#include #include #include #include #include #include "6502.h" #include "6850.h" struct termios initial_termios; void step_delay() { struct timespec req, rem; req.tv_sec = 0; req.tv_nsec = STEP_DURATION; nanosleep(&req, &rem); } void run_cpu(long cycle_stop, int verbose, int mem_dump, int break_pc, int fast) { long cycles = 0; int cycles_per_step = (CPU_FREQ / (ONE_SECOND / STEP_DURATION)); for (;;) { for (cycles %= cycles_per_step; cycles < cycles_per_step;) { if (mem_dump) save_memory(NULL); cycles += step_cpu(verbose); if ((cycle_stop > 0) && (total_cycles >= cycle_stop)) goto end; step_uart(); if (break_pc >= 0 && PC == (uint16_t)break_pc) { fprintf(stderr, "break at %04x\n", break_pc); save_memory(NULL); goto end; } } if (!fast) step_delay(); } end: return; } void restore_stdin() { tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &initial_termios); } void raw_stdin() { struct termios new_termios; tcgetattr(0, &initial_termios); new_termios = initial_termios; cfmakeraw(&new_termios); tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_termios); atexit(restore_stdin); } int hextoint(char *str) { int val; if (*str == '$') str++; val = strtol(str, NULL, 16); return val; } void usage(char *argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE\n" "Simulate a NMOS 6502 processor\n" "\nOPTIONS:\n" "\n CPU Initialization (specify all values in hex; $nn, 0xNN, etc.)\n" " -a HEX set A register (default 0)\n" " -x HEX set X register (default 0)\n" " -y HEX set Y register (default 0)\n" " -s HEX set stack pointer (default $ff)\n" " -p HEX set processor status register (default 0)\n" " -r ADDR set initial run address (default: use value at RST_VEC)\n" "\n Emulator Control\n" " -v print CPU info at every step\n" " -i connect stdin/stdout to the emulator\n" " -b ADDR stop when PC reaches this address, write memory dump, and exit\n" " -c NUM exit after number of cycles (default: never)\n" " -f run as fast as possible; no delay loop\n" "\n Memory Initialization\n" " -l ADDR load address for ROM file (default $c000)\n" " FILE binary file to load\n" , argv[0]); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a, x, y, sp, sr, pc, load_addr; int verbose, interactive, mem_dump, break_pc, fast; long cycles; int opt; verbose = 0; interactive = 0; mem_dump = 0; cycles = 0; load_addr = 0xC000; break_pc = -1; fast = 0; a = 0; x = 0; y = 0; sp = 0; sr = 0; pc = -RST_VEC; // negative implies indirect while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hvimfa:b:x:y:r:p:s:g:c:l:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'i': interactive = 1; break; case 'm': mem_dump = 1; break; case 'f': fast = 1; break; case 'b': break_pc = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'a': a = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'x': x = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'y': y = hextoint(optarg); break; case 's': sp = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'p': sr = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'r': case 'g': pc = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'c': cycles = atol(optarg); break; case 'l': load_addr = hextoint(optarg); break; case 'h': default: /* '?' */ usage(argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: expected binary file to load\n\n"); usage(argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (load_rom(argv[optind], load_addr) != 0) { printf("Error loading \"%s\".\n", argv[optind]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (interactive) raw_stdin(); // allow individual keystrokes to be detected init_tables(); init_uart(); reset_cpu(a, x, y, sp, sr, pc); run_cpu(cycles, verbose, mem_dump, break_pc, fast); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }