/* * Copyright 2019 faddenSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Text; using CommonUtil; using PluginCommon; namespace SourceGen.Sandbox { /// <summary> /// Maintains a collection of IPlugin instances, or communicates with the remote /// PluginManager that holds the collection. Whether the plugins are instantiated /// locally depends on how the class is constructed. /// /// One of these will be instantiated when the DisasmProject is created. /// </summary> public class ScriptManager { public const string FILENAME_EXT = ".cs"; public static readonly string FILENAME_FILTER = Res.Strings.FILE_FILTER_CS; /// <summary> /// If true, the DomainManager will use the keep-alive timer hack. /// </summary> public static bool UseKeepAliveHack { get; set; } /// <summary> /// If true, this ScriptManager is not using a DomainManager. /// </summary> public bool UseMainAppDomain { get { return DomainMgr == null; } } /// <summary> /// Reference to DomainManager, if we're using one. /// </summary> public DomainManager DomainMgr { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Collection of loaded plugins, if we're not using a DomainManager. /// </summary> private Dictionary<string, IPlugin> mActivePlugins; /// <summary> /// Reference to project, from which we can get the file data and project path name. /// </summary> private DisasmProject mProject; private class LoadedPluginPath { public string ScriptIdent { get; private set; } public string DllPath { get; private set; } public LoadedPluginPath(string scriptIdent, string dllPath) { ScriptIdent = scriptIdent; DllPath = dllPath; } } /// <summary> /// List of paths to loaded plugins. Used if we need to "reboot" the sandbox. /// </summary> private List<LoadedPluginPath> mLoadedPlugins = new List<LoadedPluginPath>(); /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public ScriptManager(DisasmProject proj) { mProject = proj; if (!proj.UseMainAppDomainForPlugins) { CreateDomainManager(); } else { mActivePlugins = new Dictionary<string, IPlugin>(); } } private void CreateDomainManager() { // The project's UseMainAppDomainForPlugins value is theoretically mutable, so // don't try to assert it here. DomainMgr = new DomainManager(UseKeepAliveHack); DomainMgr.CreateDomain("Plugin Domain", PluginDllCache.GetPluginDirPath()); DomainMgr.PluginMgr.SetFileData(mProject.FileData); } /// <summary> /// Cleans up, discarding the AppDomain if one was created. Do not continue to use /// the object after calling this. /// </summary> public void Cleanup() { if (DomainMgr != null) { DomainMgr.Dispose(); DomainMgr = null; } mActivePlugins = null; mProject = null; } /// <summary> /// Clears the list of plugins. This does not unload assemblies. Call this when /// the list of extension scripts configured into the project has changed. /// </summary> public void Clear() { if (DomainMgr == null) { mActivePlugins.Clear(); } else { CheckHealth(); DomainMgr.PluginMgr.ClearPluginList(); } mLoadedPlugins.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Attempts to load the specified plugin. If the plugin is already loaded, this /// does nothing. If not, the assembly is loaded and an instance is created. /// </summary> /// <param name="scriptIdent">Script identifier.</param> /// <param name="report">Report with errors and warnings.</param> /// <returns>True on success.</returns> public bool LoadPlugin(string scriptIdent, out FileLoadReport report) { // Make sure the most recent version is compiled. string dllPath = PluginDllCache.GenerateScriptDll(scriptIdent, mProject.ProjectPathName, out report); if (dllPath == null) { return false; } if (DomainMgr == null) { if (mActivePlugins.TryGetValue(scriptIdent, out IPlugin plugin)) { return true; } Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(dllPath); plugin = PluginDllCache.ConstructIPlugin(asm); mActivePlugins.Add(scriptIdent, plugin); report = new FileLoadReport(dllPath); // empty report return true; } else { CheckHealth(); IPlugin plugin = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.LoadPlugin(dllPath, scriptIdent, out string failMsg); if (plugin == null) { report.Add(FileLoadItem.Type.Error, "Failed loading plugin: " + failMsg); } else { mLoadedPlugins.Add(new LoadedPluginPath(scriptIdent, dllPath)); } return plugin != null; } } /// <summary> /// Reboots the sandbox by discarding the old DomainManager, creating a new one, and /// reloading all of the plugins. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if no problems were encountered.</returns> public bool RebootSandbox() { if (DomainMgr == null) { return false; } Debug.WriteLine("Rebooting sandbox..."); // Discard existing DomainManager, and create a new one. DomainMgr.Dispose(); CreateDomainManager(); bool failed = false; // Reload plugins. foreach (LoadedPluginPath lpp in mLoadedPlugins) { IPlugin plugin = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.LoadPlugin(lpp.DllPath, lpp.ScriptIdent, out string failMsg); if (plugin == null) { // This is unexpected; we're opening a DLL that we recently had open. // Not a lot we can do to recover, and we're probably too deep to report // a failure to the user. Debug.WriteLine("Failed to reopen '" + lpp.DllPath + "': " + failMsg); failed = true; // continue on to the next one } else { Debug.WriteLine(" Reloaded " + lpp.ScriptIdent); } } return failed; } /// <summary> /// Checks the health of the sandbox, and reboots it if it seems unhealthy. Call this /// before making any calls into plugins via DomainMgr. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// We're relying on the idea that, if the ping succeeds, the PluginManager instance /// will continue to exist for a while. There is some evidence to the contrary -- the /// ping issued immediately after the machine wakes up succeeds right before the remote /// objects get discarded -- but I'm hoping that's due to a race condition that won't /// happen in normal circumstances (because of the keep-alives we send). /// </remarks> private void CheckHealth() { Debug.Assert(DomainMgr != null); try { DomainMgr.PluginMgr.Ping(111); } catch (RemotingException re) { Debug.WriteLine("Health check failed: " + re.Message); RebootSandbox(); DomainMgr.PluginMgr.Ping(112); } } public IPlugin GetInstance(string scriptIdent) { if (DomainMgr == null) { if (mActivePlugins.TryGetValue(scriptIdent, out IPlugin plugin)) { return plugin; } Debug.Assert(false); return null; } else { CheckHealth(); return DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetPlugin(scriptIdent); } } /// <summary> /// Generates a list of references to instances of loaded plugins. /// </summary> /// <returns>Newly-created list of plugin references.</returns> public List<IPlugin> GetAllInstances() { Dictionary<string, IPlugin> dict; if (DomainMgr == null) { dict = mActivePlugins; } else { CheckHealth(); dict = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetActivePlugins(); } List<IPlugin> list = new List<IPlugin>(dict.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in dict) { list.Add(kvp.Value); } return list; } /// <summary> /// Prepares all active scripts for action. /// </summary> /// <param name="appRef">Reference to object providing app services.</param> public void PrepareScripts(IApplication appRef) { List<PlSymbol> plSyms = GeneratePlSymbolList(); if (DomainMgr == null) { AddressTranslate addrTrans = new AddressTranslate(mProject.AddrMap); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in mActivePlugins) { IPlugin ipl = kvp.Value; ipl.Prepare(appRef, mProject.FileData, addrTrans); if (ipl is IPlugin_SymbolList) { ((IPlugin_SymbolList)ipl).UpdateSymbolList(plSyms); } } } else { CheckHealth(); List<AddressMap.AddressMapEntry> addrEnts = mProject.AddrMap.GetEntryList(); DomainMgr.PluginMgr.PreparePlugins(appRef, addrEnts, plSyms); } } /// <summary> /// Puts scripts back to sleep. /// </summary> public void UnprepareScripts() { if (DomainMgr == null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in mActivePlugins) { IPlugin ipl = kvp.Value; ipl.Unprepare(); } } else { CheckHealth(); DomainMgr.PluginMgr.UnpreparePlugins(); } } /// <summary> /// Returns true if any of the plugins report that the before or after label is /// significant. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This is called when a label is edited, so DisasmProject can decide whether it /// needs to re-run the code analyzer. /// </remarks> public bool IsLabelSignificant(Symbol before, Symbol after) { string labelBefore = (before == null) ? string.Empty : before.Label; string labelAfter = (after == null) ? string.Empty : after.Label; if (DomainMgr == null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in mActivePlugins) { IPlugin ipl = kvp.Value; if (ipl is IPlugin_SymbolList && ((IPlugin_SymbolList)ipl).IsLabelSignificant(labelBefore, labelAfter)) { return true; } } return false; } else { CheckHealth(); return DomainMgr.PluginMgr.IsLabelSignificant(labelBefore, labelAfter); } } /// <summary> /// Gathers a list of platform symbols from the project's symbol table. /// </summary> private List<PlSymbol> GeneratePlSymbolList() { List<PlSymbol> plSymbols = new List<PlSymbol>(); SymbolTable symTab = mProject.SymbolTable; foreach (Symbol sym in symTab) { PlSymbol.Source plsSource; switch (sym.SymbolSource) { case Symbol.Source.Platform: plsSource = PlSymbol.Source.Platform; break; case Symbol.Source.Project: plsSource = PlSymbol.Source.Project; break; case Symbol.Source.User: plsSource = PlSymbol.Source.User; break; case Symbol.Source.Variable: case Symbol.Source.Auto: // don't forward these to plugins continue; default: Debug.Assert(false); continue; } PlSymbol.Type plsType; switch (sym.SymbolType) { case Symbol.Type.NonUniqueLocalAddr: // don't forward these to plugins continue; case Symbol.Type.LocalOrGlobalAddr: case Symbol.Type.GlobalAddr: case Symbol.Type.GlobalAddrExport: case Symbol.Type.ExternalAddr: plsType = PlSymbol.Type.Address; break; case Symbol.Type.Constant: plsType = PlSymbol.Type.Constant; break; default: Debug.Assert(false); continue; } int width = -1; string tag = string.Empty; if (sym is DefSymbol) { DefSymbol defSym = sym as DefSymbol; width = defSym.DataDescriptor.Length; tag = defSym.Tag; } plSymbols.Add(new PlSymbol(sym.Label, sym.Value, width, plsSource, plsType, tag)); } return plSymbols; } #if false public delegate bool CheckMatch(IPlugin plugin); public IPlugin GetMatchingScript(CheckMatch check) { Dictionary<string, IPlugin> plugins; if (DomainMgr == null) { plugins = mActivePlugins; } else { plugins = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetActivePlugins(); } foreach (IPlugin plugin in plugins.Values) { if (check(plugin)) { return plugin; } } return null; } #endif /// <summary> /// Returns a list of loaded plugins. Callers should not retain this list, as the /// set can change due to user activity. /// </summary> public Dictionary<string, IPlugin> GetActivePlugins() { if (DomainMgr == null) { // copy the contents Dictionary<string, IPlugin> pdict = new Dictionary<string, IPlugin>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in mActivePlugins) { pdict.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } return pdict; } else { CheckHealth(); return DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetActivePlugins(); } } /// <summary> /// For debugging purposes, get some information about the currently loaded /// extension scripts. /// </summary> public string DebugGetLoadedScriptInfo() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (DomainMgr == null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPlugin> kvp in mActivePlugins) { string loc = kvp.Value.GetType().Assembly.Location; sb.Append("[main] "); sb.Append(loc); sb.Append("\r\n "); DebugGetScriptInfo(kvp.Value, sb); } } else { CheckHealth(); Dictionary<string, IPlugin> plugins = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetActivePlugins(); foreach (IPlugin plugin in plugins.Values) { string loc = DomainMgr.PluginMgr.GetPluginAssemblyLocation(plugin); sb.AppendFormat("[sub {0}] ", DomainMgr.Id); sb.Append(loc); sb.Append("\r\n "); DebugGetScriptInfo(plugin, sb); } } return sb.ToString(); } private void DebugGetScriptInfo(IPlugin plugin, StringBuilder sb) { sb.Append(plugin.Identifier); sb.Append(":"); // The plugin is actually a MarshalByRefObject, so we can't use reflection // to gather the list of interfaces. // TODO(maybe): add a call that does a reflection query on the remote side if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_SymbolList) { sb.Append(" SymbolList"); } if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_InlineJsr) { sb.Append(" InlineJsr"); } if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_InlineJsl) { sb.Append(" InlineJsl"); } if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_InlineBrk) { sb.Append(" InlineBrk"); } if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_Visualizer_v2) { sb.Append(" Visualizer2"); } else if (plugin is PluginCommon.IPlugin_Visualizer) { sb.Append(" Visualizer"); } sb.Append("\r\n"); } } }