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package android.emu6502
2015-06-14 02:28:37 +00:00
import android.emu6502.instructions.Symbols
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
import com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
2015-06-22 05:52:08 +00:00
class AssemblerTest {
private val assembler = Assembler(Memory(mock(Display::class.java)), Symbols())
2017-03-08 06:25:59 +00:00
@Test fun testSimple() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-14 02:28:37 +00:00
"LDA #$01",
"STA $0200",
"LDA #$05",
"STA $0201",
"LDA #$08",
"STA $0202")
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A9 01 8D 00 02 A9 05 8D 01 02 A9 08 8D 02 02")
2015-06-14 02:28:37 +00:00
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
@Test fun testWithComments() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
"LDA #\$c0 ;Load the hex value \$c0 into the A register",
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
"TAX ;Transfer the value in the A register to X",
"INX ;Increment the value in the X register",
"ADC #\$c4 ;Add the hex value \$c4 to the A register",
"BRK ;Break - we're done")
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A9 C0 AA E8 69 C4 00")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
@Test fun testBranchAndLabel() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
"LDX #$08",
"STX $0200",
"CPX #$03",
"BNE decrement",
"STX $0201",
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A2 08 CA 8E 00 02 E0 03 D0 F8 8E 01 02 00")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
@Test fun testRelative() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
"LDA #$01",
"CMP #$02",
"BNE notequal",
"STA $22",
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A9 01 C9 02 D0 02 85 22 00")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
@Test fun testIndirect() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
"LDA #$01",
"STA \$f0",
"LDA #\$cc",
"STA \$f1",
"JMP ($00f0) ;dereferences to \$cc01")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A9 01 85 F0 A9 CC 85 F1 6C F0 00")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
@Test fun testIndirectX() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
"LDX #$01",
"LDA #$05",
"STA $01",
"LDA #$06",
"STA $02",
"LDY #$0a",
"STY $0605",
"LDA ($00,X)")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
.isEqualTo("0600: A2 01 A9 05 85 01 A9 06 85 02 A0 0A 8C 05 06 A1 \n0610: 00")
2015-06-15 05:51:31 +00:00
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
@Test fun testIndirectY() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
"LDY #$01",
"LDA #$03",
"STA $01",
"LDA #$07",
"STA $02",
"LDX #$0a",
"STX $0704",
"LDA ($01),Y")
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
.isEqualTo("0600: A0 01 A9 03 85 01 A9 07 85 02 A2 0A 8E 04 07 B1 \n0610: 01")
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
@Test fun testJump() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
"LDA #$03",
"JMP there",
"STA $0200")
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A9 03 4C 08 06 00 00 00 8D 00 02")
2015-06-15 05:58:05 +00:00
2015-06-22 05:52:08 +00:00
@Test fun testSymbols() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
"define sysRandom \$fe ; an adress",
2015-06-22 05:52:08 +00:00
"define a_dozen $0c ; a constant",
"LDA sysRandom ; equivalent to \"LDA \$fe\"",
"LDX #a_dozen ; equivalent to \"LDX #$0c\"")
assertThat(assembler.hexdump()).isEqualTo("0600: A5 FE A2 0C")
2015-06-22 05:52:08 +00:00
2015-06-28 15:24:34 +00:00
@Test fun testSnake() {
val lines = ImmutableList.of(
2015-06-28 15:24:34 +00:00
"define appleL $00 ; screen location of apple, low byte",
"define appleH $01 ; screen location of apple, high byte",
"define snakeHeadL $10 ; screen location of snake head, low byte",
"define snakeHeadH $11 ; screen location of snake head, high byte",
"define snakeBodyStart $12 ; start of snake body byte pairs",
"define snakeDirection $02 ; direction (possible values are below)",
"define snakeLength $03 ; snake length, in bytes",
"; Directions (each using a separate bit)",
"define movingUp 1",
"define movingRight 2",
"define movingDown 4",
"define movingLeft 8",
"; ASCII values of keys controlling the snake",
"define ASCII_w $77",
"define ASCII_a $61",
"define ASCII_s $73",
"define ASCII_d $64",
"; System variables",
"define sysRandom \$fe",
"define sysLastKey \$ff",
2015-06-28 15:24:34 +00:00
" jsr init",
" jsr loop",
" jsr initSnake",
" jsr generateApplePosition",
" rts",
" lda #movingRight ;start direction",
" sta snakeDirection",
" lda #4 ;start length (2 segments)",
" sta snakeLength",
" ",
" lda #$11",
" sta snakeHeadL",
" ",
" lda #$10",
" sta snakeBodyStart",
" ",
" lda #$0f",
" sta $14 ; body segment 1",
" ",
" lda #$04",
" sta snakeHeadH",
" sta $13 ; body segment 1",
" sta $15 ; body segment 2",
" rts",
" ;load a new random byte into $00",
" lda sysRandom",
" sta appleL",
" ;load a new random number from 2 to 5 into $01",
" lda sysRandom",
" and #$03 ;mask out lowest 2 bits",
" clc",
" adc #2",
" sta appleH",
" rts",
" jsr readKeys",
" jsr checkCollision",
" jsr updateSnake",
" jsr drawApple",
" jsr drawSnake",
" jsr spinWheels",
" jmp loop",
" lda sysLastKey",
" cmp #ASCII_w",
" beq upKey",
" cmp #ASCII_d",
" beq rightKey",
" cmp #ASCII_s",
" beq downKey",
" cmp #ASCII_a",
" beq leftKey",
" rts",
" lda #movingDown",
" bit snakeDirection",
" bne illegalMove",
" lda #movingUp",
" sta snakeDirection",
" rts",
" lda #movingLeft",
" bit snakeDirection",
" bne illegalMove",
" lda #movingRight",
" sta snakeDirection",
" rts",
" lda #movingUp",
" bit snakeDirection",
" bne illegalMove",
" lda #movingDown",
" sta snakeDirection",
" rts",
" lda #movingRight",
" bit snakeDirection",
" bne illegalMove",
" lda #movingLeft",
" sta snakeDirection",
" rts",
" rts",
" jsr checkAppleCollision",
" jsr checkSnakeCollision",
" rts",
" lda appleL",
" cmp snakeHeadL",
" bne doneCheckingAppleCollision",
" lda appleH",
" cmp snakeHeadH",
" bne doneCheckingAppleCollision",
" ;eat apple",
" inc snakeLength",
" inc snakeLength ;increase length",
" jsr generateApplePosition",
" rts",
" ldx #2 ;start with second segment",
" lda snakeHeadL,x",
" cmp snakeHeadL",
" bne continueCollisionLoop",
" lda snakeHeadH,x",
" cmp snakeHeadH",
" beq didCollide",
" inx",
" inx",
" cpx snakeLength ;got to last section with no collision",
" beq didntCollide",
" jmp snakeCollisionLoop",
" jmp gameOver",
" rts",
" ldx snakeLength",
" dex",
" txa",
" lda snakeHeadL,x",
" sta snakeBodyStart,x",
" dex",
" bpl updateloop",
" lda snakeDirection",
" lsr",
" bcs up",
" lsr",
" bcs right",
" lsr",
" bcs down",
" lsr",
" bcs left",
" lda snakeHeadL",
" sec",
" sbc #$20",
" sta snakeHeadL",
" bcc upup",
" rts",
" dec snakeHeadH",
" lda #$1",
" cmp snakeHeadH",
" beq collision",
" rts",
" inc snakeHeadL",
" lda #$1f",
" bit snakeHeadL",
" beq collision",
" rts",
" lda snakeHeadL",
" clc",
" adc #$20",
" sta snakeHeadL",
" bcs downdown",
" rts",
" inc snakeHeadH",
" lda #$6",
" cmp snakeHeadH",
" beq collision",
" rts",
" dec snakeHeadL",
" lda snakeHeadL",
" and #$1f",
" cmp #$1f",
" beq collision",
" rts",
" jmp gameOver",
" ldy #0",
" lda sysRandom",
" sta (appleL),y",
" rts",
" ldx #0",
" lda #1",
" sta (snakeHeadL,x) ; paint head",
" ",
" ldx snakeLength",
" lda #0",
" sta (snakeHeadL,x) ; erase end of tail",
" rts",
" ldx #0",
" nop",
" nop",
" dex",
" bne spinloop",
" rts",
"gameOver:", "\n")
2015-06-28 15:24:34 +00:00
"0600: 20 06 06 20 38 06 20 0d 06 20 2a 06 60 a9 02 85 \n" +
"0610: 02 a9 04 85 03 a9 11 85 10 a9 10 85 12 a9 0f 85 \n" +
"0620: 14 a9 04 85 11 85 13 85 15 60 a5 fe 85 00 a5 fe \n" +
"0630: 29 03 18 69 02 85 01 60 20 4d 06 20 8d 06 20 c3 \n" +
"0640: 06 20 19 07 20 20 07 20 2d 07 4c 38 06 a5 ff c9 \n" +
"0650: 77 f0 0d c9 64 f0 14 c9 73 f0 1b c9 61 f0 22 60 \n" +
"0660: a9 04 24 02 d0 26 a9 01 85 02 60 a9 08 24 02 d0 \n" +
"0670: 1b a9 02 85 02 60 a9 01 24 02 d0 10 a9 04 85 02 \n" +
"0680: 60 a9 02 24 02 d0 05 a9 08 85 02 60 60 20 94 06 \n" +
"0690: 20 a8 06 60 a5 00 c5 10 d0 0d a5 01 c5 11 d0 07 \n" +
"06a0: e6 03 e6 03 20 2a 06 60 a2 02 b5 10 c5 10 d0 06 \n" +
"06b0: b5 11 c5 11 f0 09 e8 e8 e4 03 f0 06 4c aa 06 4c \n" +
"06c0: 35 07 60 a6 03 ca 8a b5 10 95 12 ca 10 f9 a5 02 \n" +
"06d0: 4a b0 09 4a b0 19 4a b0 1f 4a b0 2f a5 10 38 e9 \n" +
"06e0: 20 85 10 90 01 60 c6 11 a9 01 c5 11 f0 28 60 e6 \n" +
"06f0: 10 a9 1f 24 10 f0 1f 60 a5 10 18 69 20 85 10 b0 \n" +
"0700: 01 60 e6 11 a9 06 c5 11 f0 0c 60 c6 10 a5 10 29 \n" +
"0710: 1f c9 1f f0 01 60 4c 35 07 a0 00 a5 fe 91 00 60 \n" +
"0720: a2 00 a9 01 81 10 a6 03 a9 00 81 10 60 a2 00 ea \n" +
"0730: ea ca d0 fb 60")
2015-06-28 15:24:34 +00:00
2015-06-14 02:28:37 +00:00