* Copyright 2020 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace PluginCommon {
/// Wireframe mesh with optional backface normals, for use with visualization generators.
/// Call the various functions to add data, then call Validate() to check for broken
/// references.
public class VisWireframe : IVisualizationWireframe {
public const string P_IS_PERSPECTIVE = "_isPerspective";
public const string P_IS_BFC_ENABLED = "_isBfcEnabled";
public static VisParamDescr Param_IsPerspective(string uiLabel, bool defaultVal) {
return new VisParamDescr(uiLabel, P_IS_PERSPECTIVE, typeof(bool), 0, 0, 0, defaultVal);
public static VisParamDescr Param_IsBfcEnabled(string uiLabel, bool defaultVal) {
return new VisParamDescr(uiLabel, P_IS_BFC_ENABLED, typeof(bool), 0, 0, 0, defaultVal);
private List mVerticesX = new List();
private List mVerticesY = new List();
private List mVerticesZ = new List();
private List mEdges = new List();
private List mNormalsX = new List();
private List mNormalsY = new List();
private List mNormalsZ = new List();
private List mVertexFaces = new List();
private List mEdgeFaces = new List();
private List mExcludedVertices = new List();
private List mExcludedEdges = new List();
/// Constructor. Nothing much to do.
public VisWireframe() { }
/// Adds the vertex to the list. Coordinates may be INVALID_VERTEX to exclude the
/// vertex from rendering.
/// X coordinate.
/// Y coordinate.
/// Z coordinate.
/// Vertex index. Indices start at zero and count up.
public int AddVertex(float x, float y, float z) {
return mVerticesX.Count - 1;
/// Adds an edge to the list. The referenced vertices do not need to be defined
/// before calling.
/// Index of first vertex.
/// Index of second vertex.
/// Edge index. Indices start at zero and count up.
public int AddEdge(int index0, int index1) {
Debug.Assert(index0 >= 0);
Debug.Assert(index1 >= 0);
mEdges.Add(new IntPair(index0, index1));
return mEdges.Count - 1;
/// Adds the face normal to the list.
/// X coordinate.
/// Y coordinate.
/// Z coordinate.
/// Face index. Indices start at zero and count up.
public int AddFaceNormal(float x, float y, float z) {
Debug.Assert(x != 0.0f || y != 0.0f || z != 0.0f); // no zero-length normals
return mNormalsX.Count - 1;
/// Replaces the specified face normal.
/// Face index.
/// X coordinate.
/// Y coordinate.
/// Z coordinate.
public void ReplaceFaceNormal(int index, float x, float y, float z) {
mNormalsX[index] = x;
mNormalsY[index] = y;
mNormalsZ[index] = z;
/// Marks a vertex's visibility as being tied to the specified face. The vertices and
/// faces being referenced do not need to exist yet.
/// Index of vertex.
/// Index of face.
public void AddVertexFace(int vertexIndex, int faceIndex) {
Debug.Assert(vertexIndex >= 0);
Debug.Assert(faceIndex >= 0);
mVertexFaces.Add(new IntPair(vertexIndex, faceIndex));
/// Marks an edge's visibility as being tied to the specified face. The edges and
/// faces being referenced do not need to exist yet.
/// Index of edge.
/// Index of face.
public void AddEdgeFace(int edgeIndex, int faceIndex) {
Debug.Assert(edgeIndex >= 0);
Debug.Assert(faceIndex >= 0);
mEdgeFaces.Add(new IntPair(edgeIndex, faceIndex));
/// Marks a vertex as excluded. Used for level-of-detail reduction.
/// Index of vertex.
public void AddVertexExclusion(int vertexIndex) {
Debug.Assert(vertexIndex >= 0);
/// Marks an edge as excluded. Used for level-of-detail reduction.
/// Index of edge.
public void AddEdgeExclusion(int edgeIndex) {
Debug.Assert(edgeIndex >= 0);
/// Verifies that the various references by index are valid.
/// Failure detail.
/// True if everything looks valid.
public bool Validate(out string msg) {
int vertexCount = mVerticesX.Count;
int faceCount = mNormalsX.Count;
int edgeCount = mEdges.Count;
// complain about empty objects (should we fail if no edges were defined?)
if (vertexCount == 0) {
msg = "no vertices defined";
return false;
// check edges
foreach (IntPair ip in mEdges) {
if (ip.Val0 < 0 || ip.Val0 >= vertexCount ||
ip.Val1 < 0 || ip.Val1 >= vertexCount) {
msg = "invalid edge (vertices " + ip.Val0 + ", " + ip.Val1 +
"; count=" + vertexCount + ")";
return false;
// check vertex-faces
foreach (IntPair ip in mVertexFaces) {
if (ip.Val0 < 0 || ip.Val0 >= vertexCount ||
ip.Val1 < 0 || ip.Val1 >= faceCount) {
msg = "invalid vertex-face (v=" + ip.Val0 + ", f=" + ip.Val1 + ")";
return false;
// check edge-faces
foreach (IntPair ip in mEdgeFaces) {
if (ip.Val0 < 0 || ip.Val0 >= edgeCount ||
ip.Val1 < 0 || ip.Val1 >= faceCount) {
msg = "invalid edge-face (e=" + ip.Val0 + ", f=" + ip.Val1 + ")";
return false;
// check face normals
for (int i = 0; i < mNormalsX.Count; i++) {
if (mNormalsX[i] == 0.0f && mNormalsY[i] == 0.0f && mNormalsZ[i] == 0.0f) {
msg = "zero-length normal";
return false;
// check excluded vertices
for (int i = 0; i < mExcludedVertices.Count; i++) {
if (mExcludedVertices[i] < 0 || mExcludedVertices[i] >= vertexCount) {
msg = "excluded nonexistent vertex " + i;
return false;
// check excluded edges
for (int i = 0; i < mExcludedEdges.Count; i++) {
if (mExcludedEdges[i] < 0 || mExcludedEdges[i] >= edgeCount) {
msg = "excluded nonexistent edge " + i;
return false;
// TODO(maybe): confirm that every face (i.e. normal) has a vertex we can use for
// BFC calculation. Not strictly necessary since you can do orthographic-projection
// BFC without it... but who does that?
msg = string.Empty;
return true;
// IVisualizationWireframe implementation.
public float[] GetVerticesX() {
return mVerticesX.ToArray();
public float[] GetVerticesY() {
return mVerticesY.ToArray();
public float[] GetVerticesZ() {
return mVerticesZ.ToArray();
public IntPair[] GetEdges() {
return mEdges.ToArray();
public float[] GetNormalsX() {
return mNormalsX.ToArray();
public float[] GetNormalsY() {
return mNormalsY.ToArray();
public float[] GetNormalsZ() {
return mNormalsZ.ToArray();
public IntPair[] GetVertexFaces() {
return mVertexFaces.ToArray();
public IntPair[] GetEdgeFaces() {
return mEdgeFaces.ToArray();
public int[] GetExcludedVertices() {
return mExcludedVertices.ToArray();
public int[] GetExcludedEdges() {
return mExcludedEdges.ToArray();
public override string ToString() {
return "[VisWireframe: " + mVerticesX.Count + " vertices, " +
mEdges.Count + " edges, " +
mNormalsX.Count + " faces, " +
mVertexFaces.Count + " vfaces, " +
mEdgeFaces.Count + " efaces]";