cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) # Set the project name to your project name, my project isn't very descriptive project(6502-c++ CXX) include(cmake/StandardProjectSettings.cmake) include(cmake/PreventInSourceBuilds.cmake) # Link this 'library' to set the c++ standard / compile-time options requested add_library(project_options INTERFACE) target_compile_features(project_options INTERFACE cxx_std_20) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES ".*Clang") option(ENABLE_BUILD_WITH_TIME_TRACE "Enable -ftime-trace to generate time tracing .json files on clang" OFF) if(ENABLE_BUILD_WITH_TIME_TRACE) target_compile_options(project_options INTERFACE -ftime-trace) endif() endif() # Link this 'library' to use the warnings specified in CompilerWarnings.cmake add_library(project_warnings INTERFACE) # enable cache system include(cmake/Cache.cmake) # standard compiler warnings include(cmake/CompilerWarnings.cmake) set_project_warnings(project_warnings) # sanitizer options if supported by compiler include(cmake/Sanitizers.cmake) enable_sanitizers(project_options) # enable doxygen include(cmake/Doxygen.cmake) enable_doxygen() # allow for static analysis options include(cmake/StaticAnalyzers.cmake) option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Enable compilation of shared libraries" OFF) option(ENABLE_TESTING "Enable Test Builds" ON) option(ENABLE_FUZZING "Enable Fuzzing Builds" OFF) # Very basic PCH example option(ENABLE_PCH "Enable Precompiled Headers" OFF) if(ENABLE_PCH) # This sets a global PCH parameter, each project will build its own PCH, which is a good idea if any #define's change # # consider breaking this out per project as necessary target_precompile_headers( project_options INTERFACE ) endif() # Set up some extra Conan dependencies based on our needs before loading Conan set(CONAN_EXTRA_REQUIRES "") set(CONAN_EXTRA_OPTIONS "") if(CPP_STARTER_USE_SDL) set(CONAN_EXTRA_REQUIRES ${CONAN_EXTRA_REQUIRES} sdl2/2.0.10@bincrafters/stable) # set(CONAN_EXTRA_OPTIONS ${CONAN_EXTRA_OPTIONS} sdl2:wayland=True) endif() include(cmake/Conan.cmake) run_conan() if(ENABLE_TESTING) enable_testing() message("Building Tests. Be sure to check out test/constexpr_tests for constexpr testing") add_subdirectory(test) endif() if(ENABLE_FUZZING) message("Building Fuzz Tests, using fuzzing sanitizer") add_subdirectory(fuzz_test) endif() add_subdirectory(src)