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synced 2025-03-02 23:29:02 +00:00
If a DCI string ended with a string delimiter or non-ASCII character (e.g. a PETSCII char with no ASCII equivalent), the code generator output the last byte as a hex value. This caused an error because it was outputting the raw hex value, with the high bit already set, which the assembler did not expect. This change corrects the behavior for code generation and on-screen display, and adds a few samples to the regression test suite. (see issue #102)
410 lines
9.5 KiB
410 lines
9.5 KiB
;Projected edited to format non-char operands as chars.
.cpu "6502"
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.cdef $20,$7e,$a0
.enc "sg_ascii"
.cdef $20,$7e,$20
* = $1000
lda #'A'
lda #'A' | $80
.enc "none"
lda #'A'
.enc "screen"
lda #'A'
.enc "sg_ascii"
ldx #'a'
ldx #'a' | $80
.enc "none"
ldx #'a'
.enc "screen"
ldx #'a'
.enc "sg_ascii"
lda #$7f ;inappropriate format should be ignored
lda #$7f
.enc "none"
lda #$7f
.enc "screen"
lda #$7f
.enc "sg_ascii"
lda #$0d
jmp L144B
.byte 'C'
.byte 'C' | $80
.enc "none"
.byte 'C'
.enc "screen"
.byte 'C'
.enc "sg_ascii"
.word 'd'
.word 'd' | $80
.enc "none"
.word 'd'
.enc "screen"
.word 'd'
.byte $00,$45
.byte $00,$c5
.byte $00,$c5
.byte $00,$45
.byte $80
.enc "sg_ascii"
.text "low ASCII str"
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.text "high ASCII str"
.byte $80
.enc "none"
.text "PETSCII str"
.byte $80
.enc "screen"
.text "Screen Code str"
.byte $82
.enc "sg_ascii"
.text $07,"Low ASCII CRLF",$0d,$0a
.byte $82
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.text $87,"High ASCII CRLF",$8d,$8a
.byte $82
.enc "none"
.text $93,"PETSCII with ",$96,"control",$05," codes",$0d
.byte $83
.enc "sg_ascii"
.text " !",$22,"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW"
.text "XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
.byte $83
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.text " !",$a2,"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW"
.text "XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
.byte $83
.enc "none"
.text " !",$22,"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW"
.text "XYZ["
.byte $5c
.byte ']'
.byte $5e
.byte $5f
.byte $60
.text "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
.byte $7b
.byte $7c
.byte $7d
.byte $7e
.byte $83
.enc "screen"
.text " !",$22,"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW"
.text "XYZ["
.byte $1c
.byte ']'
.byte $1e
.byte $1f
.byte $40
.text "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
.byte $7b
.byte $7c
.byte $7d
.byte $7e
.byte $84
.enc "none"
.text "IICSTEP esrever"
.byte $84
.null "null term PETSCII"
.byte $84
.text "This null-terminated string is too long to fit on a single lin"
.text "e, and will be split.",$00
.byte $84
.ptext "PETSCII with length"
.byte $84
.text $14,$00,"PETSCII with length2"
.byte $84
.shift "pet dci"
.byte $84
.enc "screen"
.text "edoC neercS esrever"
.byte $84
.text "null-term screen code?@"
.byte $84
.ptext "Screen Code with length"
.byte $84
.text $18,$00,"Screen Code with length2"
.byte $84
.shift "Screen Code DCI"
.byte $84
.byte $85
.byte $00
.byte $01
.byte $02
.byte $03
.byte $04
.byte $05
.byte $06
.byte $07
.byte $08
.byte $09
.byte $0a
.byte $0b
.byte $0c
.byte $0d
.byte $0e
.byte $0f
.byte $10
.byte $11
.byte $12
.byte $13
.byte $14
.byte $15
.byte $16
.byte $17
.byte $18
.byte $19
.byte $1a
.byte $1b
.byte $1c
.byte $1d
.enc "none"
.text $1e,$1f," !",$22,"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmno"
.text "pqrstuvwxyz["
.byte $5c
.byte $5d
.byte $5e
.byte $5f
.byte $60
.byte $61
.byte $62
.byte $63
.byte $64
.byte $65
.byte $66
.byte $67
.byte $68
.byte $69
.byte $6a
.byte $6b
.byte $6c
.byte $6d
.byte $6e
.byte $6f
.byte $70
.byte $71
.byte $72
.byte $73
.byte $74
.byte $75
.byte $76
.byte $77
.byte $78
.byte $79
.byte $7a
.byte $7b
.byte $7c
.byte $7d
.byte $7e
.byte $7f
.byte $80
.byte $81
.byte $82
.byte $83
.byte $84
.byte $85
.byte $86
.byte $87
.byte $88
.byte $89
.byte $8a
.byte $8b
.byte $8c
.byte $8d
.byte $8e
.byte $8f
.byte $90
.byte $91
.byte $92
.byte $93
.byte $94
.text $95,$96,$97,$98,$99,$9a,$9b,$9c
.byte $9d
.byte $9e
.byte $9f
.byte $a0
.byte $a1
.byte $a2
.byte $a3
.byte $a4
.byte $a5
.byte $a6
.byte $a7
.byte $a8
.byte $a9
.byte $aa
.byte $ab
.byte $ac
.byte $ad
.byte $ae
.byte $af
.byte $b0
.byte $b1
.byte $b2
.byte $b3
.byte $b4
.byte $b5
.byte $b6
.byte $b7
.byte $b8
.byte $b9
.byte $ba
.byte $bb
.byte $bc
.byte $bd
.byte $be
.byte $bf
.byte $c0
.byte $db
.byte $dc
.byte $dd
.byte $de
.byte $df
.byte $e0
.byte $e1
.byte $e2
.byte $e3
.byte $e4
.byte $e5
.byte $e6
.byte $e7
.byte $e8
.byte $e9
.byte $ea
.byte $eb
.byte $ec
.byte $ed
.byte $ee
.byte $ef
.byte $f0
.byte $f1
.byte $f2
.byte $f3
.byte $f4
.byte $f5
.byte $f6
.byte $f7
.byte $f8
.byte $f9
.byte $fa
.byte $fb
.byte $fc
.byte $fd
.byte $fe
.byte $ff
L144B nop
jmp _L14DA
.enc "sg_ascii"
.text "ASCII escapes \: \\ \r \n \",$22," \' \t"
.byte $80
.enc "none"
.text "PETSCII escapes "
.byte $5c
.text ": "
.byte $5c
.byte $5c
.byte ' '
.byte $5c
.text "r "
.byte $5c
.text "n "
.byte $5c
.text $22," "
.byte $5c
.text "' "
.byte $5c
.byte 't'
.byte $80
.enc "screen"
.text "SCR escapes "
.byte $1c
.text ": "
.byte $1c
.byte $1c
.byte ' '
.byte $1c
.text "r "
.byte $1c
.text "n "
.byte $1c
.byte $22
.byte ' '
.byte $1c
.byte $27
.byte ' '
.byte $1c
.byte 't'
.byte $80
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.text "HIGH escapes \: \\ \r \n \0 \' \t"
.byte $80
_L14DA nop
jmp _L1587
.byte $86
.enc "sg_ascii"
.shift "Hello"
.shift "HI"
.shift "X"
.shift "!"
.byte $86
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.byte $c8,$e5,$ec,$ec,$6f
.byte $c8,$49
.enc "sg_ascii"
.byte 'X'
.byte '!'
.byte $86
.enc "none"
.shift "hello"
.shift "hi"
.shift "x"
.shift "!"
.byte $86
.byte $c8,$c5,$cc,$cc,$4f
.byte $c8,$49
.byte 'x'
.byte '!'
.byte $86
.enc "screen"
.shift "Hello"
.shift "HI"
.shift "X"
.shift "!"
.byte $86
.enc "sg_ascii"
.shift "ascii",$7f
.byte $86
.shift $22,"A quote1",$22
.shift "'A quote2'"
.byte $86
.enc "sg_hiascii"
.byte $a2,$c8,$c1,$a0,$f1,$f5,$ef,$f4,$e5,$b1,$22
.byte $a7,$c8,$c1,$a0,$f1,$f5,$ef,$f4,$e5,$b2,$27
.byte $86
.enc "none"
.shift "petscii",$5e
.byte $86
.shift $22,"a quote1",$22
.shift "'a quote2'"
.byte $86
.shift $5c
.byte $86
.enc "screen"
.shift "ScreenCode",$1e
.byte $86
.shift $22,"A quote1",$22
.shift "'A quote2'"
.byte $86
.shift $1c
.byte $86
_L1587 nop