; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; This is a reduced version of the 65816-based test. ; ; Assembler: Merlin 32 absl equ $1029 absh equ $feed zip equ $cd org $2345 start ;set this label ; load 8/16-bit symbols in different ways lda #zip lda #zip+16 lda #zip+64 lda #absh lda #absh+64 lda #absl lda #absl-64 lda #start lda zip+1 lda: zip+1 lda absh-1 lda absh+1 lda start+1 lda start-1 jmp :skipdata ; reference 16/24-bit symbol in data statements dfb zip dfb absh dfb start dw zip dw absl dw absl-$1000 dw absh dw absh+$1000 dw start dw start+1 dfb >absh ;format as 16-bit big-endian dfb absh adr start :skipdata jmp nextchunk org $1000 nextchunk nop ;leave this as auto-label nop ;label this L1000 nop ;label this L1000_0 plataddr equ $3000 ;address only in platform file projover equ $3100 ;replaced by proj symbol w/same name, diff addr (no match) projalso equ $3200 ;also in project, twice w/different name +/- alpha; low should win nosym equ $3300 ;should not match anything lda plataddr lda projover lda projalso lda nosym jmp next target0 nop target1 nop ;point everything here target2 nop t0 jsr target0 jsr target1 jsr target2 t1a jmp target0 t1b jmp target1 t1c jmp target2 t3a jmp target0 t3b jmp target1 t3c jmp target2 next jsr t0 jsr t1a jsr t1b jsr t1c jsr t3a jsr t3b jsr t3c jmp :skiphex hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f ;add label and comment hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f hex 808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f asc 'This is a long string. Put a label and comment ' asc 'on it to confirm that the label and comment only ' asc 'appear on the first line. The quick brown fox ' asc 'jumps over the lazy dogs.' :skiphex adc #$30 ;set to BMI to test constant vs. instr rts