mirror of https://github.com/lefticus/6502-cpp.git synced 2024-12-21 10:30:35 +00:00

Add some (broken) stack handling. Need to move to -mtiny-stack

This commit is contained in:
Jason Turner 2021-05-08 21:15:21 -06:00
parent d2241528e5
commit baf9c092ea
2 changed files with 86 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ struct C64 : Personality
new_instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, "* = " + std::to_string(start_address));
new_instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, "; jmp to start of program with BASIC");
new_instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, ".byt $0B,$08,$0A,$00,$9E,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00");
// load start of stack space into stack address pointers
new_instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::lda, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, "#$FF"));
new_instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, std::string{stack_low_address()}));
new_instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::lda, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, "#$CF"));
new_instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, std::string{ stack_high_address() }));
[[nodiscard]] std::string_view stack_low_address() const override
@ -94,6 +100,9 @@ struct C64 : Personality
return Operand(Operand::Type::literal, "$5f");
case 31:
return Operand(Operand::Type::literal, "$60");
case 32:
// 32 is the "Stack Pointer", because I decided so, I mean, it makes sense
return Operand(Operand::Type::literal, std::string{stack_low_address()});
throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled register number: " + std::to_string(reg_num));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <charconv>
#include <ctre.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <fstream>
@ -7,18 +8,18 @@
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <charconv>
#include "../include/assembly.hpp"
#include "../include/6502.hpp"
#include "../include/assembly.hpp"
#include "../include/optimizer.hpp"
#include "../include/personalities/c64.hpp"
int to_int(const std::string_view sv) {
int to_int(const std::string_view sv)
int result{};
std::from_chars(sv.begin(), sv.end(), result);
return result;
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ int parse_8bit_literal(const std::string_view s)
std::string_view strip_lo_hi(std::string_view s)
const auto matcher = ctre::match<R"((lo|hi)8\((.*)\))">;
const auto matcher = ctre::match<R"(^(lo|hi)8\((.*)\)$)">;
if (const auto results = matcher(s); results) {
return results.get<2>();
@ -40,6 +41,18 @@ std::string_view strip_lo_hi(std::string_view s)
return s;
std::string_view strip_negate(std::string_view s)
const auto matcher = ctre::match<R"(^-\((.*)\)$)">;
if (const auto results = matcher(s); results) {
return results.get<1>();
return s;
std::string fixup_8bit_literal(const std::string &s)
if (s[0] == '$') {
@ -67,7 +80,6 @@ std::string fixup_8bit_literal(const std::string &s)
struct AVR : ASMLine
enum class OpCode {
@ -140,9 +152,9 @@ struct AVR : ASMLine
if (o == "rol") { return OpCode::rol; }
if (o == "rcall") { return OpCode::rcall; }
if (o == "ld") { return OpCode::ld; }
if (o == "sub") { return OpCode::subi; }
if (o == "sub") { return OpCode::sub; }
if (o == "subi") { return OpCode::subi; }
if (o == "sbc") { return OpCode::sbci; }
if (o == "sbc") { return OpCode::sbc; }
if (o == "sbci") { return OpCode::sbci; }
if (o == "st") { return OpCode::st; }
if (o == "std") { return OpCode::std; }
@ -336,7 +348,10 @@ void translate_instruction(const Personality &personality, std::vector<mos6502>
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::rol, personality.get_register(o1_reg_num));
case AVR::OpCode::rcall:
if (o1.value != ".") {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::jsr, o1);
case AVR::OpCode::ld: {
if (o2.value == "Z" || o2.value == "X" || o2.value == "Y") {
@ -351,13 +366,21 @@ void translate_instruction(const Personality &personality, std::vector<mos6502>
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown ld indexing");
case AVR::OpCode::ldd: {
indirect_load(instructions, personality.get_register(AVR::get_register_number(o2.value[0])).value, personality.get_register(o1_reg_num).value, to_int(o2.value.substr(1)));
if (o2.value[1] == '+') {
indirect_load(instructions, personality.get_register(AVR::get_register_number(o2.value[0])).value, personality.get_register(o1_reg_num).value, to_int(o2.value.substr(2)));
throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled 'ldd'");
case AVR::OpCode::std: {
indirect_store(instructions, personality.get_register(o2_reg_num).value, personality.get_register(AVR::get_register_number(o1.value[0])).value, to_int(o2.value.substr(1)));
if (o1.value[1] == '+') {
indirect_store(instructions, personality.get_register(o2_reg_num).value, personality.get_register(AVR::get_register_number(o1.value[0])).value, to_int(o1.value.substr(2)));
throw std::runtime_error("Unhandled 'std'");
case AVR::OpCode::sub: {
// we want to utilize the carry flag, however it was set previously
// (it's really a borrow flag on the 6502)
@ -469,12 +492,21 @@ void translate_instruction(const Personality &personality, std::vector<mos6502>
case AVR::OpCode::brne: {
if (o1.value == "0b") {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::bne, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, "memcpy_0"));
} else if (o1.value == ".+2") {
// assumes 6502 'borrow' for Carry flag instead of carry, so bcc instead of bcs
std::string new_label_name = "skip_next_instruction_" + std::to_string(instructions.size());
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::bne, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, new_label_name));
instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, new_label_name);
} else {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::bne, o1);
throw std::runtime_error("Unhanled brne format");
case AVR::OpCode::rjmp: {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::jmp, o1);
@ -598,13 +630,13 @@ void translate_instruction(const Personality &personality, std::vector<mos6502>
case AVR::OpCode::in: {
if (o2.value == "__SP_L__") {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::lda, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, std::string{ personality.stack_low_address() }));
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, o1);
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, personality.get_register(o1_reg_num));
if (o2.value == "__SP_H__") {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::lda, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, std::string{ personality.stack_high_address() }));
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, o1);
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::sta, personality.get_register(o1_reg_num));
@ -612,9 +644,18 @@ void translate_instruction(const Personality &personality, std::vector<mos6502>
case AVR::OpCode::breq: {
if (o1.value == ".+2")
// assumes 6502 'borrow' for Carry flag instead of carry, so bcc instead of bcs
std::string new_label_name = "skip_next_instruction_" + std::to_string(instructions.size());
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::beq, Operand(Operand::Type::literal, new_label_name));
instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, new_label_name);
} else {
instructions.emplace_back(mos6502::OpCode::beq, o1);
case AVR::OpCode::unknown: {
throw std::runtime_error("Could not translate 'unknown' instruction");
@ -637,6 +678,8 @@ void to_mos6502(const Personality &personality, const AVR &from_instruction, std
case ASMLine::Type::Directive:
if (from_instruction.text.starts_with(".string")) {
instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, ".asc " + from_instruction.text.substr(7));
} else if (from_instruction.text.starts_with(".byte")) {
instructions.emplace_back(ASMLine::Type::Directive, ".byt " + from_instruction.text.substr(5));
} else if (from_instruction.text.starts_with(".zero")) {
const auto count = std::stoull(&*std::next(from_instruction.text.begin(), 6), nullptr, 10);
@ -826,8 +869,8 @@ void run(const Personality &personality, std::istream &input)
check_label(std::string{ strip_lo_hi(i.operand1.value) });
check_label(std::string{ strip_lo_hi(i.operand2.value) });
check_label(std::string{ strip_negate(strip_lo_hi(i.operand1.value)) });
check_label(std::string{ strip_negate(strip_lo_hi(i.operand2.value)) });
@ -835,16 +878,23 @@ void run(const Personality &personality, std::istream &input)
[&used_labels]() {
std::map<std::string, std::string> result;
for (const auto &l : used_labels) {
auto newl = l;
std::transform(newl.begin(), newl.end(), newl.begin(), [](const auto c) { return std::tolower(c); });
newl.erase(std::remove_if(newl.begin(), newl.end(), [](const auto c) { return !std::isalnum(c); }), std::end(newl));
// auto newl = l;
// std::transform(newl.begin(), newl.end(), newl.begin(), [](const auto c) { return std::tolower(c); });
// newl.erase(std::remove_if(newl.begin(), newl.end(), [](const auto c) { return !std::isalnum(c); }), std::end(newl));
result.emplace(std::make_pair(l, newl));
// strip just first \.
if (l[0] == '.') {
result.emplace(std::make_pair(l, l.substr(1)));
} else {
result.emplace(std::make_pair(l, l));
return result;
for (const auto &label : new_labels) {
spdlog::trace("used label: '{}':'{}'", label.first, label.second);
for (auto &i : instructions) {
if (i.type == ASMLine::Type::Label) {