/* * Copyright 2019 faddenSoft * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace CommonUtil { /// /// Representation of a GIF image, with the various pieces broken out. /// /// /// This has only been tested with the GIF images created by the Windows Media GifEncoder, /// which are GIF89a with no global color table. /// /// References: /// https://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif87.txt /// https://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt /// public class UnpackedGif { // // Header. // public enum FileVersion { Unknown = 0, Gif87a, Gif89a }; private static readonly byte[] GIF87A = new byte[] { (byte)'G', (byte)'I', (byte)'F', (byte)'8', (byte)'7', (byte)'a' }; private static readonly byte[] GIF89A = new byte[] { (byte)'G', (byte)'I', (byte)'F', (byte)'8', (byte)'9', (byte)'a' }; public FileVersion FileVer { get; private set; } // // Logical screen descriptor. // public ushort LogicalScreenWidth { get; private set; } public ushort LogicalScreenHeight { get; private set; } public bool GlobalColorTableFlag { get; private set; } public byte ColorResolution { get; private set; } public bool SortFlag { get; private set; } public byte GlobalColorTableSize { get; private set; } public byte BackgroundColorIndex { get; private set; } public byte PixelAspectRatio { get; private set; } // // Global color table. // public byte[] GlobalColorTable { get; private set; } // // Extension block constants. // public const byte EXTENSION_INTRODUCER = 0x21; public const byte APP_EXTENSION_LABEL = 0xff; public const byte COMMENT_LABEL = 0xfe; public const byte GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL = 0xf9; public const byte PLAIN_TEXT_LABEL = 0x01; // // Graphic control extension. // // These are optional. At most one may precede a graphic rendering block. // public class GraphicControlExtension { public enum DisposalMethods : byte { None = 0, DoNotDispose = 1, RestoreBackground = 2, RestorePrevious = 3 } public byte DisposalMethod { get; private set; } public bool UserInputFlag { get; private set; } public bool TransparencyFlag { get; private set; } public ushort DelayTime { get; private set; } public byte TransparentColorIndex { get; private set; } private GraphicControlExtension() { } public static GraphicControlExtension Create(byte[] data, ref int offset) { Debug.Assert(data[offset] == EXTENSION_INTRODUCER && data[offset + 1] == GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL); GraphicControlExtension gce = new GraphicControlExtension(); offset += 2; if (data[offset++] != 4) { Debug.WriteLine("Bad block size in GCE data"); return null; } byte pak = data[offset++]; gce.DisposalMethod = (byte)((pak >> 2) & 0x07); gce.UserInputFlag = (pak & 0x02) != 0; gce.TransparencyFlag = (pak & 0x01) != 0; gce.DelayTime = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(data, ref offset); gce.TransparentColorIndex = data[offset++]; if (data[offset++] != 0) { Debug.WriteLine("Missing termination in GCE data"); return null; } return gce; } } // // Image descriptor. // public const byte IMAGE_SEPARATOR = 0x2c; /// /// The graphic rendering block is an image descriptor, followed by an optional /// local color table, and then the image data itself. /// public class GraphicRenderingBlock { public ushort ImageLeftPosition { get; private set; } public ushort ImageTopPosition { get; private set; } public ushort ImageWidth { get; private set; } public ushort ImageHeight { get; private set; } public bool LocalColorTableFlag { get; private set; } public bool InterlaceFlag { get; private set; } public bool SortFlag { get; private set; } public byte LocalColorTableSize { get; private set; } // // Local color table. // public byte[] LocalColorTable { get; private set; } /// /// Offset of first byte of image data (which will be the LZW minimum code size byte). /// public int ImageStartOffset { get; private set; } public byte[] ImageData { get; private set; } /// /// Offset of last byte of image data (which will be the terminating $00 byte). /// public int ImageEndOffset { get; private set; } /// /// Optional extension with transparency and delay values. /// public GraphicControlExtension GraphicControlExt { get; set; } private GraphicRenderingBlock() { } public static GraphicRenderingBlock Create(byte[] data, ref int offset) { GraphicRenderingBlock grb = new GraphicRenderingBlock(); // // Image descriptor. // Debug.Assert(data[offset] == IMAGE_SEPARATOR); offset++; grb.ImageLeftPosition = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(data, ref offset); grb.ImageTopPosition = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(data, ref offset); grb.ImageWidth = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(data, ref offset); grb.ImageHeight = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(data, ref offset); byte pak = data[offset++]; grb.LocalColorTableFlag = (pak & 0x80) != 0; grb.InterlaceFlag = (pak & 0x40) != 0; grb.SortFlag = (pak & 0x20) != 0; grb.LocalColorTableSize = (byte)(pak & 0x07); // // Local color table (optional). // if (grb.LocalColorTableFlag) { // Size is expressed as a power of 2. TableSize=7 is 256 entries, 3 bytes each. int tableLen = 1 << (grb.LocalColorTableSize + 1); grb.LocalColorTable = new byte[tableLen * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < tableLen * 3; i++) { grb.LocalColorTable[i] = data[offset++]; } } else { grb.LocalColorTable = new byte[0]; } // // Table based image data. // grb.ImageData = data; grb.ImageStartOffset = offset++; while (data[offset] != 0) { offset += data[offset] + 1; } grb.ImageEndOffset = offset++; return grb; } } public List ImageBlocks = new List(); // // EOF marker. // public const byte GIF_TRAILER = 0x3b; /// /// Constructor. Internal only; use factory method. /// private UnpackedGif() { } /// /// /// GIF data stream. The array may be longer than the /// data stream. /// Newly-created object, or null on error. public static UnpackedGif Create(byte[] gifData) { UnpackedGif gif = new UnpackedGif(); try { if (!gif.Unpack(gifData)) { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Failure during GIF unpacking: " + ex); return null; } return gif; } private bool Unpack(byte[] gifData) { // // Header. Signature ("GIF") + version ("87a" or "89a"). // if (RawData.CompareArrays(gifData, 0, GIF87A, 0, GIF87A.Length)) { FileVer = FileVersion.Gif87a; } else if (RawData.CompareArrays(gifData, 0, GIF89A, 0, GIF87A.Length)) { FileVer = FileVersion.Gif89a; } else { Debug.WriteLine("GIF signature not found"); return false; } //Debug.WriteLine("GIF: found signature " + FileVer); byte pak; // // Logical screen descriptor. // int offset = GIF87A.Length; LogicalScreenWidth = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(gifData, ref offset); LogicalScreenHeight = RawData.FetchLittleUshort(gifData, ref offset); pak = gifData[offset++]; GlobalColorTableFlag = (pak & 0x80) != 0; ColorResolution = (byte)((pak >> 4) & 0x07); SortFlag = (pak & 0x08) != 0; GlobalColorTableSize = (byte)(pak & 0x07); BackgroundColorIndex = gifData[offset++]; PixelAspectRatio = gifData[offset++]; // // Global color table. // if (GlobalColorTableFlag) { // Size is expressed as a power of 2. TableSize=7 is 256 entries, 3 bytes each. int tableLen = 1 << (GlobalColorTableSize + 1); GlobalColorTable = new byte[tableLen * 3]; for (int i = 0; i < tableLen * 3; i++) { GlobalColorTable[i] = gifData[offset++]; } } else { GlobalColorTable = new byte[0]; } // // Various blocks follow. Continue until EOF is reached. // GraphicControlExtension lastGce = null; while (true) { if (offset >= gifData.Length) { Debug.WriteLine("Error: GIF unpacker ran off end of buffer"); return false; } if (gifData[offset] == GIF_TRAILER) { break; } else if (gifData[offset] == EXTENSION_INTRODUCER) { if (gifData[offset + 1] == GRAPHIC_CONTROL_LABEL) { lastGce = GraphicControlExtension.Create(gifData, ref offset); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Skipping unknown extension 0x" + gifData[offset + 1].ToString("x2")); offset += 2; while (gifData[offset] != 0) { offset += gifData[offset] + 1; } offset++; } } else if (gifData[offset] == IMAGE_SEPARATOR) { GraphicRenderingBlock grb = GraphicRenderingBlock.Create(gifData, ref offset); if (grb != null) { if (lastGce != null) { grb.GraphicControlExt = lastGce; } ImageBlocks.Add(grb); } // this resets after the image lastGce = null; } else { Debug.WriteLine("Found unknown block start 0x" + gifData[offset].ToString("x2")); return false; } } return true; } public void DebugDump() { Debug.WriteLine("UnpackedGif: " + FileVer); Debug.WriteLine(" Logical size: " + LogicalScreenWidth + "x" + LogicalScreenHeight); Debug.WriteLine(" Global CT: " + GlobalColorTableFlag + " size=" + GlobalColorTableSize + " bkci=" + BackgroundColorIndex + " sort=" + SortFlag); Debug.WriteLine(" Aspect=" + PixelAspectRatio); Debug.WriteLine(" Images (" + ImageBlocks.Count + "):"); foreach (GraphicRenderingBlock grb in ImageBlocks) { if (grb.GraphicControlExt != null) { GraphicControlExtension gce = grb.GraphicControlExt; Debug.WriteLine(" GCE: trans=" + gce.TransparencyFlag + " color=" + gce.TransparentColorIndex + " delay=" + gce.DelayTime + " disp=" + gce.DisposalMethod); } else { Debug.WriteLine(" No GCE"); } Debug.WriteLine(" left=" + grb.ImageLeftPosition + " top=" + grb.ImageTopPosition + " width=" + grb.ImageWidth + " height=" + grb.ImageHeight); Debug.WriteLine(" localCT=" + grb.LocalColorTableFlag + " size=" + grb.LocalColorTableSize + " itrl=" + grb.InterlaceFlag); } } } }