# 6502-emu A relatively simple and bug-free 6502 emulator. It is capable of running ehBasic. Many 6502 emulators make extensive use of macros, which I personally think makes code harder to understand. At the other extreme, some emulators implement each addressing mode of each instruction separately, which is a big waste of time and makes the code harder to maintain. I chose a middle-ground, and used lookup tables for instruction decoding and address decoding. This also gets rid of the common "giant opcode switch statement" (which can be seen in my CHIP8 emulator project). ### Usage Example: ``` [david@D-ARCH 6502-emu]$ ./6502-emu examples/ehbasic.rom Enhanced 6502 BASIC 2.22 (c) Lee Davison [C]old/[W]arm ? Memory size ? 40191 Bytes free Enhanced BASIC 2.22 Ready 10 X1=59 15 Y1=21 20 I1=-1.0 23 I2=1.0 26 R1=-2.0 28 R2=1.0 30 S1=(R2-R1)/X1 35 S2=(I2-I1)/Y1 40 FOR Y=0 TO Y1 50 I3=I1+S2*Y 60 FOR X=0 TO X1 70 R3=R1+S1*X 73 Z1=R3 76 Z2=I3 80 FOR N=0 TO 30 90 A=Z1*Z1 95 B=Z2*Z2 100 IF A+B>4.0 GOTO 130 110 Z2=2*Z1*Z2+I3 115 Z1=A-B+R3 120 NEXT N 130 PRINT CHR$(63-N); 140 NEXT X 150 PRINT 160 NEXT Y 170 END RUN ??????>>>>>===============<<<<<<;;;:7143;<<<<====>>>>>>>>>>> ?????>>>================<<<<<<<;;;984+18:;;<<<<=====>>>>>>>> ????>>>===============<<<<<<<;;::85 )/:;;;;<<=====>>>>>>> ???>>===============<<<<<<;:9999875 689::::;<<=====>>>>> ??>>=============<<<<;;;;::7/ '3 56446;<======>>>> ??>===========<<<;;;;;;:::863 +8:;<======>>> ?>========<<<;6::::::::997! &89;<<======>> ?====<<<<<;;;:83567.678874 ,:<<=======> ?=<<<<<<;;;;:986' /4 +:<<<======> ?<<<<<<;;::8675( ( 9;<<<======> ?;;:999:88460 '9:;<<<======> ?;;:999:88460 '9:;<<<======> ?<<<<<<;;::8675( ( 9;<<<======> ?=<<<<<<;;;;:986' /4 +:<<<======> ?====<<<<<;;;:83567.678874 ,:<<=======> ?>========<<<;6::::::::997! &89;<<======>> ??>===========<<<;;;;;;:::863 +8:;<======>>> ??>>=============<<<<;;;;::7/ '3 56446;<======>>>> ???>>===============<<<<<<;:9999875 689::::;<<=====>>>>> ????>>>===============<<<<<<<;;::85 )/:;;;;<<=====>>>>>>> ?????>>>================<<<<<<<;;;984+18:;;<<<<=====>>>>>>>> ??????>>>>>===============<<<<<<;;;:7143;<<<<====>>>>>>>>>>> Ready ```