#!/usr/bin/python3 # # Replace blocks of text in an HTML document with the contents of a file. # # For example: #
# # # #
# # Only the lines between START/END are replaced. The START/END lines are # left in place so the process can be performed repeatedly without needing # a separate ".in" file. # # # Run this from the top-level directory. Provide a list of all HTML files # on the command line. # # If the name of the file to include (specified on the START line) begins # with '/', the file will be loaded from the top-level directory, i.e. the # one where this command was run. If not, the file will be read from the # directory where the HTML file lives. # # (Tested with Python v3.8.5) # import filecmp import os.path import re import sys class LocalError(Exception): """Errors generated internally""" pass # Regex pattern for block substitution. There are three groups: # 0: (full match) # 1: START filename # 2: "active" id (optional) # 3: middle data (to be replaced) # 4: END filename # The START/END names are expected to match. If not, we probably found the # end of a different block, and should tell the user that something is off. findChunk = re.compile( "^\s*\s*$." "(.*?)" "^\s*", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) GROUP_ALL = 0 GROUP_START = 1 GROUP_ACTIVE_ID = 2 GROUP_CHUNK = 3 GROUP_END = 4 def editFile(inFileName, outFileName): """ Edit a file, replacing blocks with the contents of other files. """ try: with open(inFileName, "r") as inFile: fileData = inFile.read() outFile = open(outFileName, "x") except IOError as err: raise LocalError(err) # For each chunk found, replace the contents. startPos = 0 while True: match = findChunk.search(fileData, startPos) if not match: break startTag = match.group(GROUP_START) endTag = match.group(GROUP_END) if startTag != endTag: raise LocalError("START/END tag mismatch: " + startTag + " vs. " + endTag) replSpan = match.span(GROUP_CHUNK) chunk = fileData[replSpan[0] : replSpan[1]] print("== Matched {0}:{1}".format(replSpan[0], replSpan[1])) activeId = match.group(GROUP_ACTIVE_ID) if activeId: print("== active ID: " + activeId) # copy everything up to the chunk outFile.write(fileData[startPos : replSpan[0]]) # insert the file, tweaking active ID if appropriate copyFromIncl(inFileName, startTag, activeId, outFile) # copy the rest of the match outFile.write(fileData[replSpan[1] : match.end(GROUP_ALL)]) # Start next search at end of full search. startPos = match.end(GROUP_ALL) print("== Start next at {0}".format(startPos)) print("== done") outFile.write(fileData[startPos:]) outFile.close() def copyFromIncl(inFileName, tag, activeId, outFile): """ Copy incl file, substituting active ID if appropriate. """ if tag[0] == '/': # file is in top-level (current) directory inclFileName = tag[1:] else: # file is in same directory as input file inclFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inFileName), tag) try: with open(inclFileName, "r") as inFile: fileData = inFile.read() except IOError as err: raise LocalError(err) if activeId: # Given an HTML block like
  • , insert # a class assignment: class="active". The ID to modify is # specified by "activeId". pattern = 'id="' + re.escape(activeId) + '"' repl = 'id="' + activeId + '" class="active"' newData = re.sub(pattern, repl, fileData) if newData == fileData: print("== active ID '" + activeId + "' not found") else: fileData = newData outFile.write(fileData) def main(): """ main """ fileNames = sys.argv[1:] outFileName = None try: for name in fileNames: print("Processing: " + name) outFileName = name + "_NEW" editFile(name, outFileName) # See if the file has changed. If it hasn't, keep the original # so the file dates don't change. if filecmp.cmp(name, outFileName, False): print("== No changes, removing new") os.remove(outFileName) else: print("== Changed, keeping new") os.rename(outFileName, name) except LocalError as err: print("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) if outFileName: print(" check " + outFileName) sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) main() # does not return