* Copyright 2018 faddenSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Asm65;
namespace SourceGen.AsmGen {
/// Common interface for generating assembler-specific source code.
public interface IGenerator {
/// Returns some strings and format options for use in for the display list, configurable
/// through the app settings "quick set" feature. These are not used when generating
/// source code.
/// This may be called on an unconfigured IGenerator.
/// Table of pseudo-op names.
/// Format configuration.
void GetDefaultDisplayFormat(out PseudoOp.PseudoOpNames pseudoOps,
out Formatter.FormatConfig formatConfig);
/// Configure generator. Must be called before calling any other method or using
/// properties, unless otherwise noted.
/// Project to generate source for.
/// Directory in which to create output files.
/// Name to use as base for filenames.
/// Version of assembler to target. Pass in null
/// to target latest known version.
/// App settings object.
void Configure(DisasmProject project, string workDirectory, string fileNameBase,
AssemblerVersion asmVersion, AppSettings settings);
/// Project object with file data and Anattribs.
DisasmProject Project { get; }
/// Source code formatter.
Formatter SourceFormatter { get; }
/// Application settings.
AppSettings Settings { get; }
/// Assembler-specific behavior. Used to handle quirky behavior for things that
/// are otherwise managed by common code.
AssemblerQuirks Quirks { get; }
/// Label localization object. Behavior is assembler-specific.
LabelLocalizer Localizer { get; }
/// Generates source files on a background thread. Method must not make any UI calls.
/// Async work object, used to report progress updates and
/// check for cancellation.
/// List of pathnames of generated files.
List GenerateSource(BackgroundWorker worker);
/// Provides an opportunity for the assembler to replace a mnemonic with another. This
/// is primarily intended for undocumented ops, which don't have standard mnemonics,
/// and hence can vary between assemblers.
/// Opcode to replace.
/// Replacement mnemonic, an empty string if the original is fine, or
/// null if the op is not supported at all and should be emitted as hex.
string ReplaceMnemonic(OpDef op);
/// Generates an opcode/operand pair for a short sequence of bytes (1-4 bytes).
/// Does not produce any source output.
/// Offset to data.
/// Number of bytes (1-4).
/// Opcode mnemonic.
/// Formatted operand.
void GenerateShortSequence(int offset, int length, out string opcode, out string operand);
/// Outputs zero or more lines of assembler configuration. This comes after the
/// header comment but before any directives. Useful for configuring the CPU type
/// and assembler options.
void OutputAsmConfig();
/// Outputs one or more lines of data for the specified offset.
/// Offset to data.
void OutputDataOp(int offset);
/// Outputs an equate directive. The numeric value is already formatted.
/// Symbol label.
/// Formatted value.
/// End-of-line comment.
void OutputEquDirective(string name, string valueStr, string comment);
/// Outputs a code origin directive.
/// 24-bit address.
void OutputOrgDirective(int address);
/// Notify the assembler of a change in register width.
/// Merlin32 always sets both values (e.g. "MX %00"), cc65 sets each register
/// individually (".A16", ".I8"). We need to accommodate both styles.
/// Offset of change.
/// Previous value for M flag.
/// Previous value for X flag.
/// New value for M flag.
/// New value for X flag.
void OutputRegWidthDirective(int offset, int prevM, int prevX, int newM, int newX);
/// Output a line of source code. All elements must be fully formatted, except for
/// certain assembler-specific things like ':' on labels. The items will be padded
/// with spaces to fit specific column widths.
/// Optional label.
/// Opcode mnemonic.
/// Operand; may be empty.
/// Optional comment.
void OutputLine(string label, string opcode, string operand, string comment);
/// Output a line of source code. This will be output as-is.
/// Full text of line to outut.
void OutputLine(string fullLine);
public class AssemblerQuirks {
/// Are the arguments to MVN/MVP reversed?
public bool BlockMoveArgsReversed { get; set; }
/// Does the assembler configure assembler widths based on SEP/REP, but doesn't
/// track the emulation bit?
public bool TracksSepRepNotEmu { get; set; }
/// Is the assembler unable to generate relative branches that wrap around banks?
/// (Note this affects long-distance BRLs that don't appear to wrap.)
public bool NoPcRelBankWrap { get; set; }