; Copyright 2018 faddenSoft. All Rights Reserved. ; See the LICENSE.txt file for distribution terms (Apache 2.0). ; ; Sources: ; Beneath Apple ProDOS ; ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual *SYNOPSIS ProDOS 8 public addresses and constants. ; ; ProDOS 8 MLI function codes. ; *TAG ProDOS8-MLI-Functions P8_ALLOC_INTERRUPT = $40 P8_DEALLOC_INTERRUPT = $41 P8_QUIT = $65 P8_READ_BLOCK = $80 P8_WRITE_BLOCK = $81 P8_GET_TIME = $82 P8_CREATE = $C0 P8_DESTROY = $C1 P8_RENAME = $C2 P8_SET_FILE_INFO = $C3 P8_GET_FILE_INFO = $C4 P8_ONLINE = $C5 P8_SET_PREFIX = $C6 P8_GET_PREFIX = $C7 P8_OPEN = $C8 P8_NEWLINE = $C9 P8_READ = $CA P8_WRITE = $CB P8_CLOSE = $CC P8_FLUSH = $CD P8_SET_MARK = $CE P8_GET_MARK = $CF P8_SET_EOF = $D0 P8_GET_EOF = $D1 P8_SET_BUF = $D2 P8_GET_BUF = $D3 *TAG ; ; ProDOS 8 MLI function return codes. ; P8E_NO_ERR = $00 ;No error (call succeeded) P8E_BAD_SC_NUM = $01 ;Bad system call number P8E_BAD_SC_PCOUNT = $04 ;Bad system call parameter count P8E_INT_TBL_FULL = $25 ;Interrupt table full P8E_IO_ERR = $27 ;I/O error P8E_NO_DEV_CONN = $28 ;No device connected P8E_WRITE_PROT = $2B ;Disk write protected P8E_VOL_SWITCHED = $2E ;Volume switched P8E_INVALID_PATH = $40 ;Invalid pathname syntax P8E_MAX_FILES_OPEN = $42 ;Too many files open P8E_INVALID_REFNUM = $43 ;Invalid reference number P8E_DIR_NOT_FOUND = $44 ;Directory not found P8E_VOL_NOT_FOUND = $45 ;Volume not found P8E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = $46 ;File not found P8E_DUP_FILENAME = $47 ;Duplicate filename P8E_VOL_FULL = $48 ;Volume full P8E_VOL_DIR_FULL = $49 ;Volume directory full P8E_INCOMPAT_FORMAT = $4A ;Incompatible file format / ProDOS version P8E_UNSUP_STORAGE = $4B ;Unsupported storage_type P8E_EOF = $4C ;End of file encountered P8E_INVALID_POSN = $4D ;Position out of range P8E_INVALID_ACCESS = $4E ;File access error P8E_FILE_OPEN = $50 ;File is open P8E_DIR_DAMAGED = $51 ;Directory structure damaged P8E_NOT_PRODOS = $52 ;Not a ProDOS volume P8E_INVALID_PARAM = $53 ;Invalid system call parameter P8E_VCB_FULL = $55 ;Volume Control Block table full P8E_BAD_BUFFER = $56 ;Bad buffer address P8E_DUP_VOLUME = $57 ;Duplicate volume P8E_FILE_DAMAGED = $5A ;File structure damaged (bad volume bitmap?) ; ; System global page. Labels and comments are from the ProDOS 8 ; Technical Reference Manual (section 5.2.4). ; P8_MLI @ $BF00 ;ProDOS MLI call entry point ; "do not use these" P8_JSPARE @ $BF03 ;jump vector to cold start, selector pgm, etc. P8_DATETIME @ $BF06 ;clock calendar routine P8_SYSERR @ $BF09 ;error reporting hook P8_SYSDEATH @ $BF0C ;system failure hook P8_SERR @ $BF0F ;err code, 0=no error ; disk device driver vectors ; two bytes each; slot 0-7 drive 1, then slot 0-7 drive 2 ; (s0d1/s0d2 are reserved; s3d2 @BF26-7 is /RAM) P8_DEVADR01 @ $BF10 $20 ;device driver vectors ; list of active devices by unit number P8_DEVNUM @ $BF30 ;most recent accessed device P8_DEVCNT @ $BF31 ;number of on-line devices (-1) P8_DEVLST @ $BF32 14 ;up to 14 units may be active ; copyright notice at $BF40-4A ; routines reserved for MLI and subject to change ;P8_MLIENT1 @ $BF4B ;P8_AFTIRQ @ $BF50 ;P8_OLD45 @ $BF56 ;P8_AFBANK @ $BF57 ; memory in-use map, one bit per 256-byte page P8_MEMTABL @ $BF58 24 ;memory map of lower 48K ; 16-bit pointers to buffers P8_GL_BUFF @ $BF70 16 ;buffer addresses for 8 open files ; interrupt vectors P8_INTRUPT1 @ $BF80 2 ;interrupt vector #1 P8_INTRUPT2 @ $BF82 2 ;interrupt vector #2 P8_INTRUPT3 @ $BF84 2 ;interrupt vector #3 P8_INTRUPT4 @ $BF86 2 ;interrupt vector #4 P8_INTAREG @ $BF88 ;A-register P8_INTXREG @ $BF89 ;X-register P8_INTYREG @ $BF8A ;Y-register P8_INTSREG @ $BF8B ;stack register P8_INTPREG @ $BF8C ;status register P8_INTBANKID @ $BF8D ;ROM, RAM1, or RAM2 ($D000 in LC) P8_INTADDR @ $BF8E 2 ;program counter retn addr ; the following options can be changed before calls to the MLI P8_DATELO @ $BF90 2 ;bits 15-9=yr, 8-5=mo, 4-0=day P8_TIMELO @ $BF92 2 ;bits 12-8=hr, 5-0=min; low-hi format P8_LEVEL @ $BF94 ;file level: used in open, flush, close P8_BUBIT @ $BF95 ;backup bit disable, SetFileInfo only P8_SPARE1 @ $BF96 2 ;reserved for MLI use P8_MACHID @ $BF98 ;machine identification P8_SLTBYT @ $BF99 ;'1' bits indicate ROM in slot(bit#) P8_PFIXPTR @ $BF9A ;if = 0, no prefix active P8_MLIACTV @ $BF9B ;if <> 0, MLI call in progress P8_CMDADR @ $BF9C 2 ;return address of last call to MLI P8_SAVEX @ $BF9E ;X-reg on entry to MLI P8_SAVEY @ $BF9F ;Y-reg on entry to MLI ; the following space is reserved for Language Card bank-switching routines ; $BFA0..BFCF ; interrupt exit and entry routines P8_IRQXIT @ $BFD0 ;interrupt exit P8_IRQENT @ $BFEB ;interrupt entry P8_BNKBYT1 @ $BFF4 P8_BNKBYT2 @ $BFF5 P8_SYS_RTS @ $BFF6 ; each system program should set IVERSION to its own current version number P8_IBAKVER @ $BFFC ;undefined; reserved for future use P8_IVERSION @ $BFFD ;version # of currently running Interpreter P8_KBAKVER @ $BFFE ;undefined; reserved for future use P8_KVERSION @ $BFFF ;version no. (release ID)