[latest version]
output DOES NOT match data file
output matches data file
Output Mismatch
Assembled output does not match: offset +{0:x6} has value ${1:x2}, expected ${2:x2}.
Assembled output does not match: length is {0}, expected {1}.
Expected output file wasn't created
All Columns
Assembler Source
6502bench SourceGen v{0}
Unknown I/O direction in symbol
Bad format descriptor at +{0:x6}.
Bad format descriptor type
Bad file length
Invalid file identifier
Bad local variable {0}
Invalid local variable table at +{0:x6}
Bad range
Malformed label in symbol
Unknown Source or Type in symbol
Bad symbol reference part
Type hint not recognized
Invalid visualization item: {0}
Invalid visualization set at +{0:x6}
Unable to create directory {0}: {1}
Removed duplicate label '{0}' (offset +{1:x6})
Failed copying {0} to {1}: {2}.
The file {0} exists, but is not a directory.
File Error
File not found: {0}
Failed reading {0}: {1}.
Cannot write to read-only file {0}.
Invalid MULTI_MASK AddressMask
MULTI_MASK CompareMask and AddressMask overlap
MULTI_MASK CompareValue has bits not in CompareMask
Invalid MULTI_MASK CompareMask
Invalid MULTI_MASK CompareValue
Could not convert value to integer
Key value is out of range
Invalid MULTI_MASK line
Invalid width value
Unable to load config file
This does not appear to be a valid .dis65 project file
Project file may be corrupt
Unable to load project file
Unable to save project file
[File was too large for preview window]
Symbol value is incompatible with current multi-mask
Symbol files and extension scripts must live in the application runtime directory ({0}) or project directory ({1}).
File {2} lives elsewhere.
File Not In Runtime Directory
All files (*.*)|*.*
C# Source Files (*.cs)|*.cs
CSV files (*.csv)|*.csv
SourceGen projects (*.dis65)|*.dis65
HTML files (*.html)|*.html
SourceGen symbols (*.sym65)|*.sym65
Text files (*.txt)|*.txt
File is {0:N1} KB of raw data.
Find reached the starting point of the search.
{0}-point {1}
Target assembler: {0} v{1} [{2}]
Format (auto):
Format: default
Label type: {0}
Line {0}: {1}
Line {0}: {1} bytes of {2}
Line {0}: {1} byte of {2}
Extension scripts:
Default settings:
Symbol files:
(unknown address)
Invalid Selection
Unable to format as word: selection must be an even number of bytes that have not previously been formatted as multi-byte values.
Use Toggle Data Scan (Ctrl+D) to turn off auto-detection of strings and memory fill.
Unable to format as word: each selected region must have an even number of bytes ({0} region(s) are selected).
• Clear variables
• Empty variable table
Address bank overrun
Bank boundary crossed at offset {0}
Format ignored
Hidden label
Hidden variable table
Invalid format desc
Invalid offset or len
Label ignored
LV table skipped over
Ref'd symbol not found
no files available
No exported symbols found.
The file doesn't exist.
File is empty
Unable to load data file
Unable to load contents of data file
The file could not be opened: {0}.
Unable to read the entire file
File is too large ({0:N0} KiB, max is {1:N0} KiB).
The file is {0:N0} bytes long, but the project expected {1:N0}.
The file has CRC {0}, but the project expected {1}.
Failed while preparing the plugin directory {0}
Failed Preparing Plugin Directory
Executing assembler...
Generating {0}...
long comment
local variable table
operand format
status flag override
type hint
user-defined label
This project was created by a newer version of SourceGen. It may contain data that will be lost if the project is edited.
The RuntimeData directory was not found. It should be in the same directory as the executable.
RuntimeData Not Found
Please save your project before assembling. The generated source code will be placed in the same directory as the project file.
Save Project First
Low or High ASCII
C64 Screen Code
{1} CPU @ {2} MHz
{0:F1}% code, {1:F1}% data, {2:F1}% junk
DCI string has mixed data
DCI string not terminated
DCI string is too short
length of string doesn't match length byte
length of string doesn't match length word
null-terminated string doesn't end with null byte
found null byte in the middle of null-terminated string
Symbol Import
Imported {0} global symbols.
No global+export symbols were found.
6502bench SourceGen
(save needed)
[new project]
{1} (+{2} more)