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* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Text;
using Asm65;
using FormattedParts = SourceGen.DisplayList.FormattedParts;
namespace SourceGen {
/// <summary>
/// Converts file data and Anattrib contents into a series of strings and format metadata.
/// </summary>
public class LineListGen {
/// <summary>
/// List of display lines.
/// </summary>
private List<Line> mLineList;
/// <summary>
/// List of formatted parts to be presented to the user. This has one entry per line.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Separating FormattedParts out of Line seems odd at first, but we need changes to
/// DisplayList to cause events in XAML. I'm thinking the artificial separation of
/// Line from the formatted data holder may make future ports easier.
/// </remarks>
private DisplayList mDisplayList;
/// <summary>
/// Project that contains the data we're formatting, notably the FileData and
/// Anattribs arrays.
/// </summary>
private DisasmProject mProject;
/// <summary>
/// Code/data formatter.
/// </summary>
private Formatter mFormatter;
/// <summary>
/// If set, prepend cycle counts to EOL comments.
/// </summary>
private bool mShowCycleCounts;
/// <summary>
/// Names for pseudo-ops.
/// </summary>
private PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames mPseudoOpNames;
/// <summary>
/// One of these per line of output in the display. It should be possible to draw
/// all of the output without needing to refer back to the project data. (Currently
/// making an exception for some selection-dependent field highlighting.)
/// Base fields are immutable, but the Parts property is set after creation.
/// </summary>
public class Line {
// Extremely-negative offset value ensures it's at the very top.
public const int HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET = int.MinValue + 1;
// These need to be bit flags so we can record which parts associated with a
// given offset are selected.
public enum Type {
Unclassified = 0,
// Primary functional items.
Code = 1 << 0,
Data = 1 << 1, // includes inline data
CodeOrData = (Code | Data),
// Decorative items, added by user or formatter.
LongComment = 1 << 2,
Note = 1 << 3,
Blank = 1 << 4,
// Assembler directives.
OrgDirective = 1 << 5,
EquDirective = 1 << 6,
RegWidthDirective = 1 << 7,
/// <summary>
/// Line type.
/// </summary>
public Type LineType { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Numeric offset value. Used to map a line item to the Anattrib. Note this is
/// set for all lines, and is the same for all lines in a multi-line sequence,
/// e.g. every line in a long comment has the file offset with which it is associated.
/// </summary>
public int FileOffset { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Number of offsets this line covers. Will be > 0 for code and data, zero for
/// everything else. The same value is used for all lines in a multi-line sequence.
/// </summary>
public int OffsetSpan { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// For multi-line entries, this indicates which line is represented. For
/// single-line entries, this will be zero.
/// </summary>
public int SubLineIndex { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Strings for display. Creation may be deferred. Use the DisplayList
/// GetFormattedParts() method to access this property.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Certain elements, such as multi-line comments, must be formatted to determine
/// the number of lines they span. We retain the results to avoid formatting
/// them twice.
/// </remarks>
public FormattedParts Parts { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Background color, used for Notes.
/// </summary>
public Color BackgroundColor { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// String for searching. May be created on demand when the Line is first searched.
/// </summary>
public string SearchString { get; set; }
public Line(int offset, int span, Type type) : this(offset, span, type, 0) { }
public Line(int offset, int span, Type type, int subLineIndex) {
FileOffset = offset;
OffsetSpan = span;
LineType = type;
SubLineIndex = subLineIndex;
/// <summary>
/// True if this line is code or data.
/// </summary>
public bool IsCodeOrData {
get {
return LineType == Type.Code || LineType == Type.Data;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified offset is represented by this line. There
/// will be only one code/data line for a given offset, but there may be
/// multiple others (comments, notes, etc.) associated with it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains(int offset) {
// Note OffsetSpan can be zero.
return (offset == FileOffset ||
(offset >= FileOffset && offset < FileOffset + OffsetSpan));
public override string ToString() {
return "Line type=" + LineType + " off=+" + FileOffset.ToString("x6") +
" span=" + OffsetSpan;
/// <summary>
/// Captures the set of selected lines. Lines are identified by offset and type.
/// The idea is to save the selection, rebuild the list -- potentially moving
/// stuff around -- and then rebuild the selection bitmap by finding matching
/// items.
/// We don't try to identify parts of multi-line things. If you've selected
/// part of a multi-line string, then when we restore the selection you'll have
/// the entire string selected. For the operations that are possible across
/// multiple offsets, this seems like reasonable behavior.
/// We can't precisely restore the selection in terms of which file offsets
/// are selected. If you select one byte and apply a code hint, we'll restore
/// the selection to a line with 1-4 bytes. This gets weird if you hit "undo",
/// as you will then have 1-4 bytes selected rather than the original one. It
/// might be better to just clear the selection on "undo".
/// </summary>
public class SavedSelection {
private class Tag {
public int mOffset;
public int mSpan;
public Line.Type mTypes;
public Tag(int offset, int span, Line.Type lineType) {
//Debug.Assert(offset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(span >= 0);
mOffset = offset;
mSpan = (span == 0) ? 1 : span;
mTypes = lineType;
private List<Tag> mSelectionTags = new List<Tag>();
private class Top {
// File offset of line.
public int FileOffset { get; private set; }
// Number of lines between the first line at the specified offset and the
// target line.
public int LineDelta { get; private set; }
public Top(int fileOffset, int lineDelta) {
FileOffset = fileOffset;
LineDelta = lineDelta;
Debug.WriteLine("New Top: " + this);
public override string ToString() {
return "[Top: off=+" + FileOffset.ToString("x6") + " delta=" + LineDelta + "]";
/// <summary>
/// This is a place to save the file offset associated with the ListView's
/// TopItem, so we can position the list appropriately.
/// </summary>
private Top mTopPosition;
// Use Generate().
private SavedSelection() { }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new SavedSelection object, generating a list of tags from the
/// lines that are currently selected.
/// If nothing is selected, SavedSelection will have no members.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dl">Display list, with list of Lines.</param>
/// <param name="sel">Bit vector specifying which lines are selected.</param>
/// <param name="topIndex">Index of line that appears at the top of the list
/// control.</param>
/// <returns>New SavedSelection object.</returns>
public static SavedSelection Generate(LineListGen dl, DisplayListSelection sel,
int topIndex) {
SavedSelection savedSel = new SavedSelection();
//Debug.Assert(topOffset >= 0);
int topOffset = dl[topIndex].FileOffset;
int firstIndex = dl.FindLineIndexByOffset(topOffset);
Debug.Assert(topIndex >= firstIndex);
savedSel.mTopPosition = new Top(topOffset, topIndex - firstIndex);
List<Line> lineList = dl.mLineList;
Debug.Assert(lineList.Count == sel.Length);
// Generate tags, which are a combination of the offset, span, and a merge
// of types of all the lines associated with that offset.
// We may want to consider some sort of optimization for a "select all"
// operation, although there aren't many changes you can make after selecting
// all lines in a very large file.
Tag tag = null;
int curOffset = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < lineList.Count; i++) {
if (!sel[i]) {
Line line = lineList[i];
// Code hinting can transform code to data and vice-versa, so we
// want the tag to reflect the fact that both could exist.
Line.Type lineType = line.LineType;
if (lineType == Line.Type.Code || lineType == Line.Type.Data) {
lineType = Line.Type.CodeOrData;
if (line.FileOffset != curOffset) {
// advanced to new offset, flush previous
if (tag != null) {
curOffset = line.FileOffset;
tag = new Tag(line.FileOffset, line.OffsetSpan, lineType);
} else {
// another item at same offset
tag.mSpan = Math.Max(tag.mSpan, line.OffsetSpan);
tag.mTypes |= lineType;
if (curOffset == -1) {
// It's hard to cause an action that requires save/restore when you don't
// have anything selected in the ListView. However, this can happen if
// you do a sequence like:
// - Open a file that starts with a JMP followed by data.
// - Click on the blank line below the code, which has the code's offset,
// and select "remove hint". This causes the blank line to vanish,
// so the Restore() won't select anything.
// - Click "undo".
Debug.WriteLine("NOTE: no selection found");
} else {
// Add the in-progress tag to the list.
return savedSel;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a selection set by identifying the set of lines in the display list
/// that correspond to items in the SavedSelection tag list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dl">Display list, with list of Lines.</param>
/// <returns>Set of selected lines.</returns>
public DisplayListSelection Restore(LineListGen dl, out int topIndex) {
List<Line> lineList = dl.mLineList;
DisplayListSelection sel = new DisplayListSelection(lineList.Count);
topIndex = -1;
// Walk through the tag list, which is ordered by ascending offset, and
// through the display list, which is similarly ordered.
int tagIndex = 0;
int lineIndex = 0;
while (tagIndex < mSelectionTags.Count && lineIndex < lineList.Count) {
Tag tag = mSelectionTags[tagIndex];
int lineOffset = lineList[lineIndex].FileOffset;
// If a line encompassing this offset was at the top of the ListView
// control before, use this line's index as the top.
if (topIndex < 0 && lineList[lineIndex].Contains(mTopPosition.FileOffset)) {
topIndex = lineIndex;
if (lineOffset >= tag.mOffset && lineOffset < tag.mOffset + tag.mSpan) {
// Intersection. If the line type matches, add it to the set.
if ((tag.mTypes & lineList[lineIndex].LineType) != 0) {
sel[lineIndex] = true;
// Advance to the next line entry.
} else if (tag.mOffset < lineOffset) {
// advance tag
} else {
Debug.Assert(tag.mOffset > lineOffset);
// Continue search for topIndex, if necessary.
while (topIndex < 0 && lineIndex < lineList.Count) {
if (lineList[lineIndex].Contains(mTopPosition.FileOffset)) {
topIndex = lineIndex;
Debug.WriteLine("TopOffset " + mTopPosition + " --> index " + topIndex);
// Adjust position within an element. This is necessary so we don't jump to
// the top of multi-line long comments or notes whenever any part of that
// comment or note is at the top of the list.
if (topIndex >= 0 && mTopPosition.LineDelta > 0) {
int adjIndex = topIndex + mTopPosition.LineDelta;
if (adjIndex >= lineList.Count ||
lineList[adjIndex].FileOffset != mTopPosition.FileOffset) {
Debug.WriteLine("Can't adjust top position");
// can't adjust; maybe they deleted several lines from comment
} else {
topIndex = adjIndex;
Debug.WriteLine("Top index adjusted to " + adjIndex);
if (topIndex < 0) {
// This can happen if you delete the header comment while scrolled
// to the top of the list.
topIndex = 0;
return sel;
public void DebugDump() {
Debug.WriteLine("Selection (" + mSelectionTags.Count + " offsets):");
foreach (Tag tag in mSelectionTags) {
Debug.WriteLine(" +" + tag.mOffset.ToString("x6") + "/" +
tag.mSpan + ": " + tag.mTypes);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proj">Project object.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter object.</param>
public LineListGen(DisasmProject proj, DisplayList displayList, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
Debug.Assert(proj != null);
Debug.Assert(displayList != null);
Debug.Assert(formatter != null);
Debug.Assert(opNames != null);
mProject = proj;
mDisplayList = displayList;
mFormatter = formatter;
mPseudoOpNames = opNames;
mLineList = new List<Line>();
mShowCycleCounts = AppSettings.Global.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_SHOW_CYCLE_COUNTS,
mDisplayList.ListGen = this;
/// <summary>
2019-06-09 00:13:11 +00:00
/// Changes the Formatter object. Clears the line list, instigating a full re-render.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="formatter">Formatter object.</param>
public void SetFormatter(Formatter formatter) {
mFormatter = formatter;
2019-06-09 00:13:11 +00:00
// We probably just changed settings, so update this as well.
mShowCycleCounts = AppSettings.Global.GetBool(AppSettings.SRCGEN_SHOW_CYCLE_COUNTS,
/// <summary>
2019-06-09 00:13:11 +00:00
/// Changes the pseudo-op name object. Clears the line list, instigating a
/// full re-render.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="opNames">Pseudo-op names.</param>
public void SetPseudoOpNames(PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
mPseudoOpNames = opNames;
2019-06-09 00:13:11 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// Number of lines in the list.
/// </summary>
public int Count { get { return mLineList.Count; } }
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the Nth element.
/// </summary>
public Line this[int key] {
get {
return mLineList[key];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Line's FormattedParts object, generating it first if necessary.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Object with formatted strings.</returns>
public FormattedParts GetFormattedParts(int index) {
Line line = mLineList[index];
if (line.Parts == null) {
FormattedParts parts;
switch (line.LineType) {
case Line.Type.Code:
parts = GenerateInstructionLine(mProject, mFormatter,
line.FileOffset, line.OffsetSpan, mShowCycleCounts);
case Line.Type.Data:
parts = GenerateDataLine(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames,
line.FileOffset, line.SubLineIndex);
case Line.Type.Blank:
// Nothing to do.
parts = FormattedParts.CreateBlankLine();
case Line.Type.OrgDirective:
case Line.Type.RegWidthDirective:
case Line.Type.LongComment:
case Line.Type.Note:
// should have been done already
parts = FormattedParts.Create("x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x", "x");
line.Parts = parts;
return line.Parts;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a string with the concatenation of the searchable portions of the line.
/// Different sections are separated with an unlikely unicode character. The goal
/// is to have a single string per line that can be searched quickly, without having
/// adjacent fields spill into each other.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">Line index.</param>
/// <returns>Formatted line contents.</returns>
public string GetSearchString(int index) {
Line line = mLineList[index];
if (line.SearchString == null) {
const char sep = '\u203b'; // REFERENCE MARK
FormattedParts parts = GetFormattedParts(index);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Some parts may be null, e.g. for long comments. Append() can deal.
line.SearchString = sb.ToString();
return line.SearchString;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the first line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for. Negative values are allowed.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
private static int FindLineByOffset(List<Line> lineList, int offset) {
if (lineList.Count == 0) {
return -1;
int low = 0;
int high = lineList.Count - 1;
int mid = -1;
bool found = false;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
Line line = lineList[mid];
if (line.Contains(offset)) {
// found a match
found = true;
} else if (line.FileOffset > offset) {
// too big, move the high end in
high = mid - 1;
} else if (line.FileOffset < offset) {
// too small, move the low end in
low = mid + 1;
} else {
// WTF
throw new Exception("Bad binary search");
if (!found) {
return -1;
// We found *a* matching line. Seek backward to find the *first* matching line.
while (mid > 0) {
Line upLine = lineList[mid - 1];
if (upLine.Contains(offset)) {
} else {
return mid;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the first line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
public int FindLineIndexByOffset(int offset) {
return FindLineByOffset(mLineList, offset);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the code or data line entry that encompasses the specified offset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="offset">Offset to search for.</param>
/// <returns>Line list index, or -1 if not found.</returns>
public int FindCodeDataIndexByOffset(int offset) {
if (offset < 0) {
// Header offset. No code or data here.
return -1;
int index = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, offset);
if (index < 0) {
return -1;
while (mLineList[index].LineType != Line.Type.Code &&
mLineList[index].LineType != Line.Type.Data) {
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Generates Lines for the entire project.
/// </summary>
public void GenerateAll() {
List<Line> headerLines = GenerateHeaderLines(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames);
mLineList.InsertRange(0, headerLines);
GenerateLineList(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames,
mProject.FileData, 0, mProject.FileData.Length - 1, mLineList);
Debug.Assert(ValidateLineList(), "Display list failed validation");
/// <summary>
/// Generates a list of Lines for the specified range of offsets, replacing
/// existing values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startOffset">First offset. Must be the start of an instruction
/// or data area.</param>
/// <param name="endOffset">End offset (inclusive).</param>
public void GenerateRange(int startOffset, int endOffset) {
if (startOffset < 0) {
// Clear existing header lines. Find the first non-header item.
int headerEndIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, 0);
if (headerEndIndex == 0) {
// no header lines present
Debug.WriteLine("No header lines found");
} else {
Debug.WriteLine("Removing " + headerEndIndex + " header lines");
mLineList.RemoveRange(0, headerEndIndex);
List<Line> headerLines = GenerateHeaderLines(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames);
mLineList.InsertRange(0, headerLines);
mDisplayList.ClearListSegment(0, headerEndIndex, headerLines.Count);
if (endOffset < 0) {
// nothing else to do -- header-only change
// do the rest
startOffset = 0;
Debug.Assert(startOffset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(endOffset < mProject.FileData.Length);
Debug.Assert(endOffset >= startOffset);
//Debug.WriteLine("DL gen range [" + startOffset + "," + endOffset + "]");
// Find the start index. The start offset should always appear at the
// start of a Line (as opposed to being in the middle of a multi-byte instruction)
// because it comes from item selection.
int startIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, startOffset);
if (startIndex < 0) {
Debug.Assert(false, "Unable to find startOffset " + startOffset);
// Find the end index. The end offset can be part of a multi-line data item, like
// a long string. Find the first Line that starts at an offset larger than endOffset.
int endIndex;
if (startOffset == endOffset) {
// Simple optimization for single-offset groups.
endIndex = startIndex;
} else {
endIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, endOffset);
if (endIndex < 0) {
Debug.Assert(false, "Unable to find endOffset " + endOffset);
// There may be more than one line involved, so we need to scan forward.
for (endIndex++; endIndex < mLineList.Count; endIndex++) {
if (mLineList[endIndex].FileOffset > endOffset) {
if (endIndex == mLineList.Count) {
// whoops, loop ended before we had a chance to decrement
endIndex = mLineList.Count - 1;
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateRange: offset [+" + startOffset.ToString("x6") + ",+" +
endOffset.ToString("x6") +
"] maps to index [" + startIndex + "," + endIndex + "]");
Debug.Assert(endIndex >= startIndex);
// Create temporary list to hold new lines. Set the initial capacity to
// the previous size, on the assumption that it won't change much.
List<Line> newLines = new List<Line>(endIndex - startIndex + 1);
GenerateLineList(mProject, mFormatter, mPseudoOpNames, mProject.FileData,
startOffset, endOffset, newLines);
// Out with the old, in with the new.
mLineList.RemoveRange(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1);
mLineList.InsertRange(startIndex, newLines);
mDisplayList.ClearListSegment(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1, newLines.Count);
Debug.Assert(ValidateLineList(), "Display list failed validation");
/// <summary>
/// Validates the line list, confirming that every offset is represented exactly once.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if all is well.</returns>
private bool ValidateLineList() {
int expectedOffset = 0;
int lastOffset = Int32.MinValue;
foreach (Line line in mLineList) {
// Header lines aren't guaranteed to be sequential and don't have a span.
// They are expected to be in sorted order, and to be unique (with the
// notable exception of the header comment, which is multi-line).
if (line.FileOffset < 0) {
if (line.FileOffset < lastOffset || (line.LineType != Line.Type.LongComment &&
line.FileOffset == lastOffset)) {
Debug.WriteLine("Header offsets went backward: cur=" +
line.FileOffset + " last=" + lastOffset);
return false;
lastOffset = line.FileOffset;
// Blank lines and comments can appear before or after code/data. They
// must have the offset of the associated line, and a span of zero.
if (line.FileOffset != expectedOffset && line.FileOffset != lastOffset) {
Debug.WriteLine("ValidateLineList: bad offset " + line.FileOffset +
" (last=" + lastOffset + ", expected next=" + expectedOffset + ")");
return false;
if (line.SubLineIndex != 0) {
// In the middle of a multi-line thing, don't advance last/expected.
Debug.Assert(line.FileOffset == lastOffset);
} else {
lastOffset = expectedOffset;
expectedOffset += line.OffsetSpan;
if (expectedOffset != mProject.FileData.Length) {
Debug.WriteLine("ValidateLineList: did not cover entire file: last offset " +
expectedOffset + ", file has " + mProject.FileData.Length);
return false;
return true;
///// <summary>
///// Removes all header lines from the line list.
///// </summary>
//private void ClearHeaderLines() {
// // Find the first non-header item.
// int endIndex = FindLineByOffset(mLineList, 0);
// if (endIndex == 0) {
// // no header lines present
// Debug.WriteLine("No header lines found");
// return;
// }
// Debug.WriteLine("Removing " + endIndex + " header lines");
// mLineList.RemoveRange(0, endIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a synthetic offset for the FileOffset field from an index value. The
/// index arg is the index of an entry in the DisasmProject.ActiveDefSymbolList.
/// (The exact algorithm isn't too important, as these offsets are not stored in the
/// project file.)
/// </summary>
private static int DefSymOffsetFromIndex(int index) {
Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < (1 << 24));
return index - (1 << 24);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the DisasmProject.ActiveDefSymbolList index for an EQU line with
/// the specified file offset.
/// </summary>
public static int DefSymIndexFromOffset(int offset) {
Debug.Assert(offset < 0);
return offset + (1 << 24);
/// <summary>
/// Generates the header lines (header comment, EQU directives).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proj">Project reference.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Output formatter.</param>
/// <param name="opNames">Pseudo-op names.</param>
/// <returns>List with header lines.</returns>
private static List<Line> GenerateHeaderLines(DisasmProject proj, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames) {
List<Line> tmpLines = new List<Line>();
Line line;
FormattedParts parts;
// Check for header comment.
if (proj.LongComments.TryGetValue(Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET,
out MultiLineComment headerComment)) {
List<string> formatted = headerComment.FormatText(formatter, string.Empty);
StringListToLines(formatted, Line.HEADER_COMMENT_OFFSET, Line.Type.LongComment,
CommonWPF.Helper.ZeroColor, tmpLines);
// Format symbols.
int index = 0;
foreach (DefSymbol defSym in proj.ActiveDefSymbolList) {
line = new Line(DefSymOffsetFromIndex(index), 0, Line.Type.EquDirective);
// Use an operand length of 1 so things are shown as concisely as possible.
string valueStr = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, proj.SymbolTable,
null, defSym.DataDescriptor, defSym.Value, 1,
string comment = formatter.FormatEolComment(defSym.Comment);
parts = FormattedParts.CreateEquDirective(defSym.Label,
valueStr, comment);
line.Parts = parts;
if (proj.ActiveDefSymbolList.Count != 0) {
// We had some EQUs, throw a blank line at the end.
line = new Line(DefSymOffsetFromIndex(index), 0, Line.Type.Blank);
return tmpLines;
/// <summary>
/// Generates lines for the specified range of file offsets.
/// Does not generate formatted parts in most cases; that usually happens on demand.
/// Complicated items, such as word-wrapped long comments, may be generated now
/// and saved off.
/// This still needs a formatter arg even when no text is rendered because some
/// options, like maximum per-line operand length, might affect how many lines
/// are generated.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proj">Project reference.</param>
/// <param name="formatter">Output formatter.</param>
/// <param name="startOffset">Offset of first byte.</param>
/// <param name="endOffset">Offset of last byte.</param>
/// <param name="lines">List to add output lines to.</param>
private static void GenerateLineList(DisasmProject proj, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames, byte[] data, int startOffset, int endOffset,
List<Line> lines) {
//Debug.WriteLine("GenerateRange [+" + startOffset.ToString("x6") + ",+" +
// endOffset.ToString("x6") + "]");
Debug.Assert(startOffset >= 0);
Debug.Assert(endOffset >= startOffset);
// Find the previous status flags for M/X tracking.
StatusFlags prevFlags = StatusFlags.AllIndeterminate;
if (proj.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag) {
for (int scanoff = startOffset - 1; scanoff >= 0; scanoff--) {
Anattrib attr = proj.GetAnattrib(scanoff);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart) {
prevFlags = attr.StatusFlags;
// Apply the same tweak here that we do to curFlags below.
prevFlags.M = attr.StatusFlags.ShortM ? 1 : 0;
prevFlags.X = attr.StatusFlags.ShortX ? 1 : 0;
Debug.WriteLine("GenerateLineList startOff=+" +
startOffset.ToString("x6") + " using initial flags from +" +
scanoff.ToString("x6") + ": " + prevFlags);
// Configure the initial value of addBlank. The specific case we're handling is
// a no-continue instruction (e.g. JMP) followed by an instruction with a label.
// When we rename the label, we don't want the blank to disappear during the
// partial-list generation.
bool addBlank = false;
if (startOffset > 0) {
int baseOff = DataAnalysis.GetBaseOperandOffset(proj, startOffset - 1);
if (proj.GetAnattrib(baseOff).DoesNotContinue) {
addBlank = true;
int offset = startOffset;
while (offset <= endOffset) {
Anattrib attr = proj.GetAnattrib(offset);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart && offset > 0 &&
proj.GetAnattrib(offset - 1).IsData) {
// Transition from data to code. (Don't add blank line for inline data.)
} else if (addBlank) {
// Previous instruction wanted to be followed by a blank line.
addBlank = false;
// Insert long comments and notes. These may span multiple display lines,
// and require word-wrap, so it's easiest just to render them fully here.
if (proj.Notes.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment noteData)) {
List<string> formatted = noteData.FormatText(formatter, "NOTE: ");
StringListToLines(formatted, offset, Line.Type.Note,
noteData.BackgroundColor, lines);
if (proj.LongComments.TryGetValue(offset, out MultiLineComment longComment)) {
List<string> formatted = longComment.FormatText(formatter, string.Empty);
StringListToLines(formatted, offset, Line.Type.LongComment,
longComment.BackgroundColor, lines);
if (attr.IsInstructionStart) {
// Generate reg width directive, if necessary.
if (proj.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag) {
// Changing from "ambiguous but assumed short" to "definitively short"
// merits a directive, notably at the start of the file. The tricky
// part is that E=1 means definitively M=1 X=1. And maybe
// indeterminate E also means that.
// We don't want to mess with Anattrib, but we do need to tell the
// assembler something. So we tweak our local copy and propagate it.
string operandStr = string.Empty;
StatusFlags curFlags = attr.StatusFlags;
curFlags.M = attr.StatusFlags.ShortM ? 1 : 0;
curFlags.X = attr.StatusFlags.ShortX ? 1 : 0;
if (curFlags.M != prevFlags.M) {
operandStr = (curFlags.M == 0) ? "longm" : "shortm";
if (curFlags.X != prevFlags.X) {
if (operandStr.Length > 0) {
operandStr += ",";
operandStr += (curFlags.X == 0) ? "longx" : "shortx";
if (operandStr.Length > 0) {
Line rwLine = new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.RegWidthDirective);
// FormatPseudoOp isn't quite right for the operand, but there
// isn't anything more suitable, and there are only eight
// possible values. Having the operand capitalization match the
// pseudo-op's feels reasonable.
rwLine.Parts = FormattedParts.CreateDirective(
prevFlags = curFlags;
// Look for embedded instructions.
int len;
for (len = 1; len < attr.Length; len++) {
if (proj.GetAnattrib(offset + len).IsInstructionStart) {
// Create Line entry. Offset span only covers the instruction up to
// the point where the embedded instruction starts.
Line line = new Line(offset, len, Line.Type.Code);
// Insert blank after an instruction that doesn't continue. Provides a
// break in code, and before a data area.
// TODO(maybe): Might also want to do this if the next offset is data,
// to make things look nicer when code runs directly into data.
// We don't want to add it with the current line's offset. If we do that,
// the binary search will get confused, because blank lines have a span
// of zero. If the code is at offset 10 with length 3, and we search for
// the byte at offset 11, then a blank line (with span=0) at offset 10 will
// cause the binary search to assume that the target is farther down, when
// it's actually one line up. We deal with this by setting a flag and
// generating the blank line on the next trip through the loop.
if (attr.DoesNotContinue) {
addBlank = true;
offset += len;
} else {
Debug.Assert(attr.DataDescriptor != null);
// TODO: replace this with something that caches expensive items like
// string operands; maybe have an out List<string> that is null for the
// easy stuff
int numLines =
PseudoOp.ComputeRequiredLineCount(formatter, opNames, attr.DataDescriptor,
data, offset);
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
Line line = new Line(offset, attr.Length, Line.Type.Data, i);
offset += attr.Length;
// See if there were any address shifts in this section. If so, insert an ORG
// statement as the first entry for the offset. We're expecting to have very
// few AddressMap entries (usually just one), so it's more efficient to process
// them here and walk through the sub-list than it is to ping the address map
// at every line.
// It should not be possible for an address map change to appear in the middle
// of an instruction or data item.
foreach (AddressMap.AddressMapEntry ent in proj.AddrMap) {
if (ent.Offset < startOffset || ent.Offset > endOffset) {
int index = FindLineByOffset(lines, ent.Offset);
if (index < 0) {
Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't find offset " + ent.Offset +
" in range we just generated");
if (lines[index].LineType == Line.Type.Blank) {
Line topLine = lines[index];
Line newLine = new Line(topLine.FileOffset, 0, Line.Type.OrgDirective);
string addrStr = formatter.FormatHexValue(ent.Addr, 4);
newLine.Parts = FormattedParts.CreateDirective(
formatter.FormatPseudoOp(opNames.OrgDirective), addrStr);
lines.Insert(index, newLine);
// Prepend a blank line if the previous line wasn't already blank, and this
// isn't the ORG at the start of the file. (This may temporarily do
// double-spacing if we do a partial update, because we won't be able to
// "see" the previous line. Harmless.)
if (ent.Offset != 0 && index > 0 && lines[index-1].LineType != Line.Type.Blank) {
Line blankLine = new Line(topLine.FileOffset, 0, Line.Type.Blank);
lines.Insert(index, blankLine);
/// <summary>
/// Generates a blank line entry.
/// </summary>
private static Line GenerateBlankLine(int offset) {
return new Line(offset, 0, Line.Type.Blank);
/// <summary>
/// Takes a list of strings and adds them to the Line list as long comments.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list"></param>
/// <param name="offset"></param>
/// <param name="lineType"></param>
/// <param name="color"></param>
/// <param name="lines"></param>
private static void StringListToLines(List<string> list, int offset, Line.Type lineType,
Color color, List<Line> lines) {
foreach (string str in list) {
Line line = new Line(offset, 0, lineType);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.CreateNote(str, color);
line.Parts = parts;
line.BackgroundColor = color;
private static FormattedParts GenerateInstructionLine(DisasmProject proj,
Formatter formatter, int offset, int instrBytes, bool showCycleCounts) {
Anattrib attr = proj.GetAnattrib(offset);
byte[] data = proj.FileData;
string offsetStr = formatter.FormatOffset24(offset);
int addr = attr.Address;
string addrStr = formatter.FormatAddress(addr, !proj.CpuDef.HasAddr16);
string bytesStr = formatter.FormatBytes(data, offset, instrBytes);
string flagsStr = attr.StatusFlags.ToString(proj.CpuDef.HasEmuFlag);
string attrStr = attr.ToAttrString();
string labelStr = string.Empty;
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = attr.Symbol.Label;
OpDef op = proj.CpuDef.GetOpDef(data[offset]);
int operand = op.GetOperand(data, offset, attr.StatusFlags);
int instrLen = op.GetLength(attr.StatusFlags);
OpDef.WidthDisambiguation wdis = OpDef.WidthDisambiguation.None;
if (op.IsWidthPotentiallyAmbiguous) {
wdis = OpDef.GetWidthDisambiguation(instrLen, operand);
string opcodeStr = formatter.FormatOpcode(op, wdis);
if (attr.Length != instrBytes) {
// An instruction is embedded inside this one. Note that BRK is a two-byte
// instruction, so don't freak out if you see it marked as embedded when a
// $00 is followed by actual code. (But be a little freaked out that your
// code is running into a BRK.)
//opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u00bb"; // RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
//opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u23e9"; // BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE
opcodeStr = opcodeStr + " \u25bc"; // BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE
string formattedOperand = null;
int operandLen = instrLen - 1;
PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.None;
// Tweak branch instructions. We want to show the absolute address rather
// than the relative offset (which happens with the OperandAddress assignment
// below), and 1-byte branches should always appear as a 4-byte hex value.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.PCRel) {
Debug.Assert(attr.OperandAddress >= 0);
operandLen = 2;
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.IsPcRel;
} else if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.PCRelLong ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.StackPCRelLong) {
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.IsPcRel;
} else if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.Imm ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongA ||
op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.ImmLongXY) {
opFlags = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOpFlags.HasHashPrefix;
// Use the OperandAddress when available. This is important for relative branch
// instructions and PER, where we want to show the target address rather than the
// operand value.
int operandForSymbol = operand;
if (attr.OperandAddress >= 0) {
operandForSymbol = attr.OperandAddress;
// Check Length to watch for bogus descriptors. ApplyFormatDescriptors() should
// have discarded anything appropriate, so we might be able to eliminate this test.
if (attr.DataDescriptor != null && attr.Length == attr.DataDescriptor.Length) {
Debug.Assert(operandLen > 0);
// Format operand as directed.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove) {
// Special handling for the double-operand block move.
string opstr1 = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, proj.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, operand >> 8, 1,
string opstr2 = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, proj.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, operand & 0xff, 1,
formattedOperand = '#' + opstr1 + "," + '#' + opstr2;
} else {
formattedOperand = PseudoOp.FormatNumericOperand(formatter, proj.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, operandForSymbol, operandLen, opFlags);
} else {
// Show operand value in hex.
if (op.AddrMode == OpDef.AddressMode.BlockMove) {
formattedOperand = '#' + formatter.FormatHexValue(operand >> 8, 2) + "," +
'#' + formatter.FormatHexValue(operand & 0xff, 2);
} else {
if (operandLen == 2) {
// This is necessary for 16-bit operands, like "LDA abs" and "PEA val",
// when outside bank zero. The bank is included in the operand address,
// but we don't want to show it here.
operandForSymbol &= 0xffff;
formattedOperand = formatter.FormatHexValue(operandForSymbol, operandLen * 2);
string operandStr = formatter.FormatOperand(op, formattedOperand, wdis);
string eolComment = proj.Comments[offset];
if (showCycleCounts) {
bool branchCross = (attr.Address & 0xff00) != (operandForSymbol & 0xff00);
int cycles = proj.CpuDef.GetCycles(op.Opcode, attr.StatusFlags, attr.BranchTaken,
if (cycles > 0) {
eolComment = cycles.ToString() + " " + eolComment;
} else {
eolComment = (-cycles).ToString() + "+ " + eolComment;
string commentStr = formatter.FormatEolComment(eolComment);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.Create(offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr,
flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
return parts;
private static FormattedParts GenerateDataLine(DisasmProject proj, Formatter formatter,
PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames opNames, int offset, int subLineIndex) {
Anattrib attr = proj.GetAnattrib(offset);
byte[] data = proj.FileData;
string offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr, flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr,
operandStr, commentStr;
offsetStr = addrStr = bytesStr = flagsStr = attrStr = labelStr = opcodeStr =
operandStr = commentStr = string.Empty;
PseudoOp.PseudoOut pout = PseudoOp.FormatDataOp(formatter, opNames, proj.SymbolTable,
null, attr.DataDescriptor, proj.FileData, offset, subLineIndex);
if (subLineIndex == 0) {
offsetStr = formatter.FormatOffset24(offset);
addrStr = formatter.FormatAddress(attr.Address, !proj.CpuDef.HasAddr16);
if (attr.Symbol != null) {
labelStr = attr.Symbol.Label;
bytesStr = formatter.FormatBytes(data, offset, attr.Length);
attrStr = attr.ToAttrString();
opcodeStr = formatter.FormatPseudoOp(pout.Opcode);
} else {
opcodeStr = " +";
operandStr = pout.Operand;
if (subLineIndex == 0) {
commentStr = formatter.FormatEolComment(proj.Comments[offset]);
FormattedParts parts = FormattedParts.Create(offsetStr, addrStr, bytesStr,
flagsStr, attrStr, labelStr, opcodeStr, operandStr, commentStr);
return parts;