2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved.
; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0).
; Sources:
; NiftyList, by Dave Lyons
; What's Where in the Apple, by William F. Luebbert
*SYNOPSIS Symbols from the Apple II monitor ROM
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_WNDLEFT @ $20 ;left column of scroll window
MON_WNDWDTH @ $21 ;width of scroll window
MON_WNDTOP @ $22 ;top of scroll window
MON_WNDBTM @ $23 ;bottom of scsroll window
MON_CH @ $24 ;cursor horizontal displacement
MON_CV @ $25 ;cursor vertical displacement
MON_GBASL @ $26 ;base address for lo-res drawing (lo)
MON_GBASH @ $27 ;base address for lo-res drawing (hi)
MON_H2 @ $2C ;right end of horizontal line drawn by HLINE
MON_V2 @ $2D ;bottom of vertical line drawn by VLINE
2019-10-27 11:12:22 -07:00
MON_COLOR @ $30 ;lo-res graphics color
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_INVFLAG @ $32 ;text mask (255=normal, 127=flash, 63=inv)
MON_PROMPT @ $33 ;prompt character
MON_CSWL @ $36 ;character output hook (lo)
MON_CSWH @ $37 ;character output hook (hi)
MON_KSWL @ $38 ;character input hook (lo)
MON_KSWH @ $39 ;character input hook (hi)
MON_PCL @ $3A ;program counter save
MON_PCH @ $3B ;program counter save
MON_A1L @ $3C ;general purpose
MON_A1H @ $3D ;general purpose
MON_A2L @ $3E ;general purpose
MON_A2H @ $3F ;general purpose
2019-10-26 17:32:22 -07:00
MON_A3L @ $40 ;general purpose
MON_A3H @ $41 ;general purpose
MON_A4L @ $42 ;general purpose
MON_A4H @ $43 ;general purpose
MON_A5L @ $44 ;general purpose
MON_A5H @ $45 ;general purpose
2019-09-20 19:04:10 -07:00
MON_RNDL @ $4E ;low byte of KEYIN "random" value
MON_RNDH @ $4F ;high byte of KEYIN "random" value
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
Allow explicit widths in project/platform symbols, part 1
The ability to give explicit widths to local variables worked out
pretty well, so we're going to try adding the same thing to project
and platform symbols.
The first step is to allow widths to be specified in platform files,
and set with the project symbol editor. The DefSymbol editor is
also used for local variables, so a bit of dancing is required.
For platform/project symbols the width is optional, and is totally
ignored for constants. (For variables, constants are used for the
StackRel args, so the width is meaningful and required.)
We also now show the symbol's type (address or constant) and width
in the listing. This gets really distracting when overused, so we
only show it when the width is explicitly set. The default width
is 1, which most things will be, so users can make an aesthetic
choice there. (The place where widths make very little sense is when
the symbol represents a code entry point, rather than a data item.)
The maximum width of a local variable is now 256, but it's not
allowed to overlap with other variables or run of the end of the
direct page. The maximum width of a platform/project symbol is
65536, with bank-wrap behavior TBD.
The local variable table editor now refers to stack-relative
constants as such, rather than simply "constant", to make it clear
that it's not just defining an 8-bit constant.
Widths have been added to a handful of Apple II platform defs.
2019-10-01 14:58:24 -07:00
MON_BRKV @ $03F0 2 ;address of BRK handler
MON_SOFTEVEC @ $03F2 2 ;address of RESET handler
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_PWREDUP @ $03F4 ;power-up RESET checksum
Allow explicit widths in project/platform symbols, part 1
The ability to give explicit widths to local variables worked out
pretty well, so we're going to try adding the same thing to project
and platform symbols.
The first step is to allow widths to be specified in platform files,
and set with the project symbol editor. The DefSymbol editor is
also used for local variables, so a bit of dancing is required.
For platform/project symbols the width is optional, and is totally
ignored for constants. (For variables, constants are used for the
StackRel args, so the width is meaningful and required.)
We also now show the symbol's type (address or constant) and width
in the listing. This gets really distracting when overused, so we
only show it when the width is explicitly set. The default width
is 1, which most things will be, so users can make an aesthetic
choice there. (The place where widths make very little sense is when
the symbol represents a code entry point, rather than a data item.)
The maximum width of a local variable is now 256, but it's not
allowed to overlap with other variables or run of the end of the
direct page. The maximum width of a platform/project symbol is
65536, with bank-wrap behavior TBD.
The local variable table editor now refers to stack-relative
constants as such, rather than simply "constant", to make it clear
that it's not just defining an 8-bit constant.
Widths have been added to a handful of Apple II platform defs.
2019-10-01 14:58:24 -07:00
MON_USRADDR @ $03F8 3 ;jump to function that handles monitor Ctrl-Y
MON_NMIVEC @ $03FB 3 ;jump to function that handles NMI
MON_IRQADDR @ $03FE 2 ;address of IRQ handler
2018-09-28 10:05:11 -07:00
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_PLOT @ $F800 ;lo-res plot at X=Y-reg, Y=Acc
MON_PLOT1 @ $F80E ;lo-res plot at X=Y-reg, Y per GBASL/H
MON_HLINE @ $F819 ;lo-res horiz line at Y=Acc with X from $2c
MON_VLINE @ $F828 ;lo-res vert line at X=Y-reg and Y from Acc to $2b
MON_CLRSCR @ $F832 ;clear lo-res screen to black
MON_CLRTOP @ $F836 ;clear top part of lo-res screen to black
MON_GBASCALC @ $F847 ;compute gfx base addr for line in Acc
MON_NXTCOL @ $F85F ;change lo-res color to (color)+3
MON_SETCOL @ $F864 ;set lo-res color to Acc
MON_SCRN @ $F871 ;load Acc with lo-res value at Y=Acc, X=X-reg
MON_INSDS1_2 @ $F88C
MON_GET816LEN @ $F890
MON_INSTDSP @ $F8D0 ;monitor/mini-asm display
MON_PRNTYX @ $F940 ;print Y-reg/X-reg as 4 hex digits
MON_PRNTAX @ $F941 ;print Acc/X-reg as 4 hex digits
MON_PRNTX @ $F944 ;print X-reg as 2 hex digits
MON_PRBLNK @ $F948 ;print 3 spaces
2019-10-06 17:07:07 -07:00
MON_PRBL2 @ $F94A ;print multiple spaces, count in X-reg
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_PCADJ @ $F953 ;monitor/mini-asm PC adjust
MON_OLDIRQ @ $FA40 ;autostart ROM IRQ handler
MON_REGDSP @ $FAD7 ;display register contents
MON_PREAD @ $FB1E ;read paddle specifed by X-reg, return in Y-reg
MON_INIT @ $FB2F ;screen initialization
MON_SETTXT @ $FB39 ;set screen to text mode
MON_SETGR @ $FB40 ;set screen to graphics mode
MON_SETWND @ $FB4B ;set normal low-res graphics window
MON_TABV @ $FB5B ;place cursor at line (A-reg) and column (ch)
MON_APPLEII @ $FB60 ;clear screen and put "Apple II" into first line
MON_BASCALC @ $FBC1 ;calculate text base address
MON_BELL1 @ $FBDD ;sound bell regardless of output device
MON_BELL2 @ $FBE4 ;sound bell
MON_ADVANCE @ $FBF4 ;move cursor right
MON_VIDOUT @ $FBFD ;output Acc as text
MON_BS @ $FC10 ;move cursor left
MON_UP @ $FC1A ;move cursor up
MON_VTAB @ $FC22 ;tab to row specified in Acc
MON_CLREOP @ $FC42 ;clear screen from cursor to end of page
MON_HOME @ $FC58 ;clear screen and reset text output to top-left
MON_CR @ $FC62 ;perform a carriage return
MON_LF @ $FC66 ;perform a line feed
Allow explicit widths in project/platform symbols, part 1
The ability to give explicit widths to local variables worked out
pretty well, so we're going to try adding the same thing to project
and platform symbols.
The first step is to allow widths to be specified in platform files,
and set with the project symbol editor. The DefSymbol editor is
also used for local variables, so a bit of dancing is required.
For platform/project symbols the width is optional, and is totally
ignored for constants. (For variables, constants are used for the
StackRel args, so the width is meaningful and required.)
We also now show the symbol's type (address or constant) and width
in the listing. This gets really distracting when overused, so we
only show it when the width is explicitly set. The default width
is 1, which most things will be, so users can make an aesthetic
choice there. (The place where widths make very little sense is when
the symbol represents a code entry point, rather than a data item.)
The maximum width of a local variable is now 256, but it's not
allowed to overlap with other variables or run of the end of the
direct page. The maximum width of a platform/project symbol is
65536, with bank-wrap behavior TBD.
The local variable table editor now refers to stack-relative
constants as such, rather than simply "constant", to make it clear
that it's not just defining an 8-bit constant.
Widths have been added to a handful of Apple II platform defs.
2019-10-01 14:58:24 -07:00
MON_SCROLL @ $FC70 ;scroll up one line
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_CLREOL @ $FC9C ;clear to end of line
MON_WAIT @ $FCA8 ;delay for (26 + 27*Acc + 5*(Acc*Acc))/2 cycles
2019-10-26 17:32:22 -07:00
MON_NXTA4 @ $FCB4 ;increment A4, fall through into NXTA1
MON_NXTA1 @ $FCBA ;increment A1; set carry if A1 >= A2 before inc
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_HEADR @ $FCC9 ;write cassette sync
MON_WRTAPE @ $FCE5 ;casssette write
2019-09-20 19:04:10 -07:00
MON_RD2BIT @ $FCFA ;cassette read
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_RDKEY @ $FD0C ;read key
MON_FD10 @ $FD10
MON_KEYIN @ $FD1B ;get next key input from keyboard hardware
MON_RDCHAR @ $FD35 ;calls RDKEY to get next char
MON_GETLNZ @ $FD67 ;get a line of input
MON_GETLN @ $FD6A ;get a line of input
MON_CROUT @ $FD8E ;print a carriage return
MON_PRA1 @ $FD92 ;print CR, then hex of A1H/A1L, then minus sign
MON_PRBYTE @ $FDDA ;print Acc as two-digit hex number
MON_PRHEX @ $FDE3 ;print right nibble of Acc as single hex digit
MON_COUT @ $FDED ;print Acc to output device
2019-10-26 17:32:22 -07:00
MON_MOVE @ $FE2C ;move bytes from A1 to A4 until A1=A2
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_LIST @ $FE5E ;disassemble 20 instructions (not on GS)
MON_SETINV @ $FE80 ;set video mode to inverse
MON_SETNORM @ $FE84 ;set video mode to normal
MON_SETKBD @ $FE89 ;reset char input handler to ROM
MON_SETVID @ $FE93 ;reset char output handler to ROM
MON_WRITE @ $FECD ;write data to cassette
MON_READ @ $FEFD ;read data from cassette
2019-09-20 19:04:10 -07:00
MON_READ2 @ $FF02 ;read data from cassette
2019-09-16 16:58:32 -07:00
MON_PRERR @ $FF2D ;print "ERR" and sound bell
MON_BELL @ $FF3A ;sound bell
MON_RESTORE @ $FF3F ;restore 6502 registers from $45-48
MON_SAVE @ $FF4A ;save 6502 registers to $45-49
MON_IORTS @ $FF58 ;JSR here to find out where one is
MON_OLDRST @ $FF59 ;RESET entry point
MON_MON @ $FF65 ;normal entry to monitor
MON_MONZ @ $FF69 ;reset and enter monitor
MON_NXTCHR @ $FFAD ;part of GETLN input loop