2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
* Copyright 2019 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
using System.ComponentModel;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using CommonUtil;
2019-07-19 16:37:51 -07:00
using CommonWPF;
2019-07-20 13:28:10 -07:00
using SourceGen.WpfGui;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2019-07-20 13:28:10 -07:00
namespace SourceGen.AsmGen.WpfGui {
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Code generation and assembler execution dialog.
/// </summary>
public partial class GenAndAsm : Window {
private const int PREVIEW_BUF_SIZE = 64 * 1024; // 64KB should be enough for preview
private static string NO_PREVIEW_FILES = "<" + Res.Strings.NO_FILES_AVAILABLE + ">";
/// <summary>
/// Holds data for the preview combo box.
/// </summary>
private class ComboPath {
public string FileName { get; private set; }
public string PathName { get; private set; }
public ComboPath(string pathName) {
PathName = pathName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathName)) {
} else {
FileName = Path.GetFileName(pathName);
public override string ToString() {
return FileName;
2019-07-16 17:16:47 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Main controller object, used to open app settings dialog.
/// </summary>
private MainController mMainCtrl;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Project with data.
/// </summary>
private DisasmProject mProject;
/// <summary>
/// Directory where generated files and assembler output will go.
/// </summary>
private string mWorkDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// Base file name. For example, if this is "GenFile", we might generate
/// "GenFile_Cc65.S".
/// </summary>
private string mBaseFileName;
/// <summary>
/// Currently-selected assembler ID.
/// </summary>
private AssemblerInfo.Id mSelectedAssemblerId;
/// <summary>
/// Results from last source generation.
/// </summary>
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
private GenerationResults mGenerationResults;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
/// <summary>
/// Holds an item for the pick-your-assembler combox box.
/// </summary>
private class AsmComboItem {
public AssemblerInfo.Id AssemblerId { get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public AssemblerVersion AsmVersion { get; private set; }
public AsmComboItem(AssemblerInfo info, AssemblerVersion version) {
AssemblerId = info.AssemblerId;
Name = info.Name;
AsmVersion = version;
// This determines what the combo box shows.
public override string ToString() {
if (AsmVersion == null) {
return Name + " " + Res.Strings.ASM_LATEST_VERSION;
} else {
return Name + " v" + AsmVersion.VersionStr;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="project">Project reference.</param>
/// <param name="projectPathName">Full path to the project file.</param>
2019-07-16 17:16:47 -07:00
public GenAndAsm(Window owner, MainController mainCtrl, DisasmProject project,
string projectPathName) {
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
Owner = owner;
2019-07-16 17:16:47 -07:00
mMainCtrl = mainCtrl;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
mProject = project;
mWorkDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPathName);
mBaseFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectPathName);
workDirectoryTextBox.Text = mWorkDirectory;
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
// Try to select the previously-used asm format.
string defaultAsm =
AppSettings.Global.GetString(AppSettings.SRCGEN_DEFAULT_ASM, string.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Populates the assembler combo box. Attempts to match the defaultAsm arg with
/// the entries to configure the initial value.
/// </summary>
private void PopulateAssemblerComboBox(string defaultAsm) {
//assemblerComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; // show this property
IEnumerator<AssemblerInfo> iter = AssemblerInfo.GetInfoEnumerator();
bool foundMatch = false;
while (iter.MoveNext()) {
AssemblerInfo info = iter.Current;
AssemblerVersion version = AssemblerVersionCache.GetVersion(info.AssemblerId);
AsmComboItem item = new AsmComboItem(info, version);
if (item.AssemblerId.ToString() == defaultAsm) {
Debug.WriteLine("matched current " + defaultAsm);
assemblerComboBox.SelectedItem = item;
foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) {
// Need to do this or box will show empty.
assemblerComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the selected assembler as the combo box selection changes. This is
/// expected to be called during the window load event, to initialize the field.
/// </summary>
private void AssemblerComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender,
SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
AsmComboItem sel = (AsmComboItem)assemblerComboBox.SelectedItem;
if (sel == null) {
// this happens on Items.Clear()
if (mSelectedAssemblerId != sel.AssemblerId) {
// Selection changed, discard window contents.
mSelectedAssemblerId = sel.AssemblerId;
/// <summary>
/// Loads the appropriate preview file when the combo box selection changes.
/// </summary>
private void PreviewFileComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender,
SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {
ComboPath cpath = (ComboPath)previewFileComboBox.SelectedItem;
if (cpath == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cpath.PathName)) {
// nothing to do
/// <summary>
/// Resets all of the active elements to the initial state, before any source code
/// was generated.
/// </summary>
private void ResetElements() {
mGenerationResults = null;
previewFileComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboPath(null));
previewFileComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
previewTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
cmdOutputTextBox.Text = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the controls in the lower (assembler) half of the dialog.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateAssemblerControls() {
bool asmConf = IsAssemblerConfigured();
//Debug.WriteLine("ID=" + mSelectedAssemblerId + " asmConf=" + asmConf);
asmNotConfiguredText.Visibility = asmConf ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible;
if (mGenerationResults == null || !asmConf) {
runAssemblerButton.IsEnabled = false;
} else {
runAssemblerButton.IsEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the selected cross-assembler executable has been configured.
/// </summary>
private bool IsAssemblerConfigured() {
AssemblerConfig config =
AssemblerConfig.GetConfig(AppSettings.Global, mSelectedAssemblerId);
return config != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.ExecutablePath);
private void AssemblerSettingsButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
// Pop open the app settings dialog, with the appropriate tab selected.
2019-07-16 17:16:47 -07:00
mMainCtrl.ShowAppSettings(this, EditAppSettings.Tab.AsmConfig,
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
// Update the controls based on whether or not the assembler is now available.
AsmComboItem item = (AsmComboItem)assemblerComboBox.SelectedItem;
Debug.Assert(item != null);
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
private class GenWorker : WorkProgress.IWorker {
IGenerator mGenerator;
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
public GenerationResults Results { get; private set; }
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
public GenWorker(IGenerator gen) {
mGenerator = gen;
public object DoWork(BackgroundWorker worker) {
2019-06-24 15:48:11 -07:00
//worker.ReportProgress(50, "Halfway there!");
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
return mGenerator.GenerateSource(worker);
public void RunWorkerCompleted(object results) {
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
Results = (GenerationResults)results;
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
private void GenerateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
IGenerator gen = AssemblerInfo.GetGenerator(mSelectedAssemblerId);
if (gen == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get generator for " + mSelectedAssemblerId);
gen.Configure(mProject, mWorkDirectory, mBaseFileName,
AssemblerVersionCache.GetVersion(mSelectedAssemblerId), AppSettings.Global);
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
GenWorker gw = new GenWorker(gen);
WorkProgress dlg = new WorkProgress(this, gw, false);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
//Debug.WriteLine("Dialog returned: " + dlg.DialogResult);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
GenerationResults res = gw.Results;
if (res == null) {
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
// error or cancelation; errors already reported
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
Binary includes
This adds a new data format option, "binary include", that takes a
filename operand. When assembly sources are generated, the section
of file is replaced with an appropriate pseudo-op, and binary files
are generated that hold the file contents. This is a convenient way
to remove large binary blobs, such as music or sound samples, that
aren't useful to have in text form in the sources.
Partial pathnames are allowed, so you can output a sound blob to
"sounds/blather.bin". For safety reasons, we don't allow the files
to be created above the project directory, and existing files will
only be overwritten if they have a matching length (so you don't
accidentally stomp on your project file).
The files are not currently shown in the GenAsm dialog, which lets
you see a preview of the generated sources. The hex dump tool
can do this for the (presumably rare) situations where it's useful.
A new regression test, 20300-binary-include, has been added. The
pseudo-op name can be overridden on-screen in the settings.
We don't currently do anything new for text/HTML exports. It might
be useful to generate an optional appendix with a hex dump of the
excised sections.
(issue #144)
2024-05-31 14:09:39 -07:00
// Generate binary includes.
if (!BinaryInclude.PrepareList(res.BinaryIncludes, mWorkDirectory,
out string failMsg)) {
MessageBox.Show(this, "Failed processing binary includes: " + failMsg,
MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
} else {
foreach (BinaryInclude.Excision exc in res.BinaryIncludes) {
if (!BinaryInclude.GenerateOutputFile(exc, mProject.FileData,
out string failMsg2)) {
MessageBox.Show(this, "Failed processing binary include at +" +
exc.Offset.ToString("x6") + ": " + failMsg2,
MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
mGenerationResults = res;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2020-10-17 16:10:48 -07:00
foreach (string str in res.PathNames) {
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
previewFileComboBox.Items.Add(new ComboPath(str));
previewFileComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; // should trigger update
private void LoadPreviewFile(string pathName) {
Debug.WriteLine("LOAD " + pathName);
try {
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(pathName, Encoding.UTF8)) {
char[] bigbuf = new char[PREVIEW_BUF_SIZE];
int actual = sr.Read(bigbuf, 0, bigbuf.Length);
string str = TextUtil.CharArrayToLineNumberedString(bigbuf);
if (actual < PREVIEW_BUF_SIZE) {
previewTextBox.Text = str;
} else {
previewTextBox.Text = str + "\r\n" +
} catch (Exception ex) {
previewTextBox.Text = ex.ToString();
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
private class AsmWorker : WorkProgress.IWorker {
2020-03-15 11:49:11 -07:00
private IAssembler mAssembler;
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
public AssemblerResults Results { get; private set; }
public AsmWorker(IAssembler asm) {
mAssembler = asm;
public object DoWork(BackgroundWorker worker) {
return mAssembler.RunAssembler(worker);
public void RunWorkerCompleted(object results) {
Results = (AssemblerResults)results;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
private void RunAssemblerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
IAssembler asm = AssemblerInfo.GetAssembler(mSelectedAssemblerId);
if (asm == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get assembler for " + mSelectedAssemblerId);
asm.Configure(mGenerationResults, mWorkDirectory);
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
AsmWorker aw = new AsmWorker(asm);
WorkProgress dlg = new WorkProgress(this, aw, true);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
//Debug.WriteLine("Dialog returned: " + dlg.DialogResult);
if (dlg.DialogResult != true) {
// Canceled, or failed to even run the assembler.
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
AssemblerResults results = aw.Results;
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
if (results == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("Dialog returned OK, but no assembler results found");
StringBuilder sb =
new StringBuilder(results.Stdout.Length + results.Stderr.Length + 200);
sb.AppendFormat("ExitCode={0} - ", results.ExitCode);
if (results.ExitCode == 0) {
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(results.OutputPathName);
if (!fi.Exists) {
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
MessageBox.Show(this, Res.Strings.ASM_OUTPUT_NOT_FOUND,
MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
} else if (!CommonUtil.FileUtil.CompareBinaryFile(mProject.FileData,
results.OutputPathName, out int offset, out byte fileVal)) {
if (fi.Length != mProject.FileData.Length &&
offset == fi.Length || offset == mProject.FileData.Length) {
// The files matched up to the point where one ended.
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
string msg = string.Format(Res.Strings.ASM_MISMATCH_LENGTH_FMT,
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
fi.Length, mProject.FileData.Length);
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
MessageBox.Show(msg, Res.Strings.ASM_MISMATCH_CAPTION,
MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
} else {
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
string msg = string.Format(Res.Strings.ASM_MISMATCH_DATA_FMT,
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
offset, fileVal, mProject.FileData[offset]);
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
MessageBox.Show(msg, Res.Strings.ASM_MISMATCH_CAPTION,
MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
} else {
2019-06-24 14:41:08 -07:00
2019-06-23 17:24:51 -07:00
if (results.Stdout != null && results.Stdout.Length > 2) {
sb.Append("----- stdout -----\r\n");
if (results.Stderr != null && results.Stderr.Length > 2) {
sb.Append("----- stderr -----\r\n");
cmdOutputTextBox.Text = sb.ToString();