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better tokenize - source: jbevren @ forum.6502.org
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195 lines
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Tokenizer mixed case keyword recognition
This modification is based on a patch by user ArnoldLayne and jbevren of the
6502.org forum: http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4383
In EhBasic keywords must be upper case. This may be inconvenient on computers
with mixed case support. The modification below changes the tokenizer to match
lower, upper or even mixed case keywords. However, the listing will still show
keywords in upper case.
; crunch keywords into Basic tokens
; position independent buffer version ..
; faster, dictionary search version ....
LDY #$FF ; set save index (makes for easy math later)
SEC ; set carry for subtract
LDA Bpntrl ; get basic execute pointer low byte
SBC #<Ibuffs ; subtract input buffer start pointer
TAX ; copy result to X (index past line # if any)
STX Oquote ; clear open quote/DATA flag
LDA Ibuffs,X ; get byte from input buffer
BEQ LAB_13EC ; if null save byte then exit
; *** begin patch: lower case token recognition V2 ***
; *** WARNING! changes documented behavior!
; *** add
CMP #'{' ; convert lower to upper case
BCS LAB_13EC ; is above lower case
CMP #'a'
BCC PATCH_LC ; is below lower case
AND #$DF ; mask lower case bit
; *** end
CMP #'_' ; compare with "_"
BCS LAB_13EC ; if >= go save byte then continue crunching
CMP #'<' ; compare with "<"
BCS LAB_13CC ; if >= go crunch now
CMP #'0' ; compare with "0"
BCS LAB_13EC ; if >= go save byte then continue crunching
STA Scnquo ; save buffer byte as search character
CMP #$22 ; is it quote character?
BEQ LAB_1410 ; branch if so (copy quoted string)
CMP #'*' ; compare with "*"
BCC LAB_13EC ; if < go save byte then continue crunching
; else crunch now
BIT Oquote ; get open quote/DATA token flag
BVS LAB_13EC ; branch if b6 of Oquote set (was DATA)
; go save byte then continue crunching
STX TempB ; save buffer read index
STY csidx ; copy buffer save index
LDY #<TAB_1STC ; get keyword first character table low address
STY ut2_pl ; save pointer low byte
LDY #>TAB_1STC ; get keyword first character table high address
STY ut2_ph ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$00 ; clear table pointer
CMP (ut2_pl),Y ; compare with keyword first character table byte
BEQ LAB_13D1 ; go do word_table_chr if match
; *** replace
; BCC LAB_13EA ; if < keyword first character table byte go restore
; *** with
BCC PATCH_LC2 ; if < keyword first character table byte go restore
; *** end
; Y and save to crunched
INY ; else increment pointer
BNE LAB_13D0 ; and loop (branch always)
; have matched first character of some keyword
TYA ; copy matching index
ASL ; *2 (bytes per pointer)
TAX ; copy to new index
LDA TAB_CHRT,X ; get keyword table pointer low byte
STA ut2_pl ; save pointer low byte
LDA TAB_CHRT+1,X ; get keyword table pointer high byte
STA ut2_ph ; save pointer high byte
LDY #$FF ; clear table pointer (make -1 for start)
LDX TempB ; restore buffer read index
INY ; next table byte
LDA (ut2_pl),Y ; get byte from table
BMI LAB_13EA ; all bytes matched so go save token
INX ; next buffer byte
; *** replace
; CMP Ibuffs,X ; compare with byte from input buffer
; *** with
EOR Ibuffs,x ; check bits against table
AND #$DF ; DF masks the upper/lower case bit
; *** end
BEQ LAB_13D6 ; go compare next if match
BNE LAB_1417 ; branch if >< (not found keyword)
LDY csidx ; restore save index
; save crunched to output
INX ; increment buffer index (to next input byte)
INY ; increment save index (to next output byte)
STA Ibuffs,Y ; save byte to output
CMP #$00 ; set the flags, set carry
BEQ LAB_142A ; do exit if was null [EOL]
; A holds token or byte here
SBC #':' ; subtract ":" (carry set by CMP #00)
BEQ LAB_13FF ; branch if it was ":" (is now $00)
; A now holds token-$3A
CMP #TK_DATA-$3A ; compare with DATA token - $3A
BNE LAB_1401 ; branch if not DATA
; token was : or DATA
STA Oquote ; save token-$3A (clear for ":", TK_DATA-$3A for DATA)
EOR #TK_REM-$3A ; effectively subtract REM token offset
BNE LAB_13AC ; If wasn't REM then go crunch rest of line
STA Asrch ; else was REM so set search for [EOL]
; loop for REM, "..." etc.
LDA Ibuffs,X ; get byte from input buffer
BEQ LAB_13EC ; branch if null [EOL]
CMP Asrch ; compare with stored character
BEQ LAB_13EC ; branch if match (end quote)
; entry for copy string in quotes, don't crunch
INY ; increment buffer save index
STA Ibuffs,Y ; save byte to output
INX ; increment buffer read index
BNE LAB_1408 ; loop while <> 0 (should never be 0!)
; not found keyword this go
LDX TempB ; compare has failed, restore buffer index (start byte!)
; now find the end of this word in the table
LDA (ut2_pl),Y ; get table byte
PHP ; save status
INY ; increment table index
PLP ; restore byte status
BPL LAB_141B ; if not end of keyword go do next
LDA (ut2_pl),Y ; get byte from keyword table
BNE LAB_13D8 ; go test next word if not zero byte (end of table)
; reached end of table with no match
; *** add label
; *** end
; *** end patch: lower case token recognition V2 ***
LDA Ibuffs,X ; restore byte from input buffer
BPL LAB_13EA ; branch always (all bytes in buffer are $00-$7F)
; go save byte in output and continue crunching
; reached [EOL]
INY ; increment pointer
INY ; increment pointer (makes it next line pointer high byte)
STA Ibuffs,Y ; save [EOL] (marks [EOT] in immediate mode)
INY ; adjust for line copy
INY ; adjust for line copy
INY ; adjust for line copy
DEC Bpntrl ; allow for increment (change if buffer starts at $xxFF)