP0R then lda grp0RLst,x eor BitMask-1-8*2,y sta grp0RLst,x rts ECHO "QR Code bitmap code:", [. - BitMapCode]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - BitMapCode ;=============================================================================== ; R O M - T A B L E S (Bank 0) ;=============================================================================== org BASE_ADR + $600 FunctionModulesData ; Platform and version specific function module data definition IF QR_DIRECT_DRAW IF QR_VERSION = 1 ERR ; TODO ENDIF IF QR_VERSION = 2 IF QR_SINGLE_MASK include FuncDataV2S.inc ; special pattern ELSE include FuncDataV2.inc ENDIF ENDIF IF QR_VERSION = 3 ERR ; TODO ENDIF ENDIF FirstIdxTbl ; for 25 pixel ds 7, 0 .byte $fe ds 7, 0 .byte $01 ds 7, 0 IF QR_LEVEL = 0 || QR_LEVEL = 1 .byte $bf ; 1st format bit is 1 ELSE .byte $3f ; 1st format bit is 0 ENDIF CHECKPAGE FirstIdxTbl ECHO "QR Code function modules data:", [. - FunctionModulesData]d, "bytes" _QR_TOTAL SET _QR_TOTAL + . - FunctionModulesData QR_CODE_DATA .byte " QR Code Generator Demo V0.4 - (C)2021 Thomas Jentzsch " ; messages MUST NOT be longer than 26 bytes for version 2, level M! MessageTbl Message0 .byte "2002 - Thrust+ Platinum" Message1 .byte "2001 - Jammed" Message2 .byte "2005 - SWOOPS!" Message3 .byte "2017 - ZeroPage Homebrew" Message4 .byte "2019 - Aardvark" Message5 .byte "2012 - Boulder Dash" Message6 .byte "2021 - VROOM!" Message7 .byte "2020 - Robot City" Message8 .byte "2015 - Star Castle Arcade" Message9 .byte "2001 - AtariAge" Message10 .byte "1998 - Atari 2600 Nexus" Message11 .byte "2009 - RAM Pong" Message12 .byte "1977 - Atari 2600" Message13 .byte "2014 - Three·s" Message14 .byte "1996 - Stella Mailing List" Message15 .byte "1996 - Stella Emulator" MessageEnd ; .byte "..the single hardest thing" MessagePtrLo .byte Message0, >Message1, >Message2, >Message3 .byte >Message4, >Message5, >Message6, >Message7 .byte >Message8, >Message9, >Message10, >Message11 .byte >Message12, >Message13, >Message14, >Message15 .byte "JTZ" org BASE_ADR + $ffc .word Start .word Start ECHO "----------------------------------------" ECHO "QR Code total:", [_QR_TOTAL]d, "bytes" ECHO "" ECHO "QR Code Version", [QR_VERSION]d, ", Level (Degree)", [QR_LEVEL]d, "(", [QR_DEGREE]d, "), Capacity", [QR_CAPACITY]d, "bytes" ECHO " -> Message Space", [QR_CAPACITY-QR_DEGREE-2]d, "bytes"